game master

Chapter 604 - Dragon Island

Chapter 604 - Dragon Island (2)

"So that's the case. I suddenly want to meet this senior." Qin Haonan couldn't help but smile as he spoke.

"Hurry up, everyone, I'm about to land." The Nether Dragon God had arrived at the designated place at this time, he raised his head to remind everyone, and then swooped down.

The wind blew across Qin Haonan's face. Seeing the Dragon Island gradually approaching, Qin Haonan jumped off the dragon's back and landed on a rock at the outermost edge of the Dragon Island.Here is a cliff, but due to the high altitude, you can overlook nearly half of the "Dragon Island".

The waves hit the reef, and as soon as Qin Haonan landed, he called Yao Ruoxi and others out.Everyone was shocked by the scenery in front of them, especially the huge keel in the distance.

"Where is this place?" After all, Charlotte was chatty by nature, and it was really uncomfortable not to let him talk.

"This is the level 800-900 map 'Dragon Island', Century brought us here for leveling." Qin Haonan laughed.

Yao Ruoxi looked around, and then said: "This place looks so beautiful, and now several people in our team have reached level 800, it is really suitable for leveling here."

"Okay, then you all follow the route I gave, and level up along the way. The 20 of you must still understand each other and get used to each other. We are a team, a whole, and we need collective strength in the next battle, not Anyone can fight alone." Shi Shi came over and handed a small picture into Qin Haonan's hands.

Qin Haonan took a look at this picture, and it turned out to be the road map of Dragon Island drawn by Shi Shi.

The mobs in which area are carefully marked on the map, and the order in which Qin Haonan and others need to travel is also clearly written.

In the past few days, everyone in the [Nine-story Trial Tower] basically practiced alone.

After all, everyone is a first-class master, and each has its own fighting style.Most of the masters like to be alone, so they haven't cooperated much these days.Qin Haonan is already thinking about it at this time, it is very reasonable for the century to let everyone run in together in advance.

Just like Qin Haonan himself, he is usually used to being alone. Let him fight with these strange teammates for a while. Although everyone is a master, there is no guarantee that they will show 100% of their strength.

"Since this is the case, I suggest that everyone introduce themselves. What is everyone good at and which category does their profession belong to? After all, there are too many hidden professions in our team, and individual fighting styles are different. I will also introduce everyone as soon as possible. If we integrate our advantages, we can cooperate and fight together." Qin Haonan thought for a while, and then spoke first.After all, he is the captain, and he is responsible for coordinating every member of the team, and strives to make everyone play their best.

"The most captain, let me say first. My name is Floating Life Rumeng, level 965, dual hidden occupations. The occupations are God Demon Master and Dragon Knight. God Demon Master belongs to the branch of the sword god, and has all the battles of the sword god profession Skills, and also good at summoning. I think everyone has seen my summoned beasts and contracted beasts before, and you should have some understanding of them." Qin Haonan said seriously, "My second profession, Dragon Knight, belongs to the branch of knights. The occupation I learned in the US area is good at physical attacks, and it belongs to the main occupation of charging. I am personally good at melee attacks, sneak attacks and summoning."

"I'll come again. My name is Yaoluo. I have just reached level 802. I have dual hidden occupations. The professions are Immortal Dancer and Dragon Witch. Immortal Huanwu belongs to the branch of Shengwuxian. It is a powerful illusion attack in the Shengwuxian profession. , group law attack has been upgraded on the basis, and the attack power is more powerful. My second profession, the dragon witch, belongs to the branch of the magician. The profession learned in the United States has strong defense, attack and group Attack magic belongs to melee mages. Personally, I am good at long-distance group attacks and creating illusions to confuse opponents."

With Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi taking the lead, other players are also eager to try.

"My name is Long Xingtian, level 799, a hidden professional mad god sword, belonging to the branch of the sword god. The most important feature is that the attack power is extremely powerful, and it is easy to hit critical strikes. As long as it is a team battle, I am definitely strong output. In addition to attack power, my speed and defense are not bad, so there is no problem in topping monsters in front of me in a short period of time." Long Xingtian was the third to stand up and began to explain his advantages to everyone.

"My name is Houzi Laoyue, level 799, a hidden professional space hunter, belonging to the branch of the sharpshooter line. The characteristics of this profession are extremely fast speed and high attack power. Not only that, but also good at moving in space, so you can easily Transforming space, raids, assassinations, and frontal PK are all easy. Personally, I am good at medium and long-range attacks and pinning down opponents."

"My name is Charlotte, level 798, a hidden professional dragon hunting god, belonging to the branch of the night hidden demon lineage. This profession has high attack power and speed, it is easy to hit critical strikes, and it is good at stealth and poisoning , Assassination. Personally, I am good at sneak attacks, making traps, and hidden weapons, and I belong to the agility attack system when fighting."

"Hello everyone, my name is Di Xianren. I have just reached level 800. I have a hidden profession, Nine Heavens Sword God, which belongs to the branch of Sword God. This profession is an evolutionary version of the Sword God profession. My attack power and speed are very high. I am good at flying. Combat, close combat and pinning down the opponent, my sword formation can weaken the opponent's strength when arranged."

"I am Fan Luo Tian Tian, ​​level 797, a hidden professional medicine god, belonging to the branch of the Yao Xian lineage. As the name suggests, my job is a baby daddy, all kinds of blood, all kinds of recovery, all kinds of assistance. My combat power is not very good. Strong, but my recovery skills and auxiliary skills are definitely among the best in China."

"Haha, hello everyone, my name is Feng Jiangling, level 799, dual professions, White Tiger Fist Master and Tianling Talisman. Everyone knows that the White Tiger Fist Master is not a hidden profession. My personal characteristics and my profession It is completely consistent, that is, the blood is thick and the defense is high. It is absolutely no problem to help everyone in the front. My personal set of equipment is also a strong increase in blood and defense. There are no other features. My defense is as hard as a turtle shell. The second profession, Tianling Charm Master, is not a hidden profession, but a daddy profession that is good at recovering blood and assisting. In terms of blood recovery, it is not as good as Fan Luotian, but it is enough for me to recover myself while blaming myself. I It's a blood cow that doesn't require everyone to work hard to restore blood, and top monsters in team battles are my strong point."

"I am Brick of Rampage, level 800, a hidden professional killing madman, and my occupation belongs to the branch of Sword Demon. The attack power is extremely strong, the speed is fast, and it is easy to hit critical strikes. I am personally very good at melee combat, and I am absolutely good in team battles. It's a powerful output."


In this way, everyone introduced themselves briefly.

The occupations of 20 people just formed a strong and all-round team.The top monsters include Fengjiang Ling and Twilight Dusk; powerful melee output includes Dragon Xingtian, Rampage Brick, Di Xianren, and Fantasy World; medium and long-distance attacks include Monkey Fishing for the Moon and Scarlet Dream; surprise attack includes Charlotte, Like the Night Like a Charm, Listening to the Rain in the Night Lane, Ghost Blood Stabbing Blood; Using Poison and Illusion to control opponents include I am a Fool, Yafei, Enchanting, and Luo Yue; Where the world falls, the fallen leaves sing.

Of course, with the addition of Qin Haonan, a perverted powerhouse, he can attack and summon.

As long as they cooperate well, the strength of this team is definitely beyond the imagination of many people.

(End of this chapter)

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