game master

Chapter 605 - Dragon Island

Chapter 605 - Dragon Island (3)

After everyone introduced each other, they became familiar with each other a lot.

Long Xingtian couldn't help sighing: "Our team is not only strong, but also has a fairly even distribution of occupations. I'm really looking forward to whether we will achieve extraordinary results when we fight later."

"Haha, it's absolutely no problem. To be honest, it's the first time I've cooperated with so many experts, and I'm so excited just thinking about it!" Yelan Tingyu stood in the middle of the team, and couldn't help but interject at this time road.

Fan Luotian couldn't help sighing: "Today I want to restore blood to the most powerful team in China. To be honest, I am very proud. I am really honored to be able to fight side by side with so many strong people!"


Everyone was discussing with each other, and Shiji came over and urged: "Everyone also understands each other. We are running out of time. Let's start now. We will face some 800-level little ones first." Strange, the route I gave to the research, the level of mobs will gradually increase. Everyone uses the multi-experience talisman, and we will practice while leveling along the way."

"Okay, since this is the case, let's act immediately." Qin Haonan said.

A group of people set off immediately, and everyone walked along the cliff, and the first thing they saw was the 801-level mob "Di Xinglong".

A few "earth dragons" were wandering along the path beside the cliff, and when Qin Haonan saw them, he summoned trolls and cursed magic vines.

Long Xingtian, Feng Jiangling, and Twilight Dusk walked forward automatically, and Linglong and Fan Luotian immediately added attributes such as defense, attack, and speed to everyone.

Feng Jiangling clenched the weapon in his hand, and launched the attack first. With the roar of "Earth Dragon", the battle officially began.

Imaginary World Qiongcang and the god-level guild leader immediately activated the summoning, and everyone in the entire team started to move.

The "Earth Walking Dragon" in front of us was obviously too weak for everyone. After three rounds, he fell to the ground with a mournful cry and died.

"These ground dragons are too weak. Let's move on and challenge higher-level existences." Qin Haonan saw the situation and immediately led the team ahead. He didn't intend to let everyone waste time here.

All the earth-moving dragons along the way were abandoned, and everyone tried to fight monsters while walking, and soon everyone arrived at the bottom of the cliff, and there was a "Dragon Bone Mountain" not far away.

"The mobs in front are all above level 820. I think it's appropriate to go there to level up given the strength of our team." Century suddenly said.

"Okay, I also think that the little monsters here are not playing hard." Qin Haonan and everyone else agreed, "Century, in fact, it is okay for us to challenge a little more difficult."

"Don't worry, there are plenty of difficult monsters and small bosses in front of you, I will definitely let you fight enough." Century then smiled, "Since you all said so, we will go straight forward, and I will take you to Meet the dragon."

"That's good, let's get the dragon to level up!" Charlotte was instantly excited when she heard it.

In this way, a group of people followed the century and walked directly towards a further distance.

After crossing the mob area around level 830, a huge dragon chant suddenly came from the sky.The sound was deafening, and the earth seemed to tremble with the sound.

"What's the matter? Dragon?"

"Wow, I'm looking forward to it, fighting the dragon!"

"Let's fly to the sky and take down this giant dragon!"


Everyone staying in Dragon Island at this time is indeed a first-class master. When meeting a dragon for the first time, they did not panic as imagined.

"Since everyone is so confident, why don't you try it. Floating life is like a dream, you have a high level, so don't go." Century said leisurely from the side.

Unexpectedly, the century would let everyone go free all of a sudden, and Immortal Di was the first to spread his wings and fly into the sky.

The cyan dragon hovered in the sky, completely unaware that anyone would disturb it.Seeing Immortal Di approaching, the cyan dragon was taken aback for a moment, and then became angry.

"Ho Ho Ho... A humble and weak reptile, who wants to challenge the power of the dragon, is really reckless!" The cyan dragon spat out a mouthful of flames.

Level 850 - Qingyan Dragon (Elite)
Qin Haonan stayed on the ground, and was a little surprised when he saw the opponent's level attribute: "Shiji, this guy is a bit strong, I have to help!"

"No, let them try it themselves! You don't need to worry about floating like a dream, their strength is not that weak! What's more, they are a team to challenge, not single-handedly." Century said calmly.

Just like that, Qin Haonan put away the wings that had just spread out.

Immortal Di waved his long sword and sent out a powerful sword attack, then flapped his wings and flew away, avoiding the dragon's breath flame attack of the Qingyan giant dragon.

And that sword energy just hit the dragon, -120.

Immortal Di was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the attack effect to be so weak.

"Hey, your attack is a bit like a child playing a game, it has no real effect!" Long Xingtian also flew up at this time, he laughed, the long knife in his hand danced, and a move [Flame Blade Strength] was launched go out.
360, crit -500.

Long Xingtian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, he didn't expect his full blow to have such little effect.

"If none of you can do it, let me try it." Charlotte was unwilling to be lonely. At this time, he rushed up and wanted to make a surprise attack, but he was swept away by the tail of the Qingyan dragon and fell down immediately.

Fan Luoxia hurriedly healed Charlotte, and felt relieved after watching Charlotte's health recover.

"Hmph, weak reptiles, today I will let you experience the power of the dragon!" The Qingyan dragon roared, and balls of blue flames spewed out.

"Everyone be careful!" Fan Luotian's defensive shield has been opened, and everyone has entered the protection range.

It's a pity that the cyan flame penetrated straight through. Although Fan Luotian's defense blocked some damage, all players were attacked.

Fortunately, everyone's defense was online, and this round of attack was not too dismal.

"It seems that I have to get serious. The opponent's level is 50 levels higher than mine, but the real strong can beat monsters by leapfrogging." Long Xingtian suddenly laughed, and a golden light rose from his body.

Qin Haonan immediately understood that Long Xingtian had added attack, defense, and speed blessing skills to himself.

"Everyone don't fight alone, we are a team, everyone works together to fight together!" Twilight Dusk hurriedly reminded the current situation.

"Okay, everyone, I don't believe we can't do it together." Hou Yue said.

All of a sudden, colorful rays of light rose from everyone's body.Various blessing skills are attached to everyone.

All kinds of contracted beasts, summoned beasts, mechanism beasts, and mounts were released.

The Qingyan giant dragon was completely enraged, and it charged down with its body, while the players were all ready to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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