game master

Chapter 606 - Dragon Island

Chapter 606 - Dragon Island (4)

The cyan flame spewed out again, and with the impact of the giant cyan flame dragon, the defensive barrier shattered.

Fan Luotian immediately opened another barrier for everyone, and Luoye Shengge immediately opened a [Vajra Charm Array], and the second defense was activated.

"They still cooperated with each other before." Shi Shi stood not far away and said to Qin Haonan with a smile.

"Yes, but it's still a bit difficult to defeat that 'Great Flame Dragon'." Qin Haonan analyzed, "The level difference is 50, and they need very good cooperation to win."

"So you think they still have a chance of winning, right?" Century asked softly.

Qin Haonan nodded immediately, and said seriously: "Yes, the chances are not high, but there is. Don't forget, I was able to fight monsters across level 50 before. That boss is only an elite level, Brother Long, Monkey, Ruoxi and others They are all first-class masters, coupled with teamwork, it is not impossible to win."

"Well, then let me see how they cooperate." Century said indifferently.

At this moment, Yao Ruoxi flew into the sky on her mount "Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix", and the flames of the phoenix were burning in the sky.Yao Ruoxi commanded the contracted beast "Hong Yan" to rush up first, and with the help of the fire element of Phoenix Fire, "Hong Yan" spewed out a long string of dragon's breath flames.

The superposition of the fire of the phoenix and the fire of the fire dragon caused the temperature of the flame to rise sharply. The dragon's breath flame released by the 802-level "Red Flame" is not much worse than that of the elite-level "Green Flame Dragon".

Yao Ruoxi's contracted beast "Mu Jin" also released thick plant vines at this time, tightly binding the "Great Flame Dragon".The entanglement released by the beast-level "Mu Jin" is not something that ordinary small bosses can break free.In this way, the flames burned along the vines, and the wood made a fire, which made the fire more fierce.

"Damn it, hate it!" The Qingyan dragon was furious, but its life value had already been affected, and its health bar kept dropping.

Yao Ruoxi's other contracted beast, the silver giant dragon "Bingshuang", just flew in, and a mouthful of icy dragon's breath came out, and it froze together with the flames of the Qingyan dragon.

This is the two heavens of ice and fire, there is fire in ice, and ice in fire.This combination of skills was developed by Yao Ruoxi not long ago. The ice made the opponent unable to move, thus controlling the flame.The flame wrapped in ice will continue to burn and will not go out immediately, which causes continuous attacks.

At this time, Immortal Di cooperated with Long Xingtian and approached the "Qingyan Dragon" in the air.The flying sword and the long knife hit the frozen boss together, -360, -240, -320, crit -660...

"Humble reptile, how dare you come to seek death again!" The giant Qingyan dragon roared, broke through the shackles of the ice, and swung its tail fiercely. Just as it was about to hit Immortal Di and Long Xingtian, Feng Jiangling Blocked up with twilight dusk.Both of them belonged to the top monster professions with thick blood and high defense. In addition, they were full of defensive skills at this time, and the damage caused by the dragon tail hitting them was not terrible.

Fan Luotian immediately activated his recovery skills and started replenishing blood for everyone.

Just as the "Great Flame Dragon" was concentrating on attacking Dixianren and Long Xingtian, Xia Luo and Yelan Tingyu, who were already invisible, had quietly come behind the boss.

[Devil Killer], [Nine Heavens Slayer Dragon Slash], [Curse of the Night Demon]... Xia Luo and Yelan Tingyu also showed their real skills, using all their powerful attacks at this time.

Brick running away, Night Like Charm, I'm a fool and others also attacked the "Great Flame Dragon" from different directions, while Hou Yue and Scarlet Dream stood behind, and the powerful attack of Feather Arrow has never been seen before. interrupted.

At this time, the god-level guild master who protects the illusory sky and the ghost blood is close to the "Great Flame Dragon". Flying beasts are summoned. Surrounding the BOSS in the middle is a frantic explosion. fry.

At the same time, the hand crossbow of the god-level gang leader is also preparing a powerful attack, and a feathered arrow covered with golden light pierces through the air, and with powerful energy, it is deeply inserted into the chest of the "Great Flame Dragon". .

"'s actually poisonous..." The Qingyan giant dragon was in pain, and its HP had slowly dropped to 52%.

The fantasy world Qiongcang also surrounded from another direction, the long sword in his hand danced, and immediately opened a huge sword formation, and a round of flying sword attacks followed.

The sound of the qin came from not far away, and the guqin in Luo Yue's hands played a beautiful piece of music, but there was indeed a murderous intent hidden in the piece.Fei Ya, who is a professional demon dancer, danced the fan in her hand with the help of music, and continuously launched dreamlike illusion attacks.

Taking advantage of their attack, Yao Ruoxi unleashed a large wave of illusion moves.

Even if the "Great Flame Dragon" in front of him is powerful, there will always be times when he gets hit.The odds are small, but not impossible.In fact, they overestimated the "Great Flame Dragon". It was poisoned first, and then it was attacked by everyone in turn, and it was already furious.The giant dragon that has lost its mind, the influence of illusion has become more and more powerful.

Unfortunately, the "Green Flame Dragon" Kenben didn't resist for a long time before he was hit by an illusion, floating in mid-air in a daze and becoming a living target, losing the ability to attack and defend in a short time.

Seeing this, Qin Haonan knew that the outcome of this battle had been decided.

Sure enough, it didn't take long, Yao Ruoxi, Long Xingtian, Di Xianren, Hou Yue, Xia Luo and others cooperated more and more tacitly, while the elite boss Qingyan Dragon became more and more helpless.

The battle didn't last long, and the Qingyan giant dragon was finally outnumbered and was consumed by everyone bit by bit.

The giant dragon let out a mournful cry, and its huge body fell heavily to the ground, before exploding objects all over the place.Correspondingly, Long Xingtian, Di Xianren, Yao Ruoxi and others all glowed with light, and they all upgraded one after another.

After all, it's a leapfrog boss fight, and the experience value given by the system is extremely rich.

"Haha, we won!" Charlotte danced happily, and then made a big circle in mid-air.

Long Xingtian was relatively calm. After everyone shared some of the spoils, he walked to Qin Haonan's side first.Long Xingtian looked at Shiji, and said seriously: "Century God, we have won this battle. In the later stage, you really have to arrange a leveling point for us where mobs and bosses are stronger, otherwise we will not be happy. , Practicing is in vain!"

"Okay, I've seen your strength. Floating Life Ruomeng will join the battle later, I think you should go directly to the leveling area of ​​880-999." Century thought for a while, and then said.

"I think it's okay." Long Xingtian laughed when he heard it.

"The 'Dragon Bone Mountain Range' in the deepest part of Dragon Island is over there, and it is the most terrifying existence on this island." Shi Shi said, turning around and pointing to everyone, "Let's go there to level up together, where you By leapfrogging monsters, the experience points obtained should be quite considerable."

(End of this chapter)

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