game master

Chapter 609 - Dragon Clan Secret Realm

Chapter 609 - Dragon Clan Secret Realm

The interior of the cave is a huge passage, which is interlocking, and the caves are connected with the caves.From this point of view, this place will be another huge maze.

Qin Haonan walked along the stone cave all the way, the stone walls along the way were hard and smooth, and the color was different from those in the past.The stone walls in this area are basically crystal clear, and the inside of the stone wall has a blue-green strange texture, which reflects the entire stone wall and emits a blue-green light.

"The scenery here is so unique, even the stone walls are different. Do you think we are walking in an illusion? It's so magical..." Charlotte couldn't help sighing.In fact, with Charlotte in the team, the whole journey will not be lonely.He can give full play to the chattering essence of his thoughts and thoughts, and bring a different kind of fun to the journey.

"The materials on these stone walls are all 'Dragon Crystal', so they are naturally different from those ordinary stone walls." Shi Shi Youyou explained.

"Dragon crystal?" Qin Haonan couldn't help being taken aback, not knowing exactly what material dragon crystal is made of.

"Dragon crystal is a unique product of the dragon clan. It belongs to a kind of ore. This kind of ore is extremely hard and flexible. It is an excellent material for making high-end weapons." Hell Dragon God began to talk when he heard everyone talking about dragon crystal. He continued to explain.

"Oh, I remembered this. When I was forging weapons, I heard about it from the master!" Qin Haonan's eyes lit up when he heard this, "No, I have to find a way to collect some."

"Okay, let's get on with business first. This map is here and you can't run away. You can collect it however you want later." Seeing the situation, Shi Shi hurriedly stopped Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan also understands that leveling and finding the traces of the "Dragon Emperor" are more important now, so he nodded, trying to suppress his longing for the dragon crystal, and assured him: "Don't worry, I understand what is more important now."

A group of people continued to move forward, and soon a 901-910-level "young dragon" mob appeared in front of them.These mobs don't have the ability to fly, so they are even more handy when fighting.

What's more, there are top experts like Qin Haonan in the team, this area is definitely a piece of cake for everyone.

After fighting all the way, Qin Haonan and the others discovered that the "Secret Realm of the Dragon Clan" is also divided into several layers.Each floor is guarded by a small boss, and the portal to the next floor will only open if these mobs and bosses are defeated along the way.

The experience points given by the mobs in "Mystery of the Dragon Clan" are quite rich. Not only that, there are also a lot of treasures in this map.It is said that there are many treasures in the Dragon Clan, but now it seems that it is not false at all.

After walking a short distance, several treasure chests will appear on the map.And the items in the treasure chest are not high-quality equipment, but top-notch tonics, and occasionally some powerful skill books will be revealed...

In this way, everyone has gained a lot along the way.

When he came to the third floor of "Dragon Secret Realm", Qin Haonan suddenly found that the dragon crystals on the surrounding stone walls were getting darker and darker.The dragon crystal stone wall here no longer has a faint blue-green light like before, but has a darker color and denser and more complex textures. As a result, the entire stone wall looks much darker.

"There is a powerful energy gathering here, and I can feel the strong aura of the dragon king." The Nether Dragon God also discovered the difference in this layer. He closed his eyes and felt it carefully before he came to a conclusion.

"So we are getting closer to the 'Dragon Emperor'." Qin Haonan was even more excited when he heard it.

"It's not that it's closer, but that the Dragon Emperor is probably on this floor. I don't know what he looks like now, whether it's ideology, or..." Shiji Youyou said.

"When we find the trace of the Dragon Emperor, we will know everything, and we can't guess it now. Let's move on, and we will arrive soon." Qin Haonan said hastily.

A group of people continued to move forward, and after walking for a while, they found that the road ahead was getting wider and wider.Not only that, but there are fewer and fewer forks along the way, and there will be no forks in the road after walking, and the road ahead will become a straight road.

A gigantic stone gate appeared in front of everyone, Qin Haonan paused for a moment, then stepped forward and slowly opened the gate.

"There should be a giant dragon inside, everyone be careful." Nether Dragon God kindly reminded.

Qin Haonan and the others nodded, and they were all ready to fight.

The stone door opened slowly, and there was a huge hall inside.The hall was very dim, only illuminated by the faint blue-green light emanating from the walls.

A strange loud snoring sound came from the hall. Because of the dim light, it was impossible to see who was making it, nor what the other party looked like.

When Qin Haonan and others walked in, all the wall lamps on the walls of the hall suddenly lit up.

My goodness, this hall is the size of three giant stadiums.A huge golden dragon, lying in the center of the hall like a hill, was sleeping in the dark.

Level 999 - Golden Dragon King (Beast)

It's a beast!For a moment, everyone became more vigilant. The other party was a level 999 divine beast. If there was a real battle, Yao Ruoxi, Long Xingtian and others were less than level 900. I really don't know if they would dare to fight against it.

The hall was brightly lit, and the strong light immediately affected the dragon's sleep.I saw the "Golden Dragon King" yawned, and his eyes were slowly opening.

"Who is so daring to trespass into the 'secret realm of the Dragon Clan'?" The Golden Dragon King opened his mouth wide, he was still very angry just after waking up.

"Senior, I'm sorry, we are..." Qin Haonan was about to speak when he saw a huge dragon's breath fireball smashing towards him.Qin Haonan didn't care so much, so he had to dodge quickly.

The fireball was not a full blow, it hit Qin Haonan where he was originally standing, and there was just a big hole in the ground.

"Boring human beings, I'm too lazy to tell you. All creatures who come here will die!" The Golden Dragon King was obviously not the kind of master who was willing to communicate, and he launched an attack as soon as he came up.

One after another dragon's breath flames were sprayed out, and Fan Luotian, Luoye Shengge and others immediately opened the protective barrier.Linglong, Ai Li, and Avril also hurriedly injected defensive spells for everyone, and opened up a series of large formations, all for defense.

Although there are so many protective barriers guarding, as soon as the dragon's breath flame arrived, the health value of all players began to decline.

Qin Haonan's side didn't have much influence, but Yao Ruoxi and Long Xingtian had a huge difference in level, so their HP was basically only a layer of blood left in this blow.Thankfully, no one has died because of it.

"Everyone step back and go outside the gate. Only Fushengruomeng is left here to participate in the battle, and the others can no longer stay here." Seeing the situation, Shi Shi understood that other players could not participate in the battle here, and continued to stay There is only one dead end in this area.

Although Long Xingtian, Di Xianren, Yao Ruoxi and others were unwilling, they also understood the seriousness of the situation.The boss in front of them is not something they can challenge now.

Everyone evacuated in an orderly manner.

On Qin Haonan's side, he has already summoned black turtles, trolls, cursed magic vines, Medusa, Queen Medusa, flamingos, giant dragons, and black phantoms. These summoned beasts rushed up immediately, and now "golden "Dragon King" distracted so that everyone could evacuate smoothly.

Along the way, Qin Haonan, who had already reached level 987, no longer felt too much pressure when facing this 999-level boss.

The Golden Dragon King didn't expect so many summoned beasts to besiege it suddenly. For a while, it roared, its tail flicked wildly, and the dragon's breath flame in its mouth didn't stop.

Because the flamingo's own attributes are low, Kenben couldn't resist the flames of the beast-level boss, and died as soon as it came up.

As for the other summoned beasts, facing the boss attack of the beast level, they can still stand up for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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