game master

Chapter 610 - Dragon Clan Secret Realm

Chapter 610 - Dragon Clan Secret Realm

Century, Linglong, Avril, Ai Li, Erbai and other contracted beasts also participated in the battle. Avril summoned 30 little angels. She flew into the air, cooperated with the dragons in the air, and faced the golden dragon king. launched a fierce offensive.

Although there is a gap of more than 987 levels between level 999 and level 10, fortunately, everyone is at the level of divine beasts, super divine beasts, and supreme super divine beasts. Facing a divine beast-level boss, they didn't feel any pressure.

It was the Golden Dragon King who felt the pressure at this moment.

A boss at the level of the Golden Dragon King naturally has a high IQ.At this time, it has realized that it has made a huge mistake, that is, it should not provoke the humans in front of it without distinguishing the situation.The Golden Dragon King has already felt the huge coercion. The grades of contract beasts such as Century, Linglong, Avril, Ellie, and Xuemei are here. This is not a gap that can be formed by more than 10 grades.

That was the coercion from a level higher than it in terms of rank, or even multiple layers. The Golden Dragon King was already very strenuous when facing it.However, the unique arrogance of the Dragon Clan did not allow him to bow his head. The Golden Dragon King roared angrily, and continued to fight Qin Haonan and others.

The BOSS's health dropped very badly, and it spewed out a mouthful of dragon's breath flames again, but was completely blocked by Snow God Lingshuang's [Frozen Barrier].The flames were blocked by ice and snow, and finally froze.

"Master, this BOSS is so ignorant, why don't I kill it completely, we can gain some experience." Century saw the Golden Dragon King's resistance, so he was ready to kill.

"Okay, let's do this!" Qin Haonan responded, and the century directly launched a large-scale powerful attack.

Linglong saw that Shiji had activated a large-scale ultimate light-type magic, and immediately assisted in the battle, releasing the top-level lightning-type fairy art [Raytheon of Thunder].

Not only Linglong, Daji's fire spells, Erbai, Muqing, Huolian, Yanluo and other top-level skills of contracted beasts are all activated at this time, under the strong coercion, coupled with black phantom and curse Bound by the magic vines, the Golden Dragon King could hardly move.

The BOSS watched helplessly as a large number of attacks fell on it, and with a mournful cry, its health dropped completely to a trough, and finally cleared to zero and died.A lot of items exploded on the ground, Erbai hurriedly took out a skill book from the pile of items, and ran to Qin Haonan excitedly.

At this time, Qin Haonan also successfully upgraded in a ray of light.

"Master, here is your skill book." Erbai had a lot of experience in picking up dropped items, and at the end of the battle, he saw this skill book suitable for the master at a glance.He can judge in a short time, among the items that exploded this time, which ones are usable and useful by the owner; which ones are useless and unusable...

"Erbai, you are getting better and better now, and the level of picking up items is so high." Qin Haonan praised Erbai with a smile, and then started to learn the skill book.

[Dragon King Summoning Level 1] There are 3 levels in total, the summoning skills of gods and demons dominate, which belong to BOSS summoning.Summons a Dragon King BOSS with the same level as the user to participate in the battle, lasts for 50 seconds, cools down for 1 minute, and consumes 3500 true energy points.

(Supplement: If used together with [Dragon Summoning] skill, there will be unexpected effects)
It's another boss summoning skill, having it would definitely be even more powerful for Qin Haonan.

At this time Yao Ruoxi also came in from the door, because the boss was fought by Qin Haonan, so everyone unanimously asked not to take anything.Because everyone was in the same team, after the boss died, they had eaten a lot of experience points alone. At this time, everyone's level had improved a lot, and anyone who asked for something would be embarrassed.

Qin Haonan is not the kind of person who loves overseas. Seeing that everyone doesn't want it, he didn't continue to hurt him, and just put away everything.

"There is actually a door at the back of this hall." Yao Ruoxi observed the situation in the hall, so she raised her finger and pointed to the front.

It was because the Golden Dragon King blocked that position before, so no one noticed the end of the hall.Looking at it at this moment, the door is very eye-catching.

"Let's go and have a look, I always feel that is the end of this map." Century analyzed.

"Well, let's go and have a look." Qin Haonan left as soon as he said that, and he had already stepped forward to push the stone door while speaking.

The door opened slowly, but the space inside was unimaginable.This is just a small cave full of dragon crystals, and there is nothing else.

"Why do I feel the aura of the dragon clan here? This aura is very strong and heavy, like an ancient god, like a hidden emperor..." The Nether Dragon God felt something different, he looked around , seems to be looking for some traces.

After walking a few steps, the Nether Dragon God found an egg in the pile of dragon crystals.This is a dragon egg, and that powerful aura emanates from the dragon egg.

"Master, there is a dragon egg here." The Nether Dragon God hurriedly pointed.

Qin Haonan came over and took a look, good guy, isn't this just a pet egg?The pet eggs placed in this kind of place will definitely not be of an ordinary level.

Just when Qin Haonan was about to reach out his hand like a pet egg, a deep voice suddenly sounded in the cave.

"Hey, what's going on today, so many guests are here? Oh, I just found out, why are you here, the God of the Century? Hey, there are also little angels from the American area... well, Nuwa from the Chinese area is also here The guardian Ellie of the Nine-story Trial Tower, the Nether Dragon... and the newly appointed Sea God, yo... There is also a Scorpion God...the number is a bit too much, I can't count it for a while, this lineup is really strong !"

"Excuse me, are you the Dragon Emperor?" Shi Shi asked politely, and then cupped his hands.It is rare that Shiji changed to a very humble posture this time, like a student greeting a teacher.

"Who is the Dragon Emperor? I don't know!" the voice continued.

"The old man is you, the legendary 'six-winged dragon emperor' of our dragon clan. You can recognize me immediately, you are definitely the old senior of the dragon clan, and you can't be wrong." Excited.

"Old seniors of the dragon clan, I really don't know anything. I'm not interested in dragon clan or dragon clan. I just suddenly discovered a magical thing. You have a human here, and so many main gods and beasts. The agreement was established. Hmm, you should have a certain connection with the God of Beast Taming, right?" the voice continued.

"Senior Beast Taming God is my master." Qin Haonan said immediately.

In Qin Haonan's heart, that senior is definitely his teacher, the most important teacher.

"Oh, that's right. I was still wondering how a human being can contract so many powerful contracted beasts. So it is so! But the God of the Century has been contracted, which is really amazing." The voice said.

(End of this chapter)

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