game master

Chapter 613 - Luxurious lineup of contracted beasts

Chapter 613 - Luxurious lineup of contracted beasts
Time flies, and a few days passed in a blink of an eye...

In the next few days, Qin Haonan felt that his three views were changed again and again.

Led by Century and Dolando, Qin Haonan followed them to several countries.They can even sit in the living room of the main gods and chat face to face.

After all, these main gods used to be Shiji's subordinates, and Dolando was like an overlord.Although the Dark Age is in power now, everyone still doesn't obey her very much.

In addition, during this period of time in the dark age, they are always doing research in secret, so the main gods also have their own little tricks.

Shiji and Dolando also picked some main gods who were friendly with them to talk to. For those main gods who had already rebelled, Shiji didn't even plan to go, it was a waste of time.

There are so many main gods, it is completely possible to pick and choose, and select some outstanding ones before they can make a contract.

Qin Haonan took a sip of the tea on the table, and leisurely listened to Shiji's conversation with the "God of War" over there.

Of course, the conversation wasn't very successful.The God of War doesn't like to be restrained. He promised the century that if the dark century really made a big move, he was willing to assist, but he refused to agree to the contract.

Shiji didn't force her, she accepted it as soon as it was good, and went to the next family after going through a lot of twists and turns.

Qin Haonan followed Shiji and Dolando all the way, and traveled to several countries.In the end, they reached a consensus with the four main gods, and Qin Haonan's pet bar was completely full.

Pet: [Super Divine Beast] Kalai (Beast God)

Level: 1000


Pet: [Super Divine Beast] Hanos (Death)
Level: 1000


Pet: [Super Beast] Elena (Nemesis)
Level: 1000


Pet: [Super Beast] Leno (Gun God)

Level: 1000


The Beast God is characterized by thick skin, more blood and high attack. Not only that, the Beast God's attack is easy to hit critical strikes.In the whole team, it is definitely a strong output of top monster melee.In addition to being powerful in melee combat, the Beast God's Summoner is his fellow clan. A large group of little orcs appeared, and their physical attack and defense were very powerful.

Reaper is characterized by being good at curse, group attack magic and summoning. Reaper's curse magic can easily weaken the comprehensive attributes of all members of the enemy, and group magic attack is the enemy's nightmare.But the most powerful aspect of Death is his summoning.The undead army he summoned was unmatched by all bosses.The first is the large number, and the second is the variety, which can easily form a perfect team of undead.

Nemesis's weapon [Hell Scythe] is the most powerful melee weapon, almost 2 out of every 1 attacks can hit a critical strike.The speed and attack of Nemesis is definitely a nightmare on the battlefield, and the "Vengeance Demon" she summons is also a leader in agility and attack combat.

The characteristic of Gunslinger is that it is powerful in long-range attacks in the middle and rear. Wherever the machine gun goes, it is definitely the most powerful attack point.Shooting monsters from a long distance, killing them with one hit, or sneak attacking...all of which he said he was good at.The number of "Musketeers" summoned by the Gun God is small, but they are all mid-range and long-range output with powerful attack power.

In this way, Qin Haonan's team of contracted beasts has been completely formed.

This is a rather luxurious lineup, Nuwa Linglong, Baihu Erbai, Nine-tailed Sky Fox Daji, Mengtao Feimeng, Qinglong Muqing, Snow Scorpion Poison God Xuemei, Sea God Yaoyao, Xuanwuyanluo, Suzaku Huolian, Red Lotus Demon Vine Red Lotus, Phantom Emperor Shadow, Snow God Lingshuang, Century Lord God, Nine-story Trial Tower Guardian Ellie, Angel God Avril, Seraph Dragon Emperor Dorando, Beast God Kalai, Death God Hano Si, Nemesis Elena, Gun God Leno.

Among these contracted beasts, the lowest level is also the level of divine beasts, and many of them are super divine beasts, even supreme super divine beasts.Just because of these guys, Qin Haonan's comprehensive combat power is already N+++ times that of other elite players.

Qin Haonan is not only busy with the contract during this time, but he will also practice leveling and upgrade skills with everyone when he finds time.Qin Haonan has traveled to many countries recently, and Qin Haonan has also collected a lot of skill books suitable for him. Recently, he has grown rapidly.

Shi Shi sat in the rest area on the ninth floor of the [Nine-story Trial Tower], took a sip of black tea, and immediately beckoned to Qin Haonan, who was proficient in skills.

"Shiji, are you looking for me?" Qin Haonan could sense that Shiji probably had something very important to say to him.

"Yes, Floating Life is Ruomeng, your level has reached level 1000. According to the settings in the game, this is already the top level. But how should I put it, now is a special period, and you have already obtained the 'Master of Gods and Demons' 'Professional inheritance, I can give you a privilege so that you can upgrade to level 1200.' Century said seriously.

At this time, Qin Haonan has already walked to the side of the century, and he is also very yearning when he hears the 1200 level.So Qin Haonan asked: "Then what should I do to break through?"

"Dorlando and I can give you a permission, but you need to find something." Century paused, and then said, "This thing is 'Advanced Water', but its location is extremely Danger."

"Oh, where is it? How dangerous is it? I'm already level 1000." Qin Haonan hurriedly asked.

"'Advanced Water' used to be a treasure in my collection, and it was placed in a dark room in the most hidden part of the hidden copy of the 'Century Temple'. Now that the Dark Century is in power, it is estimated that this thing is still in the previous position." Century said hesitantly.

"Ah? So we are going to challenge the Dark Age?" Qin Haonan's eyes lit up after hearing this.

Century shook his head: "I have discussed this matter with Dolando many times, and he and I even went to investigate once. My 'Century Temple' has now also changed its name to 'Dark Age Demon Palace' , there is still a hidden dungeon in the egg. Dark Age has been doing experiments recently, and I guess she will stay in the 'End of the World' dungeon."

"Uh... I sound so complicated... I can understand that the hidden dungeon you mentioned is actually an area that basically no players can enter?" Qin Haonan thought hard before asking .

Shi Shi nodded and said with a smile: "It can be understood in this way, you are quite smart."

"That's fine. As long as it's a dungeon, it can be cleared. It's OK for us to clear the dungeon. Besides, you have been in my team in Shiji, so you just need to give me some pointers." Qin Haonan wanted to act as soon as he heard it.

"Well, good, it's good if you have this enthusiasm. The other team members are all above level 920, and you are also at level 1000. I think you can take everyone to challenge together, just to practice cooperating with each other Combat, and there are a lot of experience and treasures in that dungeon, I think we will have a good harvest." Century said.

"Okay, then let's go as soon as we say, and I'll call everyone to gather." Qin Haonan immediately started to organize after hearing this.

Looking at the back of Qin Haonan running away, Shi Shi suddenly showed a trace of worry on her face, she said to herself: "This day is finally coming, challenging the 'Dark Age Magic Palace' copy is actually an official challenge to Dark Age. up the challenge."


(End of this chapter)

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