game master

Chapter 614 - Dark Age Demon Palace

Chapter 614 - Dark Age Demon Palace (1)

During this period of time, Qin Haonan searched a lot of skill books from various places, so he also learned a lot of powerful skills.After a period of experience, he has also promoted other skills to the top level at the same time, and these newly learned skills are the direction that he will practice with all his strength in the later stage.

[Level 1 of Juggernaut Summoning] There are 20 levels in total. Gods and demons dominate the summoning skills. It can summon 4 Juggernauts of the same level as the user to participate in the battle. The maintenance time is 30 seconds, the cooling time is 45 seconds, and consumes 3300 points of true energy.

[Nine Layers of Sky Splitting Sword Jue Level 1] The sword god uses skills, a total of 10 levels, causing 20% damage to 320 targets at the same time, adding 240% sword energy damage, increasing critical strike rate by 30%, and consuming 940 true energy points.

[Superior Shadow Sword Strike Level 1] Sword God uses skills, a total of 10 levels, within 5 seconds to launch 1 consecutive attacks on a target, each time causing 10% damage, the critical strike rate increased by 330%, consumption 20 qi points.

Qin Haonan is gearing up at this time, and is about to go to the "Dark Age Demon Palace" dungeon to experience it.Soon, Qin Haonan led everyone to gather at the portal of the [Nine-story Trial Tower].

Shi Shi and Dolando were also standing next to the portal at this time. Seeing Qin Haonan and others coming, Shi Shi smiled and said: "The location we are going to next does not belong to any country, but any country has a way to get there. A way. I will directly open the teleportation for everyone, and we will save the process of triggering hidden copies."

"Okay, we are all ready, you can start the teleportation in the century!" Everyone said.

Century nodded, adding another layer of magical magic to the periphery of the portal.Everyone walked in together, and when the surrounding scenery became clear again, Qin Haonan and others were already standing in a swamp.

Here is a swamp, the blood-red moon hangs high in the sky, and the light on this map is extremely dark.

"Where is this?" Qin Haonan couldn't help being taken aback.

Yao Ruoxi has already opened the big map at this time, and found that this area is the leveling area "Dark Swamp" of level 950-999.From the geographical point of view, it belongs to a relatively remote area, and in the 950-999 level training area, there are not many players to patronize.

"The hidden copy 'Dark Age Demon Palace' can only be entered from this map. I don't want the coordinates of the [Nine-story Trial Tower] to be easily obtained by Dark Age, so I can only send you here." Century explained seriously He said, "Follow me on the next road, I can help you unlock some permissions, and we can find the final destination directly."

Qin Haonan and the others nodded and followed the century.

Long Xingtian, Yao Ruoxi, Di Xianren, Hou Yue and others are all above level 920 at this time, facing the mobs above level 950, the pressure is not too great.Along the way, everyone rushed to the road while killing enemies and leveling up, and soon arrived at the place designated by the century.

At the end of the "Dark Swamp" there is a mysterious path, walking along the path, Qin Haonan and others found the portal leading to the hidden map "Dark Age Demon Palace".

Entering through the portal, the pleasant system sound immediately rang.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have entered the hidden dungeon 'Dark Age Magic Palace', if you can clear the whole dungeon within 1 hour, you will be rewarded: experience value + 9 million, gold coins + 30, Attribute points +30, skill points +30, a hidden skill book."

"The rewards are quite generous. It looks like we're going to work hard to pass the level." Charlotte became extremely excited when she heard the rewards.

"Life is like a dream, according to my plan, we need to split into two groups, and Dorando and I will help you find the 'Advanced Water', and you have to clear the dungeon outside to attract the other party's attention. Shi Shi looked at Qin Haonan and said seriously.

"Can't we act together?" Qin Haonan asked.

This time it was Dorando who shook his head, and he said seriously, "I'm afraid not. Century has discussed with me that the location of the secret room is relatively hidden. If you pass the dungeon normally, you will basically not go to the location of the secret room. Once someone When you get close to the secret room, the mobs and bosses in the entire dungeon will collectively rush to protect the treasure in the secret room. This is a setting and cannot be changed."

"Then you should bring more people, will it be too dangerous just you two?" Qin Haonan continued to ask.

Shiji said: "Don't worry, the road leading to the secret room is relatively narrow. Dolando and I are both supreme super beasts. If we go together, the target is small, and it will not be easy to be discovered."

"Okay, then you guys go, I will clear the dungeon with everyone from the front to attract their attention. By the way, kill more small monsters and small bosses, so that they can't harass you anymore." Qin Haonan said.

"Well, that's what I meant. Since that's the case, we're going to set off." Century didn't waste any time, and once the matter was clear, she and Dorando left quickly.

Qin Haonan thought that this supreme super beast is good, and he can complete the task from a long distance away from the team like this.I wanted to go back, but Qin Haonan didn't intend to waste time. At this time, he led everyone and set off along the right path.

The dungeon of "Dark Age Demon Palace" is actually a huge black palace, with some Gothic architectural style, and a blood-red moon hanging high in the sky.The mobs in the entire dungeon are all between level 960-1000, and the difficulty factor for this dungeon is not small.

Qin Haonan and the others were standing in a dark wooded area, with a small open space right in front of them.A huge black palace stands in front of you, and you must enter the city if you want to pass the level.

Summoning all the contracted beasts, Qin Haonan's team suddenly became stronger.

"If we want to win this dungeon, we have to rush into the magic palace from the front. The first thing we need to do now is to defeat the end of the gate and break open the gate of the palace." Death God Hanos calmly analyzed that Qin Haonan possesses these main god level The contracted beast has a huge advantage, because the knowledge mastery of the main god level is much better than other contracted beasts.

"Well, I heard that after rushing in from the main gate, we must quickly attack the second palace gate. Because the terrain there is a siege, if we can't capture the second gate in a short time, then we will suffer in the siege. There will be a lot of attacks. I remember that there is an idiom in ancient China called "please enter the urn", which is very similar to the previous map model." Avril, the god of angels, kindly reminded.

"I didn't expect you to know so much about this dungeon. It's great to have you here." Qin Haonan was very happy when he heard it.

Linglong said: "Master, you don't need to worry. We have an air combat team in our team, so don't worry too much about the map ahead. We just need to know that as soon as we enter the first gate, we should seize the time and rush to the second gate. Wait for us Enter the second door, then you can pass the dungeon normally."

After walking a few steps, the guards outside the black palace showed their weapons.

Level 960 - Enchanted Darkguard (Normal)
Level 962 - Demonized Dark Guard Squad Leader (Little Elite)
Level 965 - Demonized Dark Guard Captain (Elite)
More than 50 mobs and small bosses have lined up.On Qin Haonan's side, while summoning various summoned beasts, he rushed up with the team, and the battle was about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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