Chapter 301
A woman in a white dress walks on his left.

Although she had never seen Li Yunchu before, at this moment, her intuition told her that this was the girl Chuchu he had been thinking of.

Even though she has been married for many years, wearing a white skirt, she is vaguely as pure as a girl from yesterday.

She smiled gently and lightly, at this moment, Wei Wei was a little ashamed of herself.It turned out that he had always liked such a simple woman.Even after years, he still has not forgotten.

Xiao Zijun in the blue robe was as tall and straight as before. With one hand behind his back, he lowered his head slightly, as if he was listening to Li Yunchu, his attitude did not reveal a trace of arrogance.

Looking at the couple under the pear tree, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she even smiled self-deprecatingly.After so many years of wasting, they can be regarded as lovers who finally get married.

There was a wind blowing, blowing sand and dust alluring the eyes, rubbing his eyes lightly, he seemed to see Xiao Zijun looking towards him in a daze.

Wei Wei was suddenly worried about being recognized by him.

However, he just glanced over, and then turned his head to talk to Li Yunchu, as if to say to her, it's windy, let's go back.After that, the two stopped and walked back.

Not far away, someone came towards Xiao Zijun.

Gently recognized that it was Gao Ming.

After wandering around for a long time, Ning Qingqing finally left Huiquan Mountain before sunset.

At this time, the afterglow of the setting sun illuminates the colorful clouds flying in the western sky, which is really beautiful.

The word pendant that had been clutched in the palm of his hand was gone.

She originally wanted to give the jade pendant to a general after leaving the mountain smoothly, and then return it to Xiao Zijun.

Now that it is lost, there is no need for it.

He stretched out his hand and took out the pair of pearls from his body.

The Shark Pearl is still shining brightly as before.

Legend has it that there is a shark-human race on the coast of the South China Sea. They never shed tears in their lives, and tears will turn into pearls.

Although the legend is unreliable, it shows that this shark pearl is very rare.

The jade pendant he gave him was lost, the bracelet was smashed, only this pair of pearls, why keep it?

At this time, a sound of horse riding was suddenly heard, and the soldiers guarding the mountain gate spat: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, don't delay the business!"

He was gently kicked out.

There was a horse coming towards her, so she quickly hid aside.

The person on the horse is none other than Gao Ming.

Gao Ming's eyes seemed to be fixed on his face, but the horse was fast and rushed over.

Wei Wei was a little panicked, but when she turned around and saw that the horse hadn't stopped, she was also relieved.

There are several guards with knives coming on foot.

Gentle and hastily stopped a guard, "Brother, I have something to trouble you."

She took out a brocade handkerchief wrapped with pearls and handed them over, "Please be sure to give these pair of pearls to General Gao Minggao."

The man glanced lightly, as if doubting his identity.

"Does General Gao know you?"

"He knows this pair of beads. My brother must give it to him, and it will be considered as returning it to the original owner."

The man accepted it, and immediately followed the guards in front.

A while after leaving gently, Gao Ming came looking for him again on horseback.

"Did you see a girl in an hour?"

"General Gao, I assure you that there has never been a woman here."

"Is there anyone acting suspiciously?"

The man recalled it for a while, and said very firmly: "Report to the general, I didn't find it."

Gao Ming was a little disappointed, and said to himself, "That face really looks like her, but it shouldn't be her."

Just now he had an urgent military matter to report to the prince, so he didn't turn his head around. After the matter was over, after thinking about it, he thought that the person might be Ning Qingqing, so he went all the way back.

At this time, the person guarding the mountain gate was so decisive, Gao Ming was thinking again, maybe it was just his own eyesight, or it was just a resemblance, that person was a man.

It is said that Ning Qingqing returned to the inn at the foot of the mountain, gave the things in his luggage to the store owner, and only rode back all the way.

The dust and smoke along the way were indifferent, but Wei Wei felt a lot lighter in her heart.

Xiao Zijun, seeing you is enough.From now on no longer entangled.

This farewell, there is no need to see each other again in this life.

At dusk, Ning Qingwei was hungry and hungry, riding a horse on the country road.

At this time, she couldn't go to the village in front of her, and she couldn't go to the inn in the back. Immediately, she was a little worried, and she couldn't blame others, but she blamed herself for stopping and stopping as expected, and for not catching up with the place where there was an inn before sunset.

It was getting dark, so I lightly rode my horse and looked towards the fruit forest on the side of the road, hoping to find a hiding place to rest.

After getting off the horse, my ankle hurt so much, I led the horse lightly, and limped towards the fruit trees.

On the ancient road ahead, there was suddenly the sound of extremely fast horseshoes, and I was slightly startled. Looking back, I saw dust rising up at the corner, against the afterglow of the sunset in the western sky, I couldn't see who was coming.

She knew that that was the direction she came from, and she wouldn't be King Jin's person.

It was getting late, she had to be more vigilant.

Regardless of the severe pain in his feet, he crawled and jumped, and hid in the Guo Shulin.

However, what was worrying was that the horse refused to enter the forest. After all, the fruit forest was relatively short and dense, and it was a bit narrow for the horse to enter.

"Brother Ma, please, please, just be wronged for a while, be wronged for a while..."

Wei Wei anxiously begged the horse, tugged and pulled, but the horse still wouldn't go in.

The sound of hoofs was getting closer.

Wei Wei can only secretly pray that no one will find out, and comfort herself so that no one can see clearly.

Under the cover of twilight, Ning Qingqing finally pulled the horse's butt into the fruit forest.

A heart was beating, but fortunately, everything was settled.

Suddenly, she felt that it was embarrassing for her to hide like this. She is the master's apprentice, how can she be afraid of things?No matter what, the master has also taught me for a long time.If it was a bad guy, he would fight the bad guy himself, just to test how well he learned swordsmanship.

Reaching out to touch the baggage but not finding it, I suddenly remembered that I am unarmed now.

Because she owed money to the inn, Qingqing had no choice but to bet the burden and sword to the innkeeper, saying that she would come back to redeem them later.

Gently hold your breath and listen.

The galloping horse suddenly slowed down, and there was only a whimper, and there was no sound.

After a while, I heard the horse's hooves scattered, and the person on the horse seemed to be wandering around and looking around.

It was already dark at this time, and through the forest, it was impossible to see the appearance of the person who came, only the figure was wearing a light robe.

My heart skipped a beat.

Immediately, Su Changqing looked into the dark fruit forest. Although he couldn't see anything, he was sure that it must be her.

After hesitating for a while, he called out, "Is it Qingqing?"

The woods were silent, and there seemed to be no one there.

"If you are, come out."

After a while, I finally heard the brushing sound of a person passing by the branches and leaves, and a person came out from inside.

When Ning's lightly limping figure appeared on the dim field ridge, Su Changqing's heart ached.

He originally wanted to follow her heart, even if he made himself regret and heartache, he would not let the girl feel sorry, but after days and nights of torture, he knew that he had made a stupid decision.

His people failed to enter Huiquan Mountain.

But the girl took advantage of King Jin's jade pendant and entered the mountain.

He could predict that if King Jin saw her, he would force her to stay regardless of anything.

Xiao Zijun was not himself, how could he let Qingqing make his own choice, if the girl hadn't threatened her with her life, how could he have let her go?

(End of this chapter)

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