Chapter 302 Come Prepared
Xiao Zijun was not himself, how could he let Qingqing make his own choice, if the girl hadn't threatened her with her life, how could he have let her go?

Once Qingqing is gone, no matter what her decision is, it will be difficult for her to come back.But being with King Jin lightly may not lead to happiness.Didn't my own selflessness and pretending to be ignorant just hurt the girl?
In all these years, I have never regretted it so much.

He has been anxiously looking for her for the past few days. He has been on this road several times, but this is the first time he has seen Qingqing's figure. If it is not for Qingqing's horse, which he is familiar with, the girl's whereabouts will not be revealed. , then the two will miss it.

He strode over and held her in his arms, unable to bear to ask her.

"Master, I was wrong, I shouldn't leave without saying goodbye. I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

When the girl repeatedly said sorry, he blamed himself even more, "It's me who should say sorry, not you. Girl, since you are willing to come back, Master is very happy."

"Master, I have put the sword you gave me in the inn."

"It will be redeemed later."

The robe on the shoulders was soaked by her tears, making it cool.

At this moment, he hugged her tightly, and happiness gradually emerged in his heart.

half a month later.

The streets are crowded with each other, people come and go.Ah Feng took her gently by the hand and dragged her into a silk shop.

"This one is the most famous. It is said that it is exclusively for Shu brocade."

Ah Feng looked at the colorful fabrics, and his eyes sparkled, "After picking out for you, I will also choose, and I will also pick out a piece of fabric for the young master. How can we say that there is going to be a happy event in the villa, and everyone will be refreshed." !"

She gestured the bundles of festive fabrics towards Qingqing, "Well, this one is good. Qingqing, what do you think?"

Wei Wei was a little lost, her mind was not on the cloth.

"Hey! What are you thinking? Isn't your master too busy to accompany you to choose, as for?"

After being reprimanded by Ah Feng, she recovered slightly and looked at the fabric.

This look actually felt a little harsh.

Ever since an accident happened to her family, she has been accustomed to plain clothes, but now she is dazzled by this festive fabric, and she just feels it is too eye-catching.Even the mood is not good.

It's only been a year since his father passed away, so is he going to get married?Since ancient times, filial piety has been observed for three years.

Afterwards, Ning Qingqing only let Ah Feng choose, she said to choose this piece of material, she nodded in agreement, not paying much attention.

The silk shop's business was booming, and someone came in and said, "Shopkeeper Liu, I don't need the cloth that I said I wanted the day before yesterday."

The shopkeeper was obviously not very happy, "Why didn't the Lin family take a fancy to those fabrics?"

"Don't misunderstand the shopkeeper, it turns out that our Lin Manor is going to have an important guest, so the whole mansion is preparing to make a new set of clothes. The master got the news yesterday—"

The man leaned forward and said in a low voice: "The prince has already driven away."

The voice was not loud, but Ning Qing heard it clearly, and tightened his hand holding Satin.

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. We only need half of the previous deposit."

"Thank you, thank you, thanks to the Lin family for taking care of the business of this silk shop in the past few years."

"Gently, I think this piece of material suits you best!"

Only slightly did she come to her senses, she just nodded, and there was only one impression in her mind: it turned out that Xiao Zijun had left this place.

In the afternoon, the chariots and horses entered the gate of Skylark Villa, and the servants ordered what they bought next.

Ah Feng supported her waist and walked down dizzy with exhaustion. Wen Youqiao was already waiting for them there.

Gently bowed to Mr. Wen, said hello, and left silently.

"Feng, what's wrong with you? Are you tired?"

Wen Youqiao looked at her with concern, Ah Feng was listless, and she pursed her lips slightly towards Ning's back, "Did you see? I worked so hard for her, but she wasn't happy at all."

Wen Youqiao smiled, and took her hand, "You really can worry too much. Just do your own thing. It's just as long as Miss Ning has Hua Wuhen."

"He is back?"

"Yes, it should be here."

Ah Feng sighed, "Oh, why does such a good brother Hua like her?"

Wen Youqiao seemed to be thinking, and said for a long time, "Everything is destined, and no one can escape."

Ning gently returned to the pavilion, and when he turned around, he suddenly saw a man in white clothes standing with his hands behind his back at the end of the corridor.

"Master?" She exclaimed in shock, with some hesitation in her steps.

Su Zhangqing had some complacency in his smile, and walked over.

He frowned slightly, and found that the master was a little different when he came back today. In the past, he was more or less dusty, but today he was spotless and clean, dressed in white, and his temperament became more and more noble.

Looking closer, I feel that the brows are quite delicate, and even the smile is a little childlike.

I was in a bad mood, but I became happy because of his appearance.

She wrinkled her nose, "It turns out—you've been back long ago!"

"Just arrived, but this time I came prepared." He smiled brightly, and his words lacked the steadiness of Master Su Ri.

Since the two set a date for their marriage, the relationship between the two has become a lot more delicate.Su Changqing lost the dignified look of the master, and more relaxed between lovers. Ning Qingqing also gradually discovered that the master is not so old-fashioned, and occasionally a little childish.

Ning Qingqing doesn't realize it by herself, both King Jin and Su Changqing are calmer and experienced than ordinary people, the men Ning Qingqing likes actually have something in common.

She expected it well, as expected——

His head was stabbed by something suddenly, and when he looked up, he saw Master holding a magnolia flower hairpin.

Gently rubbed the scalp, reached out and snatched the flower hairpin, gritted her jade teeth and spat at the hairpin: "Stinky hairpin! What's wrong with you to learn? Some people use the big to bully the small, and rely on the old to sell the old!"

Su Changqing couldn't help shaking her head and laughing, this girl is really narrow-minded, there is really nothing she can do about it.

Seeing her start to look at her with the hairpin, he was a little nervous.

"Do you like it?" He quietly looked at her face and apologized, "It's the first time I choose these."

More than a month ago, he wanted to give her a gift to express his heart, but in all these years he had never cared so much for a woman, let alone give her any jewelry.

He drew the sketch of the hairpin himself, selected the best warm jade himself, and asked skilled craftsmen to carve it, not bought it from a store.

The jade hairpin is crystal white and bright, with a touch of soft light. It is warm and moist in the hand, and it is the best warm jade.

Magnolia hairpins are even more lifelike, very delicate, not complicated, but elegant and simple, with good texture and high value, which suits Master's taste at first glance.

The girl's eyes were bright, she nodded heavily, and said happily: "What a hairpin! I like it!"

He finally breathed a sigh of relief, with joy on his face, he reached out to take the hairpin, "I'll put it on for you."

Unexpectedly, the girl took the hairpin backhand and poked it hard at his palm. The blow was not light, and his hand subconsciously clenched.

Slightly made a cheap profit, and smiled proudly, "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but the little girl will earn it back at that time!"

Looking at the girl in front of her, Su Changqing smiled brightly, full of liking, but her heart was distracted by her saying "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years".

(I will make up for the minor changes in another day, I hope you can forgive me.)
(End of this chapter)

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