Cute Wife Divorce Husband: Black-bellied Prince and Little Dumb Concubine

Chapter 303 I Regret I Didn't Marry You Earlier

Chapter 303 I Regret I Didn't Marry You Earlier

Looking at the girl in front of her, Su Changqing smiled brightly, full of liking, but her heart was distracted by her saying "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years".

11 years later, he is still on the road.He suddenly thought of the future, and he didn't know whether the future would be dangerous or smooth.

"Gently, do you regret marrying me?" The tone was a little solemn.

"Of course! Marry a chicken as a chicken and marry a dog as a dog!" She lost her former respect and became more willful in front of him.

The girl tilted her head and squinted her eyebrows. She was obviously presumptuous, but she was vivid in her heart.

All of a sudden, he stretched out his sleeve gown to wrap around her waist, the two of them were very close, he could smell the fragrance of her bun, and he was slightly drunk.The pupils of each other are silent, penetrating people's hearts.

He only heard his voice low and sincere: "Gently, if you promise me for life, I will promise you alone. You will live up to this life."

Her pupils were as bright as water, and the last inch of worry in her heart was melted away by him.

When the maid passed by with the cloth in her arms, Su Changqing looked over, and the festive red eyes made him stare slightly.

After all these years, he has never worn red, and when he thinks of wearing red for his wedding, he is full of anticipation and excitement.

Although the arrangement was a bit hasty, it was a great joy in Su Changqing's life.Sometimes, he is a little lucky that he is Su Changqing or Hua Wuhen, so that he can have an ordinary marriage.

"Is this what you went out with Ah Feng to choose today?"

She nodded and said in a low voice: "Ah Feng picked it for me, I don't understand these things."

Su Changqing was a little disappointed. After all, it was his own marriage, and Wei Wei didn't care about it. He frowned slightly, and asked indifferently, "Ah Feng will know better than you?"

Ah Feng is not married, so she doesn't know much about it. What Su Changqing cares about is that what Ah Feng likes doesn't mean that he likes it lightly.

He looked at Qing Qing with his dark and bright eyes, as if thinking about something, suddenly said to the servant: "You all go down~"

When there were only two of them left, he leaned closer and whispered, "You don't like getting married so early?"

"Eh? What did you say?" Wei Wei shook her head in denial in a hurry, and joked, "Could it be that Master is regretting it?"

Su Changqing's face suddenly sank slightly, he still stared at her, and said seriously: "Don't mention these two words. Master will only regret not marrying you sooner. I hope you will happily marry me."

"I'm happy and looking forward to it. Really."

She spoke calmly and stared at him intently.

He said: "Girl, it's good that you are happy. In fact, two days before the accident in Ning Mansion, Ning Hou suddenly sought me out in private, and wanted to sell Yi Xiao Yuan to me. I hope that one day, I can settle down and take care of you. "

Tears suddenly fell down uncontrollably, sobbing slightly, he reached out his hand to touch the tears indiscriminately, and said aggrievedly: "Why are you telling me now? Why did you tell me?"

"It's always been in my heart. I'm telling you this time because I hope you understand that Ninghou Quan knows that he will be happy for you and me to get married."

Su Changqing understood that she was going to get married, less than a year after her relatives left, and less than three years of filial piety, the girl might blame herself.Moreover, no relatives around her are there, and Qingyu is far away from the border of Bohai County in the northeast, one east and one west, thousands of miles away.

However, he couldn't wait any longer, his affairs became more and more urgent, time was precious, and he always felt that if he let go, he would miss it, so he wanted to get married.

He said this in the hope that she would understand that Marquis Ning would like to see marriage.

"Thank you, I understand your thoughts, I understand... I was not happy at first, but I am very happy after seeing you."

Two days later, outside the porch, Qing Qing was wearing a light pistil-colored skirt, looking left and right while fanning the wind.

Why hasn't Master come yet? It's a good deal.

Suddenly felt a figure behind him, before he turned his head, he tapped on his forehead.

"Is it because you have bad eyesight, or am I too fast?"

Gently rubbing his forehead, instead of arguing with him, he just said: "It's agreed to take me out, why don't you go?"

"Don't go out, I'll take you to meet someone later."

"Master...who is it?" Wei Qing stayed where she was, seeming a little worried.

Su Changqing's expression was slightly startled, this girl seldom called her master recently, so she said: "Don't worry, go practice sword with me for a while, she will be here soon."

From the garden came the sound of swords volleying in the air, and beyond the trees and flowers, one could see Su Changqing practicing against Ning Qingqing.

The maids crowded around and probed their brains, "This is the first time I've seen a dude wield a sword, it's really pretty."

"Miss Ning seems to have made great progress!"

By the way, it is true that Su Changqing seldom sees him practicing sword, and he has always only taught Ning Qingqing to make gestures, and has never shown sword skills.

The two practiced against each other for a while, Ning Qing said suddenly: "Master, do you think I am improving fast?"

"It's not bad, at least you can practice two moves with me."

Someone came: "Young man, here we come."

He immediately put away his sword and said to her, "Gently, go see my relatives."


Slightly confused, I have met many of Master's friends. When Master was young, he left his hometown. He was alone and had almost no relatives.

There were about seven or eight people, both young and old, slightly confused and at a loss, just waiting for Su Changqing's introduction.

The loyal young hero in front of him is Duan Ming, he knew him lightly, and said with a smile, "So it's Brother Duan."

Duan Ming's face turned pale with embarrassment, "Miss Ning, please forgive Duan Ming, regardless of the difference between master and servant, in a few days, we will have to call you Mrs. Sister-in-law, this elder brother, my subordinates really can't afford it. "

In terms of age, Su Changqing is several years older than Duan Ming.

Qingqing's face turned red all of a sudden, and she turned her back in a hurry, not meeting those people anymore.

The people around couldn't help but "haha" laughed.

This made Ning Qingwei even more ashamed, and more and more unwilling to leave the shade of the tree.

After a while, Su Changqing walked over and said a few words to her, and she followed him out.

"This is Uncle Wu, you met him in Wudi."

"Uncle Wu!" Wei Qing's eyes brightened, and the embarrassment just now was reduced by half, "Why are you here?"

"My son is getting married, how can Lao Wu not come to ask for a glass of wine?"

Gentle once again blushed in embarrassment.

"This is Uncle Zhou, it's mine—" Su Changqing seemed to be thinking about how to describe it, and then said, "Mentor, friend, Changqing's long-forgotten friend."

"Zhou Qiong is so moved that the eldest son is so important. It is a blessing for three lives to be able to follow the son."

Frowning her eyebrows slightly, this Zhou Qiong seems to be not an ordinary person, he has the feeling of a city man, no wonder the master values ​​him.I also respectfully salute him here.

"You have seen these two people before."

Before they finished talking, those two people also came over, "Qi Ying, Leng Ye, I met Miss Ning."

Ning Weiwei carefully identified it, and immediately smiled, "So it's you."

These two people once escorted Ning Qingqing to Xiangnan County, and belonged to one of Hua Wuhen's close guards.At that time, I realized that these people were different from those women. It turned out that Master regarded them as relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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