How bad guys are made

Chapter 1000 Realm of the Prophet

Chapter 1000 Realm of the Prophet
"Hey, wife, don't you say that you have no strength? Can you still scold? Or..."

"Get out, I'm going to sleep now, don't bother me, I'm really tired, I'm going to sleep now..." Seeing the bastard's eyes sweeping at him again, he had no strength left Angry, he mumbled something in his mouth and immediately lay down and pulled the thin blanket over his body, posing in a sleepy posture.

Wendong smiled and felt sorry for his wife. One time was enough tonight, but his wife in the bathtub was too sexy, so he couldn't help it...

He reached out his hand to turn off the bedside lamp, and reached out to embrace the wife who had already been weak and soft into a puddle of water, but he didn't move any more, just hugged her.

"Wendong, you said you love me. From now on, you must treat me well and never betray our love and marriage. Otherwise, I, I will die for you." Zhang Hanhan lay obediently in his arms, Whisper softly.

"Go to sleep, silly woman, it's too late for me to feel sorry for you, I can marry you, that is the high incense that I have burnt for eight lifetimes." Wen Dong said helplessly, is it true that women who have just experienced human affairs are more or less afraid that they will marry you? Betrayed, even Zhang Hanhan is like this.

"For sure you have self-knowledge." Hearing Wendong's flattery, Zhang Hanhan pursed his lips and snorted.

Wen Dong was so angry and funny, he reached out and touched her head: "Go to sleep."



Late at night and early in the morning, the bedroom was quiet, and the steady breathing of the woman in his arms could be clearly heard in the clear ears, and Wen Dong's heart was as quiet as a pool of water.

She was already sleeping regularly. She shouldn't have stayed up so late, she must have been tossed twice by herself, she must be very tired. After finding out that she was indeed fast asleep, Wen Dong lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

System: "Ding: The host uses the Pacific transmission axis, and the host has entered the Pacific fishing island."

"My dear student, do you miss being a teacher so soon?" Wen Dong was just teleported to the beach, the sea breeze was blowing gently, mixed with a refreshing breath, and as soon as he got into his nostrils, cheap master's wind chime sounded in his ears. excited cry.

Wen Dong turned his head following the sound, and a touch of light blue came into view. The little murloc had a pretty little face, with two small hands behind his back, posing as a teacher, but it was that pretty, smiling face. Yinyin, I can't pretend to feel like a teacher.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, the master is beautiful again." Wen Dong smiled and complimented quickly.

"Of course, I don't care who the teacher is." Hearing Wendong's good words, the little murloc was overjoyed, but said, "It's just that the teacher's beauty can only be appreciated by you. It's really a pity As she spoke, the little girl complained in a tone of voice, and her pursed mouth could hold a soy sauce bottle.

"That's a disciple's blessing." Wen Dong heard a black line, the little girl was getting more and more weird, but she quickly flattered her.

"Come on, tell me, what else do you need to help me with?" Just from the fifty days of hard training, the little murloc had already become familiar with Wendong, and he had also figured out this guy's temperament, Xiaozui said.

"I had a dream today..." At this point, Wen Dong's expression immediately became serious, and there seemed to be some fear in his expression while he was talking.

"This... I, I can't say well." After listening to Wen Dong's narration, the little murloc frowned slightly with his beautiful willow eyebrows, and his tone was a little worried and hesitant, as well as a little uncertain.

"What do you mean? Just say it directly, I'm fine." The little murloc, a simple girl, can understand some of her temper, let alone her temper towards this girl. I found a slight difference, or anxiety.

"Foretelling the future, I don't know if you have heard of this matter?" The little murloc hesitated and said.

"Predict the future?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, then woke up suddenly, his eyes widened, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed her shoulder and said loudly: "What do you mean? You mean this is something that may happen in the future?"

"It's possible." The little murloc saw that he was excited and anxious, but he didn't hide it. He frowned and said hesitantly: "It's even said that it's very likely to happen."

"Fart, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!" Hearing what the little murloc said, Wen Dong couldn't help shouting angrily, with a grim expression on his face.Although the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the weird dream was a bit unusual, but he never expected it to be like this.

"Brother Wendong, don't worry, don't worry." Seeing Wendong's scary appearance, the little murloc waved her hands anxiously. Although she already possessed the wisdom of many people, it was the first time for her to comfort someone. But I don't know how to comfort him.

"Then tell me what's going on?" A few minutes later, Wen Dong finally let out a sigh of relief, and asked calmly, but sat down on the beach in a somewhat dejected manner.

"Well, I don't know if you have heard of the ability of someone to predict the future." The little murloc swallowed and said carefully.

"I know, Zhouyi fortune-telling, even opening the eyes of the sky, can cut through a trace of heavenly secrets." Wen Dong nodded and said, this is what the blood sword told him at the beginning, that is, that Mu Yu has such an ability, and in a more popular way , then count it as a fortune teller, a fortune teller!
"However, I don't believe in these things at all, let alone have the ability in this area. How could I see through the secrets and predict the future from my dreams?" Wen Dong asked anxiously.

"It's true that you don't have such ability, but it's because you have entered the extraordinary realm!" said the little murloc.

"Extraordinary Realm? Has something to do with this?"

"Yes." The little murloc nodded earnestly. Seeing Wendong's puzzled expression, he explained earnestly: "The most prominent feature of Chaofan is that it transcends ordinary people and possesses abilities that ordinary people do not have; and if we take it a step further, it can Absorb a trace of vitality free from the world, communicate with the world, or borrow the power from the world."

Seeing Wendong nodding, the little murloc paused and said: "There is a saying that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and the ultimate correct answer of this 'gentleman' is a person who sees through the secrets and possesses extremely high wisdom." .Not standing under a dangerous wall means that they can seek benefits and avoid disasters. In other words, they can predict their own future dangers and can avoid these disasters very well.”

"There are ten levels above extraordinary, namely extraordinary warrior, extraordinary master, extraordinary king, extraordinary supreme, extraordinary emperor, extraordinary saint, extraordinary douluo, extraordinary fighting Luo, extraordinary holy war Luo and finally the extraordinary god. And every two There are specific divisions for each level. Of course, warriors and masters are mortal realms, that is to say, even though you have entered the supernatural, there is still no real transcendent mortal. , can integrate and utilize the energy of the heaven and the earth, and become the master of the heaven and the earth, that is, the king! This level of comprehension is called the prophet; and the achievement of the emperor level by the venerable is called the destiny! And so on in the future. wheel and god."

Having said that, the little murloc shut his mouth and waited for Wendong to digest the news. Seeing him looking up at him again, the little murloc said again: "So, you should understand what the prophet means. You can see through it." You have a glimpse of the secret, you have predicted what will happen in the future, in other words, you are not far from the extraordinary king."

After listening to the little murloc's explanation, Wen Dong lowered his head with a wry smile. The extraordinary king is a real master of the same level as Ghost Shadow, but he is not at all happy at this moment.

"Then how should I avoid it? You said that this is something that will happen in the future, can this be changed?"

"Of course you can. Otherwise, how can you talk about seeking profit and avoiding disaster? However, this thing usually does happen. For example, if you predict that there will be a big fire on a mountain, then there will be a fire, but In the past, you could have a heavy rain, or in other words, order people to guard on this mountain, and even if there was a fire, you could rescue them in time; With one of your enemies, you will have a battle, this battle may be unavoidable, but you can do a lot of things and preparations along the way to this mountain, such as increasing your own strength, such as calling for a helper."

"You haven't reached the realm of destiny, so your fate is vague and floating. Maybe some small things can completely change your fate. It's like if you avoid meeting Zhang Hanhan, then you will definitely not love each other. What will happen later will not happen; and since you are already in love and know that she will be in danger in the future, you can always take her by your side, or find a powerful guard to guard her at all times. Of course, I just Let me give you the simplest example, because your dream will take at least a while to happen, and you can do a lot of preparations during this time."

Wen Dong nodded slightly, and after a long time said: "Then what does this destiny mean?"

"Destiny-defying the sky and changing your fate, if you achieve the emperor level and defy the sky and change your fate, then there is at least an [-]% chance of avoiding this disaster."

"Destiny..." Wen Dong murmured, his fists clenched before he knew it.

I am different from Mr. Xing and the others because I have a system. Mr. Xing needs not only talent but also a lot of time to achieve success, but I am different.This has already reached the realm of the king's prophet, and the next realm is the destiny.


The sky has already lit up the whiteness of fish belly.

Wendong has been sitting all night.

On the sofa in the living room, Xiao Baibai seemed to feel that Wendong was in a bad mood, so he lay on the side obediently, looking at the master sitting beside him with a pair of dark eyes.

"Bada..." Wendong lit the sixth cigarette and fell silent again.He is like a statue, only moving when the cigarette is lit every time it burns out, and a layer of soot has accumulated on his trouser legs and under his body.

The little murloc already understood very clearly that he could completely avoid these disasters.

Enduring the fear, Wendong recalled the events in the dream over and over again. Li Ningyan first appeared, she was injured, she was suffering, and she was under a lot of pressure, but what worried him the most was Zhang Hanhan later.

She was actually disemboweled!What the hell does this mean!The more Wen Dong thought about it, the more frightened he became...

(End of this chapter)

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