How bad guys are made

Chapter 999 My Zhang Hanhan

Chapter 999 My Zhang Hanhan

The bedside lamp dimmed, and the familiar and serious face turned into a blurred shadow, and then he felt the bed sink, the quilt was pulled, and he had already got into his own bed.

Just because of an unreal dream, Wen Dong changed so fast that she was a little overwhelmed, but she could feel the extreme and deep love in the other's eyes looking at her, which made Zhang Hanhan feel at ease.

Sensing a big hand reaching out, Zhang Hanhan tacitly raised his neck and pressed it on his arm, turned his head slightly, and shrank his whole body into his arms.

The familiar breath of her husband, her cheek pressed against his chest and hearing his strong heartbeat, the quiet space made her feel like a dream.

"Wendong, is this really you?" Zhang Hanhan moved his small hand to stop his waist, but finally couldn't help asking.

"Who else would it be if it wasn't me? Otherwise, who would dare to hug my wife? I beat her so badly that I don't even know her mother!" Wen Dong tightened his arms around her waist, but hummed.

have to!It really is.Hearing Wen Dong's angry words, Zhang Hanhan finally confirmed that this guy was not possessed by a ghost.

With a movement of the body in his arms, Zhang Hanhan noticed that the black hair on his forehead was being brushed away. Although it was too dark to see clearly, he could clearly guess from the hot air on his forehead and cheeks that he was looking down in the dark. look at yourself.

She slowly closed her eyes, even though she knew she couldn't see anything in the darkness.

And how did she know that Wendong has night vision ability.

Wen Dong supported half of his body with his arms, and kept looking down at her. His snow-white skin, long eyelashes, delicate nose, and lightly pursed pink mouth formed an alluring face.After watching this for 5 minutes, he bowed his head and kissed her.

Wendong is really good to himself and never forces himself.And although the previous kisses had always been gentle, this time there was a kind of tenderness that was even more prominent, without even a trace of other emotions. The tenderness seemed to envelop her whole body in it.

What made me feel more at ease was that Wen Dong just hugged himself, and did nothing but ask for a kiss.

Her mood and body completely relaxed with Wen Dong's gentleness.

"Wendong, I want to be your real wife tonight." She stretched out her snow-white arms to embrace his neck actively, her eyes were watery, and she was naturally charming.

"I love you." Wen Dong said again, without excitement or excitement, it seemed flat, but the tone was so firm.

This time, he was not in a hurry, and lowered his head to kiss her small mouth again, but after hearing Zhang Hanhan's words or permission, the hand that touched her cheek slowly fell to her fragrant shoulder while kissing. Hands drop again...

Although Zhang Hanhan had completely relaxed, especially Wen Dong's extreme gentleness made him unable to feel flustered at all, but his increasingly hot body felt the gentle walking hand, and his whole body was still tense.

"Wife, have you really thought it through?" Wen Dong also felt a little congested, but he still didn't lose his mind after all, perhaps because the dream that had been lingering in his mind always made him uneasy.

Zhang Hanhan didn't reply, but she clasped her neck tightly with her hands and told him with actions.

I don't believe that anyone can do harm to Zhang Hanhan, unless he steps over his own corpse.

Wen Dong comforted himself in this way, and finally took the initiative to fully embrace Zhang Hanhan's delicate body that had already become hot with his hands, bowed his head and kissed her mouth tightly, his movements were rough and gentle.

The room was dark, but it seemed that Wen Dong was staring at her. Although she couldn't see clearly, she still shyly pulled the pillow over her head.

Only then did Wendong remember that Zhang Hanhan had given herself the innocence that had been preserved for more than 20 years. As for her heart, she no longer needed to think about it. The indescribable softness and pity in Wendong's heart...

For every woman, everyone knows what this means, especially for Zhang Hanhan, who has a strong traditional concept, she has given everything to herself!

Under the dim orange light, Wen Dong was leaning against the head of the bed tiredly, his expression couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, maybe it was because of that dream, not only was there no excitement at this time, but he felt a heavy burden on himself heart.

He shook his head to get rid of these messy emotions, glanced at Zhang Hanhan who was curled up in his arms and was still panting, and said with a wry smile: "Hanhan, are you okay, I'm sorry, I just lost my mind."

"Are you okay? I told you to be gentle." Zhang Hanhan sat up with effort, wrapped her body in a blanket, but still couldn't cover her uneven body.He glanced at Wendong resentfully, his face was still dizzy after passion, but his movements were awkward. You must know that Wendong's movements were gentle at first, but when the two were really together , he turned into a beast.Thinking of it now, she still felt her head explode, how could she still make that embarrassing voice.

It's just that apart from being angry, she wasn't dissatisfied at all. It's just that she couldn't bear to meet a bastard husband like Wen Dong who arranged exercises when she was a newcomer, and she complained in her heart.

Wendong smiled wryly, did not speak, and blamed Zhang Hanhan's body for his allure, tenderness, and sexiness, coupled with the deepest and even a special love for her from the bottom of his heart, it finally turned into a passion.

"I want to take a bath, go and fill me with water." Zhang Hanhan said suddenly after taking a break.

"Ah? It's so late, what are you washing up for? Go to bed quickly, and we'll talk about it tomorrow morning." Wen Dong looked at her speechlessly and said.

"No, I'm sweating so much, I feel uncomfortable, I can't sleep, go quickly." I don't know if the couple has finally had the deepest relationship, Zhang Hanhan's shyness has obviously subsided a lot at this time, and the lingering dizziness after passion is gone. As cold and glamorous as in the past, she leaned awkwardly on the bed beside Wendong, snuggled into Wendong's arms, raised her little head, and looked urging.

"Are you sure you can still stand up?" Wen Dong looked at her strangely and said.

"There is a bathtub, hurry up." Seeing Wen Dong dawdling, Zhang Hanhan urged unwillingly.

"Okay." Seeing Zhang Hanhan's insistence, Wendong could only get on his pants and jump off the bed.Zhang Hanhan lives in the master bedroom, and there is a large bathroom in the bedroom, including a very comfortable bathtub, but Wendong can only take a look at it at most, and he is not even qualified to look at it. His wife never lets himself in Her bathroom, let alone use it.

After filling the bathtub with water, Wen Dong came out and found that the bed sheet had been replaced with a new one, and she had hidden the bed sheet stained with Zhang Hanhan's memory.

However, it may be because Zhang Hanhan was too fast, Zhang Hanhan hadn't had time to change into her nightgown, and the thin blanket couldn't cover her body, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin, which made Wendong's eyes warm again.

"Hold me in." Zhang Hanhan twisted his body and tried to stand up, but after all, he felt uncomfortable in his lower body, so he had to say.

"Go take a bath too, or else you don't want to sleep." Zhang Hanhan lay comfortably in the bathtub. Although the two had been frank with each other, Wen Dong stood aside and watched him take a bath, after all, he felt uncomfortable. Fortunately, there was a lot of foam in the bathtub. , barely visible.

"Well, I'll wash it too." Wen Dong nodded, but didn't leave. Zhang Hanhan gave him a strange look, but saw his eyes fixed on his bathtub.

"You go out to wash, go to the guest bathroom to wash." Zhang Hanhan suddenly understood what Wendong meant, and said quickly and vigilantly, with a hint of domineering threat in his tone, but because his voice was a little hoarse, it sounded like anger.

"Bastard, what are you doing, don't take off your clothes! Get out!" Zhang Hanhan was startled when he saw that Wendong raised his arms and took off the pajamas on his upper body, and quickly cursed.

"Damn, what's wrong with labor and management coming in to wash, labor and management have been coveting your bathtub for a long time, grandma, labor and management not only enter the bathtub, but also..."

"Ah, bastard, don't come in, get out quickly..."

Seeing that this bastard really jumped in, Zhang Hanhan was shocked and pushed him out in panic. The foam flew all over the place, making the water in the bathtub squeak.

But the noise of the two people in the bathroom only lasted for a few minutes before it quieted down silently, and the silence was also only for a while, and soon, there were bursts of strange noises inside, but it lasted for a long time. ...

The pointer of time has pointed to one o'clock in the morning.

"Wendong, you bastard!"

Zhang Hanhan sat on the head of the bed, barely raised his face lying on Wendong's shoulder, and cursed weakly.The winking eyes are like silk, shy and angry, and her lips are pursed lightly, which makes her feel a little dreamy now. Is this guy still human?
Does he know how to write the words Lianxiangxiyu?This bastard actually tossed himself again in the bathroom, and what made him even more ashamed and wanted to commit suicide was that he just accepted it like this, and what was even more unbearable was that he still found it extremely exciting and enjoyable...

(End of this chapter)

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