How bad guys are made

Chapter 998 Strange Dreams

Chapter 998 Strange Dreams
Zhang Hanhan wept loudly, kneeling on the muddy ground, looking up at her painful face with tears, the sky was still full of lightning and thunder, and heavy raindrops fell on her pale and heart-wrenching face...

Tears rolled down his cheeks, he seemed to understand that these tearing tentacles were hallucinations, he climbed up vigorously, kicked those tentacles away vigorously, finally kicked those tentacles away, rushed to Zhang Hanhan in two or three steps, Pick her up: "Zhang Hanhan, I love you, I love you, I've said it ten thousand times, I love you, I've always loved you!"

This time, Zhang Hanhan finally recovered from his confused soliloquy, as if he saw himself, looked at him blankly, wept with joy, but cried: "I know, I have always known, Wendong, I love you too. You, I love you too..."

I hugged her vigorously, but suddenly found that my hand was sunk into her body. I was startled suddenly, raised my shoulders and looked at her. Fear instantly spread to every corner and every cell of my body!It was seen that Zhang Hanhan's whole body was covered with blood, and he was disembowelled.

"Hanhan, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me! You are..." I screamed in horror, clutching her shoulders with trembling hands, not daring to move, my expression was full of fear, and at the end of my words, I didn't dare to move. dare not say.

"It's okay." Unexpectedly, Zhang Hanhan looked up at himself and smiled at himself, and said again: "It's okay, I only love you, all I need is enough, I love you..."

"It doesn't matter what the hell, what is going on!"


I suddenly sat up from the sofa, opened my eyes and saw a pair of clear and sullen beautiful eyes staring at me unblinkingly, as if I was taken aback by my sudden shout, and furrowed slightly in anger There was a trace of worry on his brow.

"Wendong, what's wrong with you? Are you doing..."

"Hanhan, what's going on? Tell me quickly?" Wen Dong stood up abruptly, as if he hadn't recovered from the dream.Zhang Hanhan only felt a change in front of his eyes, and then felt a pain in his shoulders. Wen Dong seemed to be pinching his shoulders with both hands because of excitement, staring at himself and shouting.

"Wendong, what's wrong with you? You're having a nightmare." Zhang Hanhan was angry at first, but seeing that her husband's eyes were tearing up really frightened him, so he explained in a low voice.

"Nightmare?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, then slowly calmed down, his eyes quickly stared at Zhang Hanhan and looked left and right, only to find that Zhang Hanhan was fine and nothing happened.Thinking of the memories before going to bed, I saw my wife run away in shame, and then I fell asleep without knowing it after smoking a cigarette.

It turned out to be a dream!
"Let go, you're hurting me." Zhang Hanhan reminded, frowning.He didn't hit or scold, he seemed to be frightened by Wendong's dazed and fearful look.

"Hanhan, I love you, I will never leave you again, I love you." Wen Dong still couldn't help trembling all over, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her vigorously.

It turned out to be a nightmare.Wen Dong has been convinced, but at this time his face is covered with cold sweat, and even his face is battered.However, that dream was so real, why did I have such a dream?Could it be that it is really because of too much pressure recently?I actually dreamed of a very strange scene. What do those bloody arms mean? Is it the dark dawn, or the unknown power hidden in the outer world?

Thinking of this, Wen Dong couldn't help but tremble again.

Zhang Hanhan listened to Wendong's love words without a trace of technical content, which was not pleasant at all.But at this time, Wendong Wendong also no longer has the usual playful and playful smile, no romantic atmosphere, but serious and firm, and this makes her feel more at ease than the usual provocative love words.

Especially at this time, she was only wearing a thin pajamas, and the two hugged each other tightly. She could clearly feel Wen Dong's trembling because of fear. He was so frightened that he turned his head slightly, and saw that Wen Dong's eyes were moist, and he was crying!It was supposed to make fun of him, and even this was enough to embarrass this bastard husband, but the words turned into: "It's okay, it's just a dream."

"Hmm." For Zhang Hanhan's comfort, Wendong didn't feel ashamed at all, but just hugged her tightly to calm himself down quickly.

"Let go of me, I'm so hugged by you that I can't breathe." The two embraced for a long time, Zhang Hanhan reminded.

"Hold for a while." Wen Dong buried his head in her hair and said softly.

"You..." Zhang Hanhan was dumbfounded when he heard that, Wen Dong, a bastard, was also clever in playing tricks, but today she had some coquettish tricks that opened her eyes, and she couldn't help but laugh.But suddenly I remembered some words my father said before. Men also suffer and are tired, but they don't show it to others easily.Knowing the arms tightly hugged around her waist, her heart also softened.

"Okay, it's getting late, you take a shower and go to bed." Zhang Hanhan stretched out his hand and patted his thick back, and complained with a small mouth: "Your body is sticky and hot, how much sweat did you sweat? This is..."

"it is good."

Surprisingly, it was the first time that my husband was so obedient, Zhang Hanhan looked up in surprise.

Although he had calmed down slowly at this time, she saw that he was still frowning and his mood was not very stable. She was a little curious about what Wendong dreamed about that could scare him like this, but she had nightmares before. After all, no one wants to bring up those scary things in the dream for the second time. I grabbed his hand, only to find that his palm was also full of sweat, and it was icy cold.

Her voice also softened: "Go take a shower, I'll prepare underwear for you."


Yuba sprayed cold water on his head, irritating his skin, and the sound of rushing water in his ears...

Everything is telling myself that it is just a dream!

But that dream was really weird, especially the scene of Zhang Hanhan's disembowelling was always lingering in my mind...

Does this dream indicate something to me?

Wen Dong couldn't help cursing, shook his head vigorously and didn't think about it, and took a shower for more than half an hour before he calmed down slowly.

"Wendong, have you finished washing?" Almost when the sound of water in the bathroom stopped, Zhang Hanhan's voice sounded outside the door.

"Well, what's the matter?" Wen Dong asked, and he didn't have the heart to tease her anymore.

"Here, let me change into your clothes. Don't wear your clothes. You're sweating and smelly." At this time, the bathroom door was opened a gap, and a snow-white hand like a jade lotus root came in. It is a set of men's underwear.

"Hurry up and go to bed, what time is it?" Zhang Hanhan complained outside, and then said: "Just put your underwear in the bathroom, wait until tomorrow I... I will wash it for you."

Hearing Zhang Hanhan's gentle words to him for the first time outside, Wendong was touched again, and put on the boxer pants and the upper body cotton pajamas that he didn't like to wear in two or three times.Opening the bathroom door, Zhang Hanhan's familiar pretty face came into view, standing there pretty and lively.

She seemed to be a little worried, and looked at herself with a pair of beautiful eyes with a hint of worry.

"I'm fine, go to sleep." Wen Dong said.

"Oh... ah, what are you doing?" Zhang Hanhan just nodded in agreement and was about to turn around and go back to the room, when he realized that his body lightened, and the scene in front of him changed and he was in Wendong's arms again.

Wen Dong wrapped his arms around her snow-white legs, supported her back with the other and held her in his arms, looked down at her and said, "Don't talk."

"You..." Seeing Wendong's serious expression, Zhang Hanhan still couldn't help but blush and heartbeat, wondering if this guy is acting again, if he can't do it hard enough, he can play emotional scenes with himself to arouse his sympathy?

And just as he hesitated in a trance, he felt that his body was pressed against the soft place, and when he came back to his senses, he found that Wendong had gently put himself on the bed in the bedroom.

"drink water?"

"Drink, of course." Reminded by Wendong like this, she remembered that she was going to pour water before, but she hasn't drunk water until now.

Wen Dong stood up and glanced at her, nodded, and walked out under the shocked gaze of the other party.Zhang Hanhan still maintained the posture of lying flat on the bed, but stared blankly at the back of Wendong leaving. He always felt that Wendong seemed to have lost his soul. He was curious again, what kind of dream was that? How could he scare him like another person.

But this is better, compared to his usual blustery look, I prefer his calm and calm look, but I always feel a little weird in my heart.

"Come on, drink some water." Just as she was thinking wildly, Wen Dong's still hoarse voice sounded in her ears. She raised her beautiful eyes and saw Wen Dong sitting on the side of the bed with a glass of water. , and put his hand on his shoulder.

"I can just drink it myself." Seeing that Wendong seemed to be feeding himself water, Zhang Hanhan reminded.

Wen Dong didn't speak, but looked at himself with a slight frown.


It's rare for my bastard husband to serve me so calmly and peacefully. Thinking of this, Zhang Hanhan didn't disobey him, and obediently opened his mouth to suck - on the rim of the cup next to his mouth.

Putting the half-drunk teacup on the bedside table, he turned around and pulled the thin quilt over her body under Zhang Hanhan's staring gaze.

Zhang Hanhan's expression was calm at this time, but his beautiful eyes were fixed on Wen Dong's eyes, his eyes were black and clear, without any trace of the usual annoying look.It was also the first time she saw Wendong look so serious, just feeding herself water and covering herself with quilts, but the movements were extremely gentle, as if she was conceived in October and served confinement .

Zhang Hanhan is very weird. Seeing his serious expression, he can't make a sound to break the atmosphere, but he can't help but want to laugh. Although he was raised by his parents and spoiled, he didn't Are you so squeamish?

(End of this chapter)

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