How bad guys are made

Chapter 997 Asleep?conspiracy?

Chapter 997 Asleep?conspiracy?

Zhang Hanhan was proud of himself, when the tiger is still taking a nap, so what if you are good?I said in my heart that now I see you are arrogant, and today I will show you how powerful my old lady is, so you have to be careful in the future!

The strange stimulation at the ankle made Zhang Hanhan's whole body feel like an electric current spread along her little feet in an instant, making her delicate body tremble, her pink face flushed even more, her brain was buzzing, this bastard was abnormal, he actually kissed his own feet ...

Wendong also saw her delicate and white feet and couldn't help kissing her. Seeing her shocked at this time, he also felt hot on his face, and smiled awkwardly. He was about to let go but froze there, staring at the sleeping girl with dull eyes. The two white and sexy long legs under the skirt are a touch of purple and almost transparent lace. Although Zhang Hanhan looks glamorous and domineering on the outside, she has always been very bold in her underwear...

"Purple?" The infinite scenery under the nightdress made Wendong's nose feel hot, he quickly blocked his nose, and at the same time said it subconsciously, but he let go of it quickly, he really didn't dare to look any further, If I can't help myself, I will be in trouble. Now is a critical period, and my wife hasn't coaxed her well yet.

"What purple..." Zhang Hanhan also saw something from Wendong's work and eyes covering his nose, and his heart beat suddenly, and then he suddenly understood what purple he was talking about.

"Wendong, you rascal!" Zhang Hanhan only felt his face flushed with fever, and he didn't care about beating and scolding. He flushed his face and cursed in embarrassment, and fled into the bedroom as if flying, and then closed the door with a 'bang'. A heart keeps beating 'bang bang'...

Wen Dong sat awkwardly on the sofa smoking a cigarette, looked at his wife's tightly closed bedroom, and smiled wryly at the corner of his mouth. He was amused by the tender and tender Su Yuemeng before, but now he saw Zhang Hanhan's spring again, and there was a kind of dryness in his body. It's hard for him to calm down, damn it, it's really a crime, do you want to shoot a pistol tonight to solve it?

"What are you still doing here? Get out!" After taking a bath for more than 40 minutes and changing into a sexy suspender pajamas, Zhang Hanhan found that there was still no movement in the living room outside. She took the water glass to pour After pouring water, he opened the door and saw that Wendong, who thought he had already left or went to sleep in the next bedroom, was still sitting on the sofa in the living room, and immediately cursed.

But then there was no reply from Wendong. He waited vigilantly with his small hand on the door frame. This bastard husband's acting skills are top-notch, but there was no sound after waiting. She frowned slightly and closed the bedroom door behind her. .

After waiting for another 3 minutes, the bedroom door opened again, and a curious head poked out, with a pair of beautiful eyes with a hint of doubt, isn't it just pretending?

She couldn't help but took a closer look at Wen Dong who had been left to dry for a long time. Zhang Hanhan's nose was almost out of breath, and her husband, who was not doing business, was lying on the sofa in the living room, sleeping soundly.

Does this damned bastard have a brain? Is this a demonstration to himself?Or deliberately angry with yourself?What's the deal with sleeping here, even sleeping on the sofa with relish.

Zhang Hanhan's pretty face turned pale with anger, raised the half glass of water that was about to be poured out, and after a few steps, he came to the sofa and was about to pour the cold water in the glass on Wen Dong's head to wake him up, but all of a sudden.Wen Dong in front of him was sleeping very deeply, but he was not happy. He was breathing very long, a little panting, and his brows were tightly frowned. But at this time, when he looked closely, he found that his expression was even more serious. Exuding a deep exhaustion.

I remembered that this guy had been in seclusion for a month, and he didn't know what to do. He only heard that he would not eat or drink for a month. Although he didn't understand or even believe in these martial arts, the incident on the boat kept reminding him that Wendong was originally Not an ordinary person, and even he has even more powerful enemies.Obviously, this guy must not have had a lot of rest in the past month, even if he is hardened, he must be exhausted. This can be clearly seen from the exhaustion on his face, for some reason.Zhang Hanhan suddenly felt unbearable, even distressed. He wanted to wake him up but was afraid of waking him up from sleep. He sighed and walked back. When he came back, he already had an extra blanket in his hand and gently covered him.


Dimly, green branches swaying, the sun above the head is scorching the earth.On the side of the street, people in twos and threes were waiting for the bus, and he was standing aside.In the distance, a Zhanyi limousine slowly parked at the edge of the bus platform, the window slowly fell, and a beautiful and extremely vulgar face appeared in front of my eyes.

Is it Ning Yan, or the tight leather jacket that outlines the already hot figure so seductively, that face is still so indifferent, but after seeing himself, there is a slight smile on the sexy pink lips.

She opened the car door, stepped on a pair of black short boots and got out of the car, looked at herself and said, "Wendong, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Such a scene was so real, Wen Dong didn't even know that he was dreaming, he just thought that she couldn't bear to miss her and just came back from Li Shan.

Wen Dong walked over involuntarily, took her hand actively, she held her hand behind her back, and entered the car together with her ten fingers clasped tightly.But the moment he got into the car, the world suddenly changed, and there was lightning and thunder in the small car, ordering his head to lose focus for a moment.It was dark all around, and the intertwined lightning flashed on and off, but Wen Dong was surprised to see that Li Ningyan, who was still fine just now, was already lying softly in the seat, with her snow-white forehead and that Qingcheng face at this moment. But it was full of blood.

She cried, tears streaming down her face, her eyes closed, she seemed to be angry, but she still grabbed her hand abruptly and with difficulty.

"Wendong, Wendong..." She called softly, her long eyelashes trembling because of the extreme pain, it seemed that every cry required great strength.

He quickly grabbed her hand: "Ningyan, Ningyan, you..."

Li Ningyan always closed her eyes, but her voice was full of tears, and she said: "The curse mark I put on your's obviously the curse mark I put on your heart, but...but why is it still me that hurts, Wendong, I... I'm really tired, why can't you share the burden with me, can you help me..."

What curse seal?
Wendong's mind was muddled, he couldn't understand at all, he could only hold her tightly, feeling unspeakable fear in his heart, not knowing what was going on.

But at this moment, Li You didn't dare to speak and suddenly pushed herself away, her beautiful face turned into that of a confidante, who pointed at herself with trembling fingers, and cried and cursed: "Bastard, you have never seen the instructor's tears can not see!"

"Hongyan, I..."

Wendong was a little overwhelmed, with a little bit of bewilderment, but the rest was all fear!
Hongyan was crying.

Suddenly, a pair of hands embraced him from behind, and the unique fragrance of Zhang Hanhan's hair wafted through his nostrils. He turned around instinctively, only to find that Zhang Hanhan followed him into the car at some point.But at this time, I didn't care about these things at all. I saw her beautiful face was covered with tears at this moment, like a wounded and helpless kitten, curled up in a corner in the darkness, she cried It was so sad, she trembled all over, terrified.Helplessness, bewilderment, fear, a series of complex emotions filled the entire carriage, as if entangled in his heart with blood-sucking tentacles, he couldn't breathe.And the pity, distress, confusion and even panic in my heart made me feel like a bottomless abyss. The boundless darkness mixed with the wailing of death seemed to be the end of the world.

However, Zhang Hanhan raised her head and looked at herself with tears in her eyes. She seemed to be riddled with holes and extremely fragile, but her eyes were extremely firm, with tears glistening in her eyes, and she murmured: "No matter what, I love you, I don't want anything, I just want you, I love you, come back soon... your wife misses you, come back soon, I want to see you, I'm afraid, I love you..."

She didn't seem to see herself right in front of her eyes, she just trembled and cried to herself...

"Honey, I'm here, I'm here, who bullied you, what's going on? I'm here." Believe it or not, although I always feel that every woman loves you, it is undeniable that I am the one who loves Zhang Hanhan the most. Hearing her terrified and helpless voice, I was really scared, and quickly stretched out my hand to hold her hand tightly.

Unexpectedly, this hand caught the air, and Zhang Hanhan seemed to be drawn by something, and flew out quickly.

I was so shocked that I couldn't care about anything else, and ran hard, trying to get close to and grab Zhang Hanhan, but she was like a mirage, making it impossible for me to get close forever, only her tear-blurred eyes were still looking at me, With a crying voice, she said to herself: "Bastard, you bastard! I love you, I love you, I don't want anything, all I want is to love you, come back soon, I miss you so much..."

Suddenly, bloody arms broke through the ground under his feet, crying like a night cat or a baby, and tightly wrapped around his feet.

"Go away!" Wen Dong yelled, and was about to kick it away, but the tip of the tentacle turned into a human face, Li Ningyan, He Qing, Lin Xiaoxi, Li Binger...

Seeing their crying faces one by one, he finally couldn't keep kicking.But at this time, those tentacles dragged his body quickly into the ground with all his strength, and seeing the sad eyes of Han Han who was getting farther and farther away, he refused with heartache.

"No! Wendong, I just want to love you, I love you..."

Zhang Hanhan wept loudly, kneeling on the muddy ground, looking up at her painful face with tears, the sky was still full of lightning and thunder, and heavy raindrops fell on her pale and heart-wrenching face...

(End of this chapter)

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