Chapter 996

"Okay, I'll drink it right now, you put me down now, I'm not without arms and legs." Facing Wendong's rascals and nonsense, Zhang Hanhan could only nod in humiliation, she didn't want to talk about other things, and It's probably useless to talk, the key is that now I don't even have the energy to talk.Getting out of this guy's arms as soon as possible is the most important thing. Although there are no outsiders here, I always feel uncomfortable sitting on his lap in such an ambiguous posture.

"That's not okay, how can I guarantee that you really eat, what if you run away as soon as I let go?" Wen Dong rolled his eyes, indifferent.

"Then how do you want to let me go?" The bastard just wanted to hug himself to make a profit, but he already knew that even if he said it like this, it would be a waste of words, and he stared at him.

"Well, that's it..." Zhang Hanhan's obedient solicitation for his own opinion really surprised him a little. He probably was really hungry, so he went straight to: "Well, you can just be in my arms and eat it. I will eat it after eating." Just let you go, look, I don’t feel wronged if I’m willing to make a meat pad for you, what else do you not want?” Wen Dong curled his lips and said, as if you were making a lot of money.

"You..." Zhang Hanhan was tongue-tied all of a sudden, and it took a full minute before he said coldly: "Wendong, don't be a good boy when you get cheap, I know your virtues better than you, and I will tell you clearly today It’s gone, your trick doesn’t work anymore, and you still want me to wear slippers, there’s no way!”

Zhang Hanhan gritted his teeth, and his voice was extremely firm. Every time before, he was so angry with this guy that he finally compromised.But today, I can't say anything like this anymore, or I will be eaten by this bastard for a lifetime in the future?
Wendong glanced at her in surprise. He didn't expect Zhang Hanhan's reaction to be so strong, and his attitude seemed very firm, but he rolled his eyes and smiled: "You really don't want to eat?"

"I won't eat it!" Zhang Hanhan shook his head angrily, with a firm tone.

"Okay, hehe..." Wen Dong held her waist tightly with his big hands to prevent her from running away, but with a lewd smile on his lips, he stopped talking and took a sip of chicken soup by himself.

Zhang Hanhan originally turned her face to confront him, but hearing Wendong's obscene laughter made her really shudder. God knows that she and Wendong are no longer the same, so she turned her head subconsciously When he came, he saw Wen Dong looking at him with a sinister smile.That look was not looking at other places, it was his pouted mouth, and there was a weird evil smile at the corner of his mouth that made her feel scared even in her heart.

"Wendong, what do you want to do?" Zhang Hanhan instinctively felt something was wrong when he looked at Wendong's evil smile, and asked in a threatening and cold tone.

"There is no way out, since you don't want to eat it yourself, then I can only come here for you. Hehe, wife, you are very knowledgeable, you must know the idiom called Xiangruyimo? I have never fed others like this before, you It's my first time, and today you have taken advantage of it." After Wen Dong finished speaking, he took another sip of the chicken soup, then wrapped her slender waist tightly and pulled her over, lowering his head and slowly facing Zhang Hanhan The little mouth moved over...

Are you in love with each other?
Before he could understand the meaning of the idioms that popped out of Wen Dong's words, he saw Wen Dong's pouting face approaching him, and he suddenly understood, his head buzzed for a while.She immediately understood the hidden meaning of that idiom. (Wet: wet; foam: saliva) Although I was secretly kissed by this bastard, but now I think of the meaning of this idiom and feel extremely shy. Seeing Wendong's face getting closer and closer to me, the target of his lips It was his own mouth that made Zhang Hanhan almost go crazy...

"Wendong, don't, don't, I, I'll eat..." Seeing that Wendong really came up to him, he still used the trick of changing the soup without changing the medicine, but the distance between the lips of the two was only three centimeters, Zhang Hanhan finally He was so scared that he quickly compromised and said.

"Hmm...?" Wen Dong paused, looking at her strangely, as if he didn't understand how to eat this 'eat'?
"I'll eat, I'll eat by myself, me. I'll just sit in your arms and eat by myself...", but he couldn't beat him by himself, but he really turned his face but couldn't give up. Zhang Hanhan was so wronged that he was about to cry. Once threatened like this, there is no power to resist.

"Hmm." Wen Dong understood this, loosened his grip on her waist a little, sat up straight, but opened his mouth, and spit the chicken soup back into the soup bowl with a 'poof' Li, and then sent it to Zhang Hanhan naturally, nodded with a smile and said: "Eat."

Zhang Hanhan breathed a sigh of relief and escaped from under Wendong's mouth. At this moment, when he saw the soup bowl in front of him, there were still countless bubbles rolling in it, and his taste suddenly twitched violently, and he almost retched.But knowing that he couldn't escape Wendong's clutches, he could only look at him for help, curled his lips coquettishly, stretched out his hand and said, "I won't eat this bowl, I'll eat another bowl."

"Oh, okay." Knowing that Zhang Hanhan has reached the limit, Wen Dong accepts it when he sees it, feeling a little proud, but he doesn't dare to go too far, in case Zhang Hanhan really gets mad, he will be the one who will be unlucky in the end.So he poured the soup bowl in his hand into Xiao Baibai's food bowl, took a new bowl, filled two spoonfuls and sent it to Zhang Hanhan.

This time Zhang Hanhan was very obedient, took the soup bowl without hesitation, and drank it in small sips. She was really afraid of Wendong today.Some time ago, it was a little bit better, except for the pain of lovesickness that was released, it seemed that he had really matured a lot, but this time he returned to his previous face again, even more shameless.And I really can't bear to be cold-faced, and I guess it's useless to this guy even if I have a cold-faced face. people?There is no place to cry, and I can't sue my parents about this...

"Hey, sorry for my first time, I just refused without contempt, hey..." Seeing Zhang Hanhan eating soup obediently and obediently, Wendong let her go and leaned on the sofa, but he sighed.

Zhang Hanhan imitated Wendong's previous appearance, holding the fried rice in one hand and the soup bowl in the other, acting as if he didn't hear it, and dared not speak.After finishing the chicken soup in a while, my sister's stomach finally felt better. She looked at Wendong and said, "I'm done." Her meaning was obvious, can you let me go now?
"Oh, it's finished, I'll serve it for you." Wen Dong didn't look at her directly, took the soup bowl and continued to fill another bowl, and then sent it to her hand, while the other hand was After taking over a plate of fried rice, only one was missing, he smiled and said, "Come on, eat a few more fried rice, one is not enough."

Zhang Hanhan didn't speak, but he was also hungry, a bowl of chicken soup was just at the bottom, since he couldn't resist at this moment, he simply didn't think about it.So under Wendong's service, he ate the fried rice with chicken soup with gusto. After a while, he ate four fried rice and two bowls of chicken soup.

Seeing that Wendong took the soup bowl and was about to fill it up, Zhang Hanhan hurriedly stopped him and said, "No, I'm already full." Although he was very hungry, his appetite was small. Two bowls of chicken soup and four fried rice were already full. It has far exceeded my usual appetite, and now I just feel that my stomach is bulging and I can't eat any more.

"Is this enough?" Wen Dong looked into Zhang Hanhan's eyes and then at her still slender and sexy waist, feeling a little puzzled and doubtful, as this little meal wasn't enough to fill his teeth.

"I'm really full." Zhang Hanhan nodded, looked at him and said.

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded seriously, put the soup bowl on the coffee table, and then leaned comfortably on the sofa again, but he seemed to see Zhang Hanhan's eyes looking at him eagerly, and asked strangely: " Wife, why are you looking at me like that?"

"I...!" Zhang Hanhan was angry, just about to get angry but was suppressed by himself, and asked patiently: "I'm full now, can you let me go?"

"Let go of you, why?" Wen Dong was taken aback, looking at her inexplicably.

"Wendong, you!" Zhang Hanhan gritted his teeth and hated secretly, but suppressed the anger in his heart again, trying to keep his tone calm: "I have an important work meeting tomorrow, and it's so late now that I want to rest early."

"That's it." Wen Dong just pretended to look at the wall clock on the wall, and very "understanding" let go of Zhang Hanhan's hands, letting her sit on the sofa next to her legs, giving another serious admonition Said: "I'm not talking about you, don't stay up late if you know you have something to do tomorrow, it's so late, go to sleep."

Zhang Hanhan just got up and took two steps. Hearing Wendong's reprimand, he felt furious. He didn't know where the strength came from. He kicked Wendong suddenly. Isn't it all because of him to toss about the meal?
Don't look at Zhang Hanhan's delicate appearance, noble and elegant, but he learned taekwondo and judo when he was in college, and even now he occasionally practices yoga and other physical exercises, and he is really angry in his heart. There were sarcastic remarks there, so I didn't think much about it.This kick was fast and hard, but the target was Wen Dong's shoulder, and it wouldn't cause too much damage...

Probably this bastard didn't expect that he would suddenly kick him. Seeing Wendong's foot had reached Wendong's shoulder in a daze, Zhang Hanhan felt proud. When the tiger is still taking a nap, so what if you are good?I said in my heart that now I see you are arrogant, and today I will show you how powerful my old lady is, so you have to be careful in the future!
Unexpectedly, just when Zhang Hanhan was about to hit the kick with great pride, a big hand appeared in front of his eyes like a ghost, and grabbed his ankle that was kicked out.Wendong still looks lazy, but he firmly holds Zhang Hanhan's tender and bony ankle in his hand. In front of him is a white and exquisite little foot, without a trace of odor, and even has a faint milky fragrance. The smell of the smell penetrated into the nose, but when he looked up, he looked at Zhang Hanhan, who was also astonished and stared wide-eyed: "Honey, what are you doing, do you want me to appreciate your small and delicate feet? Well, indeed, My wife's little feet are really pretty, not only pretty, but also fragrant..." Holding her ankle with one hand, Wen Dong grinned, lowered his head and kissed her ankle lightly...

(End of this chapter)

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