How bad guys are made

Chapter 995 Don't Be Embarrassed

Chapter 995 Don't Be Embarrassed

"Hey, wife, I thought you were asleep so late, you must be hungry, come on, eat quickly, I just warmed it up for you." Wen Dong secretly looked at his wife beside him, thinking After all, I was at fault for not coming home without saying a word for more than 20 days. I quickly sat down next to Zhang Hanhan and opened up the topic with a smile. While talking, I reached out and moved the food on the coffee table to Zhang Hanhan. Understand people's persuasion.

Is this hot for me?

Zhang Hanhan rolled his eyes, almost fainted by this shameless bastard.All the good ones were eaten up by this bastard, and there was less than a third of the rest!You also have the face to say that you warmed me up?
Thinking of this, she couldn't help thinking to herself, thankfully, she came down early, otherwise this bastard would probably feed the rest to the dogs!
"I won't eat it, I've already eaten it." Zhang Hanhan glanced at the messy raw pan fried and chicken soup with only a few chicken bones left in front of him, and turned away with a cold snort. Looking at these things made her lose her appetite, Couldn't eat it at all.Anyway, I often go to bed hungry, and I won't die.

However, it smells good.

"Oh." Wendong agreed, no doubt about him, and then called out a "squeak" in his mouth, and said to Xiaobai who was wagging his tail and eyes: "Come on, good son, your mother doesn't want to eat, we two eat."

"What are you doing!" Seeing that Wendong was about to pour the chicken soup in the pot into Xiaobaibai's food bowl, Zhang Hanhan screamed and grabbed his arm.

"Ah? What, what am I doing?" Wen Dong was taken aback by Zhang Hanhan's actions, and turned to look at her in surprise and weirdness.

"You, you can't feed Xiaobai these things, don't you know that Xiaobai eating these sundries will make his hair bad." Zhang Hanhan's mind turned, and he quickly explained, while talking, his face was cold Cold reprimand.

"Zhang Hanhan, what theory are you talking about? Can dog food compare with these nutritious things? You just feed him this kind of tasteless dog food every day just because his fur looks good? What kind of psychology is this? "Wen Dong felt that she was making trouble for no reason at all, so he couldn't help but retorted a little angrily.

"I..." Zhang Hanhan was speechless after saying a word, she didn't feel sorry for feeding Xiao Baibai, but the key point was that she hadn't eaten yet.Although my mother brought me some raw vegetables in the kitchen by the way this afternoon, the key is that I don't know how to cook them myself.

"Then my mother made it. How can you feed the dog? Don't you think it's a waste?" Zhang Hanhan said angrily.

"Waste?" Wen Dong's expression became more and more weird. At this time, he was sure that this woman was just finding fault for nothing, and he sneered, "What is waste? If you don't eat this thing, it will go bad tomorrow morning? Even if you put it in the refrigerator and heat it up again It's not tasty, so it won't be wasted when it's poured into the sewer?"

"You..." Zhang Hanhan was almost choked to death by his words, and was speechless.

Seeing Zhang Hanhan flushed with anger, Wen Dong rolled his eyes, as if he understood, and felt a little funny in his heart, when will this Zhang Hanhan let go of her paper-thin face?

"Why, am I not right?" Thinking of this, but put down the soup bowl, the old god was leaning on the sofa and picking his teeth, looking at Zhang Hanhan at the side like a teacher teaching a primary school student.

"Yes, you are right, but I..." Zhang Hanhan blushed a little, and wanted to say that she hadn't eaten yet but couldn't say it. She just said that she had already eaten. If she changed her words now, she would definitely be caught by this bastard. It was a joke, she didn't want to lose face in front of the questioner, so she quickly stopped talking, at worst, she would be hungry all night and eat tomorrow.

"But you haven't eaten yet." Wen Dong looked at her with a grin.

"You are talking nonsense. Didn't I just say that I have already eaten? Are your ears not working well?" Zhang Hanhan couldn't hold back when he saw through him, and he stared at him angrily and scolded.

"Oh, then why are you so angry?" Wen Dong looked at her strangely and asked amusedly.

"Of course I'm mad at you, I get angry just looking at you." Zhang Hanhan said coldly.

"Hey." Hearing his wife's angry words, Wen Dong was thick-skinned and unmoved. He reached for the soup pot and scooped the chicken soup into the bowl and said, "Eat it, it will be cold if you don't eat it."

Wen Dong deliberately shook the soup in front of her, and with the scooping, the strong smell of chicken soup came out.

This taste is really fragrant. It looks like my mother stewed it with mushrooms.

"Don't eat." Zhang Hanhan couldn't save face but turned her head and said, but she didn't want to be okay. Thinking about it this way, she felt even more hungry. She was busy and tired from work at noon and didn't have much thought to eat. When she returned home, it was deserted and depressed One night, it has been seven or eight hours now, when I asked about the strong smell of hot fried chicken and chicken soup, I had already protested in my stomach, but Wen Dong looked at me even though he said so. She resisted the half-smile look in her eyes, she must not lose face in front of this bastard.

"You really don't want to eat?" Wen Dong continued to ask.

"Don't eat!" Zhang Hanhan simply turned his head away, but his voice was a little hesitant. The key point is that the taste of this chicken soup is really too fragrant, and it is her favorite black-bone chicken and wild mushroom soup. It was made by her mother herself. Xin said that as long as Wendong persuaded himself a few more words in a low voice, he would reluctantly agree to eat a little "casually"...

But Zhang Hanhan thought so in his heart, but Wendong didn't respond.

Say, as long as you persuade me again, I will eat it.Zhang Hanhan became puzzled, but there was no response after waiting, and Wendong seemed to have disappeared.

Zhang Hanhan turned around with a puzzled expression, almost exploding his lungs.

I saw Wendong was sitting there and started eating again, took a bite of fried chicken soup, and he spit out a chicken bone, Xiao Baibai happily caught it, and the sound of drinking with relish spread Put it in your ears, how comfortable and comfortable you want to be like that, how much you want to enjoy it!
Zhang Hanhan's eyes widened, watching Shengjian was wiped out by this bastard after a while, half a bowl of chicken soup was missing, he couldn't help swallowing, and almost couldn't help rushing up to grab it, she is now I can't take care of my appearance, the key is that I'm really hungry.

"Huh? Wife, why are you looking at me like that? Is there a flower on my face?" Wendong took a sip of chicken soup comfortably, as if he had just noticed Zhang Hanhan's eyes, and asked with a puzzled face, while talking. What's the matter, he praised in his mouth: "By the way, my mother's cooking skills are really good, it's delicious, why don't you have a bowl too?"

Zhang Hanhan just wanted to put down his face and serve a bowl of chicken soup, but at this moment, he heard Wendong's invitation with ulterior motives, he snorted coldly, and turned his head away quickly.I really wanted to have a bowl, but if he said it first, it would not be the case. Zhang Hanhan's face was cold, and the roots of his teeth were itchy.

Wendong laughed secretly in his heart. He had already noticed Zhang Hanhan swallowing secretly, and knew that she must have lied just now, she must have not eaten tonight, and the tsk tsk he pretended just now was purely greedy for her. Seeing this matter The goal has been achieved, the corner of the mouth burst into a sinister smile, and he stretched out his hand suddenly and moved to Zhang Hanhan's side.

Just as Zhang Hanhan turned his head and cursing in his heart, he felt the sofa around him sink suddenly. Dong's arms, what makes her even more ashamed is that she is sitting on this bastard's lap...

"Wendong, what are you doing? Let me go?" Zhang Hanhan seemed to have been bullied by him out of experience, so she didn't struggle too violently, because she also knew that her strength was too childish in front of Wendong, and struggling made it worse. It will make the bastard a lot of money.But his face turned cold in an instant. Those women don't want to say it now, but he hasn't settled with him for an hour or a month. This Wendong is doing this again. Does he really think that This trick is not good for yourself?She just won't let him succeed, she won't compromise on anything today!

Wen Dong chuckled, wrapped her slender waist in one hand, and reached out to pick up the chicken soup on the coffee table. Don't look at his sloppy and indifferent appearance, but in fact he was a little nervous and uneasy. He really didn't know how to deal with Zhang Hanhan. After all, she saw a lot about how capable she was when she was on the boat.In the end, it is better to act first, and simply not to think about it, and there is no need to explain it. It is what it was before and what it is now.

Thinking of this, Wendong brought the chicken soup in front of Zhang Hanhan with a smile and said, "Okay, you drink this bowl of chicken soup first and I will let you go."

"You..." Seeing Wendong's cheeky and shameless face, Zhang Hanhan really wondered that his husband was simply too irritating, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all if he didn't go home for dozens of days. There was a chicken bone floating in the chicken soup I made myself, and I felt itchy and uncomfortable in my throat. Didn't he put it close to his mouth from time to time to disgust himself?

"What? Don't drink? Well, it's okay if you don't drink. At worst, I'll just hug you like this. Anyway, I'm strong, so it doesn't matter if I sit like this for a whole night." Wen Dong raised his eyebrows, as if to wrap his arms around her slender waist It's still tight and seems to be enjoying it very much.

Zhang Hanhan was angry, and couldn't help but look at Wendong strangely, who seemed to have nothing wrong with him: "Wendong, why are you so thick-skinned, don't you feel ashamed or embarrassed at all?" Yes, this It's fine for the bastard to mess around outside, but He Qing's children have been there for several months. As for other women, they may also be pregnant, and they haven't been home for a month recently, and now they have no scruples about themselves when they go home Playing hooligans, as if nothing happened. I have seen thick-skinned people, but I have never seen such thick-skinned ones. Even she felt that the bastard in front of her was not human at all!

"Excuse me? What are you embarrassed about? Why am I embarrassed to feed my wife chicken soup? Oh, you are talking ironically, right? You are the one who is embarrassed, hehe." Wen Dong looked at her seriously, as if he had suddenly realized the way.

I'm sorry?Zhang Hanhan looked at him with demented eyes, and directly let go of his anger.He now understands that his husband is not thick-skinned, but an alternative with no shame at all. All his thoughts before his feelings are superfluous...

(End of this chapter)

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