How bad guys are made

Chapter 994 Zhang Hanhan's Choice

Chapter 994 Zhang Hanhan's Choice
"Dad, you, you all know?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Do you think that you and Wendong are very strict? You really think that we are demented, and you can't tell if your daughter has been touched by a man? Waiting for that boy Wendong to come to us to complain that day, but he didn’t expect that boy to be able to wait. It’s been almost half a year and he didn’t say a word to us. Hanhan, it’s not a father talking about you, you are too As an adult, you really don’t understand anything about men? You let him guard such a beautiful wife every day but don’t even let him touch him. Don’t talk about Wendong, even I feel for him. Aggrieved, what can he do if you say that he doesn't have an affair? A living person can be suffocated by urine? But from this, it can also be seen how much Wendong cares about you. If you don't allow him to touch, he will really I didn't touch you, or with your means, you really thought you could threaten Wendong by hiding a wolf-proof electric shock baton under your pillow? You forgot Wendong's ability when he was on the boat before, let alone you hid With an electric shock baton, even if you hide a submachine gun, he can forcefully eat you. You think that he is really afraid of you when you stare at him. He really cares about you and pretends to be that way, yes I don’t want to be wronged and force you, alas, you haven’t figured out such a simple truth yet, so you’re still a business genius.” Zhang Wending reprimanded on the phone.

Zhang Hanhan was already holding the phone in a daze. He didn't even realize when his father finished speaking and finally fell silent. The previous scenes with Wendong kept flashing in his mind. Wendong was molesting himself and watching him holding an electric shock baton His face was pale with fright, and every time he kicked him after he got angry, he would succeed...

That's because Wendong cares about himself...

In fact, I have thought of it a long time ago, but I have never thought about it or paid much attention to it.

Now being reminded emphatically by her father, she thought through all this, and a smile that she didn't even notice appeared on the corner of her mouth. She was very happy, and said softly: "Dad, Mom, I understand."

"Well, as long as you know, Wendong's background has always been a mystery, but he can have such a great ability at such a grade, he must have suffered a lot before, and he is by no means just doing nothing like he is doing now. It is inevitable that he likes you and cares about you. If you are a competent girlfriend and wife from the beginning, although there is no guarantee that he will have an affair, it will definitely not be like this, so, I hope you care more about him when you have time outside of work. As a man, don’t you put in so much effort just for your family and for your wife? What is strong is only the appearance, and the heart is still fragile. Besides, you are his wife, and he cares most Beloved. He worked so hard outside, but when you come home, you are still sneering at him, who can bear it? Right? " Zhang Wending said meaningfully.

"Oh, you old bastard, you seem to be scolding your daughter, but you are actually talking about me? Are you saying that I am incompetent? You can't stand me anymore?" Zhang Hanhan was about to speak when the phone called But I heard my mother shouting angrily at my father.

"Yahe, what are you talking about, how can I have me, you are such a good wife, I can't find it even with a lantern, I..."

Hearing his father flattering his angry mother on the phone, the quarrel between the old couple made the corners of Zhang Hanhan's mouth even more raised. Sometimes it was flat, sometimes it was rough, and it had mixed flavors. This is the real life.

After Zhang Wending finally coaxed his unreasonable wife, he waited for a few minutes and said to his daughter in a deep voice: "But now Wendong has indeed gone too far, Hanhan, knowing a daughter is like a father, I know you still can't accept it, Tell your parents the truth, do you really want to give up Wendong? In fact, I only know a little about you and Wendong. I only know that it was because Wendong saved your life at the beginning, and then you slowly got together. But , Feelings and gratitude are two different things, kindness and love are also two different things, don't get confused, you have to think clearly, if you really feel that you can't accept the divorce with Wendong, your mother and I will not stop this time, as for us I will find a way to repay the kindness that the Zhang family owes to Wendong." Zhang Wending said seriously, he only had such a daughter, if his daughter wronged him for the rest of his life, he would never be willing to say anything.

"I don't know either, and now I can't make up my mind." When asked again, Zhang Hanhan shook his head in distress and said, "But Wendong's girlfriends are all very good, especially Yuemeng and Xiaoxi, they are all very good women, I have seen them all, not only beautiful but also very gentle and virtuous, and Su Yuemeng even took the initiative to carry out many cooperation projects with our Lanyun, I can feel her kindness, they are all A girl with a kind heart and excellent conduct. As for my deputy, He Qing, let alone."

"Well, that's good." Zhang Wending said with a smile.

"Huh? Dad, what do you mean?" Zhang Hanhan was puzzled by what he heard, so that's fine.
"Hehe, it's nothing. Didn't your mother tell you just now that it's not surprising that a man has three wives and four concubines? It's not like our family can't afford it. Besides, it seems that we don't need it. As long as you can accept that Just don't think about anything, and don't destroy it. It's best if you can get along in harmony. As for the issue of status, anyway, you are the wife of Wendong Mingmei. Although there is no wedding due to some relationships, no matter when You are the boss, no matter how many women he has, they can only be young. As for you, you will get along well in the future, and it is easy to solve the problem of status. Our Zhang family can be regarded as an aristocratic family. With the current ability, it is not difficult to create a family, although he has no father and no mother, but if those women all have children, there will be a lot of them, so won't all problems be solved?" Zhang Wending's voice was very It doesn't matter.

Zhang Hanhan smiled wryly, a lot of wives and a lot of children?She couldn't help but feel her scalp go numb just thinking about it.However, she was relieved in her heart. She was still worried that her parents would not be able to accept this matter. After all, although Wendong knew about the affair, she didn't make it clear, but she didn't expect her parents to be more open-minded than herself. many.

Zhang Hanhan was in a daze, when Zhang Wending's voice came out again on the phone: "Hey, Hanhan, in fact, there are some things that I never told you because I was afraid you would make fun of me. Your father and I were similar to Wendong back then. Son, your dad and I are very suave and suave, and my handsome appearance is more attractive to women than Wendong. Later, if it wasn't for your mother's stubbornness to tie me up, I tried my best to go to Australia, maybe you Now there may be a few more aunts and even a few half-brothers and sisters, even now..."

"You old man, what nonsense are you talking about? How can you say such things to your daughter? You want to die, you!" Before Zhang Wending finished speaking, Zhou Yahe's scolding sound came from the phone, followed by There was a trace of Zhang Wending begging for mercy in a low voice...

Zhang Hanhan smiled wryly. If it wasn't for the phone call today, she really wouldn't have known that her father was still hiding such a deep secret. From his tone, it seemed that there were some unresolved romantic debts, but she didn't want to take care of them. , I can't control it, I'm afraid no one can control it except my mother...

"Daughter, have you eaten the chicken soup my mother made for you this afternoon?" After a while, my mother directly grabbed Zhang Wending's phone and talked to her about homework.

"No, I came back and worked overtime for a while, so I don't have time to eat." Zhang Hanhan shook his head and said, but at this moment, his heart was relieved, and his mother reminded him that he felt really hungry again.

"You damn girl, don't you eat the farm hen that your mother has worked so hard for you? It's so warm in the house, it will be broken in one night. You should go to warm it up and eat it before going to bed. It's not good to go to bed hungry at night." Phone Mother's concerned voice came from inside.

"Well, I'll go and eat hot in a while."

After chatting casually with his parents, Zhang Wending said he was going to bed, after all, it was getting late, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

After putting down the phone, Zhang Hanhan felt much more cheerful, at least not as entangled and depressed as before. Since the incident has already happened, he can’t just avoid it blindly, and what his parents said is right, a large part of the reason is also caused by himself .

Since I can't bear Wendong after thinking about it, I don't want to think about these entangled issues.

Standing on the balcony, he was silent again for a while, and when he picked up his phone to check the time again, he found that it was already half past ten. Zhang Hanhan suddenly felt a 'cuckoo' growl in his stomach, and remembered that his mother had done a good job for him before he got off work. I haven't eaten my supper yet, so I come to the stairs and prepare to go to the kitchen below to heat it up.

As soon as she reached the stairs, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help shaking her nose slightly, and smelled a smell of chicken. She couldn't help crying and laughing, she didn't eat well at noon today, and her nose became better when she was hungry.

So I walked down the stairs in three or two steps in slippers, but I was suddenly stunned. I didn't pay attention to the stairs just now. At this time, I turned the corner and saw no one on the sofa for more than 20 days. Wendong, who was drinking chicken soup, was gnawing on the chicken beautifully, while throwing the bone to Xiao Baibai, who was squatting aside with staring eyes.

Zhang Hanhan frowned, and was about to burst out of the air-conditioning, but took a deep breath to hold it back, and looked at Wendong who was holding the chicken soup and eating with relish while fighting the dog, wondering about this When did the bastard come back? Why didn't I hear a sound.

He had obviously found himself, but he didn't speak.Zhang Hanhan didn't speak, and walked to the coffee table indifferently, but couldn't help looking at the soup pot in front of Wendong, only to see that there was only a small half of the chicken soup left in it, and the rest was all Chicken skeletons and the like. Looking at the two servings of pan-fried meat that my mother sent at the same time on the coffee table, more than half of them were eaten, and the rest was messed up. Zhu didn't turn his face back to the bedroom, but sat opposite the sofa with a cold face and indifference.

Although she is a bit of a clean freak, it doesn't matter if she eats leftovers, but now seeing the night snack on the coffee table being tossed by Wen Dong, she has no appetite to eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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