How bad guys are made

Chapter 993 Zhang Hanhan complains

Chapter 993 Zhang Hanhan complains

Cui Liu Yuan Ju villa area.

The bright lights were on in the study room. Zhang Hanhan sat at the desk in conservative pajamas. After reviewing the last document, he put down the document and rubbed his snow-white forehead.

There was no sound in the study room, even Xiao Bai lying beside his lap was unusually quiet and well-behaved, such a large two-story villa, but at this moment there was deathly silence, and a needle could be heard.

I got up and went to the living room to pour warm water. This was another ordinary quiet night.

Wendong has not been home for 25 days. Thinking of Wendong, he retreated, but as his only official wife, he didn't know anything. In the end, Su Yuemeng told him that what his wife did was too incompetent Yes, thinking of this, a deep bitterness overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

She knows that a real couple is definitely not like herself and Wendong. Although because of her personality, she has already been independent and is used to an independent life, so her married life with Wendong is not disgusting, but When thinking of those women of his, her heart is always complicated and uncontrollable, and she can't let go.

She also knew that there was a large part of the reason why she and Wendong got into this way, but... her heart was tangled and contradictory.

Holding the water, she walked up to the second floor silently with her thin figure.


"Hanhan, it's so late, why did you think of calling me?" Zhang Hanhan stood quietly on the open-air balcony on the second floor, Zhang Wending's doubtful voice came from the phone.

"Dad, I have something to tell you." Zhang Hanhan hesitated before opening his mouth, his small mouth was full of bitterness.

"What's the matter, tell me, is it that Lanyun encountered difficulties in launching the project?" Zhang Wending thought it was the start of reforms within the company, and now Lanyun can be regarded as a breakthrough. Although it is simple to say, the difficulties involved As the founder of Lanyun is also very clear.

"It's not the company's difficulties." Zhang Hanhan paused for a moment before saying, "Dad, Wendong hasn't been home for almost a month, and I want a divorce."

"Divorce?" Zhang Wending's voice suddenly became louder, and then forced to suppress it, but his voice was still full of anger: "Why? Didn't you yourself say that he has been busy?"

"It doesn't matter if you're busy, the main thing is..." At this point, Zhang Hanhan didn't know what to say, and stood there for a while. She thought for a long time before deciding to tell her parents about it, but it was really When he spoke, he found it difficult to speak.

"Why is that?" Zhang Wending asked strangely.

Zhang Hanhan gritted his teeth and said, "Dad, it's because he not only had affairs, but also had too many affairs."

"Affair?" Zhang Wending was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly. He had known about this for a long time, and Hanhan must have known about it, because he was now working as a consultant in Qingcheng Group, and Su Yuemeng, the president of Qingcheng Group, was in the Su family. The daughter is Wendong's girlfriend.However, he knows that all of this is not Wendong's fault, and his daughter also has an inescapable responsibility.I wanted to comfort him, but I couldn't help but said angrily: "Wen Dong is young and capable, so it's normal to provoke some women, but as his wife, you should take care of it. What do our parents say. Besides, I also understand Wen Dong's character. As long as you treat him well, I believe he is not the kind of irresponsible person. He has done so much for you, which shows how much he is. Love you."

Zhang Hanhan smiled silently at the corner of her mouth, very bitter. She had already guessed that her father had this attitude, but having said that, it was really hard for her to accept that he had too many women. She can't be domineering about some things at all. If she is asked to strictly guard Wendong and tell her not to contact other women domineeringly, she will not be able to say these words at all.With a wry smile, he said, "Dad, he has too many women, and I simply can't accept the thing of serving a husband with other people, and he disappeared for more than 20 days without telling me anything, even a phone call or Not a single text message, and Su Yuemeng told me in the end."

"He didn't say hello to you when he disappeared this time? Well, this bastard, wait until he comes out and see if I don't scold him to death... Hey, that's not right." After all, Zhang Wending was still looking at his daughter, and when Zhang Wending heard what his daughter said, he was shocked. I have been neglected for more than 20 days and have not seen anyone. I was so angry that I almost overturned the table in front of me, but suddenly calmed down. Why is my daughter's tone so calm today? She didn't cry or make a fuss. It's not normal. what's going on?

"Hanhan, why do you speak so calmly? Don't you get angry or wronged?" Zhang Wending was a little puzzled. He knew his daughter very well, and he found it a little inconceivable.

Zhang Hanhan shook his head, but remembered that his father could not see his movements, so he smiled wryly, "I don't know."

"Then what do you want to do now? Do you really want to divorce Wendong?" Zhang Wending asked on the phone, his tone was very serious, and he didn't lose his temper as usual and refused to allow his daughter to divorce Wendong. Obviously, he was at this time It has already calmed down.

There was a trace of bitterness at the corner of Zhang Hanhan's mouth, and he didn't speak.Her mind is in a mess now, otherwise she wouldn't call and tell her parents. The main purpose is to let her father give her an idea. Although she may not necessarily obey, she can at least calm down in her heart.

"I don't know?" Zhang Wending's voice was a bit weird. Based on what he knew about his daughter, it must be the result of a long time's thinking that she was able to talk about the divorce so calmly. Now that he asked again, he couldn't make up his mind again?But he quickly said: "Anyway, Wen Dong is a bit too much. Damn, it's okay to find some women outside, and there are even pregnant ones. It's lawless if you don't say a few words about him. Just go to him, I have to scold him first, I'm so mad." Zhang Wending's voice became irritable again, and he was about to hang up the phone.

"Dad, don't scold him, at least don't look for him now. I heard that he is practicing martial arts. If he is disturbed, he will be in trouble." Zhang Hanhan said quickly.

"Ah?" It's not just Zhang Wending, but also the exclamation of his mother Zhou Yahe, followed by Zhang Wending's hearty laughter...

This time, Zhang Hanhan was stunned. Did his father become so angry at what he said? How could he still be able to laugh at this time?Thinking of this, he couldn't help worrying: "Dad, are you okay? What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, haha, Hanhan, I thought you agreed to marry Wendong because of your willingness, but now I can tell that you really have feelings for Wendong, so I can rest assured, haha... …" Zhang Wending said with a smile as if he was very happy.

"Ah?" Zhang Hanhan was dumbfounded, but he had to admit in his heart that he was indeed in love with Wendong, otherwise he would not have agreed to marry him even if he was forced, based on his personality of pursuing perfection.But after getting married, I regretted a little. The married life with Wendong was completely different from what I expected, and Wendong was not as simple as a playful heart.If it was in the past, she would have been furious when something like this happened, and then closed the house tightly to let that bastard go away and never come back again. Divorce is inevitable.

She has been pondering and even regretting whether she agreed to marry Wendong because she was impulsive because of her perennial loneliness and loneliness, but as time goes by, it is different now. Although she doesn't want to be popular, she has to admit, However, Wen Dong's voice completely entered the depths of his heart and completely occupied it.Occasionally, when I am tired from work, I will feel a kind of happiness and warmth when I think about the situation where the two of them are fighting together, especially the scene of Wendong jumping off the viaduct desperately in the middle of the night to find stockings for himself. The imprint cannot be erased in her heart. Every time she thinks of that scene, she will feel a deep sense of happiness and indescribable satisfaction in her heart.He didn't know what other women expected to be bullied, but she knew in her heart that at that moment, she really felt very happy, and when she heard Wen Dong's heart-piercing roar on the boat, her heart felt the same. It was as uncomfortable as a needle prick, her heart was completely bound to him, and she could see that Wen Dong really cared about herself and loved herself.

And she loves him the same, and the more she loves him, the more she cares about him and everything around him, including the women around him, she can't accept it!

And Wen Dong, the bastard, really didn't know what to do, which made her love and hate. Sometimes she wanted to talk to him alone, but most of the time, she just wanted to kick this bastard into the Pacific Ocean to relieve her anger. .

"Hehe, it's okay, isn't it just having an affair? What's so strange about it? Wendong is very capable, and there are no special laws and regulations in our country of Tianxia. There are many cases of men having three wives and four concubines. It's no big deal , back then, your dad..." At this time, the mother took over the conversation and said indifferently on the phone, leaving Zhang Hanhan speechless. Is this what the biological mother said to her daughter?
Zhang Hanhan has some doubts, is he his own?I was given by my mother to recharge the phone bill when I applied for the card, right?
On the phone, I heard my parents seem to be arguing, but Zhang Hanhan still hasn't recovered from the shock. It's no big deal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Could that bastard Wendong be allowed to find more women?

Just as she was about to speak, her father had already finished nagging her mother, and continued: "Hanhan, it's not that parents don't favor you. In fact, getting along between men and women is very simple. You told us that you were willing to marry Wendong. I thought you had already made up your mind, and your relationship had already broken through. This is why our old couple was confused by you. We have been married for almost half a year and we won’t let that kid touch him. Wendong is a really tall man. If I have been honest for more than half a year, but I am only wondering..."

Zhang Hanhan's mouth grew wide when he heard it, and he didn't hear what Zhang Wending said later, he only heard the middle sentence, and asked in surprise: "Dad, you, you all know?"

(End of this chapter)

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