How bad guys are made

Chapter 1008 "The Body of the Earth" - 1 Power of the Mountain

Chapter 1008 "The Body of the Earth" - The Power of a Mountain

Under the impact of the earth's energy, every muscle in his body slowly seemed to move slowly. The originally loose muscles became more compact and firm under the quenching of the earth's energy, and the connection points of every muscle were Under the stimulation of earth atmosphere, it is growing crazily.Just like the roots of a big tree, it has received sufficient nutrition to continue to grow and penetrate deeper and deeper.

And it's not just his muscles that grow and change, even his bones are constantly being compressed by the earth's air, the bone walls become thinner, but the strength has increased by an unknown number of times.

At this time, it's not just pain, it's more painful numbness, this kind of pain is even more painful than when Yishan Quzai quenched his body.

Wen Dong's body trembled violently, and he bit his lips tightly to prevent himself from howling.

The little murloc standing on the side also knew that this was the critical moment, a plain hand was holding the white wrist tightly, and she clearly saw that there seemed to be countless reptiles wriggling and shrinking under the skin of Wen Dong's body, and Wen Dong's body before that The body that had become a bit burly became lean again, and the pain of this kind of body being completely transformed by force is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

Wen Dong's body trembled like a sieve, and the severe pain made his eyes red and covered with scarlet blood. He didn't say a word, but his face was completely distorted because of the extreme pain...

The earth's air spread, and the turbid and pure earth's air enveloped his whole body, occupying his eyes. His eyes were blurred and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Boil, grit your teeth and boil.The world is fair, if you think of gaining more power the fastest, you have to pay a hundred times the pain, at worst, you will die!
Self hypnosis as always!
The Chaos Gate spun tirelessly and rapidly, with uninterrupted waves of pain, his mind went blank, he only felt that his body was no longer his own, but that keen perception made him feel so painful...

After an unknown amount of time, his mind went blank.

It seemed that a distant voice was speaking to him.

"Wendong, where are you, I love you, I only want you..."

"It's okay, I love you, everything is worth it, as long as I have you, it doesn't matter what I lose..."

That voice was clearly Zhang Hanhan from the last dream, and she seemed to be talking more.But his mind was numb, and he couldn't hear a word clearly.

It didn't know how long it took before his free and numb consciousness gradually recovered.

The scene in front of him also became clearer little by little.

The bone-piercing pain disappeared, as if this painful feeling had never happened before, he just felt like being soaked in hot water, and the comfort from the deepest part of his body made Wen Dong want to groan.

However, the sweat stains all over his body reminded him that the pain that was like eighteen levels of purgatory in the previous few hours was not an illusion.

Wen Dong resisted the idea of ​​continuing to enjoy this kind of pleasure, and raised his palm subconsciously.

And when he saw his palm, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Hand speed is the most important in this industry with three hands, and the dexterity of fingers is the essence.The old cripple told him that he is very talented with three hands, the reason is only that Wendong's five fingers are slender and extremely flexible, which is the so-called good-looking.Wen Dong has never shown off, he thinks those who show off their hands are sissies.At this time, the originally slender five fingers became more slender and beautiful, but there was a bit of steel feeling, and a layer of extremely light gold was faintly visible.

Especially on his palm prints, the golden lines are very clear.What stunned Wendong the most was that there was an extra mountain in his palm.

"Why did the mountain on the Sword of Chaos move to my hand?" Wen Dong was puzzled, and turned his head to look at the Sword of Chaos that had been restored to black and white again, but saw the handle of the Sword of Chaos The lines of the two mountains are still there.

"Didn't it move over? What's going on?"

"Shanli?" The little murloc, who had no image at all, sat on the bluestone beside him and was dozing boredly when he was awakened by Wendong's doubts, but looked at the mountain in Wendong's palm with some surprise.

"You mean the Dacheng state in "The Body of the Earth"—Shanli?" Wen Dong was also surprised. He also had time to practice "The Body of the Earth" these days, but he was not in a hurry, because as long as the chaos tempered the body successfully , and then practice "The Body of the Earth" to get twice the result with half the effort, but did not expect "The Body of the Earth" to reach the state of great success so easily?
He kept shaking his palms, feeling the powerful force brought by his palms.

The little murloc looked at Wendong like a monster. Even she, who is known as the storehouse of knowledge, didn't understand why Wendong just practiced "The Body of the Earth" for a few days and then unknowingly reached the peak of mountain strength. realm.Although she couldn't figure it out, she already had a vague guess in her heart, which should be because of the sword of chaos.

"What's the benefit of cultivating mountain power?" Wen Dong asked curiously.

The body that had become stronger due to the fullness of the earth's energy before became thinner again.But every muscle in his body became harder and stronger, just like steel, not to mention scratching with a knife, it is probably useless to chop with a kitchen knife, and his strength has also increased several times.

He raised his foot and stomped vigorously. With a 'poof' sound, his right foot seemed to be stepping on tofu, reaching down to his calf.With a little effort, he pulled out the foot, and saw that the edge of the hole was neat, as if carved out of a mold.

You must know that this piece of land has already been as hard as iron due to the erosion of the earth's atmosphere for a long time. At this time, I can step on such a big hole with my foot?If this is stomped on a person, I'm afraid it's not stomping out shit, but stomping it into the ground with one foot!
The corner of Wendong's mouth twitched, almost reaching the ears...

Who else is this bitch! ?

"Mountains are strength. The state of a mountain means that you can use the power of a mountain at the most." The little murloc withdrew his eyes like looking at a monster, and said in a flat tone, somewhat envious.

"Then how big is the power of this mountain? Is it possible to move a big mountain? This is impossible." Wen Dong said with a frown, always feeling a little exaggerated.

The little murloc glanced at him, but said strangely: "What's so strange about this? When the strength reaches a certain level, moving mountains and seas is nothing at all. I remember that the main city of the Lei Clan was called Yijian City. The patriarch of the clan built the city by cutting off the mountain peak with one sword. The strong can break the cliff with one sword, and it is no surprise that the body can move mountains and seas."

"That's what I said, but I don't think I have that much power, do I?" Wen Dong looked suspiciously at his palm.

"How long have you been cultivating? Are you thinking of moving mountains and seas?" The little murloc scorned at the right time, with a mocking face: "This body refining technique originated from monsters. Warriors must not cooperate with cultivating battle qi. Cheat book sword art? The same is true for monsters, monsters are naturally powerful, but your physique and strength are just the foundation, you also need to learn how to use your body strength, in fact, this is a truth."

The little murloc paused and said again: "Although you have reached the peak of a mountain, in fact, even if you can really use your own power, you will not be able to exert your maximum power, even if your skills are proficient enough, because Your body will be the first to collapse. There is an essential difference between the human body and the animal body, and it cannot be supplemented by practice alone. This is a natural advantage of the species. Humans pay attention to the brain, which is wisdom. Although the human body is not as good as the monster, But people can be assisted by external objects, such as battle suits."

"Oh, I see." Wen Dong suddenly realized that what the little murloc said made a lot of sense, and he seemed to think of why he had made so much progress in his cultivation of "The Body of the Earth".

Because of the beast king Danshi in his body!Beast King Pill has transformed his own bloodline, so he is actually a half-orc, and the method of body training in "The Body of the Earth" is derived from monsters, so practicing this method is naturally more effective with less effort!
However, a fresh vocabulary popped into my mind, and I asked curiously: "What is a battle suit?"

"Of course it is the equipment used by the fighters." The little murloc gave him a blank look and said, "The fighters use battle qi, and the battle qi is quite domineering. Ordinary iron can't withstand the battle qi at all, just like an ordinary sword. , if you use your fighting spirit to use this sword to urge a tyrannical attack power, it is estimated that it will collapse in a few hits and can no longer be used. The battle suit is the equipment that can withstand the battle spirit, and because of the different material properties, the real battle suit can not only It plays a very good defensive role, and it may also increase various attributes."

"Oh." Wen Dong stared at her blankly, nodded half-understood, and then suddenly remembered the [Legendary Hegemony] task that he hadn't started until now. He remembered that one of the rewards was an epic outfit. It should be a battle suit.

"Battle suits are divided into nine levels. The process of making battle suits is very cumbersome, and the higher the level of battle suits, the more stringent the requirements for materials. This profession is called a foundry. And if you want to become a junior forge, It can range from a few months to as long as a year and a half, and a lot of materials are needed to provide practice, and the fighting spirit in the body also needs the fire attribute fighting spirit. Level." Speaking of this knowledge, the little murloc babbled like he was reading a book, which made Wendong dizzy.

This is basically the fantasy world in ancient times or myths and legends, which has long been outdated, and I don't meet any of the conditions mentioned by the little murloc.And he doesn't have time to do these things. Anyway, Sajia has a system, and when the system is upgraded to a certain level, it is estimated that these things will be obtained by doing tasks...

Suddenly recalling the records in "The Body of the Earth", he quickly asked: "There is a supernatural power in a mountain, what is this supernatural power?"

"Actually, this supernatural power is just a way of thinking about our meditation. When it comes to the origin of monsters, it is called spiritual skills when used on monsters. It is called spiritual skills. Supernatural power is just another name for Zen, and this supernatural power varies from person to person, you can check to see if there is any abnormality?" The little murloc reminded helplessly, pointing out this kind of little Bai is the hardest, and the most speechless is that sometimes he said a lot, but he didn't understand a word.

(End of this chapter)

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