How bad guys are made

Chapter 1009 Urgent Fire!

Chapter 1009 One hundred thousand fire urgent!
"Abnormal?" Wen Dong glanced at her blankly, and before the little girl rolled his eyes, he immediately understood, calmed down quickly, and used his spiritual perception to look inside the whole body.Soon, he discovered the abnormality that the little murloc said.This abnormality is not in other places, but in his right hand.

The whole arm of his right hand, the dense area seems to be torn and attracted by an invisible force, tightly wrapping his right arm.

This is……

Wen Dong didn't dare to act rashly, but carefully observed the cloud of earth energy with his spiritual consciousness.What reassured her was that she didn't feel any discomfort in her arm.But no matter how he pushed it, the Earth Qi was not affected at all, as if he had fallen asleep.

After all kinds of attempts, but to no avail, Wendong reluctantly withdrew from the state of internal vision.

"Have you detected it?" The little murloc asked curiously, looking at him with big black eyes.

"Well, it's the right hand." Wen Dong said, and then he was a little frustrated: "I tried it, but I don't know how to use it, and I don't know what effect it has."

"The right hand." The little fishman said, "Your luck is average. According to records, there are about a hundred kinds of supernatural powers related to the right hand, some are practical and some are useless. There is no way to teach supernatural powers. Everyone can practice them. The supernatural powers are not the same, you can only slowly explore, and you can always realize something."

Seeing Wendong's frustration, the little murloc pondered for a while, and comforted him: "As for not being able to use it, you don't have to worry about it, many supernatural powers can't be used when they are just born, they need to take shape slowly, and they can be manipulated when they stabilize. Yours should be of this kind."

Hearing the little murloc's explanation, Wen Dong was not disappointed.He has succeeded in body training this time, and he has unknowingly practiced "The Body of the Earth" to the culmination. He is already quite satisfied.

"[The body of the earth] is divided into five layers, that is, the power of five mountains. You have achieved great success with the power of one mountain. It's still early."

Wen Dong: "..."

"How do you cultivate this battle qi? Master, can't you really tell me how to cultivate it?" Wen Dong suddenly remembered another purpose of this retreat, which is to ask the little murloc to cultivate the battle qi - The method of refining.

That damned system has never assigned itself a task to learn a book on how to cultivate combat qi, and as more and more extraordinary warriors are promoted in Qingcheng, Wendong is also in a hurry.

The real world is fundamentally different from this strange space. If one does not cultivate, the fighting spirit in one's body will not increase at all.To use an analogy, the extraordinary level is a cup that can hold it, and the fighting spirit is the water in the cup. If the cup is not enlarged, it will not be able to hold more water. The method of this practice is to expand the capacity of the cup. It can accommodate more fighting spirit, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes to achieve upgrades.If there is no way to practice, they can only stand still, which is absolutely intolerable to Wendong.

"Battle Qi actually doesn't need to be cultivated at all. Although there are indeed some methods of cultivation, the effect is so small that it can almost be ignored." The little murloc said helplessly.

"Ah? There is no way of cultivation? How did Chaofan get promoted?" Wen Dong looked at her in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

"It's still the same sentence, you can become a god in a hundred battles!" The little fish man said, "Because the fighting spirit can be tempered and solidified through fighting, and it can reach the point of growth."

"Huh? Just fighting can increase fighting spirit?" Wen Dong asked in surprise.

"Well, it was indeed like this before the Extraordinary King." The little murloc nodded and said, "But after being promoted to the Extraordinary King, you must have a subconscious mind if you want to be promoted. It is the peak saturation state of human beings, so if you want to break this saturation state and continue to increase your fighting spirit, you must use the subterranean spirit to expand and broaden the meridians. It is Ascension."

"Potential spirit? Ascending spirit? What's the matter with this thing?" Wen Dong scratched his head and continued to ask.

"In this strange space there are free latent spirits. In addition, there are many kinds of magical flowers and plants in the world, which can absorb and accumulate a trace of latent spirits over a long period of time. Just pick them and use special methods to refine them into elixirs. Preserve the potency of the potential spirit, and you can get the potential spirit after taking it." The little murloc explained helplessly again.

"Flowers and plants? Where are these flowers and plants? They must be here?" Wen Dong said in surprise, as if rolling up his sleeves and pulling on a tractor.

"I don't have any here." Seeing his excited look, the little murloc immediately rolled his eyes and said, "You are still far away from the extraordinary king, and it's still early. So even if you have it, it's useless. It's a little too ambitious."

Wen Dong: "Uh..."

"Of course, there is another fastest and most direct way to gain fighting spirit." Seeing Wendong's helpless expression, the little murloc smiled triumphantly and said again in a good mood.

"The fastest and most direct? What method?" Wen Dong asked hastily.

"Plundering." The little murloc said: "The world of warriors is a world where the weak prey on the strong. Not only can one improve one's strength through continuous fighting, but one can also plunder the opponent's war essence by killing the enemy."

Ignoring Wendong's surprised expression, the little murloc murmured and said: "Battle Qi is just a way of speaking for fighters. In fact, its essence is a free element between heaven and earth, and the same is true for subterranean spirits. When fighters are fighting, The affinity for these two elements is extremely high, and it is natural to increase the fighting spirit through fighting. The fighting spirit in each world has a balance. After the death of the warrior, most of the fighting spirit in the body will return to the world, but There will also be part of the fighting spirit elements and latent spirits that will be directly absorbed by the person who killed him, and when this person dies, it will be like this cycle again to achieve a balance."

The little murloc sighed quietly: "In a world with people, there will be benefits, and if there are benefits, there will be wars, and increasing strength is the greatest benefit, and the war will never end."

Wen Dong nodded in astonishment, then was startled suddenly, and suddenly remembered one thing - Tianxia Palace!

Tianxia Palace required the extraordinary warriors of Tianxia Kingdom to gather and record. He heard from Xing Lao that Xing Lao had already been recorded by Tianxia Palace, and the combat qi elements scattered in his real world were comparable to this strange space. Much less, that is, very thin.

And if after the death of an extraordinary warrior, part of the battle essence and latent spirit in the body is not absorbed, it will be distributed to the thin heaven and earth, causing waste, and Tianxia Palace records every extraordinary warrior, its purpose is obvious Exposed!
Of course, Tianxia Palace, as the patron saint of Tianxia Kingdom, wants to inherit it for thousands of years. This approach is also a helpless move, but it always feels a little inhumane!

Forget it, why does Tianxia Palace have nothing to do with him?
But it's best not to take the idea on his own head, otherwise he wouldn't mind absorbing the fighting spirit of the extraordinary warriors in Tianxia Palace to taste what it feels like...

Whoever dares to play the idea of ​​labor management, labor management will suck him up!

Wen Dong was thinking, he couldn't stop laughing, and the little murloc on the side shrank back in fright.

Wen Dong didn't seem to notice, and he was thinking beautifully in his heart that this fighting spirit attribute was really suitable for him.

Plundering, labor and capital like plundering the most, turning yours into mine, isn't this the true meaning of the three hands?

Wendong has been immersed in this state for more than ten years...

System: "Ding: The host triggers a side mission - the first taste of plunder. Mission content: kill and absorb more than one extraordinary warrior's war essence. Mission reward: rare general soul."

"Huh? General Soul? What the hell is General Soul?"


As expected, the base immediately organized a rescue operation after receiving the news that the core training team was trapped and killed. A rescue team of more than 50 people set off from the base, but was intercepted and killed halfway. High advantage, but the surviving rescue team is still not one out of ten.

The principal of the base, Huang Ming, immediately stopped the rescue operation, ordered all the students to stay at the base, and sent the emergency help message to the Qingcheng Gang in Shui City.

The whole body is affected by one hair, and after the Qingcheng Gang received the highest warning message for help, this big machine quickly started to operate.Wendong was still retreating, so Zhang Yifeng quickly dispatched half of the many masters who hadn't returned from Fuzhou back to Shuishi, and Li Ningyan who woke up led them to the base to reinforce the garrison.

Ling Yun, who had taken [-] soul-entering pills to attack the extraordinary realm, had no intention of practicing at this time. He wanted to go to the base with the instructor, just in time to practice to find a breakthrough, but was stopped by Zhang Yifeng.Now Brother Wen Dong is in closed-door training, and half of the masters in the Qingcheng Gang have been transferred to graduate masters. The most powerful master of the Qingcheng Gang is Ling Yun. If he also leaves, if there is any trouble here, it will be troublesome up.

"Don't shake it, it makes me anxious." Zhang Xiuxiu's sexy figure leaned against the corner of the basement wall in Qingcheng, her eyes swept over Ling Yun who was walking back and forth in front of her, and said with her small mouth in disgust.

"Sister, you have a big heart. I'm already worried." Ling Yun said anxiously. Wen Dong told him before retreating that if it is not necessary, try not to wake him up.

In fact, it was completely necessary for such a big event to happen now, but when they saw Wendong's scene through the pinhole of the secret room door, they were shocked.In the secret room, Wen Dong's eyes were closed tightly, and his whole body was covered with a thick layer of dust. Occasionally, his face was distorted, and his whole body trembled, obviously in great pain.

The tense atmosphere of the Qingcheng gang still did not hide from Su Yuemeng's eyes. When she saw her husband in such a state, she was startled, and hurriedly invited Xing Lao over to check it out. As Chaofan, who had been promoted for a long time, Xinglao's eyesight and insight are naturally much higher than those of Li Ningyan, who is also extraordinary.

He only said that Wendong was fine, but he was obviously making a breakthrough, so don't disturb him at this time, otherwise it would be better to waste all previous efforts, and one carelessness might cause him to go mad.Xing Lao's words almost made Su Yuemeng's heart jump out of fright.A pretty face was full of worry, but Liu Mei sternly ordered Ling Yun to guard the door of the secret room, and never let her husband do anything wrong, let alone forcibly wake Wen Dong up.

Su Yuemeng was really frightened by Xinglao's words this time, if something happened to Wendong, how would she live the rest of her life?I also plan to have a baby with Wendong before the end of the year——

(End of this chapter)

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