How bad guys are made

Chapter 1012 The Eve of Rescue

Chapter 1012 The Eve of Rescue
"Yifeng, during the time we're away, Qingcheng depends on you. If there's a real crisis and I can't make it, I'll go to Su's house and ask Elder Xing to help." After listening to Ling Yun and Zhang Xiuxiu's explanation, Wen Dong suddenly I also became anxious, never expecting that such a big thing happened at the base after only a few days of retreat.

"Well, I know, Brother Wendong. It's almost Chinese New Year now, and the law and order inspection is strict, so it's not a big deal. Even if there is something, Zhen'er, me and the many experts left behind can solve it." Zhang Yifeng nodded quickly, with a serious tone .

"Well, let's go first, and I will inform her about Yuemeng." Wen Dong nodded seriously, and his tone was anxious.


Every mercenary who can hang around at the junction of Tianxia Kingdom and Nitan Kingdom, where human lives are like chickens and dogs, is a desperado, because those who are afraid of the timid have already died.But the masters who came out of the base were not weak either. They trained strictly according to the training methods of special forces, and the intensity was even higher.What's more, Gu Fengshuang's brothers had already advanced to the rank of extraordinary warriors before, and fighting against that mercenary, not to mention that slaughtering him was as simple as slaughtering a dog, but it would never happen that such a thing was besieged, unless there were a large number of breeders.

Wendong had already noticed that there were colonizers in Suiyun Kingdom, but he never expected that there would be colonizers in those hostile mercenary regiments, and there were a lot of them.Wendong has a deep understanding of how strong the Zhuang people are. He thought that when he was on the tanker, he and Mo Li were almost dragged to death, let alone Gu who had just been promoted and was similar in strength to the Zhuang people. Brother Fengshuang.

And from the siege this time and the previous mercenary battle, Wen Dong immediately noticed the difference with his keen sense of smell. This may be - it was premeditated!
Dark Dawn has already set his sights on him!
And I heard from Ling Yun that Li Ningyan had been out of customs for two days to rescue her, and she had also just advanced to Transcendence, if she was still able to deal with a colonizer, if she was a group, even she would be afraid...

"Damn, Dark Dawn!" Wen Dong couldn't help cursing, he thought he would face this organization when he went to help Hongyan, and he just took the opportunity to experience the talented masters in the base, but Unexpectedly, more than half of the siege had already been lost this time.

The more than 40 experienced team led by Yingzi are elite personnel in the core of the base. During this period of time, I don’t know how much resources I gave them. Wendong’s heart is also bleeding. I don’t know how to make these resources. How many unconscionable things did it take to get it!
"Damn it, it's better to be a superhuman breeder, I just want to plunder his fighting spirit and taste what it's like!" Wen Dong gritted his teeth viciously and thought to himself.

On the plane, Ling Yun glanced at the boss who was on the side with a gloomy face full of murderous intent, couldn't help shivering, wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it.

"Ling Yun, why haven't you been promoted to Transcendence yet? Have you taken all those pills for nothing?" Wen Dong withdrew his mind, knowing that there was no use in worrying, he turned his head and scolded Ling Yun coldly in a bad mood.

"Ah? I...boss, I also want to retreat and attack the extraordinary." Hearing the boss's sharp question, Ling Yun's face suddenly drooped into a bitter melon, and he said in mourning: "But the news of the accident at the base these days has already spread. The news spread in Qingcheng, those guys who stayed behind in Qingcheng wanted to go back to rescue, which made people panic. And I was arranged by my sister-in-law to guard you 24 hours a day, waiting for you to wake up. And I am also anxious about the base, where? Still thinking about retreating."

Hearing Ling Yun's explanation, Wen Dong looked slightly stunned. It seemed that he was also dizzy. If he had known about this matter, he might not have the mind to go to retreat, even more anxious than Ling Yun.The most important thing in the retreat is the state of mind. If the mood is restless, the retreat will lose any meaning. Besides, the base is their home. This time the base was blocked by many mercenary groups. Who is not angry? Not in a hurry!
Fortunately, Li Ningyan rushed to the base and temporarily stabilized the situation, but he only supported the defense of the base. If he wanted to break out of the encirclement and go to Pocket Valley for rescue, he could not do it with his strength.

"Well, this time I'm afraid it will be a fierce battle, maybe it's your chance to break through." Wen Dong tried to calm himself down, and said in a low voice.

"Well, I think so too." Ling Yun nodded, and his expression was also full of cold air: "You scolded the next door, and even bullied us, it's just looking for death."

"Brother Wendong, where's my soul-entering pill?" At this time, Wendong felt his shoulders sink, and a beautiful little face appeared, and his head was directly pressed on Wendong's body, his eyes blinked, with a sense of seductiveness. The charming temptation of soul.

"You? You are still far from the peak of human beings, so it's useless to give it to you." Wen Dong said seriously after thinking about it for a while, because he didn't have the leisure to chat with her now.

"Brother Wendong, does that mean that as long as I reach the peak of human beings, you will give me the soul-entering pill?" Everyone has goosebumps.

"Well, I promise to give it to you." Wen Dong didn't have time to talk to her about the conditions, and this little girl was the most difficult to deal with.

"Well, I know Brother Wendong is the best." Zhang Xiuxiu smiled triumphantly, and provocatively pointed at Ling Yun who was sitting on the other side with a pair of winking eyes: "Have you heard, stop bragging in front of my old lady from now on, Brother Wendong has already reserved the Soul-entering Pill for me, and he will take it for me when I meet the requirements, right?" Zhang Xiuxiu said while humming, a pair of small hands wrapped around Wendong's arm naturally, Squeeze and squeeze a pair of bulging breasts on Wendong's arms as if seductive...

"Well, if you meet the requirements, I will naturally give it to you." Wen Dong glanced at Ling Yun, guessing that this guy was showing off in front of Zhang Xiuxiu, an unyielding little girl, and that's why he made such a show, while speaking, he twitched his arm out.

But Zhang Xiuxiu hugged her tightly, her eyes lit up when she heard his affirmation, her small mouth moved close to his face, and she smiled proudly and said, "I know Brother Wendong is the best. "

Wen Dong reached out and wiped his cheeks, and suddenly found that there was lipstick on the palm of his hand, so he gave the girl a threatening look.

But Zhang Xiuxiu was not afraid, she smiled and said: "This is my first kiss, I gave you the first kiss, and the rest of the first night will not be far away, Brother Wendong, you have to work hard, and you will treat her better in the future." Be good, be more considerate to others..."

Wen Dong twitched his mouth and passed out.

"Ahem, I didn't see anything, and I didn't hear anything. Boss, you just treat me as air, oh..." Ling Yun quickly shook his head to clear the relationship, but before he finished speaking, he felt a tingle on his leg. In pain, I couldn't help but let out a loud cry.

"Boss, you are too cruel, you smashed my legs..." Ling Yun cried out in pain, holding his legs.

The three of them were sitting in the economy class, and Ling Yun's loud shout immediately alarmed the surrounding people.

Seeing the people around him looking at these two men and one woman with weird eyes, especially Zhang Xiuxiu, a heartless and stinky woman, hanging limply on her body, even Wen Dong's thick skin is also attracted by these strange people. His face was burning with eyes.

"Be honest, or I will stay in the water market after getting off the plane!" Wen Dong gave them an angry look, especially Zhang Xiuxiu, a stinky girl.

Originally, I didn't want to take her with me, but I was helplessly entangled with this girl, and I didn't have so much time, so I could only take her with me. At this time, it was not unexpected, this stinky woman is not at all calming down!
"Well, I listen to Brother Wendong the most." Seeing that Wendong was really angry, Zhang Xiuxiu also knew that he was anxious, so she stuck out her tongue before releasing his arm.


As the sun fades to the west, the towering mountains cast a big shadow in the green forest sea, and the comfortable cool breeze blows away the smoke and dust rolled up on the mountain road quickly with a little moisture.

On the winding and rugged mountain road, a mountain cross-country crossed at a high speed, even at the corners without slowing down. From a distance, the off-road vehicle left behind a large cloud of dust like a dragon, which was extremely spectacular.But to be able to drive at such a speed in such a place, one cannot help but admire how skilled the driver is.Of course, high technology is only one aspect, another important point is to be very familiar with this section of road.If not, no matter how good the driving skills are, one mistake will fall off the cliff.

The driver was a seductive woman, Du Manman.

Du Manman is the special agent in charge of guarding the outer perimeter of the base. When she rushed to Suiyun Kingdom to rescue Zhang Wending, she was the one who came to pick him up.

At this time, her beautiful face was full of seriousness, and her braids, which were simply tied up, shook up and down as the off-road vehicle overturned, but her thin body was as stable as Mount Tai, with a pair of small feet on a pair of military boots. Clutch, a pair of small hands grip the steering wheel and turn it from time to time, the smooth feeling adds an elegant beauty.The off-road vehicle drives fast under her driving, but in the eyes of others, it is as relaxed and comfortable as a girl embroidering.

However, her attire is really unflattering, the upper body is only wrapped in a tight vest that exposes the navel, it seems that it can only wrap the pair of towering breasts, exposing a large area of ​​healthy wheat-colored skin In the air, with a miniskirt underneath and a pair of transparent stockings wrapped around a pair of slender legs, the whole person is full of wild temptation...

The half-hour wild road ended in a process that seemed to shake people's overnight meals.

The off-road vehicle drove rapidly to the side of a cliff, and then Po Manman slammed the steering wheel with both hands, and braked with his little feet, but still because of the high speed, the rear of the car was thrown out, and then hit a The off-road vehicle almost turned over under the collision, and then Du Manman stepped on the accelerator again, the tires with extremely climbing ability rotated at a high speed again, and rushed into the side of the road all at once in the green forest.The roadside in the green forest is even more rugged, but the speed of the vehicle does not slow down, and the whole person sits in it as if the world is spinning, but fortunately, the off-road vehicle only bumps and moves for a dozen meters before stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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