How bad guys are made

Chapter 1013 Journey Preparation

Chapter 1013 Journey Preparation
"Damn, Du Manman, you crazy bitch, you are so wild, who will dare to take you in the future." As soon as the car stopped, Ling Yun's dissatisfied cry sounded from behind the car.

"Master, we're here!" Du Manman snorted, ignored him, and turned to look at Wen Dong, who was sitting next to the co-pilot.

"Well, get out of the car." Wen Dong nodded, glanced at Du Manman, and said with a smile: "The driving skills are good."

"Hey, of course, when my old lady was chased and intercepted by dozens of police cars with two hundred catties of drugs, she was also thrown by me for more than ten miles, and she didn't even have to eat the dust." Hearing the leader's praise, Du Manman, Immediately he smiled complacently, and then felt that such a claim was really bold in front of the guild leader, so he smiled and said modestly: "The guild leader has praised you."

Wen Dong: "..."

"Hey, you little brat, I haven't seen you for a few months, and your butt is getting more and more up." Zhang Xiuxiu jumped out of the car, speaking without restraint, a small snow-white hand in the poisonous man. He patted his upturned butt, and then exaggeratedly exclaimed: "Wow, it still feels so good..."

"Bitch, don't touch me. You think I look like you. It's been a while since I saw you. My ass is flattened. Could it be..."

"Fart your fart!" Before Du Manman could finish speaking, Zhang Xiuxiu frowned like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "You bastard blinded your dog's eyes, your eyeballs grow on your ass Is my mother's butt up, look, it's more up than yours, I don't..."

Ling Yun stared at the two girls with a pair of eyeballs, and smiled obscenely.

Wen Dong: "..."

"You two are fine, can you pay attention to your image!" Wen Dong speechlessly interrupted the scolding between the two, especially Zhang Xiuxiu, a shameless little girl, actually really raised her ass to compare with Du Manman. Simply...

Zhang Xiuxiu immediately noticed Ling Yun's sneaky eyes on her body, and immediately said angrily: "Hmph, Ling Yun, where are you looking with your sneaky eyes? Do you also see your aunt's ass? Can you pay attention to your image? It depends on you." Brother Wendong, look..."

Wen Dong staggered when he heard this, and stared at Zhang Xiuxiu with black lines, "Shut up!"

"Hey, it's Brother Wendong." Zhang Xiuxiu noticed the strange eyes of Du Manman, and finally knew how to write the word "honesty". She smiled awkwardly and thanked you for shutting up. She had a pretty face without a trace of fear. It was to make Wendong speechless for a while, thinking that he should be stricter with her, or else with her unrestrained appearance, everyone would think that he had done something to her.

Du Manman came to the base after she was old, so before she went to the base, she made a living as a drug dealer, and it is conceivable that a female stream can grow up in this kind of mess.She was good at observing words and expressions and understood the relationship at a glance. She smiled ambiguously at Zhang Xiuxiu who was beside her, gave a cheering wink, and then walked towards the back of the car.

But after a while, she took out a large army green backpack from the trunk, threw it on the ground and opened it. Inside were four sets of army green coats.

"There are a lot of poisonous insects in the forest. I have washed these clothes with a special liquid medicine to prevent mosquito bites." Du Manman explained, obviously she had made enough preparations before Wen Dong and others came. After all, the short body took out two sets of small styles from it, and threw one of them to Zhang Xiuxiu who was aside.

"You are well prepared." Wen Dong smiled and nodded.

Hearing this, Du Manman smiled complacently, and was about to take out the mantra, but changed his words quickly, and said with a hey smile: "It should."

"I remember you, thanks to you last time." Wen Dong said.

"It's my honor to be able to serve the leader." Du Manman patted his swollen chest and said.

"Let's go to the car to change." Du Manman seemed a little uncomfortable with the praise, and said to Zhang Xiuxiu who was beside him after greeting Wen Dong.

"Well, Ling Yun, don't look around, or you will die. My wife's jade body is only for my husband." Zhang Xiuxiu nodded, then gave Ling Yun a warning look, and rushed to the text again. Dong winked, then left with his coat in his arms.

Wen Dong turned his head and saw Ling Yun couldn't stop laughing at him, the lewdness on his face was not hidden at all, he gave him a cold look but then bent down helplessly and picked up one of the coats.

On the other side of the off-road vehicle, Wen Dong was changing clothes. He couldn't help but think in his heart, these two girls are really bold and let go. If this kind of thing happened to women like Zhang Hanhan, it would probably kill her. Wouldn't agree to change clothes in the field, especially if it's just across the road from a car.Although the off-road vehicle has a huge body, the four light-transmitting mirrors are also not small. As long as you want to see it, you can see the scene on the other side of the car just by looking at it.Especially Du Manman, who has a bold and unrestrained personality, not at all twitchy, and is really comfortable to get along with.

Not long after, Du Manman was the first to change her clothes. A small hand was grabbing the stockings that had just come off her leg and throwing them into the car. Zhang Xiuxiu had also changed. Both of them were beautiful women. , although the figure is a little petite, but the figure is too sexy and hot, wearing a capable military green suit is very heroic, and the wild beauty is even more prominent, especially Du Manman, that kind of coquettish and full of Even a person like Wen Dong, who is used to beauties, can't help but look at the wild charm.

Du Manman saw that Wen Dong and the two had also changed their clothes, looked down at the time, and looked up with a beautiful face full of seriousness, and said: "According to the satellite positioning confirmed by the base, Miss Yingzi brought The training team disappeared near Pocket Valley. It is now 35:10 in the afternoon. We crossed from Qingmu Cliff to the southwest until we reached the Heishui River. It can reach the vicinity of Pocket Valley, and if there is no special event on the road, with our traveling speed, we can reach the destination in less than three hours."

"Disappeared? Then they haven't sent any news to the base these days?" Wen Dong asked with flickering eyes.

"No." Poison Manman replied with certainty.

"Don't worry too much, the leader. Miss Yingzi sent the request for help back to the base after she fled to Pocket Valley. There is only one reason. They must be stationed in Pocket Valley." Seeing Wendong's uncertain expression, Du Manman knew that he must be Worried that Yingzi and the others had not sent any messages due to an accident, they quickly explained: "The location of the Pocket Valley is a bit special...the signal is naturally blocked in the valley."

"Well, so that's how it is." Pou Manman is obviously very familiar with the environment here, and Wen Dong was stunned when he heard her explanation.

"Well, Brother Gu Fengshuang has been famous in our base for a long time, and he is also one of the best masters in our base. Even if they don't advance to extraordinary, it is impossible to kill them in jungle combat. Besides, everyone brought by Miss Yingzi Their skills are extraordinary, they must have taken advantage of the terrain to stick to Pocket Valley and wait for our rescue." Du Manman said seriously.

"Well, it shouldn't be too late, we have to get to Pocket Valley before dark." Wen Dong nodded, serious and serious.

As early as in the water market, they had already discussed the countermeasures. They did not need to go to the base this time. Although the base was blocked by many mercenaries, it was guarded by Li Ningyan, and it was almost impossible to break through.So after they came to the southern boundary of Xia Kingdom this day, they went directly to Pocket Valley to rescue Yingzi and the others.

"Don't worry, boss, Du Manman grew up in these woods since she was a child, and she is very familiar with this place. She said that three hours must be three hours. If you want me to talk to Xiuxiu, I think you can find me." You may not be able to find it in three days." Ling Yun comforted with a smile.

"Finally said something human." Du Manman glanced at Ling Yun, but couldn't help but smiled triumphantly: "Several major mercenary regiments fought against the base at the same time. This is obviously a long-planned plan by them. The members also tried to cooperate with the inside and outside of the base to attack and assassinate them, but there were too many of them, and they also knew some things about our base, so they had taken precautions, so the effect was not great. And many places in this mountain forest have been set up by the hostile mercenary group to resist. , I will take you all on an absolutely safe route and arrive at Pocket Valley as soon as possible."

"Well, we still have to cross the river? Do we need to bring some tools for crossing the river?" Wen Dong asked cautiously.

"The Black Water River was what it used to be called. Now the Black Water River has already dried up into a river bed, but there are many poisonous swamps and poisonous insects in it. Fortunately, I have walked through it many times, and I am familiar with it. As long as you are careful, you will not come out." What is it, and there is no one there, the road is absolutely safe, and there will be no obstacles." Poison Manman explained with a smile.

"Well, then let's go." Wen Dong couldn't help but said anxiously.

Du Manman nodded, and stopped talking, and jumped down the slope first, and got into the dense vegetation thoroughly.

Wen Dong followed closely with Ling Yun and Zhang Xiuxiu.

A group of four walked through the forest for nearly an hour when Du Manman, who was leading the way, suddenly slowed down.

"Aren't you tired? If you're tired, just take a rest." Wen Dong walked over with the three of them and said, looking down at the pair of slender legs under the military uniform pants of this little beauty, letting a girl walk through the forest at such a speed , if the average person would already be exhausted and paralyzed, even he would feel a little tired.

Du Manman looked at the surrounding environment, as if looking for a way, heard Wen Dong's concerned voice, shook his head and smiled slightly: "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Hey, Boss, don't worry about her. This Du Manman is a natural jungle savage. It is said that this little woman once walked on the mountain road with fifty catties of drugs on her back for two days and two nights without rest. This is a woman like iron. "Ling Yun explained with a smile while wiping the sweat off his face while standing aside.

"A dog can't spit out ivory." Du Manman turned around and gave Ling Yun an angry look.

'Iron woman? 'What is this description?
(End of this chapter)

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