How bad guys are made

Chapter 1019 The Battle of the Trapped Beasts!

Chapter 1019 The Battle of the Trapped Beasts!


Looking at the crowd in black with blood-red eyes, Gu Fengshuang let out a roar, and the blood ax slashed fiercely, and a ten-meter-wide earth-colored ax light condensed on the blood ax and slashed down fiercely, directly hitting The two colonizers who were the first to bear the brunt flew out, and one of them had his scales shattered by an axe.

The splash of blood didn't slow down the attack of the men in black clothes. One after another figure flashed forward, quickly encircling Gu Fengshuang and the others, a sprinting team of only five people.

"Ding Ding!"

The students from the Qingcheng base and the men in black costumes rushed together, and the fierce offensive was life-threatening. Each has their own strengths, especially the students who have practiced "Guying Phantom Killing". They are erratic, extremely fast, and have rich combat experience. Shang Yingzi's interference gains were evenly matched.

No one is willing to die, and no one dares to hide their secrets at such a time, but even so, the students in Qingcheng base will suffer casualties very quickly, and when it comes to the ability to continue fighting, they are no match for the breeders.In particular, these breeders are still peripheral members of the temple guards brought by snakes and tigers, an elite team!
This attacking team used the Gu Fengshuang brothers as arrows to go straight to the valley mouth, but just when they were about to reach the valley mouth, a mighty fighting spirit suddenly swept down from the sky, Gu Fengshuang let out a rage, and swiped the bloody ax in his hand, The strong rustic spirit hugged him up, and then resisted the battle spirit.

"The defense is good, but it's still a little bit worse!"

A sneer came out, before the words fell, fighting spirit exploded, a figure also flashed down, and immediately once again slammed a fist at the blood ax that Gu Fengshuang held up, and the latter also rushed to respond with all his strength.


With a loud bang, the ground under Gu Fengshuang's feet cracked open, and the rusty blood ax in Gu Fengshuang's hand also made a slight cracking sound with a 'click'. , His legs that were deeply sunken in the ground finally couldn't support, and he knelt down with a 'plop'.

The snake tiger moved quickly, and immediately kicked fiercely on Gu Fengshuang's chest with a flying foot, only heard a few crackling sounds of broken ribs, before the sound fell, Gu Fengshuang flew out directly, tyrannically The impact directly lifted a layer of soil on the ground.

The snake and tiger kept moving, kicked up Fang Neng who was rushing up to resist, and the latter flew out, hitting a giant tree heavily, with a flushed face, 'poof ' spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with broken internal organs, and his body slipped from the tree trunk to the ground weakly, seemingly dead.

"Trash! How dare you stop him with just this little ability?" Snake Tiger sneered mockingly, but just as he finished speaking, his slightly narrowed eyes suddenly narrowed, and he stretched out his hand to pat the faint figure that had already appeared on one side.

Unexpectedly, the other party's body was light and nimble, and he dodged it with a twist of his waist. The cold light of the ice blade flashed away, and immediately slashed fiercely on the neck of the snake and tiger.


The snake tiger only felt a pain in the neck, and swung its fist violently at Gu Fenghan who was attacking sneakily. The force was too great, 'Deng Deng' stepped back four or five steps before stabilizing his figure, staring at the other party with cold eyes.

Snake Tiger stretched out his hand to touch the aching neck, and spread his fingers to see that there was a trace of bright red blood on it, but it was just that.

"The attack power is good, and the speed is also good. It's a bit interesting." Snake Tiger licked the blood on his fingers, and his expression suddenly became gloomy. Obviously, he didn't expect that he would be blooded by a little guy who had just advanced to Superman , this is simply a shame!

Seeing that his fatal blow had only caused some superficial injuries to the opponent, Gu Fenghan's cold expression finally became dignified.

"Oh? Can you still stand up?" Snake Tiger tilted his head slightly, and saw that Gu Fengshuang, who was kicked by him just now, staggered and stood up again, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, which seemed a little unexpected.

"Stupid, don't pretend to be an expert in front of me, come here if you have the ability, what are you BB talking about? Pretend to be a wolf with a big tail, stupid." Gu Fengshuang was a rough person, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. Said in a contemptuous tone.

"Okay!" Hearing Gu Fengshuang's words, the banter in Snake Tiger's eyes suddenly turned into murderous intent, and he glanced at the two brothers with a gloomy expression. With a wave, there was a slap in the void that directly sent the planter flying, and said in a serious tone: "I will deal with these two hard-headed people, please don't interfere."

After saying this, he walked out of the battle ring slowly, and shouted in a cold voice: "You block the Taniguchi, and if you let anyone go, you will take your own life!"

Hearing the angry snort of Snake Tiger, the planters around hurriedly responded respectfully, and then slowly backed away, quickly forming a fan shape and sealing the Taniguchi completely!
Seeing the opponent's posture of killing all and never letting go, Gu Fengshuang covered his chest with one hand and looked at his younger brother standing beside him, his expression completely sank.


They didn't expect that there would be such a big gap between their brother and this person!

"Hey, aren't your bones hard? What's wrong? Are you scared?" He glanced at Yingzi and the others who were standing in a circle not far away, and then looked at Brother Gu Fengshuang. It was already the food on his lips.In his opinion, Brother Gu Fengshuang is only slightly stronger than the most advanced breeders, and far behind him!

But thinking of Gu Fengshuang's mockery to him just now, the eyes of the snake and tiger gradually became cold, and with a sinister smile, the sole of his foot slammed on the ground, and his figure rushed towards the ground erratically, and finally stopped in front of Gu Fengshuang's brothers. In the distance, he said disdainfully: "Don't say I bully the younger generation, I'll hit you both alone. Especially you, I will smash your bones and teeth one by one!" At the end, he focused his gaze on the two of you. On Gu Fengshuang's body, his eyes were full of vicious killing intent.

Looking at the slowly approaching snake and tiger with blood-red eyes, Gu Fengshuang held the blood ax tightly in one hand, and after a while, he yelled angrily, the soles of his feet slammed on the ground, and his body burst out, the blood ax in his hand had no fancy Straight to the latter's neck.And Gu Fenghan, who had a cold face beside him, also disappeared when his body was erratic and illusory. Looking from afar, he was actually an erratic figure, but he was aiming at the target at a fast speed, snake tiger!
Seeing that the two were the first to attack, the disdain overflowing from the corners of the snake and tiger's mouth grew a little stronger.Standing still, when the blood ax appeared two feet away in front of him, the wide and thick palm suddenly bent and bent, and immediately the air in his hand became strangely twisted like an eagle's claw. , followed by a clasp of five fingers, which directly made the momentum of the blood ax that contained the mighty force freeze.

With such an attack, the opponent can block it with just a single claw!The blood ax suddenly froze, Gu Fengshuang's face also changed slightly, and then he gritted his teeth and twitched the blood ax fiercely, but the five thick fingers of the other party were like giant tongs, holding the blood that was sinking vigorously. The ax froze and remained motionless.

"With this little strength, how dare you shout in front of me? Who gave you the capital?" Sneered at Gu Fengshuang who was gritting his teeth and twitching the blood axe, the sarcasm on the corner of his mouth became stronger.The snake and tiger flicked their fingers fiercely, and flicked heavily on the blood ax between their fingers, a tyrannical force burst out suddenly!

After a crisp sound of steel, Gu Fengshuang's strong body retreated again, his feet clinging to the ground drew a long trace on the ground, the big hand holding the blood ax kept trembling, a trace of blood It gurgled down, and then dripped to the ground along the blood axe, and then it rolled in the throat, and the cold face flushed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.The opponent's bomb was not so light at all, and he was injured before, and this time it was even worse.

"Brother Shuang!"

Seeing that Gu Fengshuang was injured and retreated suddenly, the group of girls and youths behind immediately shouted.

"Brother Gu Fengshuang, how are you?" Yingzi rested her palm on Gu Fengshuang's back and let go of all that energy. She also asked anxiously. Now the strongest combat power here is Gu Fengshuang. If he can resist, if he shows something, Gu Fenghan alone can't resist at all, then basically they have no chance to resist at all.

"I'm fine." Gu Fengshuang gritted his teeth, stood up again, and stared at the plain-faced snake and tiger. After a while, his face suddenly flushed again, and he spurted out a mouthful of dark red blood, which was obviously internal organs. Has also been shaken.

Seeing Gu Fengshuang vomit blood again, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and their hearts were full of despair.

"The timing is just right..." After knocking Gu Fengshuang into the air, Snake Tiger sneered again, and with a twist of his palm, a strong yellow fighting spirit surged out of his palm, and then lingered around the sharp fingertips, glowing The chilly aura, and just as this terrifying aura condensed, Gu Fenghan, who had disappeared before and had been waiting for an opportunity to strike, flashed behind him, crossing two short swords containing icy fighting aura in his hands, and struck fiercely. Cut off the head of the snake and tiger!

The sneer of the snake and tiger has not yet fallen, but they don't even look at it. The yellow and earthy claws suddenly shot backwards strangely, and then the afterimages flew, and the metal and iron struck "ding ding" The ringing sounded densely like pearls falling on a jade plate, and every time his claws slapped on the strange dagger, the icy fighting spirit shrouded in it would weaken a bit, and his whole yellow claws finally It turned white.But in just a few blinks, the icy fighting spirit and attack power on the two swords became much weaker.Finally, as the snake and tiger roared angrily, the claws formed into fists, and they smashed out fiercely with terrifying aura and unparalleled speed.

(End of this chapter)

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