How bad guys are made

Chapter 1020 Kill!

Chapter 1020 Kill!


A muffled sound sounded, and everyone saw Gu Fenghan flying back, not as elegant as before, very embarrassed, and finally slammed into a big tree, his body leaned forward again, "plop" for a while Kneeling on the ground, his cold face was raised, but it was already pale.

Gu Fenghan's "Lonely Shadow Illusion Killing" is an attacking technique. Although it is very explosive, it is not suitable for trembling. However, snakes and tigers have extremely strong defenses, and their level is two levels higher than his. So it was completely careless to be succeeded by him. With the preparation this time, Gu Fenghan will hardly make any progress!
"Two extraordinary fighters in this area dare to shout in front of me with such poor strength. They don't know how to live or die." Snake and Tiger clenched their fists without pain, and sneered disdainfully: "It's no wonder that trash Wendong is afraid of death." Came to save you, it’s really trash.”

"You..." Hearing this, Yingzi and the others were furious, but were scared back by the other party's cold stare, speechless.

"What level are you?" Gu Fenghan forced himself to stand up, his cold eyes calmly looked directly at the snake and tiger.

"Extraordinary King, another title is—War King." Snake and Tiger looked at him contemptuously, and sneered again: "And you are just warriors, and you are still [-] levels away from Zhan Wang, which is a full two." While speaking, he stretched out two fingers and shook them.And Gu Fenghan's calm expression made him look a little higher.

"Level [-]?" Gu Fenghan murmured, and immediately picked up the dagger again under the stunned eyes of the snake and tiger, and pointed it directly at his heart.

"Not bad boy, I really like you. If you follow me, I will never kill you. Moreover, I am sure that you will be promoted to the king of battle! You will be equal to me, how about it?" Gu Fenghan, who had a fighting spirit, said that he actually had a heart of cherishing talents.

Gu Fenghan didn't answer, his body flickered, and an afterimage rushed straight towards the snake and tiger.

"Stubborn, if this is the case, then I will show you what is the strength of a war king!"

The two icy short swords in the pupils crossed the afterimages and struck, the snake and the tiger sneered, and immediately the two fingers stretched out were slightly curved, and they directly clamped the two swords with two fingers, and the arms swung With a flick, the two swords came out from Gu Fenghan's hands, and finally shot heavily into a mountain wall.


The two swords were released, and the snake and tiger leaned forward suddenly, and their shoulders slammed into the opponent fiercely. Gu Fenghan's expression was heavy, and he quickly turned over to avoid it, but unexpectedly, the snake and the tiger grasped hard with one hand, and Gu Fenghan was surprised to realize that the opponent was holding back again. After using the same ability, my speed actually slowed down a lot. This is the reason why the two swords in my hands were caught by the opponent before. I just felt like my whole body fell into a mud puddle, and my movements were extremely slow.

But the snake and the tiger didn't move slowly. They smiled coldly at him, drew a strange mark with their claws and clenched them into fists, directly smashing hard on the chest of Gu Fenghan who couldn't dodge.


He didn't have the defense that Gu Fengshuang had. When he was hit hard, Gu Fenghan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then his whole body was lightened, and his body suddenly flew upside down. After flying on the ground and rolling for more than ten meters , which gradually stopped.

Gu Fenghan struggled to turn over, using his arms to support the ground tremblingly, wanting to get up, but his cold and handsome face flushed again, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and after such a spurt of blood, his face In an instant, it became pale as paper.

Seeing that Gu Fenghan was knocked into the air again, and this time he was obviously seriously injured, Yingzi and the others couldn't help but exclaimed, Yingzi rushed out quickly, but hadn't reached Gu Fenghan's side yet. , that is, he vomited blood and retreated after being hit by a sudden strong wind.

Yingzi's face was pale, and she looked shocked. At this time, she really negotiated and attacked with the other party, and only then did she truly feel the powerful power of the other party, which was completely beyond her level.The opponent has completely surpassed mortals, and he can be seriously injured and fly back with just a single blow.

Yingzi looked at Gu Fenghan who was trembling all over and couldn't get up, then looked at Gu Fengshuang who was surrounded by everyone and looked pale, her heart was filled with grief, is she going to die here today?She knew that she would definitely die, because once caught by the other party, life would be worse than death, and she might as well commit suicide at that time.As for his family feud, he can only hope that Wendong can live up to his promise...

And here only Yingzi, who is the strongest, was casually injured, and for a while, no one dared to go forward.Going up is also to die.

Snake and Tiger glanced at Yingzi, sneered, then looked away, and then stared indifferently at Gu Fenghan who was struggling on the ground and trying to stand up, the corners of his mouth became more disdainful, he moved his feet, and then walked slowly towards the seriously injured person. In front of Gu Fenghan.

"Brother Gu Fengshuang, don't..." At this moment, Yingzi just turned around and saw Gu Fengshuang standing up with the injury, and then swung the blood ax and rushed towards the snake and tiger viciously again.

"Looking for death!" Snake Tiger tilted his head slightly, and Gu Fengshuang sneered when he saw the rushing Gu Fengshuang. When the blood ax was approaching, he reached out and grabbed it, and then kicked the latter away again.

After kicking Gu Fengshuang into the air, the snake and tiger stopped caring about him, but turned to look at Gu Fenghan.Yingzi and the others around looked at the behavior of the snake and tiger, and wanted to stop them, but their strength was too far behind that of the snake and tiger. rice.

Under those horrified gazes, the snake tiger stopped a dozen meters away from Gu Fenghan, looked down at Gu Fenghan with a smirking gaze, and snorted coldly: "Boy, a man's bones are hard, but when he is dying When the bones are hard, then you are a fool. I will give you another chance, do you want to lower me?"

Gu Fenghan's lips were tightly pursed, and his calm eyes that throbbed slightly due to the pain just looked at him like this, without saying a word, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, it was a sneer of disdain.

"Okay, okay, you have backbone!" After being rejected twice and three times, Snake and Tiger completely lost patience, staring at him coldly, and said solemnly: "Then don't blame me for being rude, boy, if you really let me If you practice for a few more years, I'm afraid you can really surpass me, but it's a pity that the geniuses of heaven are always prone to die young."

The sinister voice fell, and the huge hand of the snake and tiger weighed the blood ax that had just been snatched from Gu Fengshuang's hand, and the sinisterness at the corner of the mouth expanded again.

"To die under my brother's weapon, I don't know if it is a shame for the two of you?" The big hand waved the blood ax casually, causing a whirlwind of 'woo woo'.The snake and tiger smiled indifferently, and immediately their eyes became cold and stern, and the blood ax in their hands was thrown out while spinning, with a whirlwind that pierced the air, and it slashed fiercely at Gu Fenghan's head while spinning at extreme speed...

"Don't..." Seeing the behavior of the snake and tiger, the faces of Yingzi and others suddenly changed, and the girls couldn't help screaming.

"No..." Gu Fenghan knelt on the ground, covering his sunken chest with one hand, his eyes were tearing apart!
The blood ax rapidly magnified in Gu Fenghan's eyes, his eyes were as calm as ever, waiting for the swirling ax to split his head in half, his body was motionless, and he couldn't dodge at all... …


Under the gazes of the surrounding Jinghe gazes, the blood ax was hundreds of years away from Gu Fenghan's head, and just when everyone thought he was going to die on the spot, there was a sound of breaking wind, and suddenly came from the sky. suddenly sounded.

An extremely subtle sound of breaking the wind sounded, although the sound was small, it was extremely fast. Black and white light and shadow flashed across the sky like lightning, and finally hit the blood ax with great precision!

The speed of hesitation was too fast, the sound of the impact was loud, but also extremely crisp, the sound resounded through the forest, and immediately a black and white slender sword plunged straight into the ground, and the blood ax was smashed directly into the ground .

A puff of dust spread out from where it landed, and the sudden change made everyone dumbfounded, but Gu Fenghan's calm eyes turned slightly sideways, looking at the black and white thin handle in front of him with some surprise. Long Sword.

His eyes, which calmly faced death without flickering, fluctuated again, staring blankly at the somewhat familiar slender black and white sword, frowning slightly, as if he was trying his best to search his memory.

Yingzi in the distance also stared in astonishment at the black and white sword that was still shaking slightly on the ground, and her beautiful willow eyebrows frowned slightly. After a moment, she seemed to think of something, and a burst of ecstatic excitement suddenly emerged Its pale pretty face.

Gu Fengshuang shouted out in one go: "Wendong, it's Wendong!"

Gu Fengshuang's ecstasy lost her voice, and echoed endlessly in the valley, which made many people stunned, even the many students behind Yingzi. .

The first one to recover from the shock was Yingzi, who was extremely sensitive to this name. Moreover, when Gu Fengshuang lost her voice, she remembered that there was an unbearable smear on that pale and beautiful cheek in an instant. Believe in joy, there is a tinge of red...

"Wendong? Get out..." The snake-tiger retreated abruptly, and then his eyes jumped, his voice rolled, and his eyes quickly swept across the surrounding sky.

"Hehe, Gu Fenghan, Gu Fengshuang, I heard that you were promoted to Transcendence, and I wanted to congratulate you, but I didn't expect to see this scene when we met." Just as the snake and tiger's voice fell, a clear and clear voice sounded out of thin air, hovered in the air, and finally echoed in the In the whole valley.

Hearing the sound, everyone in the valley raised their heads abruptly, and saw an emerald green figure rushing forward with a few flashes above the high canopy of the tree.

"Wendong, it's really Wendong, this time it's finally saved." He looked at the familiar face that he had missed for many days and nights.Yingzi's tightly clenched plain hands slowly let go, and she was completely relieved, and a relieved smile appeared on her pale pretty face.

This guy, if you don't come, your woman will commit suicide here.Yingzi stared closely at the approaching figure with a pair of beautiful eyes, but felt the urge to cry, but at this moment, in front of so many people, especially enemies like snakes and tigers, he could only force himself to hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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