Chapter 1021
"Miss Yingzi, is he Wendong? The leader of our base?" Beside Yingzi, many students asked in a low voice with some doubts. They all joined the base guardians after Wendong left. For the team, Yingzi also gave special instructions when they got the high-level resources. These were given by Wen Dong, the leader of the base, but although they have a deep memory of this name, they have never seen the real person.

"Well, he is the leader of our base, Wendong." Yingzi nodded slightly, looking straight at the familiar figure.

Hearing Yingzi's affirmation, everyone looked up in shock and looked at the young man standing far away. Regarding the matter of Wendong, most people only knew that he was the new leader of the base. The cheats are all from this person.Not only that, it is said that their leader was an extraordinary warrior very early on, what's more, they also learned from Gu Fengshuang's chat that their leader was not only an extraordinary, but also an extraordinary warrior with extremely high strength and level, Back then, the leader of the Broken Cloud Nation and his party was able to withstand the heavy artillery of the pirate ship with his own strength.The news of all this added a bit of mystery to Wen Dong's identity as the leader of the base.

Looking at the shocking gazes, Wen Dong finally heaved a sigh of relief, and then a silver light flickered on the soles of his feet again, and with a movement of his body, Gu Fenghan, who was seriously injured, was pulled among the crowd, and smiled at the latter: "Fortunately, it's just a serious injury, and it's not life-threatening, not bad."

Taking a deep breath, Gu Fenghan finally relaxed a little bit from his tense heart as he looked at the familiar face so close.

"That guy is very strong." Gu Fenghan said in a low voice, nodding his head slightly.

"That's right." Wen Dong nodded slightly, and then looked at Gu Fengshuang who was struggling to stand up. There are only two of them in the Qingcheng base. It would be too distressing to lose one of them.

"If you don't dare to come, I'm afraid my two brothers will try their best to stop him." Gu Fengshuang casually reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and coughed from the distance, but his cold and stern face was filled with a rare smile.

Wen Dong smiled slightly, and handed a few pills to the two brothers, then patted the shoulders of the two, and said with a smile: "Eat it, just rest aside, and leave the next thing to me."

"You two brothers really did not live up to my expectations." Looking at the two of them, Wen Dong couldn't help sighing again.

"What about me?" Just as Wen Dong finished speaking, a charming voice came, with a sour tone.

Hearing this, Wen Dong moved his gaze back slightly, and finally stopped on the exquisite black-clothed beauty, and said with a soft smile, "Forget it, the words of encouragement are too foreign."

What is this called?

Yingzi pouted in reluctance, is it so difficult to even praise her for having put in so much effort?

"Ahem, Ms. Yingzi may not understand our extensive and profound Tianxia Mandarin. Although none of us are outsiders, there is still a difference between us and you in the eyes of the leader, that is, outsiders and insiders. You are the wife of the leader, hehe." Gu Fengshuang explained with a smile on the side.

Hearing this, Wen Dong nodded slightly.Feeling Wendong's gentle gaze, Yingzi couldn't help but feel her nose sore after experiencing the grievances of the past few days, a little mist appeared in her eyes, and she gritted her teeth and nodded after a while: "Don't let it go!" These guys, nearly half of the students in our base training team died in their hands this time."

"Don't worry, no one will stay." Wen Dong smiled lightly and nodded.

Hearing Wendong's calm answer, Yingzi, who was somewhat uncertain in her heart, immediately felt relieved, but she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and then turned her head. She saw many little girls Because of this guy's answer, his eyes sparkled.

"Haha..." Seeing Wendong's gaze, the snake and tiger who had not moved not far away couldn't help laughing out loud, until tears flowed out.

"You are Wendong? You have such a crazy tone. I think you Wendong is some kind of ruthless character with three heads and six arms. A mere extraordinary master dares to speak wildly. Who gave you the courage?" Dong, his eyes were also cold, and he sneered in a dark voice.

Wen Dong didn't pay any attention to his sneer.When he rushed to the rescue, he noticed how powerful this snake and tiger were, but it was only stronger than Gu Fenghan and the others.This snake tiger is much worse than the original Devil May Cry and Ghost.It seems that he has just been promoted to the extraordinary king, and it is obviously due to external force.Before I was promoted to Transcendence, I was able to fight with them, but now I have not only been promoted to Transcendent Master, but also because I have cultivated various cheats and branch skills that are too numerous to count.Wen Dong is confident that he can kill this so-called extraordinary king just by using those skills.

Turning around, he glanced at the snake and tiger, and then walked out slowly. When passing by the sword of chaos, he held the hilt of the sword casually with his palm, and then walked slowly towards the snake and tiger.

Seeing Wen Dong's seemingly confident move, the snake tiger's eyes became more and more cold.However, he was still unavoidably surprised. Through the breath sensing, he was very sure that Wendong in front of him was just a super master. Although the super master was powerful, there was still a big gap compared with the real king of war. Own.

This made it hard for him to imagine, where did this guy get the courage?
Although Snake and Tiger forcibly promoted themselves to be the King of War through external force because of the organization, they still have their own talents.He's not stupid, and he can naturally see that Ghost Shadow wants to use him as a gunman, or a pathfinder.You know, Wen Dong was the elder brother who killed Gui Ying back then, and he was a ruthless character much stronger than himself.Especially Ghosting's elder brother and Ghost have fusion skills. Once this skill is used, ordinary war kings are no match for them at all, and if so, they all died on that oil tanker.

Wendong is an extraordinary king?Snake and Tiger didn't believe it at all, because even extraordinary fighters would have data records, let alone a strategic master like King, but they didn't know anything about what happened on the ship back then.

However, what Guiying didn't know was that the reason why he dared to take on this matter was entirely because of the beauty and the beauty.After Hong Yan and Lan Yan returned to the dark dawn, they only said that they jumped off the ship and escaped, and they knew nothing about what happened on the ship, but the organization did not believe it.

A month ago, he also participated in the task of Hongyan assisting the Queen in Niki Kingdom.So the people in the organization used some means to stun Lanyan, and through the cornea and memory snooping technology, they found the memory of being on the tanker from her mind.And he happened to know this person with this technology. Although it was an absolute secret of the organization, after he made some promises, this friend told him something.

That is, Wendong still had a powerful helper, but this helper also died in that battle!

Although his helper is dead, Snake and Tiger are still very cautious, and the siege these days is the best proof, if you don't kill if you are trapped, just wait for Wendong to appear, and see the situation first.

As soon as Wendong appeared just now, the reason why he didn't kill him directly was naturally to use his mental power to search for any powerful masters around, but it turned out that there was none!

So, he was really relieved.

Although the extraordinary master is much stronger than the extraordinary warrior, for him, the king of war, it is nothing more than a little more effort. He doesn't believe that he is not Wendong's opponent at all!

System "Ding: The host activates the branch skill of "Great Teleportation of the Universe": Power Controller—Effect: Transfer 30.00% of the attack received by the host to the world and make it invisible. (Status skill, consumes 30 hatred points, lasts for 20 minutes.)
Skill Features: Unlimited times of use. "

System: "Ding: The host activates the branch skill of "The Great Teleportation of the Universe": Yue Zhan Yueyong—Effect: Use 30% of the damage the host receives as his own use. (Status skill, consumes 20 points of hatred, lasts for [-] minutes .)
Skill characteristics: Unlimited times of use, after the state of Yuezhan Yueyong disappears, the buffed combat power will return to zero. "

System: "Ding: The host opens the branch skill of "Dipping Clothes and Eighteen Falls": Golden Eyes—Increases the host's perception ability by 200%, predicts the enemy first, sees everything, and preemptively strikes. (Consumes 5 points of aversion per second)

The Fire Eye comes with a unique feature—Fire Eye Insight: There is a 30% chance of discovering the enemy's fatal weakness, making the enemy open in front of your eyes, and increasing the chance of the host's fatal blow. (consumes 30 aversion points per second)"

System: "Ding: The host activates the branch skill of "Eighteen Falls of Dip Clothes": Wuying—Instantly increases the host's reaction speed by 300%, increases the host's attack and defense dodge speed by 100, come to Wuying, go to Wutrace, and drop 'Zip' 'Aroused to the extreme. (Consumes 10 aversion points per second.)
System: "Ding: The host attached Qin Wangjian's handprint to the Chaos Sword..."

System: "Ding: The host consumes 600 hatred points to fill up the energy value."

"I'll let you group!" Feeling the powerful power brought by nearly ten BUFF additions, Wen Dong raised his sword and pointed, looking at the snake tiger and the many human beings behind him.

"Okay, okay, it seems that your Tianxia Kingdom is full of arrogant and ignorant guys!" Snake and Tiger said three good words in a row, and was so looked down upon by an opponent who was a whole level lower than himself. Snake and Tiger He couldn't help laughing angrily.

Vigorous fighting spirit suddenly surged out of the body, the yellow fighting spirit was like an earth dragon, directly causing a slight depression on the ground, and when the wide palm was slightly clenched, a fist full of fighting spirit appeared on the fist. The condensed fist glove, under the rendering of the yellow fighting spirit, it seems that the surrounding air has become thicker and viscous a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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