How bad guys are made

Chapter 1022 He is weird!

Chapter 1022 He is weird!
"A little master is as frivolous as the battle king! Boy, I will let you see today what it means to be someone beyond others. Don't think that you are not weak in battle and treat the world's heroes as nothing. Arrogance requires a price. Yes!" Smiling at Wen Dong, the snake and tiger stamped their feet on the ground, and then suddenly shot out, waving their fists again and again, as if the surrounding air was stirred up, and the sharp sound of breaking wind couldn't help but The heart that few people put down lifted up again.

The speed of the snake and tiger was extremely fast, and with a loud shout from him, two earth dragons sprang out from the ground where Wen Dong was standing, directly solidifying Wen Dong's legs on the ground, sharply breaking When the wind rang, everyone exclaimed and saw a huge fist slamming down on the head of Wen Dong, who was bound by the earth prison.

It is controllable that the fighting spirit between the heaven and the earth is condensed in real objects to boost one's own battle. This is the true strength of the King of War!

In the blink of an eye, Snake and Tiger rushed to the bound Wen Dong, and the gloomy and terrifying murderous intent at the corner of his mouth became more and more fierce. Before he fought with Gu Fenghan brothers, it was just for fun, but for Wen Dong, he still He was a little apprehensive, so he became a killer move when he made a move, even if he had a helper, he couldn't make it in time!

But at the moment when his fist was close to Wen Dong's head, he saw that the other's eyes were very calm, which seemed to be slightly weird, and his lips squirmed, as if he seemed to be frightened by himself, but from his mouth shape. It can be seen that what he said seems to be - stupid?
Is this guy here to die?Or is this person not really Wendong at all?For a moment, Snake and Tiger thought of many possibilities, because the other party's eyes were so calm, knowing that with this punch, even the King of War would be seriously injured, not to mention that the other party was just an extraordinary master?

However, he couldn't control that much now, and with his mind turned, the fist he swung became fierce again, and he slammed into Wen Dong's body amidst the exclamation of everyone.

"Huh?" What made Snake Hu's eyes widen suddenly was that his punch missed!

No, it didn't fail, it really hit Wen Dong. Unfortunately, this is not Wen Dong's entity at all, but a phantom!Snake Tiger's face changed suddenly, how did he escape from his own prison?The snake tiger turned around abruptly...

"Ah—" And the moment he turned around, a dying howl pierced his ears, and almost made him vomit blood, Wen Dong rushed into the crowd with a single sword, Zheng cut one of his subordinates to the ground with a sword.

He didn't really feel sorry for these subordinates. In the eyes of Zhan Wang, these junks were no different from ants, but what made him angry was that he was played by Wendong!

With the addition of various buffs, Wendong's current strength is no less than that of snakes and tigers, so killing these breeders is not as simple as cutting melons and vegetables, but it is not that difficult.

The only pity is that although these cultivators basically have the strength of extraordinary warriors, they don't have fighting spirit in their bodies. Otherwise, they can kill them and plunder their opponent's fighting spirit.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

There was a stern shout in his ear, and Wen Dong, who swung a sword and knocked a planter to the ground, suddenly raised his head following the sound, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

This turned out to be an extraordinary martial artist in reproductive clothes!Wen Dong's eyes were bright, and he dodged the claw strikes from all the colonizers in a flash, and met the rushing colonist leader!

The leader of the colonizer looked at Wen Dong, who was grinning from the corner of his mouth in surprise, what kind of eyes was he looking at himself?It's like a single dog who has been masturbating for more than [-] years saw a pretty woman who stripped naked.

A sense of crisis brought him back to his senses. Just as he saw the strange look in the eyes of the rushing Wendong, without even thinking about it, he stomped on the ground with his feet and slammed Wendong's head with his claws. Down.

The weirdness on Wen Dong's face became stronger, and he immediately stepped forward. On the weird side of his body, he saw a sharp toe and claw that was chilling, and it flew against his chest with a sharp wind. And pass.

"It's a pity, it's just a warrior who has just been promoted to extraordinary." Wen Dong pouted to avoid the swift attack of the leader of the colonizer at will, but his movements were not slow, and he swung his sword with his backhand and slashed fiercely. The opponent's neck.

The leader of the colonizer also knew how powerful the other party was, so Wen Dong was not surprised when he dodged his blow. Facing the taunt in the other party's tone, his face turned cold, but he didn't fluctuate much, and he swung his claws to resist.


There was a crisp sound of metal and iron clashing, and the domineering power of the long sword in the opponent's hand almost knocked him to the ground. His face was terrified, and he staggered and rolled aside with an extremely ugly but practical donkey. Wen Dong sneered Just as he was about to give chase, he suddenly raised his head to look at the charging snake and tiger, and dodged again, followed by a faint sneer: "Return the same way, you have hurt me so many people, It doesn't seem too much for me to kill a few of your colonizers to relieve your hatred..."

"Be careful, his fighting spirit is a bit weird!" The leader of the planter who rolled to the side saw the reaper rushing towards Wendong, and quickly reminded him.

"Shameless, so many people beat Wendong alone." Far away from the battle circle, Ying Zisu clenched her hands and shouted angrily. Obviously, when the snake and tiger smashed Wendong's phantom with a punch just now, they also gave her away. scared.

Gu Fengshuang, who had taken the elixir at the side, couldn't help talking when he saw Miss Yingzi's angry and anxious look. It seemed that the leader himself said that he wanted to challenge a group of others!

After a miss again, Snake and Tiger were also obviously stunned for a moment. Obviously, they were very surprised by Wendong's weird speed, but this lion body only lasted for a moment. Focusing on strength and defense, speed is a weak point, and he didn't take the reminder from his subordinates to heart. This kid dared to challenge a group of them, so he naturally had something to rely on. Although it was difficult for him to kill him, but Never believe that I will lose!
Immediately, his eyes sharpened sharply, and the barb formed by the fighting spirit on the fist stretched out, like a blade, slashing out horizontally!

Gujing Wubo looked at the snake tiger's attack that suddenly became more fierce, Wen Dong's tightly pursed mouth also showed a trace of solemnity, but he also wanted to try his own strength compared to the snake tiger Who is stronger!Immediately, the black and white chaos sword in his hand flipped over, and when it was lifted suddenly, it fell down with a bang, and finally hit hard with the fist and claw of the snake and tiger!
"Looking for death!" Seeing that Wendong didn't evade this time but shook himself head-on, Snake and Tiger was overjoyed, shouted violently, and punched three more points!
The sword of chaos held tightly in both hands is extremely fast, as if it can cut through the air, and a thin sword in Wendong's hands feels like a big knife, but compared to the huge fists swung by snakes and tigers, it is really impressive. It looked a little weak, and it was estimated that with this punch, he would be thrown flying with his sword.As the fists and swords collided, the sinister sneer at the corner of Snake Tiger's mouth widened again.


A low and muffled sound suddenly sounded, and Wen Dong felt as if his body was turning on a fast-moving locomotive. The huge impact made him tremble all over his body, and he let out a muffled groan in his throat, and retreated suddenly with his feet touching the ground. After more than ten steps, I feel a little helpless in my heart, this gap is really not so easy to bridge!

But Snake Tiger was much better than him, but he also staggered back four or five steps in embarrassment, and then he stabilized himself in horror, and shouted in horror: "You hide your strength?"

No wonder Snake and Tiger exclaimed so much. At the moment when the fists and swords clashed, almost all the fighting spirit in his body was suppressed by Wen Dong and it was difficult to arouse his real power. Qi invaded the body, if not for his extremely high defense, I am afraid that this blow would seriously injure him!
Seeing that Wendong beat a group of opponents with his own strength, and in a hasty fight, it turned out that the former was not weak, especially when he saw the horrified look of the snake and tiger who was still invincible just now, whose face turned red at this time. The students were also overjoyed, and there was a low cheer at the moment.

Although I have heard a lot of rumors about the new leader of the base during this period of time, I have never seen them with my own eyes.In their view, Brother Gu Fengshuang is already a peerless powerhouse, but before they fought against the snake and tiger, they were as weak as babies. They didn't know how powerful the snake and tiger were, because Brother Gu Fenghan didn't He is not qualified to force out the real strength of the opponent.So even though the leader of the base showed up now, most people still had some worries in their hearts, but this kind of worry disappeared in an instant during the previous lightning confrontation.

"Our leader seems to be stronger than two months ago." Gu Fengshuang couldn't help sighing as he watched such a confrontation where he was outnumbered and still not defeated.He who thought he had a strong defense was also seriously injured by the snake tiger and retreated. Naturally, he felt the deepest about how strong the opponent was.

Gu Fenghan stood aside and stared at the battle circle, his eyes became calm again, but he nodded slightly.

Yingzi's cheeks are also full of smiles. Although she and Wendong have not been together for a long time, she always has a strange feeling in her heart. No matter what kind of difficulties she encounters, as long as he is by her side, everything Difficulties will be easily solved.It was a strange feeling that came from nowhere, but she believed in her sixth sense very much.

"Of course it's strong, you don't know, he has been in seclusion for more than a month before he came, if not, we would have rushed to the rescue." At the mouth of the valley, several figures appeared, and they rushed towards this side quickly, talking Naturally, it was Zhang Xiuxiu. Beside him, Du Manman and Ziling's beautiful figures were eye-catching as they ran quickly. Ling Yun and Li Yi followed closely while keeping an eye on their surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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