How bad guys are made

Chapter 102 Zhang Yanan's Venting

Chapter 102 Zhang Yanan's Venting
"Help, help..." Seeing a car approaching, Cheng Yanan struggled violently, shouting for help desperately.

"Nambly, call me a fart, if you call me again, I will rape you now!" The leader Hong Mao cursed, quickly reached out to cover Cheng Yanan's mouth, winked at several people, and walked quickly to the Jinbei Bread shop.

"Boom, boom..." The car roared again, but the speed slowly slowed down, but what made those punks feel bad was that the car that came from Xinglai rushed straight at them, with dazzling high beams. They couldn't open their eyes from the direct light.

"Damn it!" Seeing the car hit him and the others, the little hooligan cursed angrily, and quickly dodged to the side of the road.

When several young people were busy evading, Cheng Yanan finally took the opportunity to break free from their control, shouted 'help', and staggered towards Wendong's car.

"Damn it, grab her!" The red hair was startled when he saw this, he quickly walked a few steps, and grabbed Cheng Yanan who was trying to escape.

"Help, help, help me..."

"Grass mud horse, can you fucking drive? You are fucking blind. You can't kill someone if you want to!" A yellow-haired man was so angry that he stood beside the car and yelled at the people in the car.

The car slowly stopped beside Jinbei's car and turned off, the door was pushed open with a 'bang', and directly hit Huang Mao beside the car, Huang Mao let out a scream, Gulu rolled to the side of the road.

Seeing the car parked by the side of the road, Cheng Yanan also stopped struggling needlessly. Seeing the yellow hair being knocked into the air by the car door, Cheng Yanan almost cried out happily. The person who walked out was stunned for a moment, how could it be him, isn't he...

Cheng Yanan didn't have time to think about it, although she didn't know why Wen Dong appeared here, but now she didn't have time to think about whether she hated this bastard, and immediately shouted excitedly: "Wen Dong, save me—"

"Paralyzed, who the hell are you? Don't meddle in your own business here. Get out of here. If you don't get out, I'll kill you." Another hooligan stepped forward and shouted arrogantly.

"Boom!" Wen Dong looked up at Cheng Yanan, without saying a word, he just raised his foot and kicked the red hair in front of him, staring coldly at the three little hooligans left beside Cheng Yanan and said coldly: "Let go!" she."

Wen Dong's voice was cold and contained strong anger. He was already upset because of Lin Xiaoxi's Xuezang incident. Later, he planned to ask Lin Xiaoxi's best friend, Cheng Yanan, about Lin Xiaoxi. Wendong agreed that the models came out to play. Although Cheng Yanan had nothing to do with him, if Wendong didn't let them come to play, this kind of thing wouldn't happen. Wendong felt sorry for Lin Xiaoxi. However, if something happened to Cheng Yanan again because of himself, then he would lose the face of apologizing to Lin Xiaoxi.

"Paralyzed, brothers, get rid of this meddling idiot!"

Seeing the younger brother being kicked by Wen Dong, a fierce look flashed in the eyes of the leader, the red-haired young man, he immediately let go of Cheng Yanan's grip, reached out his hand to wipe from his waist, pulled out a fruit knife and rushed up, A few hooligans around him also pulled out their knives with fierce faces, and stabbed Wen Dong in the body with a murderous look.

Cheng Yanan, who was out of control, softened and sat on the ground. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw the posture of those little hooligans holding knives, and suddenly her heart rose to her throat again, and she hurriedly shouted: " Wendong, be careful."

Wen Dong didn't need her to remind Wen Dong to be careful, but these street gangsters didn't take it seriously at all. Seeing how they rushed up with knives, they were far worse than the previous attackers, even if they held a knife in their hands. Knife, these little gangsters are capable of bullying women, a coldness flashed in his eyes, Wen Dong was not afraid at all, and walked up to the rushing gangsters.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

With three punches and two kicks, Wen Dong came to the stunned Cheng Yanan without encountering any obstacles, and the gangsters behind him all fell to the ground and rolled continuously, their bodies twitched, and their mouths let out howls like killing pigs...

"Crack!" When passing by the Huang Mao who was hit by the car door before, Wen Dong gave the man a cold look, then suddenly raised his foot and stomped hard on the little rascal's wrist, followed by a hard kick. Grinding, Huang Mao, who was hit by the car door so badly that he was about to get up, suddenly let out a heart-piercing howl, and his body sat up half-sat on a conditioned reflex, watching in horror that he was being crushed. Wen Dong stepped on the foot on the wrist, Wen Dong sneered and kicked Huang Mao's chin fiercely. Turned over and passed out.Wen Dong didn't even look at it and walked over. When he drove here just now, he saw the yellow hair put his hand into Cheng Yanan's clothes, and he almost crushed the yellow hair's wrist bone with his foot just now. If the law is cured, even if it can be cured barely, it is a useless hand with no strength.

This cruel scene was seen by several young people, and then they shut their mouths in fright at the same time, looking at Wendong as if they had seen a ghost, they didn't even dare to groan, even the one who just started shouting was kicked by Wendong Fei, who was the least injured, quickly pretended to be dead and lay down on the ground, for fear that this ruthless guy would kick himself like this.

"It's all right now, let's go, I'll take you home, I have something to ask you." Wen Dong walked in front of Cheng Yanan, frowning slightly, because of the actions of those hooligans, Cheng Yanan's clothes were very messy at this time, originally There are some seductive short skirt suits that are very disheveled. Almost half of the bumpy figure can be seen clearly, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin, full of endless temptation, especially the pair under the short skirt. Long legs, because of the previous struggle and sitting on the ground, the short skirt has been rolled up to the heels of the legs, and those beautiful long legs wrapped in black stockings are almost completely displayed in front of Wen Dong, and even the bottom can be seen The black lace edge inside the trousers, Wen Dong could not help but pounce on it.Although Cheng Yanan is not as good as Zhang Hanhan and Li Ningyan, the best of the best beauties, and even a bit worse than Li Binger and Sun Xiaojie when she lifts her face, she is definitely one of the rare best beauties, especially It is a pair of sexy and slender long legs. Because of the models, they are well maintained. They are round and plump, which makes people think about it and wants to touch it.

"Ah?! Oh." Hearing Wen Dong's voice, Cheng Yanan's body trembled, and then she recovered from the shock just now, and looked at Wen Dong in shock, as if she didn't know the person in front of her at all, but in a short moment En Jinghou hurriedly staggered to her feet, and followed Wendong to the car in panic...

Seeing Cheng Yanan's appearance, Wendong couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. He knew that Cheng Yanan was frightened by the fact that he had beaten those gangsters to the ground with three punches and two kicks just now, but he didn't bother to explain that he would never have anything to do with this woman in the future. What kind of intersection, I seem very angry to help her so ruthlessly, in fact, the main reason is that these boys hit the muzzle of the gun, and the second is because she is Lin Xiaoxi's best friend, so I can feel at ease if I help her, Just make up for a little mistake.

Unexpectedly, when Cheng Yanan followed him to the side of the car, he suddenly turned around and ran back. Just when Wen Dong was puzzled, Cheng Yanan had already lifted his foot and stepped on the arm of a little hooligan, cursing: : "You idiot, I told you to take advantage of my old lady, and my old lady ruined you..."

"Uh——" The little hooligan kept rolling on the ground in pain. He tried several times to stand up and escape but failed. Although Cheng Yanan's strength was much weaker than Wen Dong's, he was wearing high heels, and the excruciating pain hurt him. Trembling and twitching all over, he didn't dare to cry out because he was afraid of Wen Dong who was standing aside.

Fortunately, he wasn't the only one Cheng Yanan wanted to deal with. After stepping hard on the little rascal a few times, Cheng Yanan turned around and ran to the next one, kicking whoever caught her, accompanied by her hysterical cursing like crazy ...

God knows how Cheng Yanan was frightened just now. Not to mention being molested by these little hooligans, he was still groping on his body for a while, struggling to no avail, and when they dragged him to the car again, he predicted his next fate as soon as possible. At that time, she even wanted to die. Although she was not the kind of innocent girl who guarded herself like a jade, she didn't feel that she would be insulted by these social hooligans. If Wen Dong didn't come just in time, she probably would have found a chance crashed.

"Forgive me, I was wrong, I dare not do it again..." A little hooligan was kicked unbearably, rolled on the ground and begged for mercy.

"What did you do early? Is begging for mercy useful? My mother has abolished you scumbags, bang, bang, bang..."

But his begging for mercy didn't have any effect at all. Instead, it aroused Cheng Yanan's anger due to grievance and fear. She stomped on one and then the second. Whoever yelled louder, she stomped harder. Cheng Yanan was like crazy. In the same way, he vented all his anger on a few people, even the hooligan who was knocked unconscious by Wen Dong's broken wrist, who was kicked awake by Cheng Yanan, and then kicked unconscious again past.

It may be that after being frightened and rescued, she felt relaxed. Cheng Yanan felt tired after venting the pain like crazy. How scared she was just now, or how much she hated these little hooligans who tried to insult her, just when she was panting and about to give up, a knife was suddenly stretched out in front of her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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