Chapter 103

"If you are tired from kicking, use this to save energy and relieve hatred. Don't stab at the vital point, just don't stab someone to death." Wen Dong took the knife and handed it to Cheng Yanan in a very considerate manner. Although he only watched the situation just now, He reached the tip of the iceberg, but he understood the woman's mood at this time, so he didn't stop him. He knew very well that if he came back a few minutes later, this woman might leave an indelible shadow in his heart for the rest of his life, but he I was a little puzzled. These gangsters obviously drove Cheng Yanan out of the taxi. They probably knew Cheng Yanan as if someone hired murderers to take revenge. After all, the nightlife is so rich these days, and there are many beauties who are alone at night. As long as they are not fools, they will never take such a big risk to rob someone from a taxi, but I am not familiar with Cheng Yanan, and I don't know who she offended, so it is not bad to save her. Necessary trip.

Cheng Yanan stared blankly at the shining knives in front of her eyes, which were the knives in the hands of these hooligans, looked up at Wen Dong in fear, and found that Wen Dong was looking at her with a kind smile on his face, his face was gentle and fair , Cheng Yanan was stunned for a moment, it was the first time she looked directly at Wendong at such a close distance, and suddenly found that this man was not as disgusting as she imagined, his expression seemed to understand her current mood, and her little hands were a little nervous He raised it tremblingly, but didn't dare to reach out to pick it up, as if hesitating.

Although he was very angry and needed crazily venting and revenge, and although his personality was a bit masculine, she was a woman after all, and bloody things like seeing blood with a knife had a fatal fear for her.

"Cheng Yanan! You stinky bitch, if you dare to touch us, brother Zhao will not let you go, you are dead! You just wait!" The red-haired young man in the lead looked at Cheng Yanan as if he was going to take Wendong's hand Bone-piercing fear instantly hit his whole body, and he forced his arms to lie on the ground and yelled threats at Cheng Yanan.

Hearing this, Cheng Yanan was stunned for a moment, and immediately came back to her senses. Before, she had wondered why these little hooligans robbed her directly, but after being rescued by Wen Dong, she only focused on venting her fear and forgot her previous doubts for a while. , Now that he heard the threat from the red-haired young man, Cheng Yanan realized that his being robbed was not as simple as a coincidence, and suddenly turned his head to look at the red-haired young man: "How do you know my name? Who is Brother Zhao? You Did you intend to rob me?"

"Yes, we deliberately robbed you. Although we failed, Brother Zhao will not let you go. You are dead! If you dare to touch us, you will be gang-raped, haha..." The leader, the red-haired young man, seemed to have grasped at straws, and stared at Cheng Yanan with his eyes wide open, as if he was insane.

Hearing the young man's roar, he didn't seem to be threatening casually. Thinking that he might encounter many situations like tonight's in the future, Cheng Yanan trembled all over. Although the red-haired young man wasn't seriously injured, his face was It was splattered with blood, and it looked extremely ferocious, like a demon that devours people at night, Cheng Yanan's body suddenly went limp.Seeing Cheng Yanan's frightened look, Wen Dong quickly threw the knife in his hand to the ground and hugged her, looked up at the red hair lying on the ground not far away with a sneer and frowned.

"Hey hey, if you're sensible, go away..." The red-haired young man became even more arrogant and complacent when he saw Cheng Yanan's terrified expression.

Suddenly, Cheng Yanan broke free from Wen Dong's shackles, staggered a few steps forward, leaned over, grabbed the red hair by the collar, raised his little hand and slapped him hard: "Say! Who is that Brother Zhao? Who ordered you to come here?" of?"

"Haha, do you think I will say that? I want to scare you, let you spend the whole day in fear, I want to make your life worse than death, you are dead, just wait..." Being dumped The red-haired man who had been slapped was not afraid at all, but the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth aroused his ferocity even more. The red mouth and bloody teeth made people frightened, very ferocious.

Cheng Yanan was indeed scared. He knew quite a few people with the surname Zhao, but there were not many who had energy and dared to do such a thing. Thinking about what happened tonight, until she was in the night tonight, there was no one How much, and there is only one person surnamed Zhao, and he called himself to tell him that he was not in the night, so so many signs point to one person, Zhao Shengqiang!But Cheng Yanan didn't believe it, because she couldn't believe it. Although she didn't know Zhao Shengqiang very well, she knew that this person had a lot of energy in the underground world of Shuicheng City. If she was targeted by him, it would be over.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

"Say, who is it? Is it Zhao Shengqiang?" Cheng Yanan didn't know what to do with her panic and fear. She even forgot that the person behind her was Wendong. Hongmao slammed his mouth a few times, shouting loudly, like crazy.

"Zhao Shengqiang?" Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and the person Wen Dong wanted to destroy most now was Zhao Shengqiang, but he didn't expect this guy to provoke Cheng Yanan again.

"Hahahaha..." The red-haired stared at Cheng Yanan with fixed eyes, and burst out laughing.

"Tell me, is that bastard Zhao Shengqiang!" Cheng Yanan grabbed the red hair by the neck, shaking it vigorously, hysterical.

"I'll kill you!" Seeing Hongmao just laughing there, Cheng Yanan became more and more frightened as he thought about it, and he didn't know where he got the courage to copy the knife from the ground and press it on Hongmao's neck.

"Don't!" The red hair found something wrong with Cheng Yanan's eyes, especially the beating scarlet blood in Cheng Yanan's eyes, which made his liver and gallbladder tear. The buddy was really bullied so hard that he even stabbed someone with a knife. At that time, he clearly saw that his buddy had this kind of look in his eyes. He clearly knew what the beating scarlet in Cheng Yanan's eyes represented, that was madness , the madness to kill.

"Tch!" A stream of blood shot out from the red hair's neck in an instant.

"Stop! Bang!" Wen Dong was startled. He never thought that Cheng Yanan would really kill someone when he became crazy. At the very moment, he stretched out his foot and kicked Cheng Yanan's hand holding the knife. The kick flew out, but the blade still cut a bloody gash across Hongmao's neck.

"Ah!" Hongmao let out a scream, and stretched out his hands to cover his neck with great effort, with a look of extreme horror on his face.

The blood spattered on Cheng Yanan's hands. At this moment, she suddenly woke up from the madness. She let out a scream from her mouth and sat down on the ground. Her small face was extremely pale with fright, and her lips trembled. As if losing his soul, he muttered: "I killed someone, I killed someone..."

Seeing the blood oozing from the fingers on Hongmao's neck, Wen Dong was also taken aback. Only then did he realize that Hongmao was lying motionless on the ground as if dead, so he rushed over and pulled Hongmao away. Seeing the wound on Hongmao's neck, he felt relieved. The knife only cut through a layer of skin on Hongmao's neck. There is so much blood left because of the dense capillaries on the neck. It looks like It was scary, but it was just a skin trauma. The red-haired man obviously thought he was going to die, so he fainted from fright.

"Don't be afraid, you didn't kill anyone, you just cut some skin." Wen Dong turned his head and looked at Cheng Yanan, who was in a daze, and comforted him, and sighed in his heart, saying that women are scarier than men when they are crazy. It's true, if he had been a little slower in his attack just now, perhaps Hong Mao would have really died under the knife of this woman.

"En? What did you say? He...he's not dead?" Cheng Yanan was taken aback, then raised her head to look at Wendong, then turned her head to look at the still motionless red hair, unbelievable.

Wendong smiled, walked to Hongmao's side, knelt down slowly and reached out to pinch Hongmao's nose, and after a while he punched him directly in the stomach.


"Uh, cough cough..." Hong Mao was almost awakened by suffocation, but Wen Dong's punch directly knocked out the air in his stomach, but he couldn't get out of his nose, and then he opened his mouth and coughed .

"Ah? Where is this? Hell? Why is it so dark?" Hong Mao coughed violently for a while, rolled his eyes and looked at the dark sky and muttered.

Hearing this, Wen Dong couldn't help but smile wryly for a while, and couldn't help but think back to the time when he first came to this world. At that time, he was in prison and thought he had entered hell.

"You're not dead, but you're going to die soon. Tell me, is that Brother Zhao you're talking about Zhao Shengqiang?" Wen Dong pulled the red hair up and asked with a cold face. If these pony boys are really Zhao Shengqiang's subordinates, Then Wendong will naturally not be polite.

"Ah? I'm not dead? I'm really not dead?" Hongmao didn't seem to hear Wendong's question, a face full of blood burst into bloom, and he was extremely happy.

"Crack!" Wen Dong rolled his eyes vigorously. The numb guy is too good-for-nothing, far worse than himself. He shook his hand and gave Hongmao a slap in the face and asked coldly: "If you don't say that Zhao Who is brother, then you are not far from death."

"Ah!" Hong Mao heard Wen Dong's words, and then woke up where he was now. He reached out to touch his neck, but he touched a hand of blood, and let out a terrified cry from his mouth, and was frightened and fainted again.

"Dang!" Wen Dong picked up the knife and threw it next to Hongmao's head: "If you play dead, I don't mind putting another knife on your neck."

"Ah, don't kill me, I say, I say!" Hongmao knew that he was found out by pretending to be dead, and after turning around from the edge of hell, he had a strong fear of death, and quickly moved his body out of Wendong's control, watching Wen Dong with a gloomy face was even more scared to the extreme: "Yes, brother Zhao is Zhao Shengqiang."

(End of this chapter)

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