How bad guys are made

Chapter 104 Are you still scared?

Chapter 104 Are you still scared?
"How could it be him? How could he treat me like this..." Cheng Yanan, who was on the side, heard Hongmao's confession, and the expectation in his heart turned into fear in an instant. He clearly asked him to deal with Wendong, but Wendong didn't She was right by her side, and what made her feel even more unbelievable was that it was Wendong who saved her, but why did Zhao Shengqiang make trouble for herself?Could it be that Zhao Shengqiang and Wendong have known each other for a long time, and Wendong's saving himself is just acting?But it's not like it.

Cheng Yanan couldn't help but looked at Wen Dong who was on the side, his eyes were complicated and difficult to understand, and he couldn't guess what went wrong for a while.

Wendong naturally didn't know what Cheng Yanan was thinking, let alone the fact that he was almost robbed and killed several times by the woman next to him, otherwise Wendong would have kicked Cheng Yanan to death here.

Hearing that Hongmao himself admitted that Brother Zhao was Zhao Shengqiang, Wen Dong smiled slightly, threw the knife on the ground casually, glanced at the few hooligans who were lying on the ground and dared not move, turned to look at Cheng Yanan and said: "Just now Who else touched you among these bastards?"

"Ah? Oh!" Shocked, Cheng Yanan quickly turned her head and pointed her little finger at the four thugs with terrifying eyes on the ground without hesitation: "He, he, and he—"

Wen Dong was taken aback when he noticed Cheng Yanan's dodging eyes. He felt a little strange about this woman's eyes, but he didn't think much about it. Since he had already made a feud with that Zhao Shengqiang, he didn't mind getting rid of his idiots.

Wen Dong got up slowly, with a slight sneer on his face, he walked in front of the four young men, and then suddenly stretched his feet and fell down when the other party's eyes were full of confusion.

"Crack, click, click, click!"

Four consecutive sounds of bone shattering suddenly resounded in the dark and deserted street, and the four young men whose hands were crushed by cruel trampling did not even have time to let out a miserable howl before they passed out from the pain...

"Ding: The host gets aversion level 35, 35..."

After finishing all this, Wen Dong walked slowly to Cheng Yanan's side as if nothing happened, stretched out his hand and pulled her up, ignoring Cheng Yanan's fearful expression, helped her into the car, and drove away.

After driving the car off the dark street, it stopped, caught a cigarette and turned to look at Cheng Yanan, who was still in panic in the passenger seat, and said softly, "Are you still scared?"

"Ah?" Cheng Yanan's body was still trembling slightly, and she couldn't help being afraid when she thought that she almost killed someone just now. He finally came to his senses when he heard Wen Dong's question, and saw Wen Dong's smiling face. However, Cheng Yanan felt a little scared, and trembled vigorously, and quickly lowered her head, not daring to look into Wendong's eyes.

Wen Dong gave her a strange look, thinking that what happened just now must have scared Cheng Yanan to the limit, and since he punished those hooligans with such cruel means, it is possible that Cheng Yanan dared not look at himself.

Stretching out his hand, he stuffed the cigarette directly into Cheng Yanan's mouth, regardless of whether he disliked it or not: "Are you still afraid?"

Cheng Yanan took a deep puff of the cigarette, her lips trembling, she bowed her head and dared not speak, let alone look at Wendong.

"Hehe, sit down." Wen Dong smiled, started the car again, slammed in the same direction and rushed back on the original road, as if he had forgotten that there was a frightened woman beside him, and the speed of the car was reduced in a short period of time. It has been improved to two hundred pulses. This car is naturally the Zhanyi 8 series sedan that Li Ningyan lent to herself. It has already reached the ranks of the most high-end cars in the world. From the car, it can be seen that the technology of this world is still inferior to that of the earth. Some, because this top-end car can run at 280 at most, with a maximum speed limit of about 300, and a Porsche sports car in my previous world can at least reach more than [-].Wendong had a D-level car driving skill long ago, and he really wanted to try this feeling of crazy racing, and because Lin Xiaoxi's incident made him upset, he wanted to use the crazy super-speed to vent his frustration.

"Ah?" Cheng Yanan was taken aback, wondering what Wendong meant when he told him to sit down, but Wendong stepped on the accelerator crazily regardless, accelerating the car twice to nearly [-].Passing through like a flash of lightning on the dark road, the engine that sat down was roaring violently, like a crazy cheetah leaving only an unseen shadow in the dark night.

There are no street lights at all on the road Wen Dong walked, and the visible distance of normal people is the place where the lights shine. If you just walk on a straight road, there is no danger because there are no vehicles on the road, but this road is not a straight road. But the headlights are straight, so if the speed of the car is so fast, if it encounters a curve and fails to react, the car will crash and people will die. It can be described as extremely thrilling. Dong has night vision.

"Ah—you're crazy! Slow down, you're looking for death——" The huge impact made Cheng Yanan's already frightened face full of fear, and the smoke in her mouth flew to nowhere. I never thought that I would encounter this situation just after getting out of the tiger's mouth. I grabbed the handrail above my head and beside me with both hands, and my body, which was not wearing a seat belt, wandered around in the car following the extreme speed and turning of the car. It hit the roof of the car violently, and it became red and swollen instantly.

"Ah——" Seeing that the car hit the foot of the mountain, Cheng Yanan let out a scream and closed his eyes hard. The car made a sharp turn, and Cheng Yanan's body slammed into the door beside him.

Wen Dong didn't seem to hear it, and kept accelerating, reaching the maximum limit of the Zhanyi car. It passed through the dark street like a black stream at a high speed, and it took more than ten minutes before the speed slowed down.It stopped at the edge of a quiet forest, which was obviously an undeveloped wasteland, not to mention street lights, not even a telephone pole, and the surrounding area was extremely dark.

"Bang——" pushing the car door, Wen Dong got out of the car and went outside to light a cigarette. Surprisingly there was no movement around, and when he turned his head to look into the car, he burst out laughing.

Cheng Yanan sat there like a fool, her hands were still holding on to the handrails desperately, her eyeballs were wide open as if she had seen a ghost, filled with deep fear, her mouth was open, as if her breathing had stopped, her body Sitting there stiffly like a zombie, motionless.

Looking at Cheng Yanan's small hands with blue veins bulging from excessive exertion, Wen Dong grinned and said heartlessly, "Aren't you afraid now?"

Cheng Yanan's body trembled, and finally she came back to her senses, her dull pupils became in focus, and she slowly turned her head to look at the smiling face outside the car. Covering her small mouth, she slammed open the car door and spat out with a 'wow'.

Wendong leaned comfortably on the car and looked at Cheng Yanan's vomit, with a smile on his face, heartless...

"Wendong, are you fucking crazy! If you want to die, you can die yourself and don't take me, vomit..." Cheng Yanan yelled regardless of her appearance, but she opened her mouth and vomited before she finished cursing, holding the doorkeeper with one hand She vomited out all the wine she drank tonight, not to mention even the acidic water in her stomach, her pale face turned red from holding her breath, and her tears flowed out. , looked very embarrassed, and finally felt better after spit a few mouthfuls, staring angrily at Wen Dong who was lying on the car door and watching the show, wishing to pounce on this bastard to death.

"I risked my life to save you. Are you still cursing me to die if you don't appreciate me?" Wen Dong rolled his eyes helplessly, and continued: "Besides, I didn't really want to die, but I just saw how scared you were." It's just for you to relax, even if you want to die, I won't pull you, I don't know you well."

"You..." Cheng Yanan looked at Wen Dong's indifferent look and suddenly became angry, relax?The old lady was almost scared to death, let your sister loose, she pointed at Wendong and trembled, but she didn't say a word.

Wen Dong said lazily, and as he spoke, his eyes fell on Cheng Yanan involuntarily, especially the sexy long legs wrapped in black stockings, and at this time Cheng Yanan pressed his hands on his knees and half bowed, that The towering chest looks extremely exaggerated, and the deep whiteness is intoxicating. There is a playful smile on the corner of Wendong's mouth: "But as the saying goes, once you are born and you are familiar again, besides, I will save you." If I miss you, if you want to be grateful in your heart and promise me with your body, next time I really want to die, I can consider taking you with me, after all, you are barely tall enough to pass."

"Wendong, you bastard! I'll fight with you!" Cheng Yanan seemed to have forgotten her fear of Wendong. Wendong's unscrupulous teasing made her lungs explode with anger, especially the one full of obscenity, laughter and love. The wretched look in her eyes made her even angrier, and suddenly she yelled, straightened up and rushed over.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Wen Dong watched Cheng Yanan, who was staggering forward, motionless, with that indifferent look still on his face.

With a "thud", Cheng Yanan fell to the ground as soon as he took a step forward. With an "oops" in his mouth, his snow-white and smooth knees came into close contact with the rough concrete floor, and a piece was scratched immediately. The black stockings were even more so. A cut was made, and the burning pain in her knee made her frown hard.

"Hey, I didn't move. You fell down yourself, not my fault." Wen Dong said innocently, carrying on heartlessly to the end.

"Hiss..." Cheng Yanan raised her head and stared coldly at the innocent Wen Dong without saying a word, resisting the pain in her knees and struggling to stand up tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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