How bad guys are made

Chapter 105 Please, No

Chapter 105 Please, No
Just as Cheng Yanan was about to walk a few steps to reach out to help the car, his legs were limp and his buttocks were sitting on the ground. With the burning pain in his buttocks and knees and Wendong's reckless insult, Cheng Yanan suddenly felt unspeakable grievances in his heart, tears It fell off with a swipe...

"This..." Wendong is not afraid of women getting angry, even if Li Binger, who was born in the armed police, would be subdued by himself, but he is most afraid of women crying, especially beautiful women.The makeup on Cheng Yanan's face was all washed out when she cried, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she is in a state of disheveled clothes. At this time, she lay on the ground hugging her long legs and cried aggrievedly, especially the ones on her legs. The stockings were all torn, and there was a red and swollen piece on the knee with a trace of blood oozing out. Wen Dong suddenly felt awkward. Although he was not familiar with her, he knew that she had been frightened before. , Although this girl was not very pleasing to the eye, Wen Dong was still a little bit sorry, so he walked over.

"Hey, don't cry, it's my fault. I take back what I said just now. The reason why I drive fast is just to let you divert your fear. As the saying goes, fighting poison with fire is the most effective. Come on, get in the car with me, I will drive You go home." Wen Dong squatted in front of Cheng Yanan, smiled wryly and reached out to help her up.

"Don't think that I don't know who you are, don't be hypocritical here, don't think that I will be grateful to you for saving me, you and that Zhao Shengqiang are the same, Xiaoxi's life has been ruined by you Do you know, now you still want to take advantage of me? Don't touch me, you bastard!" Cheng Yanan became more and more annoyed as she spoke, and at the end, she didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly raised her hand and slapped Wendong with a 'slap' A bright red slap mark suddenly appeared on his face.

Wen Dong who had just stretched out his hand was suddenly stunned. He never expected that Cheng Yanan would slap him. Sun Xiaojie slapped him, Li Binger slapped him, Lin Xiaoxi slapped him, but even if they were not his women, it was because I can only blame myself for doing something bad, and I can only blame myself for taking advantage of others with my hands and mouth, and asking for trouble.But why did she, Cheng Yanan, beat herself? Not only did she not do anything to her but she saved her, so what if she was Lin Xiaoxi's best friend?Even if she feels guilty, it's only for Lin Xiaoxi. What is she?
Wen Dong's face turned livid in an instant, and he looked up at Cheng Yanan coldly, with angry flames in his eyes.

Cheng Yanan was also dumbfounded, she stared blankly at her palm, feeling that there was still burning pain on it, so you can imagine how hard the slap was just now, what happened to me?Are you mad?Why did you slap Wen Dong just now?

Slapping people doesn't slap people in the face, especially men. No matter how bad Wen Dong said, I can't justify this slap. If you want to say that you and Wen Dong have no enmity at all, and Wen Dong did save yourself before, even if Cheng Yanan has always suspected that this is a play that Wendong and Zhao Shengqiang colluded with to act, after all, Wendong's appearance is too coincidental.

"What? Did you show your true face? I..." Cheng Yanan raised her face and tried to calm herself down. Her voice was cold, but the trembling in her voice betrayed her inner fear, especially when she saw the text After Dong Na's eyes were burning with anger, he closed his mouth in fright, and looked at Wen Dong nervously.

"You? How are you?" Wen Dong stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes were cold.

"I..." Cheng Yanan was about to speak, but when she saw Wen Dong's sneer, she suddenly lost her position, and regretted it in her heart, why was she so impulsive just now, especially now that the black lights don't know where to go, Wen Dong If he was so powerful, if he wanted to do something to him, he would not be her opponent at all. When he noticed Wen Dong's approaching cold face, he instinctively told her that this man was going to be ruthless. Thinking of this, Cheng Yanan's intestines turned green with regret, and he stretched his body hard. I shrank back, forgetting even the pain in my leg.

"What? Isn't that slap just now very cool? Why did you slap me in the face? Do you know how important a man's face is? Don't you think you should pay a price?" Wen Dong sneered Looking at her intently, with playful eyes, looking at Cheng Yanan's pale face with fright, there was an uncontrollable coldness deep in her eyes.

"What... what price, how about you..." Cheng Yanan leaned hard on the wheel of the car, lowered her head so hard that she didn't dare to look at Wen Dong's frightening appearance, her lips were so frightened that her lips trembled white and she couldn't speak smoothly, Wen Dongyue The more she is calm, the more nervous she is. She wanted to say that she would not let Wendong call back, but she dared not say it.

"The price...?" Wen Dong suddenly grinned, red mouth and white teeth, evil smile intriguing, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, lowered his head and smiled at Cheng Yanan who was terrified, his eyes were undisguised in Cheng Ya's face. Nan's uneven body swept up and down, and licked the corners of his mouth. His playful eyes were like a hungry wolf staring at its delicious prey in the snow field, and the eyes were beating with excitement.

"Wendong, you, what do you want to do..." Sensing Wendong's face slowly approaching her, Cheng Yanan raised her head in horror, only to realize that there was something wrong with Wendong's eyes, especially when Wendong looked at the beating in her eyes. The flames made her panic even more. She is not a pure virgin like Lin Xiaoxi. Although she is currently single and has no family, but because of the pressure of work and the boredom of life, she occasionally goes to bars and other entertainment places to find like-minded people to play with. She had a one-night stand to vent and relieve the depression in her heart, so she knew very well what the flame of lust in Wendong's eyes represented.

If the playmate she was looking for showed such a look and eyes, she would feel proud and excited, because it means that she has a fascinating charm, but this situation is completely different now, she now only has fear and endlessness for Wendong panic...

"Wendong, you... don't act recklessly, I won't let you succeed even if I die..." Cheng Yanan never thought that he had just escaped from the wolves and fell into the tiger's mouth. She even forgot that the cause of this incident was because she slapped him and looked at Wendong. The eyes suddenly moved from her slender thighs to her chest, and the flames in her eyes became even hotter. I was really scared in my heart, I pressed my little hands hard on the concrete floor, and my buttocks moved backwards on the ground, extremely pitiful.

"Ah!" Sensing that Wendong's hands touched her body, Cheng Yanan let out an exclamation, and then flew into Wendong's arms like flying through the clouds. Wen Dong picked it up, not hugging, but resisting.Seeing that Wen Dong was about to walk to the side of the car and open the door without saying a word, Cheng Yanan was really frightened crazy. Wen Dong's rude actions would never be sympathetic to him, and then he thought of this guy's treatment of those people before. The little gangster shot fiercely, and one can imagine what would happen to him after being thrown into the car by Wendong.

Cheng Yanan was already crazy, a pair of small fists beat Wendong's back forcefully, and her slender legs in stockings kept kicking Wendong's chest vigorously, trying to break free from Wendong's control, looking at the car door Cheng Yanan gave up this senseless resistance for a while, and Cheng Yanan instantly confirmed the previous conjecture that Wen Dong knew Zhao Shengqiang at all, and Wen Dong saved himself before. The purpose of acting is to gain your own favor and get your own body: "Wendong, you bastard, I will never let you touch my body even if I die, I knew it would not be easy for you to save me by such a coincidence, you must It's because I colluded with Zhao Shengqiang, but I don't know that you and Zhao Shengqiang have known each other for a long time, so I foolishly went to ask Zhao Shengqiang for help, you are ruthless, I will never let you go even if I die!"

Hearing this, Wen Dong who was standing beside the car was taken aback for a moment, he had some doubts before, but now he seemed to catch something when he heard Cheng Yanan's random shout, but he was not sure.

Opening the rear door, he threw Cheng Yanan onto the rear seat, looking at Cheng Yanan who was struggling on the seat with a livid face: "Cheng Yanan, you are fucking sick!"

"I, you..." Cheng Yanan was tongue-tied, her hair was messed up because of being carried by Wen Dong, her head was hit on the car seat and her whole body was trembling with pain, and she finally woke up after being hit like this. Dongzheng stared at him coldly, the lustful flame in his eyes had disappeared, and all that was left was the icy coldness. Cheng Yanan suddenly understood that Wendong didn't want to do anything to him at all. Just pretending, thinking of what he said just now when he was desperately struggling, Cheng Yanan looked at Wendong's cold face in fear, and said, "Wendong, I...I..."

"You? What's the matter with you?" Seeing Cheng Yanan's eyes dodging, Wen Dong sneered, as if thinking of some possibility, he looked at Cheng Yanan fiercely.

"Me, what do you want to do?" Looking at Wen Dong's cold eyes, Cheng Yanan was so frightened that her heart jumped wildly, and she was about to try to get out of the car as she struggled violently.

But as soon as his hands grabbed the frame of the car, Wen Dong grabbed her and threw her back into the car again, and then he himself threw himself on Cheng Yanan who was lying on the back seat.

"Ah! Wendong, I beg you, don't..." Cheng Yanan felt his eyes darken, and suddenly let out a scream of fear, leaning against the other side of the car door with all his strength, holding onto the car tightly with his little hands The gap in the seat, the head turned aside, begging to turn around, the tears that were frightened to stop before could not stop flowing down the cheeks again...

(End of this chapter)

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