How bad guys are made

Chapter 106 Pay the Price

Chapter 106 Pay the Price
Wen Dong put his hands next to Cheng Yanan's head, and pressed his lower body directly on Cheng Yanan's body, ignoring the poor woman who closed her eyes and trembled all over, looked down at her pitiful appearance, her eyes were cold, without any sympathy Enlightened, he said in a cold voice: "Why did I collude with Zhao Shengqiang? You still ask Zhao Shengqiang for help? You seem to be hiding something from me."

"Isn't it... isn't it? Don't pretend. If you don't know Zhao Shengqiang, why have nothing happened these days, but I was almost arrested by Zhao Shengqiang. You are still acting, do you think you are stupid?" Cheng Yanan's head Leaning hard against the car door, now she also knows that she will not escape bad luck. From the time when she was afraid to speak before, her voice became louder and louder. At the end, Cheng Yanan coldly stared at Wen Dong who was close at hand, with a serious expression on her face. With a sneer on his face.

"An accident happened to me? I'm paralyzed. You mean that Zhao Shengqiang was the one you found when I was almost hacked to death a few times?" Wen Dong had a clear mind. Cheng Yanan with a sneer on his face.

"Nearly hacked to death? You, Zhao Shengqiang, he—" Cheng Yanan stared at the angry Wen Dong speechless for a while, it seemed that it was not what he thought.

Wendong stared coldly at the woman with a wide mouth and a shocked face in front of him. Now he also understood the reason. It must be that Cheng Yanan found Zhao Shengqiang to seek revenge after knowing that his best friend was hidden in the snow for his own reasons, and Zhao Shengqiang took revenge. After he was fruitless, he lost his army and lost his general, and then angrily pointed the finger at Cheng Yanan, and he happened to meet him, and ran to rescue Cheng Yanan stupidly, this is really a goddamn trick.

Originally, Wendong thought that no matter what, as long as he let himself know, no matter what happened, Zhao Shengqiang or the employer would not let it go, but now that the perpetrator was right in front of his eyes, Wendong couldn't do anything, even though he hated this self-inflicted stinky A woman, but for a while he didn't know what to do, how to punish her, Wen Dong felt very irritable in his heart, got up in a panic, took a cigarette in his mouth to calm his mind.

After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, Wendong finally felt a lot more comfortable. Looking sideways at Cheng Yanan, who was motionless in the car and his eyes were complicated, he said with a wry smile: "Don't you just hate me so much? Do you know Knowing that last time I was almost ignored, even a good friend of mine was almost screwed."

"I, I didn't know that Zhao Shengqiang would be like this. I just want him to teach you a lesson. Who... Who told you to bully my best girlfriend, and after the bullying failed, let that fat man hide her in the snow." See Wen Dong didn't want to do that kind of thing to him, he glanced at Wen Dong vigilantly, and found that this guy's eyes were clear, Cheng Yanan was relieved, and leaned against the car door with his small hand on the seat on his buttocks , Just about to question Wendong, she found Wendong's serious and calm look and couldn't help being afraid. Seeing his hesitant look as if he was thinking about how to deal with herself, this made her even more scared, especially when she thought of Wendong just now. She didn't even dare to think about the cruel methods of dealing with these little hooligans. Those little hooligans were just Zhao Shengqiang's pawns, and she was the one who almost killed Wendong. Cheng Yanan was afraid that she would provoke him again. The viciousness was so fierce that he would not even be able to run when the time came, Cheng Yanan explained in a low voice.

"Actually, that was just a misunderstanding. I didn't intend to bully Lin Xiaoxi at all, and I didn't instruct her to be hidden by the snow. It was all done by that fat man. I didn't even know." Wen Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, He didn't bother to explain anything, anyway, now it seemed that Zhao Shengqiang was afraid of him, and pointed the finger at Cheng Yanan. Cheng Yanan was dancing with wolves, and he deserved to be gang-raped for causing him such misery.

"I didn't want to bully Lin Xiaoxi? Then why did you ask Lin Xiaoxi to accompany you four times when signing the contract?" Cheng Yanan looked at Wendong with a sneer, obviously not believing his words.

"That's because I had a relationship with Lin Xiaoxi before, and, if I really wanted to bully her, would I be unsuccessful because of her being a weak woman? What can't I do if I slapped her unconscious? If I hid her in the snow, why haven't I looked for her these days, if I really have plans for her, then it would be easier to attack her after she was hidden!" Wen Dong said a few words loudly, and at the end he was even more upset Confused, Cheng Yanan waited coldly for the tongue-tied Cheng Yanan to feel a hint of disgust in her heart: "Are you still looking for someone like Zhao Shengqiang? Are you an idiot? Do you know that you are dancing with wolves? You idiot Woman, I'm too lazy to tell you more, get out—"

"I, you—" Cheng Yanan was so scolded that she couldn't find any words to refute. She seemed to have really misunderstood Wendong. Thinking about it, it was true. With Wendong's ability, five or six young people were not his opponents, let alone one. Lin Xiaoxi, who has no power to restrain the chicken, is gone. Wendong didn't think about doing anything to Lin Xiaoxi, but he still asked someone to fix him. This is really too much.

"What? Can't tell?" Wen Dong looked at her with a sneer, his eyes were indescribably indifferent.

"Let's go!" Cheng Yanan's character naturally wouldn't be stuck here, she said arrogantly and got out of the car, but the moment her feet landed on the ground, they suddenly softened, and the pain on her knees made her calf unbearable Stopped at a bend, let out a coquettish cry, and quickly reached out to hold the frame so as not to fall.

Sensing that Wen Dong's gaze was still cold, Cheng Yanan shook her lips vigorously, held back the tears in her eyes, gritted her teeth and limped away along the road, raised her head and glanced into the distance, suddenly frightened I had to sit down on the ground, except for the bright light where the car was parked, it was pitch black in the distance, and there were no other people, not even a ghost. Wen Dong drove himself to nowhere before, it seemed This place is even more desolate and uninhabited than the place that was robbed before. If you encounter hooligans again, then you will really be hopeless. Howling with excitement, Cheng Yanan's body trembled, tears of fear and grievance flowed down again unstoppably.

Wen Dong looked coldly at Cheng Yanan who was standing a few meters away from the car and dared not leave, sighed, dropped the cigarette butt in his hand and walked over.

"Ah, what are you doing, let me go..." Sensing Wen Dong walking towards her, Cheng Yanan, who was terrified, was about to speak when she found herself being hugged by Wen Dong arbitrarily, with a startled sound in her mouth Huh, I quickly reached out to wrap my arms around Wendong's neck, and the tears flowed out without money...

"If you don't want to leave by car, I don't mind throwing you here and I leave by myself, what are you doing? Do you think I'm really interested in a woman like you?" Wen Dong threw the struggling woman into the car again, Wen Dong was cold Threatened in a tone of voice, naturally he would not really throw Cheng Yanan in this place where no shit, he was just scaring her, this stinky bitch did him such a bad job, and even slapped himself for saving her , how can we not let her have a longer memory.

"You." Cheng Yanan still didn't believe it, but she opened her mouth and closed it obediently. Seeing that this guy's cold face shouldn't do anything to her, she let out a sigh of relief and honestly half-lyed on the passenger seat But still looked at him warily.

But I was a little annoyed in my heart, not interested in a woman like myself?What does this jerk mean?What woman am I?Could it be that in his eyes, he is a dissolute woman?

Sitting in the car, with a cigarette in his mouth, Wen Dong suddenly frowned and glanced at Cheng Yanan who was still in the reclining position just now and still not recovering from the panic, and asked suspiciously: "Your knee doesn't hurt anymore?"

"Ah?" Cheng Yanan trembled violently, and finally came back to her senses. She looked at Wen Dong strangely and frightenedly, saw him looking at her knees, followed his gaze and lowered her head, looking at the blood-red knees. The blood was no longer flowing, but the blood oozes again from the wound that has not yet scabbed because of the walk just now, and there is a small piece of batter around the wound. Only now did I feel the pain, and I hugged him immediately. Leg 'ouch' in pain.

Seeing Cheng Yanan's reaction, Wen Dong burst into tears. The girl's reflex arc is too long, and she only feels the pain now?However, Wen Dong also knew that Cheng Yanan was completely frightened by himself, and he was so frightened that he forgot the pain on his body. At the same time, he felt a little guilty. If you don't say anything about being frightened and let yourself frighten yourself, take it as revenge.

"Paralyzed, I really owe you in my previous life." Wen Dong glanced at Cheng Yanan's injury again, there was a gap about half the length of his middle finger, if left untreated for a long time, it would inevitably leave scars, this is good for Cheng Yanan who often shows his legs on catwalks It is undoubtedly a huge pain for the model.This is the car of the killer landlord, who is often injured. When I opened the storage box in front of the car, I found some bandage wound medicine and other things to deal with the wound in time. Wen Dong cursed in his heart, and quickly began to search for the things he needed. .

"You, what are you going to do?" Seeing Wendong rummaging in the dark storage box with his head down, he looked at his legs after a while, especially with a roll of white things in his hand, Because the lights in the car were dim, she couldn't see it clearly, she thought it was tape, Cheng Yanan immediately thought of the rape video she had seen before, could this guy use tape to seal his mouth and commit brutality to himself?Thinking of this, my heart jumped again, full of fear, and even my voice couldn't stop trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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