Chapter 107
"Hehe..." Wendong couldn't help laughing, a little dumbfounded. Isn't this Cheng Yanan quite a man? Could it be that he is really so scary that he would scare her like this, while reaching out to remove the little hand covering her knee , curled his lips in disdain and said: "What else can I do? In your current situation, I can do whatever I want? But don't worry, I just see if the injury on your knee is serious. Do you want to deal with it? If you If you want to leave a scar, I'd be happy to see it." Wen Dong looked down at the wound on Cheng Yanan's leg, and looked up at her with a smile on his face.

"Oh." Cheng Yanan took a careful look at Wendong, and when he got close, he realized that what Wendong was holding was just white bandages and gauze, and he immediately felt relieved.

After carefully inspecting Cheng Yanan's wound, Wen Dong also heaved a sigh of relief. Although it looked like there was a lot of bleeding, it was just a skin trauma and nothing serious. It's just that women like beauty, especially models like Cheng Yanan. If the scars on the knees are not left in time, Cheng Yanan will probably suffer from it for the rest of her life: "The injury is not serious, it's just a skin trauma, but the wound is a bit big, you can choose to bandage it now, or you can choose to take you to the hospital, so as not to... ..."

"I'm not going to the hospital." Before Wen Dong finished speaking, Cheng Yanan flatly refused.

Wen Dong was taken aback, and looked at Cheng Yanan wonderingly, she didn't look like she was afraid of going to the hospital, but he didn't bother to ask: "Then you choose to bandage now." Wen Dong raised the gauze in his hand Without waiting for her to react, he leaned over and grabbed her calf and placed it on his lap.


"Don't move around! Otherwise, don't blame me if you have an extra scar on your leg." Wen Dong raised his head and glared at her angrily, and raised the shining scissors in his hand.

"You, take it easy..." Knowing that Wendong was going to treat her wound, Cheng Yanan slowly calmed down, sitting on the car seat and not daring to move, for fear that Wendong would dangle the scissors in front of her eyes After hurting himself, he even became cautious when speaking.

"It's okay, don't worry, it's just a skin injury, just take care of it." Wen Dong squinted at the wound on Cheng Yanan's leg with a cigarette in his mouth, and waved his hand indifferently. The hospital is fine, and all the bullets have been taken out. There is nothing to be afraid of this small wound. Wen Dong grabbed Cheng Yanan's calf to fix her leg, stretched out the scissors and slowly cut the stockings around her wound.

Cheng Yanan looked incredulously at the guy in front of him who was treating his wound with his head tilted and a cigarette dangling in his face, just deal with it casually?This feeling is not your leg!Cheng Yanan felt angry for a while, especially when she saw Wen Dong holding the scissors like he was holding a kitchen knife. This guy didn't know how to treat wounds at all. Cheng Yanan felt that he was going to be sad, but Wen Dong pressed his legs against him On his leg, and on his leg is the shining scissors. He wanted to tell him not to deal with it, but he was afraid of frightening Wendong. If his hand trembled and the scissors were inserted into his wound, it would be really sad. .

"Be careful, don't leave scars..." Cheng Yanan stared at the scissors in Wen Dong's hand that was cutting on his injured leg, and said very carefully, for fear of scaring him.

"It won't leave any scars, just bear with it, this disinfectant may be a little painful on the wound." Putting down the scissors, Wendong took out a few more cotton swabs and dipped them in the medicine, raising his head and squinting his eyes as a reminder.

Now that my stockings have been cut open, it's too late to stop it. Moreover, Cheng Yanan found that although this guy held the scissors in an indecent posture, he was careful not to touch his wound when cutting, and now he can only die. The horse is a living horse doctor.

"Oh, oh." Cheng Yanan nodded obediently, her little hands firmly grasped the gap of the car seat, and she leaned her head against the car door and closed her eyes hard.

Seeing Cheng Yanan's terrified look, Wen Dong couldn't laugh or cry, is this the woman who almost wiped the red hair on her neck just now?
"Open your mouth."

"Ah?" Cheng Yanan was taken aback, wondering why Wendong opened his mouth.

Before she could say anything, Cheng Yanan's small mouth was suddenly blocked by the foreign object that Wen Dong stuffed into her mouth. When she opened her eyes, she realized that Wen Dong had stuffed half of the cigarette she had smoked into her mouth. Cheng Yanan I was angry for a while, and just about to throw out the cigarette butt, I felt a pain in the injured wound, a shiver in my calf, and my white teeth couldn't help biting the cigarette butt tightly in my mouth.

"Don't move around." Wen Dong lowered his head to remind her, and took a cotton swab soaked in medicine to help her treat the blood on the injured part.

Cheng Yanan stared blankly at the man sitting next to her and pressing her leg. Wen Dong's movements were not gentle, but he looked very careful. He gently held his calf with a warm palm. , The seemingly serious wound came to him, but it was very simple to deal with. The disinfectant on the wound did hurt a bit, but after a slight sting, he seemed to be used to the stinging feeling.

The wound was cleaned, the medicine was applied, and the gauze was tied, and it took only 5 minutes to complete the treatment.

Wen Dong heaved a sigh of relief, raised his head and couldn't help being stunned, Cheng Yanan looked at him in a daze as if he was stupid, his eyes were out of focus, obviously his mind didn't know that he ran into that scene, and he could still be distracted at this time, This woman is also considered weird, and quickly reached out to pinch the cigarette butt she held in her mouth that almost burned her lips.

"Huh? Let go." Wen Dong took it and didn't pull it out, but she bit her. Wen Dong's fingers were burned, and he hurriedly urged.

"Ah?" Hearing Wen Dong's urging, Cheng Yanan came back to his senses, and as soon as his teeth loosened, Wen Dong quickly took out the cigarette butt and threw it out.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Swinging his hands that were a little sore from being baked, Wen Dong gave the woman with sudden dementia an angry look, and while cleaning up the gauze on the car seat and other things, he ordered: " It’s been dealt with, the position where you were injured is a bit special, it’s easy to cause the wound to open, you’d better not move around now.” After speaking, Wen Dong ignored the woman with a long reflex arc, opened the storage box and put the gauze Wait for the tools to be thrown in.

"Oh." Cheng Yanan glanced at Wendong, then looked down at the finely wrapped gauze on his legs, seeing that his serious appearance should not lie to him, he let out a sigh of relief, and did not dare to move.

"Where is your home, I'll take you home first." Wen Dong started the car with a cigarette in his mouth and looked for the way back. The lights here are so dark that even he himself doesn't know where he is. Before, he only focused on racing to vent his emotions. Now Fortunately, even I didn't know where I was driving. Fortunately, there was navigation in the car, so I wouldn't be unable to get out, and Wen Dong didn't turn around.

"At the west exit of XXX Street, XXX Road, Longitude Ten Latitude Three."

The car drove quietly for more than 20 minutes, and finally arrived at the edge of the slightly wide and bright downtown area. While driving, Wen Dong glanced at Cheng Yanan beside him from the rearview mirror, and found that the woman's clothes were still in a mess. Tidying up, especially the seductive posture of leaning against the car door makes the two lumps of soft flesh on his chest almost facing him, as seductive as he wants, Wen Dong's mouth becomes parched, and he wants to turn his head away. She watched the car concentrating on driving, but her eyes couldn't control it and kept scanning the upright allurement, and said helplessly, "I said this big sister, can you fix your clothes, don't you just show that you are seductive?" Am I guilty?"

"Huh...?" Cheng Yanan, who was leaning comfortably on the car door with her eyes closed, glanced at Wendong suspiciously, and looked at the mirror in confusion, her face flushed immediately, and she quickly and carefully arranged her clothes, but She kept Wendong's reminder in mind, for fear that the wound on her leg would be broken. She dared not move that leg, and without the support of the leg, she could not exert any strength at all. Covering the exposed navel, the two exaggerated fullness on the chest trembled vigorously with her movements.

Wen Dong on the side saw it, and the two eyeballs that couldn't help staring at her almost trembled (greedy), and quickly grabbed the swinging steering wheel and said dissatisfiedly: "Can you be wrong?" Watch me tidy up my clothes, I don't want to get into a car accident!"

Seeing Wendong's dissatisfied look, Cheng Yanan was so angry that she forgot to be afraid of Wendong for a while, so she didn't bother to tidy up, looked up at him and said arrogantly: "Who told you to see it, I didn't pick it up Looking at me with your eyes, besides, didn’t you tell me not to move around? What if I hurt my leg? This feeling is not your leg! "

Wen Dong: "..."

The more Cheng Yanan thought about it, the more wronged she felt, and she became even angrier. She couldn't help but continue to say: "Besides, it's not all because of you! If it wasn't for you driving so fast, would my legs be weak and fall? If it wasn't for you After bullying Xiaoxi, can I offend that bastard Zhao Shengqiang? Otherwise, I wouldn't have been captured by those hooligans, if not..."

"Damn, shut up, you're never finished." Hearing that the crazy woman had pulled Lin Xiaoxi out, Wen Dong was annoyed, stopped the car by the side of the road with a 'creak' sound, and turned his head angrily Looking at Cheng Yanan who was chattering there: "Cheng Yanan, are you sick? If I hadn't saved you before, you would have been insulted by those hooligans and even Zhao Shengqiang. If you don't thank me, it's all right now." Instead, you complained to me, do you have a conscience? Besides, who told you to go to Zhao Shengqiang to punish me, you made me so miserable and I haven't called you yet, but now you are complaining about me. "

"You still have the nerve to find me? You said you didn't bully Xiaoxi? You said you didn't put pressure on Fatty Zhu, which made him hide Xiaoxi for you to vent your anger? If you didn't bully Xiaoxi, my aunt would have found those stinky hooligans Repair you? Now you are fine, I was followed by Zhao Shengqiang, I..." Cheng Yanan heard what happened just now, and felt unspeakable grievances in his heart, and thought that he would not have a good life if he was followed by someone like Zhao Shengqiang , I was even more worried and fearful.

(End of this chapter)

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