How bad guys are made

Chapter 108 You Are a Dog

Chapter 108 You Are a Dog

"Paralyzed, you asked for this, shut up, believe it or not, I'm molesting you right now?" Thinking of what happened to Lin Xiaoxi, Wen Dong felt bad. Lin Xiaoxi said yes, he didn't expect this Cheng Yanan to be so clumsy, it was unbearable.

"You dare!" Cheng Yanan also expressed his anger, his heart was burning with anger, and he stared at Wen Dong to confront him without showing any weakness.

"I dare not?" Wen Dong looked at her coldly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and his tone of disdain.

"If you dare to touch me, I'll kill you!" Facing Wen Dong's sneering eyes, Cheng Yanan finally had a trace of fear in her heart, but her fiery personality made her still unwilling to show weakness. At the same time, she knew that all of this was a misunderstanding , and Wendong saved herself, she also believed that Wendong would not really do anything to herself.

Unexpectedly, after listening to his words, Wen Dong suddenly grinned, and there was a hint of madness under that evil smile. Before Cheng Yanan could react, Wen Dong suddenly stretched out his hand to hold her other thigh, and directly He jumped on Cheng Yanan's body.

"You, you bastard, let me go, you... woo..." Cheng Yanan finally knew she was afraid, but it was too late, and her panicked voice turned into a vague snort.

Cheng Yanan was leaning against the car door, the car was not spacious, but Wen Dong threw herself on her body, making it difficult for her to move. Not only did Wen Dong forcefully kiss the mouth of this woman who constantly challenged her limits of endurance, One hand roughly grabbed her stocking thigh and stroked it vigorously, while the other hand even more brutally inserted into Cheng Yanan's clothes from top to bottom, on the two balls of white tender meat that were tall and full of elasticity. Knead vigorously——

"Ding: The host violates a woman, gaining 35 disgust points."

Five 6 minutes later...

Cheng Yanan leaned against the car door in a daze, still maintaining the posture when she was thrown down just now. The only thing that changed was that one of her hands was quietly placed behind her head, while the other hand was hanging aside as if powerless to resist. , and the clothes I have arranged are even more messy than before.

Cheng Yanan opened her eyes wide and looked at Wen Dong, who had a cigarette in his mouth and looked indifferent, his expression was a little dull, and his mind was buzzing. It was all about the shameful scene of the crazy invasion just like a devil entering the village...

This guy actually kissed him forcefully, and even put his hand into his clothes and took out a few, and the other hand went into his leg and touched his leg for an unknown amount of time. Wendong actually really Molested herself, and what made her most unacceptable was that her monstrous anger towards Wen Dong, who wanted to kill her to vent her anger, disappeared without a trace like clouds when he was bullied crazily. Insulting her body unexpectedly reacted strangely, so after struggling instinctively for a few seconds, she instinctively stopped struggling, as if she didn't dislike Wendong's hooligan behavior at all, and even felt Wendong's crazy behavior just now The aggression made her enjoy it very much. Her body throbbed uncontrollably and fiery soreness appeared. She really hoped that Wendong would continue to caress her body crazily. She didn't even know when Wendong got up from her body... …

The strange and even abnormal reaction of her body made her panic. Could it be that she has a tendency to be abused?The thoughts in her heart made Cheng Yanan feel ashamed, how could she have such perverted thoughts, the complex and entangled feelings made her feel confused.

Wen Dong regretted for a while, he was just dizzy by this mad woman's anger, he didn't expect to do such a shameless thing, fortunately he finally woke up and didn't do anything more excessive, otherwise Cheng Yanan would really be fucked If so, he doesn't know how to face this woman who can't even speak, let alone go to Lin Xiaoxi to express his apology.

Wen Dong glanced sideways at the woman lying on the car who seemed to be frightened and motionless, and found that she was staring at him in a daze, and suddenly blushed, shy like a little girl, Wen Dong was dumbfounded, Almost swallowed the cigarette in his mouth.

Fuck, this woman is Fa Chun, isn't she——

"Ahem, what, you messed with me, you slapped me just now, and now we're even." But even though he was shocked and puzzled in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face, and he was still that lazy She looked indifferent, as if nothing happened just now, and her tone of voice was more like she should be bullying her like this.

After finishing speaking, Wendong packed up his mood and was about to start the car to leave, but at this moment, Cheng Yanan, who was in a daze, suddenly came back to his senses, heard Wendong's indifferent words, and told the matter in a few sentences , a wave rushed straight to her heart, as if it made her more angry than Wendong raped her, suddenly there was a scream in her mouth, and her body rushed forward desperately: "You bastard, I will kill you -"

Cheng Yanan jumped on Wen Dong's body and bit Wen Dong's shoulder.

"Hiss—" The tearing pain in the shoulder made Wen Dong's body tremble violently, and he stretched out his hand to push away Cheng Yanan, who was biting his shoulder and refused to let go: "Paralyzed, you are crazy You are going to bite me to death!"

The piercing pain in the shoulder made Wendong feel his heart twitch violently, as if his shoulder bones were crushed, the tearing pain made Wendong even more angry, originally because of the hi just now I still feel a little guilty about Cheng Yanan, but at this time, the guilt caused by her behavior has disappeared without a trace. This crazy woman is a dog, and she bit herself so hard, if she didn't reflect it Quickly pushed her away, probably a piece of flesh would be bit off by this unreasonable crazy woman on his shoulder.

Wen Dong gritted his teeth in pain, gasped, and gave the desperate woman in front of him a hard look. He shouldn't have saved her. This kind of brainless crazy woman deserved to be raped by those hooligans.

Cheng Yanan met Wendong's eyes with a pretty face and a frosty face. She couldn't help being angry when she thought that this bastard had bullied her so much and said such indifferent words. It seemed that she was not afraid of anything. When I was pushed hard by him, my teeth hurt a little, I stretched out my hand and wiped the corner of my mouth domineeringly, I was shocked when I looked down, there was a trace of blood on the back of the hand above the thumb, and at the same time, I felt a bit of blood in my mouth. Bloody and salty, the smell of blood—

Staring blankly at the blood on her fingers, Cheng Yanan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look up at Wen Dong's shoulder, only to see that the area on Wen Dong's shoulder bitten by herself had been soaked in blood to the size of a palm. , blood red, suddenly frightened to stay on the spot...

Wendong also found the blood on Cheng Yanan's mouth. The red and tender cherry mouth was even more charming against the blood. This sexy little mouth was the place where he had sucked it just now. Wendong's heart skipped a beat when he saw it. , hurriedly lowered his head to look at his shoulder, and suddenly he was also taken aback by the large blood red in front of his eyes. He tore off his shirt to check, and his brows frowned slightly.

There was blood on the shoulder, and a huge wound in the shape of a small mouth looked shocking, and the blood flowed continuously from the wound bitten by two rows of teeth, but in just a short while, the entire shoulder was covered with blood, even the area between the chest was covered with blood. The wrapped gauze bandages were all dyed red, looking very scary...

Gently moved the injured shoulder, and found that it did not affect the movement except for the stinging pain. It looked scary, but in fact it was just biting the skin, but the shoulder was not only the skin but the bone, Cheng Yanan's bite did not He didn't keep his strength, the pain was much more painful than just breaking the skin. Cheng Yanan actually slapped her so hard, which made him very depressed. At the same time, he felt a little thankful that he didn't go crazy when he kissed her forcefully just now. Otherwise, his tongue must not be bitten off by her?
"Fuck, Cheng Yanan, you are a dog, you actually slapped me so hard." Wen Dong cursed, tore up his shirt, and pressed hard on the wound...

"I, you... What's the matter with the bandage on your body?" Cheng Yanan originally thought that the bite just now was very enjoyable, but at this moment, seeing Wen Dong's bloody shoulder was also frightened, and she began to regret it in her heart. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, and suddenly saw the large bandages wrapped around Wendong's chest, and asked curiously.

"What's going on, paralyzed, do you think I'm just kidding you when I said that I was almost hacked to death by Zhao Shengqiang? Brainless woman!"

"I..." I saw two palm-wide bandages wrapped around Wendong's chest. Although I couldn't see the wound behind the bandage, it would definitely not be a minor injury if I could wrap such a wide bandage. Wendong punched three times before. Put those hooligans on the ground with two feet, so you can imagine how thrilling it would be for him to suffer such a serious injury. Cheng Yanan opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, and he already regretted it in his heart...

"You, you, you, you know you are so vicious, I will not be stupid to save you no matter what, you let Zhao Shengqiang punish me, and I will help you beat Zhao Shengqiang's people, do you think I am stupid, You are stupid enough, a stupid woman like you deserves to be gang-raped by those hooligans..." Seeing the bandages wrapped around his body, Wen Dong snorted angrily when he thought of his narrow escape the night before, and quickly opened the locker He found the hemostatic powder from the glove box and sprinkled it on the wound indiscriminately. He tore up a piece of cloth with his mouth and tied the wound with difficulty with his teeth.

"Wendong, you bastard, if you didn't bully me just now and said such annoying words, how could I bite you, you deserve it!" Cheng Yanan, who was still regretting in her heart, heard Wendong say that she was insulted by those hooligans He deserved it, and he was so angry immediately, but he felt a little guilty in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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