How bad guys are made

Chapter 1030: The Power of Illusory Lightning Art

Chapter 1030: The Power of Illusory Lightning Art
It's a tiger!
He is not dead!
"Hehe..." Snake Tiger smiled hoarsely, and the figure stepped on the void and walked towards the top of the pothole step by step.

Looking at the domineering figure standing on the edge of the pit like an iron tower, although this originally imposing figure is now covered in tattered clothes, and there are many broken and scorched scales on the naked body, the whole The man has almost completely changed from his previous demeanor of a master who seemed to be calm and calm, but this embarrassing figure did not prevent the crowd in costumes who were eagerly watching from a distance from cheering in low voices.

"Reaper, our Reaper won!"

"It's the reaper!"

Seeing the figure of the snake and tiger, all the pretenders immediately burst into cheers, while Yingzi and the others in the distance also changed their expressions in shock, their faces were extremely gloomy.

"Wendong is not dead, he escaped with serious injuries!" Snake Tiger said coldly, the explosion just now consumed almost all of his fighting spirit, but when the explosion sounded, he was shocked to clearly realize that Wendong was not dead, he No matter what, I can't figure out how an extraordinary master can have such combat power.

"Kill those trash, I don't think Wendong can get out." After hearing what the reaper said, the leader of the colonizer did not suspect him. He had already noticed something strange. Although Wendong was not as powerful as the reaper, he was It was very strange. Although he didn't see it clearly when the explosion occurred, he didn't believe it at all if Wendong was blown to pieces.Immediately shouted, stretched out his hand and pointed at Yingzi and the others.

In any case, although Wendong should not have died, he was seriously injured and dying, and without Wendong's protection, Yingzi and the others were like fish on a felt board!
As soon as the shouting of the Transcendence Cultivator came out, the voice stopped abruptly. A black and white thunder and lightning long sword in the pupils of his eyes that were tearing apart instantly magnified. First of all, the speed was as fast as lightning, and when a terrified scream came out, there was only a crisp sound of 'Keng', and his whole body was directly thrown out by a piece like a kite with a broken string. The body flew out heavily, and after landing, he flew more than ten meters before he could barely stop. In horror, he saw that all the scales in front of his chest were broken, and there was a finger-wide long gap with deep bone visible.

"Looking for death!" Snake Tiger found that Wen Dong didn't seem to be seriously injured, but took the opportunity to kill his subordinates. He immediately shouted and stomped his feet vigorously. In the dust, his figure was like a shell fired. It is to smash Wendong hard.

Wen Dong suddenly turned his head and saw the rushing snake and tiger, with a mocking sneer on his face, he rushed towards the snake and tiger head-on.

"Damn it, go and help!" Seeing that Snake and Tiger were besieging the boss with many breeders, Ling Yun cursed angrily and was about to rush up, but was stopped by Yingzi who was standing beside him.

Seeing Ling Yun's doubts, Yingzi's eyes were burning hot, and she stared at Wen Dong who was rushing towards the snake and tiger without blinking, and said: "Don't be afraid, that is Wen Dong's incarnation outside the body."

"Avatar outside the body? What is that? How did you see it?" Ling Yun looked at her in surprise, his tone full of curiosity.

"I didn't see it, but it must be just an incarnation." Sakura shook her head and said.

"Eh—" Ling Yun couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard Yingzi's explanation.

"Your brother sees clearly, the battle is not over yet." Gu Fengshuang also stared at the leader who was surrounded by many colonizers without blinking, his eyes flickered with surprise, the leader's strength was beyond doubt, but he I am also an extraordinary warrior, but I know that there is a certain amount of fighting energy in the body. Although it can be replenished, but in such an intense battle, it is reasonable to say that the leader's fighting energy has already been exhausted.At this time, even though the leader seemed to be in a state of distress, if he dared to challenge the crowd, he must still have enough combat power, which was beyond his cognition!
And what surprised him the most was that in the explosion just now, the leader escaped with almost no damage!
"The leader still has cards." Gu Fenghan nodded calmly when he heard his brother's approval.

Hearing his words, everyone had no doubts about him at this moment. Every analysis and speculation of the calm and calm Gu Fenghan would be confirmed, and everyone had already habitually believed it.

When everyone nodded, they shifted their eyes and stared at the battlefield again. What Yingzi said was really good. After Wendong's identity was externalized and he fought against the snake and tiger, after all, he only had about 20.00% of the body's combat power, and he was defeated by the snake and tiger. Blast it with one punch!

"This is an incarnation, be careful!" Snake Tiger saved an attack but broke an incarnation, so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, this guy is simply too weird and embarrassing!
"Ah——" Snake and Tiger just uttered the words, and then they heard a miserable howl from the colonizer. Snake and Tiger looked at it suddenly, and saw Wendong holding the sword of chaos in one hand and smashing the head of a colonizer. When everyone saw that the proud scale armor had no resistance to Wen Dong's attack, all the costumers changed their expressions in horror, and all retreated quickly.

"Looking for death!" Seeing Wen Dong chasing after him with a sword, although the snake and tiger didn't feel pity for these wastes, they were really angry at being tricked. Wen Dong smashed his head off.


Without everyone's reminders, Wen Dong sensed something, tilted his head and raised his eyes slightly. On the soles of his feet, a silver light flickered again, and then the figure suddenly disappeared again strangely.

Sensing Wen Dong's sudden disappearance of Qi under his own induction, the eyes of the snake and tiger also shrank, and then his body quickly retreated. However, just before his body retreated, a black shadow appeared in front of him like a ghost. Behind him, the Sword of Chaos mixed with the power of explosive lightning slashed fiercely at the back of the latter's neck.

"It's you who's waiting!"

When the sword of chaos was about to hit the target, a sneer of cunning appeared on the face of the snake and tiger, and as he shouted angrily, he saw a layer of dark golden light bulging on his fists, facing him almost like a conditioned reflex. He punched hard behind him, and immediately the fists and swords clashed!

At the time of the bombardment, a sneer appeared on Wen Dong's face, and then he saw a silver light flickering on the soles of his feet, and a clone appeared again, rushing in and retreating like a tiger into a herd of sheep again Among the crowd.


Snake Tiger's full-strength punch directly blasted Wendong's clone away, and his keen mental power once again realized that it was just a clone, and when he turned his head suddenly, he saw the two planters being hit by Wendong again kill.

The avatar still has attack power?What kind of combat skill is this?

Snake Tiger looked at the avatar that was being blown away by him and slowly faded away, and then at Wendong's body who was chasing and killing the planter, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

"Take my trick!" Wen Dong saw all the pretenders turning into birds and fleeing. The two Wen Dong turned to the snake and tiger at the same time, and they slashed at the latter at the same time!

"Good come!"

Snake and tiger are completely inferior in terms of body skills and speed. Of course, Wendong's favorite is Wendong who takes the initiative to attack. Even if there are two people, he can clearly feel it just now, and the combat power of that clone is at most It's just that he is better than the colonizer, he is not afraid at all.


The body of the snake and the tiger leaped suddenly, with both fists blasting out, and slammed fiercely on the two swords that were slashing, one against two, it turned out to be a general; both of them were sent flying, while the previous one Dao's already illusory figure was also punched by him, and his energy was exhausted, disappearing in midair.

"Huh?" Snake Tiger was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but suddenly discovered that the other figure was also a clone!
"not good!"


Snake Tiger was startled suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, he heard a miserable howl again, and suddenly turned his head, his eyes were about to split open, and saw Wen Dong is slowly pulling the sword of chaos from the chest of the leader of the colonizer. out.


And just after killing the leader of the extraordinary colonizer, Wen Dong seemed to have a sense, that is, he saw a crystal ball of light floating out of the corpse, and then flew into his body as if being pulled.

Wen Dong felt as if he was bathed in the spring breeze, and a lot of fatigue was swept away from his body, and he was refreshed.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for completing the side mission and getting the reward: rare general soul, do you want to claim it?"

"Damn it..." Ling Yun stared dumbfounded at the three identical figures of Wen Dong scattered around, and immediately sat down on the ground, looking at that, then at this, is this still human?

And Yingzi and the others on the side also looked dull, especially the student, whose eyes were dull, as if he looked stupid. Immediately, ecstasy surged in their hearts, because their leader is so powerful!
Ling Yun was looking left and right in a daze, but unexpectedly, at this moment, a slap was slapped on the back of his head.

Ling Yun recovered from the pain, turned around and found that the person who hit him was Zhang Xiuxiu who had been at odds with him all the time, and immediately scolded angrily: "Zhang Xiuxiu, why did you hit me?"

"I just want to see if this is a dream?" Zhang Xiuxiu also looked at the three identical figures with a silly face, and opened her mouth to say.

But upon hearing Zhang Xiuxiu's explanation, Ling Yun rolled his eyes and fainted.

Then you should pinch yourself, why hit me?
"Who exactly are you?"

Seeing that Wen Dong was outnumbered, not only did not fall into the disadvantaged, and even killed an extraordinary colonizer, the snake tiger finally showed horror on his face, and shouted hoarsely.

As an extraordinary king who has climbed up step by step from an extraordinary warrior, he clearly knows the gap between a king and a master. This is why he was so confident after realizing that Wen Dong was just an extraordinary master. Reaching ten extraordinary masters, or even more!

However, Wen Dong's combat power was completely beyond his expectations. The opponent's combat skills were weird and powerful. Qi has a suppressive effect, he has never even heard of this kind of thing, and it made him even more astonished that the opponent's combat energy reserve was completely beyond his cognition.

Also, the previous shattered shield exploded, didn't Te Niang's blow up him?Snake and tiger just want to scold your mother now!
This is simply not possible!
He can kill ghosts and devil may cry, perhaps, it is not relying on external force at all!

(End of this chapter)

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