Chapter 1031
"What? You've been fighting with me for a long time, threatening to kill me over and over again, don't you know who I am?"

"Qingcheng, Wendong."

In the valley, the Sword of Chaos, intertwined with blazing white thunder and lightning, shone brightly, and a sarcastic but plain soft sound fell into the snake and tiger's ears, but it made the corner of the latter's mouth twitch!
"You're hiding your strength?" Snake and Tiger panted heavily, looking back at the previous battle between him and Wendong, but the more he thought about it, the more turbulent the situation became. He seemed to be led by this guy by the nose from the very beginning. Walking, almost all of my fighting spirit was exhausted, but this Wendong was still alive and kicking.

"Hehe, you hurt my base students, and I killed a few of your younger brothers, it seems that I am still at a disadvantage!" Although Wen Dong was also in a panic at this time, his expression was calm, and the two clones were also controlled by him. Withdrawing the sword and standing on both sides of him, he asked the latter at the same time.

Hearing the leader's words, all the students at the Qingcheng base stared loudly, especially the pretty female students, their eyes were full of brilliance, this is the man!
Snake and Tiger looked at the three identical Wendongs, their eyes flickered, thoughts surged in their hearts, and a hint of retreat gradually emerged in Snake and Tiger's heart. Back then, Wendong was able to kill two extraordinary kings, Ghost and Devil May Cry. I am afraid that it will be difficult to kill him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help cursing Guiying that scheming bitch in his heart, and also blamed himself for being so sexual, he even took the initiative to kick this iron plate, and now he lost his wife and lost his army, losing all face!

"Huh? Who is it, sneaky?" This Wendong is really too weird, he keeps his hands on everything, he doesn't believe that Wendong can only summon three clones, so when he speaks, all his spiritual power is also diffused He went out, keeping an eye on the wind and grass around him all the time, and after the soul force spread, he was shocked to find that there was a master hidden in the direction of Taniguchi. Only at this time did he notice a trace of the other party's aura, the strength of this sneaky master Definitely not low, could it be Wendong's backhand?Or a helper?

"Huh?" Hearing the words of Snake and Tiger, Wen Dong raised his eyes and searched for Snake and Tiger's eyes, but he didn't find that there were other people at the entrance of the valley, so he quickly gathered his mind , I am afraid that the snake and the tiger will play tricks.

No matter who it was, he clearly felt the hostility towards him from the master in the dark, and the eyes of the snake and the tiger changed, making him even more withdrawn.

"Since you are at a disadvantage, then eat more, there is no harm!" As soon as this thought appeared, the fighting spirit in his heart quickly faded, his cold eyes swept around indiscriminately, he stomped his feet, and his figure turned into a Soi Ying shot towards the group of students where Ying Zi and the others were.

The behavior of the snake and tiger immediately caused the panic of these Qingcheng base students. Although the snake and tiger are expending a lot, with their strength, facing such a strong person is simply the difference between a chicken and an eagle. There is no comparison at all.

While everyone was panicking, the snake and tiger rushed towards it quickly, but just as it was about to rush into the crowd of the academy, two faint black figures flashed in front of it like ghosts Bai's sword of chaos, with scattered lightning arcs and the sharp sound of breaking the wind, directly slashed down on his forehead fiercely.

"Damn, what speed is this!"

Seeing the black shadow that emerged like a ghost, Snake Tiger couldn't help cursing again in his heart. The Divine Comedy twisted suddenly, turned around directly, and then fled towards the sky.

"Can you escape?"

A sneer sounded loudly in the sky, and then amidst a faint thunder, Wen Dong's figure was gliding and flying at a very fast speed, and immediately appeared in front of the snake and tiger like a ghost.

The soaring skills that Wen Dong showed suddenly, even the snake and tiger changed slightly, but his reaction was not slow. Wen Dong was originally at the level of an extraordinary master, but he just took off and glides at a speed of several blocks.The moment Wen Dong just appeared, I clawed my fist, and the back of the fist was full of sharp barbs, cutting towards Wen Dong's neck.

Facing the sharp attack of the snake and tiger, Wen Dong did not retreat but advanced in mid-air. With a flash of silver light under his feet, his figure slammed into the arms of the snake and tiger strangely, his five fingers clenched into fists suddenly, Immediately blasted fiercely.


Snake Tiger obviously didn't expect Wendong to use this trick, and was caught off guard by the opponent's punch on the chest, but when the opponent's fist touched the chest, a circle of yellow film emerged, covering the chest. Most of the strength contained in it was removed, but even so, the remaining strength made the snake and tiger retreat more than ten steps in embarrassment.

The snake and tiger were blown away, but they took advantage of this inertia to retreat again. While fleeing, he finally yelled at the surrounding people in costumes: "Why are you still standing there, do it, give me these wastes!" Kill them all!"

Hearing the reaper's shout, those breeders were also taken aback for a moment, then looked at each other, gritted their teeth fiercely, and had to transform into scales all over their bodies, and then let out a low shout, and many black shadows rushed towards Yingzi and the others. and go.

With a punch, Wen Dong also stepped back two steps due to inertia, but under the control of his mind, he stepped on the shoulder of his next clone, and the thunder under his feet flickered, which was the second take-off.But as soon as the figure jumped up, he heard the two sides fighting together below him. Gu Fenghan and the others were already injured, but they were not the opponents of those breeders, so they couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn it !"

"Back back!" Knowing that he could not keep the equally exhausted snake and tiger behind, Wen Dong swooped down and roared at the same time.

Hearing this, Yingzi didn't hesitate at all, except for Gu Fengshuang's brother who resisted, she just waved her hand, and all the students quickly put down the fight and retreated quickly.

Seeing Yingzi and the others step back, a bright silver glow burst out from the soles of Wen Dong's feet, and the figure in the mid-air trembled, and three figures were directly divided into three figures again, and the speed of the three figures was extremely fast , almost turned into a blurred black line, and in the blink of an eye, all of them appeared directly in front of more than a dozen groomers.

The sudden appearance of three Wendong also changed the faces of these colonizers, but they were not slow to react, a stern look flashed across their faces, the reaper fled, if they didn't resist, they were just waiting to be slaughtered fish.All the pretenders shouted angrily, they were united as one, the sharp claws in their hands almost didn't even think about it, they were bringing a strong wind and piercing Wendong's throat.

"Ding ding ding..."

Looking indifferently at these colonizers who dared to take the initiative to attack, Wen Dong sneered, and immediately three figures, three swords of chaos slapped fiercely, and finally collided with those sharp claws. At the same time, I only heard a series of clear and crisp sounds, and many hard claws broke like fragile branches, and a majestic energy poured out, and all the recent breeders were swept away. go out.

"The lion's roar!"


Wen Dong stepped on the ground fiercely with the soles of his feet, stirring up a puff of powder dust. Seeing several planters rushing up again, a beast roar resounded through the mountains with his head raised, and the soul-stirring sound waves spread rapidly in circles. out, and the surrounding costumers all entered a short-term dizziness, and even some students not far away were stunned and fell to the ground, what's more, a little blood appeared in their ears , this kind of indiscriminate sonic attack is really extremely overbearing.

After the sound wave passed, Wen Dong didn't think about anything else, seized the opportunity, the silver lights flickered under his feet, and the three figures directly harvested the lives of the three planters.

And its body also pierced the throat of a planter with an arrow, and then kicked hard on his chest.The other party's blood donation spewed out wildly, during which there was also the crisp sound of bones breaking, and then the planter flew out directly, and finally hit the mountain wall with a muffled bang, and his head was like a crisp Like a watermelon, it burst open.

"Escape!" Seeing that his companions were as simple as slaughtering chickens and dogs under Wendong's sword, the faces of the remaining five or six colonizers were full of horror, and they almost didn't even think about it. He quickly exited the battlefield and fled towards Taniguchi.

"Stop chasing!" Seeing that Ling Yun and others were about to pursue, Wen Dong hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't chase after the poor, be careful of deception, you are not the opponents of those planters." Gu Fenghan reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was seriously injured before, and just now he and his brother resisted the crazy attack of the planters, which made things worse Next, a handsome face is also as pale as paper.

Hearing his words, Ling Yun and the others also gritted their teeth, helpless.

Gu Fengshuang also nodded, turned to look at Wendong, but saw him looking up at the sky, everyone followed his gaze, and saw a slightly embarrassed figure looking down at them with a vicious expression in the air here.

It was the Snake Tiger who fled the battlefield by making use of the east and west!
"Wendong, you should be lucky. The only person who came to kill you this time is me, the reaper. Otherwise, you will definitely die." Snake and Tiger stared at Wendong with a vicious expression, and a faint voice came from the sky.

Holding the sword in one hand, Wen Dong pointed directly at the snake and tiger in the sky: "You should also be thankful, I am not a super king now, if not, this is your grave already!"

"Hehe, want to kill me? It's not that simple. Come to my Dawn Temple if you have the ability. I'll wait for you there." Snake Tiger sneered.

"Go back, you have to clean your neck by then, and I'll take your dog's head!" Wen Dong sneered without fear.

"Hehe, waiting for you at any time." Snake Tiger glanced coldly in the direction of Yingzi and the others, and then looked in the direction of the mouth of the valley with some fear, and flew out of the valley without stopping.

Realizing that the snake and tiger had really left, the two clones around Wen Dong's body also quickly faded and then disappeared completely, and his tattered and embarrassed body shook all over his body, with the sword of chaos stuck in the ground in his hand, and his face was One flushed, his throat rolled, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Obviously, Wen Dong tried his best in the fight with the snake and tiger, and he was seriously injured. He was just trying to frighten the snake and tiger away. Injured, finally fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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