Chapter 1033

"Hey, actually, I haven't seen it before. It's just recorded in the book. The little old man has nothing to do all day, so he is very interested in these ancient things, so I just remembered it. I didn't expect that there is such a thing as the soul-entering pill in this world." A magical elixir." Huang Daoji said proudly, seeing Wendong's expression very excited.

Wen Dong lowered his head slightly, his eyes turned for a while, he knew the reason why a big tree attracts the wind, but at this time the wind has already been attracted, the old man followed all the way, and all his hole cards were read by him, if he dared to disobey, he might be killed The disaster, the Tianxia Palace has been passed down for thousands of years, and the rules of conduct can be seen from the previous events. If I don’t agree, I’m afraid they’ll just give up jade pieces instead of tiles. They won’t be able to get these pills of their own , and will not fall into the hands of others.

Now at this time, it's okay to talk about it, if one turns his face, he will be killed!
Thinking of this, Wen Dong turned over with one hand, and a soul-entering pill appeared in his palm, he threw it to Huang Daoji and said, "A piece of 30 billion."

Huang Daoji hastily reached out to take it, and after a search, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to open his mouth to swallow it. After waiting for a few minutes, he opened his eyes and looked at Wen Dong's expression like a stripped woman: "Okay , come five hundred."

Hearing this, Wen Dong staggered and almost lay on the ground, looking at the old man speechlessly with a black thread on his head, and said: "I only have a dozen here, there are no more, and I will give the rest to my people."

" doesn't matter, isn't it popular among modern people to pre-order, then the little old man just pre-orders [-] pieces, and you can give it to me when you have it." Huang Daoji laughed, looking very talkative.

"That's good." Wen Dong nodded with a smile, his eyes rolled and said: "In this case, you just ate a soul-entering pill, 30 billion, can you bring the money?" While talking, Wen Dong stretched out his hand and said .

"No, the little old man doesn't have so much money with him." Hearing this, Huang Daoji glared at Wen Dong. This kid was obviously looking for his own embarrassment.

"Then you mean you are in debt? You can also go in debt. You can go back with me. When you get the money, you can leave. There are also those two snow lotus nourishing pills, which are exactly 40 billion. " Wen Dong said seriously.

"What? Are you still afraid that I, Huang Daoji, will renege on my debt? How could I be the No. [-] person in the outer courtyard, how could I renege on my debt!" Huang Daoji suddenly understood Wen Dong's meaning, and stretched out a finger and said angrily.

"This is just one of them, because you go back with us, and I will refine the elixir, and I can give you part of it. You say [-] pills at once, but I don't have it. I can only pay in installments." Wen Dong said.

"You brat, are you framing me? Do you think I'm a fool? Are you using me as a bodyguard?" Huang Daoji rolled his eyes and immediately understood.

"We are a cooperative relationship. I need your money, and you need my elixir. Of course, we need to help each other." Wen Dong said without embarrassment at all, being guessed.

The people who came this time were only snakes and tigers, but a snake and tiger alone almost killed him, but the ghost of the protagonist has never appeared. If he can pull this Huang Daoji to his side, he can be more A layer of protection, although it seems that the old man has no great ability, but the signboard of Tianxia Palace alone is enough to scare away many people.

"Well, you're right. I see your kid's eyeballs are spinning around, and you have a lot of ghost thoughts. I'm afraid you won't give me the medicine if you run away." Huang Daoji glanced at Wen Dong, but nodded with a snort : "Okay, I will go back with you."

"Rest on the spot for half an hour, and ask Mr. Huang to protect us." Wen Dong nodded, thinking about Li Ningyan in the base, he said immediately, and sat cross-legged on the ground as he spoke.

Huang Daoji knew that this kid was using him as a gunman, but he had no choice but to turn around and sit on the tree trunk, looking left and right with a bored expression.

The old man snatched the elixir for Brother Gu Fenghan, the account had already been written down, and he couldn't ask for it anymore, so he had to take out a few more elixirs and distribute them to the injured people.

"I'm not hurt, just take a rest." Yingzi on the side saw that Wendong also handed herself one, but knew the preciousness of this pill, so she shook her head and said.

"Such a good elixir, it's a waste of money." Huang Daoji saw more than a dozen elixirs being distributed by Wendong, and he was so distressed that he opened his mouth and muttered.

"You stinky old man, do you want to take care of it?" Zhang Xiuxiu was carefully putting away a pill that was also given to him, and when he heard Huang Daoji's obviously sarcastic words, he couldn't help cursing immediately.

"You little girl, you are not big, but you are quite angry. Be careful that you often have painful menstruation." Huang Daoji was not angry either, and laughed at Zhang Xiuxiu with his yellow teeth bared.

"You..." Hearing this, Zhang Xiuxiu was furious when she was mentioned in pain, but thinking of how powerful this old man was, she could only swallow her anger, but her eyes were full of murderous intent.

Huang Daoji grinned at Zhang Xiuxiu, and looked at Yingzi who was looking curiously at him with a pair of thief eyes, but he praised: "You are a good girl, with exquisite features, beautiful appearance, big breasts and round buttocks, charming Tian Cheng, is truly a gem among women."

Hearing Huang Daoji's blatant admiration, Yingzi couldn't help but blushed, and quickly withdrew her gaze, cursing inwardly, "You are so old and disrespectful!"

"Hey, you're not a bad girl either. You have fair skin, beautiful long legs, and round buttocks. You're sure to give birth to a big fat boy." .

Zi Ling, a girl in black, blushed at what the other party said, she quickly lowered her curious head, and couldn't help cursing inwardly: I'm only eighteen this year, what a fat boy.

"This perverted old man!"

Huang Daoji commented on the three of them with this mouth, which made all the curious girls dare not look at him again, and there was silence in the valley for a while...


It was said to be half an hour, but it took an hour to rest, and Wen Dong opened his eyes. After resting for such a long time, he felt that the fatigue in his whole body was gone. Although it is impossible to recover, at least he can last. Go back to base.

And this time, although he was seriously injured, the benefits were great. After the fierce fight with the snake and tiger, Wendong felt that the fighting spirit in his body had condensed a lot, and it had increased a lot. The little murloc is so cheap What the master said is indeed true, as long as you fight, you can increase your fighting spirit, but if you want to be the fastest, it is best to kill the extraordinary warrior and directly absorb part of the opponent's battle essence.

The night is pretty good today, and with an acquaintance like Du Manman leading the way, there is no obstacle in returning to the base in the dark.

The people have been besieged in the valley for the past few days. They can't eat or sleep well, and their nerves have been tense and exhausted. But the base is their home, and everyone is eager to go home, and no one complains for a while.

After leaving the valley, Yingzi contacted the Qingcheng base through the communication equipment. Li Ningyan replied in person, saying that the base was fine, but was under siege. Tonight, through secret spies, I learned that many mercenary groups guarding outside the base had already evacuated. A large part of it has been lost, and it has been passing away through time.

Yingzi replied happily that Wendong had come to the rescue and helped them out of trouble, and was rushing to the base at this time.

Li Ningyan said that she was looking forward to it at the base, and Yingzi happily agreed that she would see her sister soon.

After Li Ningyan was promoted to Transcendence, she was no different from ordinary people. Although her tone was still a little cold, it was less rigid and more gentle.

The two women did not expect to have a dialogue in this form for the first time.

After Wendong learned that the base and Li Ningyan were not in danger, he was also relieved, but he thought that none of the mercenary regiments besieging the Qingcheng base could escape!Wen Dong is not a magnanimous person, on the contrary, he is very small-minded and jealous!


All the students at the base have undergone rigorous jungle field training, and they marched extremely fast and silently.Those with good eyesight can take advantage of the moonlight to see that among the dense jungle, it looks like a black snake, winding its way, and its target is pointing directly at the Qingcheng base!
However, there were still wounded among these people. Halfway through the march, they had to rest for 10 minutes.

"Hey, boy Wen, do you have any soul-entering pills? Give me some more? I'll keep you safe all the way, how about it?" Having tasted the benefits of the soul-entering pills, Huang Daoji took a break midway, and finally couldn't hold back again. Looking at Wen Dong with a conciliatory face, he asked.

He encountered a bottleneck when he became an extraordinary king nearly a hundred years ago. Knowing that his talent is limited, he may stop here in this life, but he really doesn't want to give up, so he has traveled around the world over the years, hoping to find a trace of stepping into the extraordinary king. An ordinary person who has pursued the opportunity for nearly a hundred years would probably have gone crazy or even lost heart, but he has a free and easy mind, which is fine.But now that Wendong actually possessed the soul-invigorating pill that was only recorded in ancient books, and that this pill didn't have any side effects after using it, he couldn't help the heart that had been suppressed for nearly a hundred years.

"I'm sorry, we don't seem to have any worries along the way." Wen Dong shook his head and said with curled lips. Maybe there will be another one, he doesn't have so many soul-entering pills to train masters for Tianxia Palace.

"Hey, boy Wen, what do you mean? Are you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?" Huang Daoji glared at Wen Dong's obviously sarcastic words, and said in a sharp voice, but he was thin and small, so it was difficult for him It makes people feel cowardly.

"Old Huang's words are serious. I didn't say it before. I don't have many soul-entering pills. When I refine them, I will naturally give them to you." Wen Dong explained helplessly.

"Oh, are you short of materials? Can you tell me where I can get the materials? I'll get them for you. How about we split [-]/[-]? You [-]/[-], I'll provide the materials myself, isn't that interesting?" Huang Daoji continued. Speaking of not giving up.

"It's not a matter of materials. Refining the elixir takes a lot of energy. Do you think I can still refine the elixir in my current state? Don't worry, I will give you the elixir." Wen Dong nonsense.

"Then you can give me another one, and I can take it back as a sample and show it to the Palace Master. I don't have that much money, and I still need to apply for a report." Huang Daoji rolled his eyes and smiled. explained.

"Sample? Didn't I give it to you? You ate it all." Wen Dong said helplessly.

"Of course I have to eat it. You are full of ghosts when you look at it. I have to try whether the elixir you gave will work. Besides, I can't show such a good elixir to the palace lord. Otherwise, I will assign it to you. That old guy has left me behind." Huang Daoji snorted.

Hearing his explanation, the students on the side were stunned.

Wen Dong also stared at him with a black line on his head and said: "Then you mean, if I give you another pill, you have to take it? Then what samples are you talking about?"

"Eh..." Huang Daoji felt that he had made a slip of the tongue, and suddenly smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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