How bad guys are made

Chapter 1034 Loss of the Base

Chapter 1034 Loss of the Base

The group rested while walking, and arrived at the Qingcheng Base five hours later, it was already past one o'clock in the morning.

For such a long time, many mercenary regiments who besieged the Qingcheng base have already received the news of the defeat of Pocket Drum. However, Wendong and his party did not encounter any obstacles, and entered the Qingcheng base without incident.

It was quiet when they came, except that the night guards at the base knew about it, and Li Ningyan and Principal Huang Ming greeted them. After the catastrophe, everyone met each other with tears and joy. They were completely relaxed, but they were exhausted. After a few words, they were each other Go back and rest.

Wendong fought against the snake and tiger, using all means possible. The long-term high-intensity battle exhausted his mental strength. When he returned to the base, he felt dizzy and had ringing in his ears. Jaga was seriously injured and fell asleep.

Although Yingzi was equally tired, thinking of the life-and-death battle between Wendong and Snake-Tiger was still shocking, so she endured fatigue and fetched water to wipe his body.

Yingzi had already changed into a loose and comfortable nightdress. She had just covered Wendong with a quilt and sat on the edge of the bed to rest, but she noticed a figure flickering at the door. When she looked up, it was Li Ningyan.

"Sister, you're here." Yingzi quickly stood up, bowed and saluted, with a courteous voice.

"Well, is he... okay?" Li Ningyan showed a stiff smile, nodded slightly, glanced at Wen Dong on the bed, and asked in a low voice.

"It's too tired, nothing serious." Yingzi whispered quickly: "Then I'll go back to my room to rest first, sister, you can sleep here tonight." Yingzi got up to dry the handkerchief while talking Hanger said.

"I...I don't know how to take care of people." Li Ningyan shook her head and said, she didn't seem to see a trace of shock on Yingzi's expression, and said: "In the past few days-I have learned about sword intent again, and I plan to retreat for a few days , come here to tell you.”

"Oh, that……"

"Then I'm leaving. You can sleep here. If you wake up, you will be taken care of." Before Yingzi finished speaking, she was interrupted by Li Ningyan, who waved her hand and left without delay.


The sun was setting and it was already dusk the next day. Wen Dong Youyou woke up from his sleep. Wen Dong reached out and tapped his headache forehead. After sleeping for a whole day, he felt extremely refreshed all over his body. He moved his numb arms , but found that the fragrance in his arms was soft, and when he looked down, it was Ying Zi, who was sleeping deeply and sweetly.

Looking back on the Pocket Valley, but still in a dream, Wen Dong smiled, put on his clothes and got up quietly.


On the training ground, Ling Yun was holding a dagger in his hand. The dagger was wrapped in silk, and he was practicing against a student. He noticed the admiration of the younger sisters of the students. His face was full of complacency, and his movements were strange. , the swordsmanship moves like clouds and flowing water, using "Gu Ying Phantom Killing" and the four-like "Swordsmanship of Qiankun Liangyi" learned by stealing, but Lingyun fights with heavy and cold weapons, and he watched the battle between Wendong and Snake Tiger before. Very methodical.

It's been a whole day, Gu Fenghan and Brothers are recuperating after returning from their injuries, and after waking up at noon, both of them entered the retreat, the coach Li Ningyan even announced the retreat that night, and most of the students who survived the robbery from Pocket Valley were sleeping. So Ling Yun took on the responsibility of being an instructor.

"Boss, are you awake?" During the battle, the sword of Lingyun cloth pointed at three inches from the throat of the opponent's student, nodded with a smile, and explained something to the student. Seeing Wen Dong walking towards this side, he shouted excitedly and jumped off the martial arts stage.


"Boss..." The students who watched the battle found Wendong and immediately became excited. It was estimated that it was this day. Ling Yun also bragged about the battle between Wendong Pocket Valley and the snake and tiger. The students were excited and fascinated. Wen Dong's expression was full of admiration. Although they didn't experience it personally, they can also be seen from the fact that the leader rescued Yingzi and others alone, and the retreat and recuperation after the students returned. The intensity of the battle.

"Well, not bad. Train well, and we will fight together in the future." Wen Dong nodded in satisfaction when he saw the excitement of the crowd.

Hearing this, everyone nodded excitedly. During this period of time, the Qingcheng base was blocked at the door of the house. Although there was no danger of being wiped out, this was something that had never happened in these years. Everyone held their breath and worked hard to train , Get back the place!

"How is it? Do you feel like stepping into the extraordinary?" Wen Dong looked at Ling Yun and asked.

"Eh... I still haven't. I wanted to go to fight with you yesterday, but I didn't expect that there was no place for me to make a move..." Hearing Wen Dong's question, Ling Yun's face suddenly became bitter. , the base now has three extraordinary warriors besides the boss, and as the top master of the Qingcheng Gang, and he has also received [-] soul-entering pills from the boss, he still has not stepped into the rank of extraordinary, which is really a bit embarrassing up.

"I feel like a fart. This kid's talent is average, and his physique is average. It's too early to be promoted to Chaofan." Wen Dong just gave Ling Yun a glance, at this time a carefree voice sounded, and when he turned his head, he saw Huang Daoji Walked over in a swaying suit, then glared at Ling Yun angrily, then turned to stare at Wen Dong and said, "I said, boy Wen, it's a good thing you're still an extraordinary master, why are you so blind? I heard you gave this The kid took twenty soul-entering pills? This is simply reckless, too wasteful."

"Hey, Huang Daoji, what are you talking about! Why was it wasted? I just haven't reached the time yet, I will soon enter Chaos!" Ling Yun's face flushed with embarrassment when he heard Huang Daoji's sarcasm. Some had no words to refute, and their tone was embarrassing.

"Cut, just you?" Huang Daoji glanced at Ling Yun, then turned to look at Wen Dong with a snort, his old face suddenly looked like a blooming chrysanthemum: "Hey, Chief Wen, when will I get my elixir? "

"Old Huang, I now formally invite you to join my Qingcheng base. As long as you are willing, I will offer you [-] soul-entering pills with both hands." Wen Dong turned to look at him and said seriously.

"That can't be done. How can I, Huang Daoji, the No. [-] person in the outer courtyard, change camps for just twenty soul-entering pills?" Hearing Wen Dong's words, Huang Daoji snorted angrily, scratching his head as if he had been humiliated.

"That's right, it's just a pill for entering the soul, why are you in a hurry?" Wen Dong pouted.

Huang Daoji: "I..."

"Hey, then you have to give me a date, how long am I going to wait here? I am the No. [-] figure in the outer courtyard, I am not stupid, you are using me as a strong man for free!" Huang Daoji caught up with Wendong. Looking back, he hummed without shame.

"I didn't force you to stay. To tell you the truth, it will take half a year. I'm very busy now and I don't have time. Even if I refine the elixir, I will give it to my students first." Wen Dong stopped and said As he spoke, he took Ling Yunxiang to the principal's office.

"Half a year..." Huang Daoji stopped when he heard Wen Dong's words, and murmured, as if hesitant. Half a year is not a long time for him, but staying in this small place For a long time, he might suffocate to death!

Huang Ming was sitting at his desk in a thin gray sweater looking up documents. The base was neither big nor small. To feed more than 1000 people, especially supporting military supplies, generally speaking, it was no more difficult than managing a large company. easy.

"Dong dong."

"Please come in." Huang Ming bowed his head when he heard the knock on the door.

"Principal Huang is busy?" The door opened, Wen Dong greeted first with a smile.

"Principal." Ling Yun also said hastily and respectfully.

"Boss." Hearing Wen Dong's voice, Huang Ming immediately put down the documents in his hand, stood up solemnly, and said in a respectful voice.

"Well, they are all from our own family. The principal doesn't have to be like this. You can call me Wendong, or you can call me the boss?" Wendong said quickly.

"Well...then call it the boss. I used to call Lao Zhang that way...ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." Huang Ming pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, then felt that his words were inappropriate, and quickly apologized.

"It's okay, then call me the boss." Thinking of Zhang Sanbai, Wen Dong couldn't help but his face darkened, but he said indifferently with a slight smile.

"Well, boss, sit down first, and I'll make tea for you." Huang Ming greeted Ling Yun. He has been the principal for more than ten years. Ling Yun is the second batch of students who entered the base, and he watched them grow up.

"Don't, old man Huang, let me come." Ling Yun quickly grabbed the teapot and said.

"You brat." Huang Ming gave Ling Yun an angry look, then smiled and sat on the sofa opposite Wen Dong.

"What's the loss of our base in the past few days?" Wen Dong asked directly knowing what he was here for.

"The loss is not small." Hearing Wendong's question, Huang Ming's face darkened, and he said leisurely: "All the external markets of our base have been removed, and all military supplies have been lost, especially the mercenary group. The total loss of property was about 7000 million, which is not counting the loss of reputation and established reputation. Fortunately, we notified the information in a timely manner, and the students guarding each market were withdrawn in time, but there were no casualties."

The Qingcheng Mercenary Corps also has more than a dozen handicaps in the dark, all of which they have accumulated and built up day and night over the years. It is conceivable how much effort they have spent. The most important thing is the network of relationships, and most of them have been abolished in the disintegration. , Huang Ming looked distressed.

"Well, as long as the person is still there, it doesn't matter. The handicap is gone, we can rebuild, and the lost prestige can be recovered. As long as we are strong enough, we are not afraid of losing prestige. When we wipe out those enemies, the prestige It will follow." Wen Dong said coldly.

"Well, what the boss said is reasonable." Hearing Wen Dong's words, Huang Ming's face softened a little. The loss this time was entirely due to the base's decision-making mistakes and incomplete information. Of course, the principal cannot escape the blame.But the boss didn't blame him at all, which made Huang Ming heave a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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