How bad guys are made

Chapter 1035 Moli, goodbye by fate

Chapter 1035 Moli, goodbye by fate

"Boss, now is not the time for revenge. We have been tricked once, and this time we have to plan everything thoroughly." Ling Yun interrupted suddenly.

"Huh? How do you say it?" Wen Dong was taken aback, looking at him curiously.

"This time our base suffered a heavy loss, especially the base guardian team just selected by Ms. Yingzi, encountered a catastrophe, which dealt a great blow to confidence. We'd better recuperate during this period, and wait for these students who have obtained the peerless cheats to master it. , report back with a plan." Ling Yun said solemnly.

"Oh? I didn't see it, but you can see it very clearly." Wen Dong frowned, looking at Ling Yun as if he had discovered a new continent and said.

"Where did I come up with this? That guy Gu Fenghan told me before retreating at noon today." Ling Yun explained with his teeth bared.

"Oh, that's it." Wen Dong nodded, showing a strange expression.

Ling Yun's face was even more embarrassing.


"Huh? Mr. Huang? Why haven't you left yet?" After leaving the principal's office and just going downstairs, Wendong found Huang Daoji standing at the entrance of the stairs in a daze, so he couldn't help asking.

"Boy Wen, half a year is a bit long, I need to go back and report first." Huang Daoji said seriously.

"Well, that's fine." I wanted to fool the old man into being a free bodyguard, but now it seems that the plan has failed. Although I feel a little regretful, it's just like this. At most, the old man is only used as a deterrent. He definitely wouldn't be his own thug, and this guy still belongs to Tianxia Palace, and Wendong really didn't want to have anything to do with Tianxia Palace, it was just because everything he had was in Tianxia Kingdom. Only then did he agree to the matter of the elixir, and if he wanted to sleep peacefully in other people's territory, even if it was not flattering, at least he would not offend him.

"If you have time to go to Tianxia Palace, it will only benefit you and not harm you. The little old man has made a fortune for you. You and our Tianxia Palace are very related." Huang Daoji said shaking his head.

"Yeah, it's quite related." Wen Dong nodded, but his expression was a little mocking. He hadn't forgotten about Mu Zhen and Mu Yu.

"Hey, we'll meet soon, little old man." Huang Daoji acted freely, smiling with his yellow teeth bared, and his figure turned into a black shadow, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wen Dong looked at the back of the other party's disappearance, and couldn't help admiring in his heart. Tianxia Palace is indeed a sacred place that has been passed down for thousands of years. When will he have such a large number of masters sitting in the town, why are he afraid of the dark dawn!
"What's the matter? Boss?" Ling Yun asked curiously when he saw Wen Dong was in a daze.

"What's the matter?" Wen Dong came back to his senses, thinking that his twenty soul-entering pills were smashed out without even a Chaofan walk, and he couldn't help but get angry and said, "What's the matter? See what they didn't eat The elixir has been promoted to the super king, you have eaten so much elixir, and now there is not even a shadow of a super, you don’t feel ashamed, I feel ashamed, how the hell do we have longer eyes than those of Tianxia Palace Is the guy on top of you bad? Hurry up and go to retreat for me, if you don’t get promoted to Transcendence in a short time, labor and management will beat your shit out!”

Wen Dong scolded angrily, and finally felt at ease in his heart, leaving Ling Yun with a dumbfounded expression on his face, and left with his hands behind his back.


After a simple dinner, Wendong returned to the attic room on the second floor, but found that Yingzi was still awake.

After I woke up, I found that the clothes all over my body had been changed, and my body had been wiped. It is estimated that Yingzi stayed up all night to tidy herself up before going to bed.Wen Dong quietly sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the pretty woman sleeping peacefully on the bed, and smiled slightly.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for completing the trigger side mission: the first taste of plunder. Mission reward: a rare general soul, do you want to claim it?"

When I went to the property panel just now, Wendong heard the notification sound of the system, and then remembered.

"Rare general soul? What is this?" Wen Dong couldn't help being curious. He got a sword soul before, which was to increase his ability to comprehend the sword intent. what effect.


System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the task reward: rare general soul. Rare general soul: it is a pure spirit memory inheritance, which contains a lot of training and knowledge of formation and formation. After use, it can be promoted to a silver-level general. "

"Silver rank? Warlord? What the hell is that?" Wen Dong murmured in confusion.

Could it be that kind of general in the game?

It should be, the training and the formation of troops are the soul of the general. This thing seems to be very good...

Although I don't know what the silver-ranked warrior is, Wen Dong can guess one or two of its functions. In this case, Li Ningyan is quite suitable. After all, she was an instructor before, but now she seems to be obsessed with swordsmanship. She doesn't have much energy to do this, and her personality is not very suitable for dealing with many people.

As for myself, let alone, although this thing is good, but at first glance it is the kind of thing that consumes a lot of energy, brainpower and time, and it does not increase the combat power, so it will do me a hundred harms and no benefits!
Wen Dong frowned slightly, rolled his eyes, but looked at the sweet Ying Zi who was sleeping on the bed, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Yingzi has been in the base for a while, and her prestige is not small, and she also established the Qingcheng base guardian team, so it is just right to give her the soul!

Having made up his mind, Wendong grinned, but this thing seems to be memory inheritance. To put it bluntly, it is to force this knowledge into people's minds. Yingzi is sleeping soundly at this time, so Wendong just gives up. Anyway, he is not in a hurry .

General soul, General.It would be great if Mo Li was here. Her various auxiliary skills are quite domineering, and she is the most suitable candidate for the main general.

Thinking of Mo Li, Wen Dong couldn't help flashing a hint of pain in his eyes.The room was very quiet, about ten minutes later, there was a low sigh.


System: "Ding: The host has entered the Xiongxiong's employment shop."

"Wendong, you haven't been here for a long time? How about it, did that little wild cat cause trouble for you? It's better to be a senior soldier, and Mo Li is really good. Has the hero gained something this time? How many high-level [Xiaoxiong Tokens] have you got?" Wen Dong just entered this strange space, a fragrant wind blew through his nostrils, and Cuizhu's brisk laughter came from his ears.

The little wild cat that Cuizhu was talking about was naturally the phantom who had quarreled with her before, women just hold grudges, and they haven't forgotten after such a long time.

"Cui Zhu, long time no see." Wen Dong greeted with a smile.

"Enen, which floor shall we go to?" Cuizhu said hastily.

"No, I'm not here today to hire your senior fighters. I want to ask you something." Wen Dong waved his hand quickly and said.

"Huh? Hero, please tell me." Seeing Wendong's serious expression, Cuizhu hurriedly said seriously.

"Mo Li is dead." Wen Dong said directly, with a flat expression, neither happy nor sad.

"Ah? Dead? How is it possible? That's an eighth-level fighter. Unless she activates the destruction system herself, it will be very difficult for anyone to kill her." Cui Zhu exclaimed in surprise, her expression unbelievable.

"Well, I want to ask if it is possible to bring her back to life." Regarding these things, Wen Dong obviously didn't want to say any more. Although he didn't have any hope, he still couldn't help asking. Turning over, a delicate little iron sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Oh, with this seal of crape myrtle, it's certainly possible." Seeing the small iron sword in Wen Dong's hand, Cui Zhu immediately believed his words and nodded.

"Can I be resurrected? How? No matter what method I use, I'm willing!" Hearing Cui Zhu's affirmation, Wen Dong was overjoyed, his expression couldn't suppress his excitement.

"It is indeed possible to be resurrected, but..." Cuizhu nodded, but she didn't know how to explain it halfway through.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem?" Wen Dong frowned at her, his tone anxious.

"Well, there is a problem. Hero, you have been to the [Hero Battlefield], so you naturally know the formation of the boss, and Mo Li's Ziwei Seal is taken from the spirit of the [Overlord] level monster boss, and made with special techniques. So Mo Li is dead, that is to say, he has really disappeared, and will not be resurrected in this world." Cui Zhu explained.

"That is to say, Mo Li can only be revived in [Xiaoxiong Battlefield]?" Wen Dong seemed to understand what she meant.

"Yes, and it's still a random resurrection. After the resurrection, she will lose all her memories. She won't know you again, and even wants to kill you after seeing you. Moreover, the process of resurrection is also very slow. Everything It's all just random." Cuizhu said cautiously.

After hearing Cui Zhu's explanation, Wen Dong's expression changed.

System: "Ding: The host triggers a side mission: the villain's choice. Choice [-]: Don't resurrect Moli. If he dies, he is a waste. Go to the resurrection of Te Mom. Mission reward: a sixth-level [Hero Token]; Choice [-]: Resurrection Mo Li, consume [-] points of aversion and [-] points of hatred to obtain a rebirth divine pill."

I'm going to fuck you!

"Choice [-]." Wen Dong chose almost without hesitation. Without Mo Li, he would have become food in the belly of the fish, and he would not be where he is today. Although he is not a good person, he still has some Have a conscience.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for completing the decision. Consuming [-] points of aversion and [-] points of hatred, you can obtain a rebirth-intense pill."

"Is this necessary for resurrecting Moli?" Wen Dong probed his hand, and the newly obtained Rebirth Yunshen Pill appeared in his palm.

"Well, it seems that the hero has already been prepared. Since this is the case, then I won't say anything more." Cui Zhu stretched out her small snow-white hands to pinch the pill in Wen Dong's hand and said with a smile.

"Well, what else do I need to do?" Wen Dongzhu asked.

"All you need is this elixir. You can come and see Mo Li's rebirth ceremony." Cuizhu said with a smile.


Cuizhu nodded, waved her long sleeves, and the two appeared in an altar.

This is a high platform paved with rough marble. There is a spring in the center of the high platform. The spring water is surging, but it can't flow out of the small mouth. It is also unknown where the spring water flowing out goes.

Cuizhu turned her head and glanced at Wendong, seeing him nodding, she slightly possessed herself and threw the Rebirth Yunshen Pill into the spring, the spring water surged, and the elixir quickly melted, and the water in the whole spring immediately It turned into emerald green, and then Cui Zhu quickly threw the seal of crape myrtle into the spring, the spring water surged, and within a few seconds, the spring water became clear again, while the little iron sword that was thrown in together just now Also disappeared at the same time.

"Okay, Mo Li will be resurrected in [The Battlefield of Heroes]." Cuizhu turned to Wendong and said.

At this time, Wen Dong didn't seem to hear it, but just stared blankly at the surging spring water in a daze.

I hope you will stop being so stubborn--

I hope you won't be so stupid again--

I hope you will never meet such a useless master like me——

Hope you have a bright future——

Once again, the scene of Mo Li's [Holy Heavenly Might] would come to mind, with ten thousand swords piercing through the heart, and those clear eyes were all resolute and decisive.

Looking at it, my eyes were already blurred, and a crystal tear fell into the surging spring water.

Looking up, a low murmur came out: Mo Li, there is a destiny, we will meet in [The Battlefield of Heroes], we will never fight each other.

Wendong just shed a drop of tears, but for some reason, Cuizhu who was standing by the side felt that the whole world was full of sorrow, and she covered her mouth with her little hand, tears flickering in the corners of her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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