Chapter 1036
"Wendong, Wendong...what's wrong with you? You..."

Yingzi's panic-stricken voice came from his ear, which woke Wendong up from his grief.

"Wendong, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Why are you crying..." Yingzi lay on the head of the bed, looking at Wendong anxiously, because she practiced martial arts since she was a child, she was naturally very alert. Wen Dong was awakened by the tears falling on his cheeks. After waking up in a daze, he suddenly found that Wen Dong was sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at him, but his eyes were dull, but the crystal tears were flowing out. Startled.

"It's okay, I just feel a little uncomfortable thinking that you have suffered so much." Wen Dong came back to his senses and smiled.

"Wendong, what are you talking about? How could it be?" Yingzi felt a little indescribably moved when she heard his obviously apologetic sad words. How could she blame him? All of this was voluntary, and, If it weren't for Wen Dong, I'm afraid I would still be living in those pirates, but when I came to the base boat, I seemed to have a new life, hope and goals, and all of this was given to me by Wen Dong.

"No, it's fine if you don't feel wronged." Wendong shook his head, seeing Yingzi's panicked look that seemed to be frightened by him, the haze in his heart immediately disappeared a lot, he got up and looked at her and said, "Are you hungry? The kitchen is still busy." If you have something to eat, let me heat it up for you?"

"No...not hungry. I just woke up and I'm not hungry yet." Yingzi seemed a bit hesitant to turn the corner, but seeing that Wendong didn't seem to want to say it, she also smiled. From the very beginning, she realized that this was a story Even though he doesn't want to share with her now, she will not force her, and he will not harm herself, because this man also belongs to her.

"How do you feel? Do you want to sleep for a while?" Wen Dong handed her a teacup sideways.

"How long have I been asleep? It feels like a long time." Yingzi stretched out her hand and patted her forehead.

"It's been a long time. It's more than three o'clock in the morning." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Then you still want me to sleep. If you sleep again, you will be stupid. I didn't suffer any injuries at first, but my nerves have been tense and I'm too tired." Yingzi explained helplessly.

"It's the middle of the night, what else can I do if I don't sleep." Wen Dong also explained with some embarrassment.

"I can't sleep anymore, I think it's better to exercise." Yingzi shook her head, looked up at Wendong, her pretty face flushed slightly.

Wendong turned his head and looked at her with a half-smile, Yingzi had already changed into a slightly sexy suspender pajamas, her pretty face was pink and tender, especially the dazed look she just woke up from was really cute and cute.

"Hmm... What did the old man say yesterday? His facial features are exquisite, his appearance is beautiful, his breasts are big and his hips are round, his skin is white and his legs are beautiful, and his legs are beautiful. I want to see how superb he is..." Wen Dong Leaning down on the bed, one hand frivolously picked up Yingzi's snow-white chin, while the other hand had already reached into the bed, grabbing her peak.

When Yingzi heard Wendong's retelling, her pretty face flushed with shame, but her eyes were blurred, delicate and charming, and she took the initiative to send a kiss.


In the early morning, the sky was brightly illuminated by the slight sunlight, Yingzi's petite and exquisite body was completely naked, and her whole body was limply leaning on Wendong's chest, just like a white lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"How do you feel?" Wen Dong asked aloud, stroking the soft and smooth shoulders of the other party.

"I'm so tired, and I'm so hungry..." Yingzi's snake-like body wrapped around Wendong's body, her voice was weak. After nearly two hours of fighting, Yingzi was so tired that her whole body was limp as mud.

"I didn't ask this..." Wen Dong rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

"Ah? What is that? You still want...but I want it too, but I'm too tired, otherwise I'll just lie still..."

Wen Dong's head was full of black lines...

"I mean, don't you realize that there is something extra in your mind?" Wen Dong said with a speechless face.

"Ah? You... how do you know?" Yingzi looked at Wendong in surprise, thinking that she was confused, and hallucinations appeared in her mind.

Apparently, Wen Dong has quietly put the general soul he got into her mind.

"That's what I put those memories into your mind, how could I not know..."


Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and on the day Yingzi woke up, all the students who escaped from Pocket Valley except for the wounded recovered almost.

Their confidence was greatly hit, but after seeing the leader fight the snake and tiger, this not only did not make them depressed, but increased their fighting spirit. They are the guardian team of the base. The leader of the base came to guard them, which was a shame for them.

Therefore, these few days, there is no need to supervise them at all, and their training is extremely hard, but the only fly in the ointment is that Brother Gu Fenghan is still in retreat, and Ling Yun also plunged into the secret room to retreat to break through the extraordinary, so they had to work hard to train their physical fitness And explore the secrets learned by yourself.

In the past two days, Yingzi was even more busy, running to the principal's office when she had nothing to do, and seemed to be discussing new plans. The pen is sketching, and I don't know what I'm messing around with. These should be related to the rare memory of the general's soul that Wendong gave her.

Of course, in addition to this, after returning home, I have to have a hard time with Wen Dong. At her energetic age, it is like a floodgate. Once opened, it will be out of control, like a drug addict, and Wen Dong It’s hard for Dong to come here once, so naturally he has to seize the opportunity. Although Wen Dong is tossing him every time, he is powerless and even asks for forgiveness, but he is still tired and happy...

On the third day, Brother Gu Fenghan woke up from the retreat.

But it is simply impossible for them to advance to extraordinary masters in one fell swoop. However, although it is impossible to see whether their strength has increased, they can clearly feel that their aura is more solid, unlike a few days ago That kind of fighting spirit can't be controlled, and this should be a stable period for extraordinary warriors. If you want to break through to become an extraordinary master, I'm afraid it will take a lot of fighting!

outside the training ground.

"Boss, can you tell us how extraordinary warriors are promoted to extraordinary masters? I think there should be a kind of cultivation method to improve fighting spirit and combat power." Gu Fengshuang looked at Wendong asking for advice and asked. .

"Warrior, you don't need to practice." Wen Dong repeated what the little murloc had said to him.

"Ah? What does the leader mean?" Gu Fengshuang was a little puzzled, and asked with a confused face, while Gu Fenghan who was beside him was also curious.

"When you become an extraordinary warrior, you will have fighting spirit. Even if you become a master, it is still just the primary use of your own fighting spirit. When you become a king, you are called a real warrior, that is, a king of war." Wen Dong explained: "Warriors don't need to practice. They only need to fight, and they can grow and refine their fighting spirit from the battle to reach the next level."

"Huh? Is that so?" Gu Fengshuang looked at Wendong half-understood, with a look of surprise, which obviously exceeded expectations.

But Gu Fenghan lowered his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about it.

"Fighting is a way, or one of the important ways." Wen Dong nodded and said seriously.

"The leader means there is another way?" Gu Fenghan immediately asked.

"Yes, another way is to plunder!" Wen Dong nodded.

"Plundering? It's like..." Gu Fenghan was slightly taken aback, as if he remembered something...

"Battle Qi distributes all the limbs and bones of the human body. The source point is in the dantian. Another name for battle Qi is Zhan Yuan Jing. If you kill an extraordinary warrior, they can plunder a part of the opponent's battle spirit." Essence, directly increase your strength, it’s like playing games, fighting monsters, gaining experience and upgrading. Of course, if you are killed by the opponent, then the opponent will absorb your Essence of War.” Wen Dong patiently explained road.

"So domineering? Doesn't that mean that the stronger you are, the stronger you are?" Gu Fengshuang exclaimed, because as long as your strength is strong enough, wouldn't it be possible to upgrade to an unimaginable level by chasing and killing extraordinary warriors all over the world?
"It's not the same." Wen Dong shook his head, seeing the two people looking at him suspiciously, he said: "After reaching the King of War, you must have a subconscious mind if you want to advance."


"Yes, it is Qianling." Wendong nodded and said: "In layman's terms, Qianling is potential. I said before that, in fact, below the extraordinary king, it is still at the level of a mortal, and when you reach the extraordinary, you have stepped into it." The real peak of ordinary human beings, and if you want to advance again, you must get through your potential, which is the potential."

"There are countless potential spirits floating between the heaven and the earth, but it is much slower to obtain them than to obtain the war essence, so it is the potential spirits that really restrict the level improvement, and the other point is comprehension."

"Well, so that's the case." Gu Fengshuang nodded half-understanding.

"Well, you are still far away from the extraordinary king, so don't worry about it. When I really become the extraordinary king, I may have more understanding. I am also crossing the river by feeling the stones." Wen Dong He comforted him with a smile.

"Well, that's the only way." Brother Gu Fengshuang nodded.

"Wendong, Gu Fengshuang, you are all here." At this moment, Yingzi came over, as if in a hurry, but that pretty cheek seemed to be flushed with excitement, which made people covet. Several male students on the training platform looked crazy.

"What's the matter? My supervisor Yingzi, what's the happy event?" Wen Dong smiled, stretched out his hand to hold her soft and boneless little hand and said.

Although everyone knew that she was Wendong's woman, it was the first time that Wendong was so intimate with herself in front of these many people. Rejecting his big hand, instead he gave him a smug smile with a smile on his face, turned to look at Brother Gu Fenghan, and said a little excitedly: "I have a very novel training plan, as long as we practice it, our combat power will increase by at least five times !"

(End of this chapter)

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