How bad guys are made

Chapter 1037 The Goddess Wife Is Pregnant

Chapter 1037 The Goddess Wife Is Pregnant

"Oh? Tell me?"

Wen Dong asked curiously.This is obviously the credit of the rare general soul, which involves training and formations, but I think these things are very old, and many of them are not suitable for today's battles, and Yingzi has obviously gathered the memory with the strength of these students these days With the knowledge in it, a new training and combat method was created.

"Come on, let's go into the meeting room and talk." Seeing that Brother Gu Fengshuang also looked at her in surprise, Yingzi smiled even more complacently, and pulled Wendong into the room.

Wen Dong and Gu Fengshuang looked at each other with a smile, and hurriedly followed them full of curiosity.

As soon as he reached the door, Wen Dong's cell phone rang.

Wen Dong took it out and saw that it was Zhang Hanhan's number. Why did this woman call?

Wendong was a little puzzled. Zhang Hanhan had an independent personality, and usually didn't bother to look for him when he had nothing to do. But at this time, he took the initiative to call, and he was definitely not thinking about himself, but because he had something important to do.

"You answer the phone first, and I'll discuss with them first." Yingzi smiled understandingly when she saw Wendong looking down at the phone screen and frowning.

"Well, that's fine."


"Hey, wife, what can I tell you?" Wen Dong sneaked to the corner, his face was filled with smiles, and he had just consummated the marriage with Zhang Hanhan a while ago, and he also tasted the taste of this perfect woman, but Wen Dong had to take good care of her You can't offend her by coaxing her.

"Who is your wife, you brat, what are you yelling at!" But just as Wen Dong finished speaking, Zhou Yahe, the mother-in-law, scolded and scolded from the other side of the phone, and immediately curled her lips and said, "But you are still I'm sensible, so I always call my daughter in such a friendly tone, it's not bad, but it's a bit unmanly."


"Mom, why is it you?" Wen Dong had black lines all over his head, as if he hadn't heard his muttering, this one is tougher than his own wife, and Wen Dong needs to deal with it carefully.

"What? Why can't it be me? You haven't been home for a few days? You just left your wife at home alone, don't you worry? Huh?" , The questioning voice of the mother-in-law came from the other side of the phone, obviously she was fighting for justice for her precious daughter.

"Mom, am I busy outside? What's the matter?" Wen Dong asked cautiously.

"Busy? Are you busy? You really think your mother doesn't hear anything out of the window and doesn't know anything. The Qingcheng Group you created doesn't care at all. The two people disappear all day long. You What are you busy with?" Zhou Yahe snorted angrily: "Besides, what's more important than Hanhan's pregnancy?"

"Hehe... ah? What... what? Hanhan is pregnant?" Wen Dong was reprimanded with an embarrassing face, just about to speak, but suddenly noticed the last words of his mother-in-law, and suddenly exclaimed, his tongue twitched Knot, speechless.

"Ah? Ah, what! It seems that you don't know anything, you are the husband! I didn't say you. Although my daughter is spoiled and has a temper, you can't stay away from home all day. You really went My daughter doesn't have to worry about anything, and she's pregnant now!" Zhou Yahe continued to reprimand, but when she thought of her daughter's pregnancy, she felt happy, her tone became much more relaxed, and she even smiled uncontrollably.

"You brat, come back to me quickly and take care of your wife's confinement." Zhou Yahe scolded with a smile.

"Mom, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm only a few days pregnant, and it will take more than half a year before I'm born. Why do you wait for confinement?" Just as Zhou Yahe finished speaking, Zhang Hanhan yelled unwillingly from the phone Voice.

Judging from his voice, he seems to be in a good mood.

"What happened to half a year? Didn't it pass in the blink of an eye? I was very young when I was pregnant with you. In the blink of an eye, you are so old..." Zhou Yahe said fiercely.


Hearing Zhang Hanhan on the side was dumb, Wen Dong couldn't help but feel ashamed when he heard what his mother said, but he still couldn't help being shocked in his heart. Hearing Zhang Hanhan's tone, it seemed that he was really pregnant.

How can this be?This is too...

This is too accurate, right?One-shot?Uh, no, it should be two shots...

"That's ok, my business is over here, I'll go back at noon today?" Zhang Hanhan was pregnant with a child for herself, Wen Dong said that he was not excited, it was a lie, thinking that the base doesn't have anything that needs him now, so for the time being It's good to go back first, because I'm really eager to go home, this is a great joy!
"What tone are you talking about, you must come back to me today!" Zhou Yahe ordered domineeringly.

"No, if you have something to do, you can go to your own business. I'll be angry when you come back. It's fine now, out of sight and out of mind." Zhang Hanhan interjected.

Apparently, although I had greeted him before coming here, Zhang Hanhan also had a lot of complaints in his heart after leaving for several days, which was mocking himself.

"You girl, what nonsense are you talking about!" Zhou Yahe reprimanded Zhang Hanhan, but then said to the phone: "Come back, you must come back tonight, when the time comes, I will ask your father to come back, let's celebrate."

"Huh? My dad is out?" Wen Dong asked casually.

"Isn't it about the Qingcheng Group?" Zhou Yahe snorted angrily: "I went out to make connections with you, and I'll call him later."

"What? What else do you have to be busy with? Do you dare not come back?" Zhou Yahe ordered Wendong with the domineering arrogance of Zhang Wending the Lion's Roar of the River East.

"I really want to go back, but Hanhan won't let me go back." Wen Dong said with a grin.

"Hanhan." On the other side of the phone, Zhou Yahe called out to Zhang Hanhan.

"Hello." Zhang Hanhan answered the phone.

"Wife, I..." Hearing Zhang Hanhan's voice, Wendong's tone was a bit complicated, and he always felt a little guilty in his heart. Zhang Hanhan is a delicate girl of heaven. She not only married herself, but also conceived her own child, but she was do not know anything.

"Come back if you have nothing to do." Zhang Hanhan said softly.

Hearing this, Wen Dong trembled all over, and suddenly smiled cheaply: "Design."


But as soon as he finished speaking, there was a beeping blind tone on the phone, and he had already hung up.

Depend on!
Wen Dong looked at the hung up phone speechlessly, and couldn't help cursing, but the corner of his grinning mouth looked like a blooming chrysanthemum!

"I'm back, Wendong." Putting down the phone, Wendong walked into the meeting room. Yingzi noticed it first and greeted him.

"Well, how did the discussion go?" Wen Dong nodded with a smile, and when he looked up, he was slightly taken aback.

Gu Fengshuang had a very weird expression at this time, seemed excited, seemed unable to figure it out, but looked at Yingzi with a surprised face, with a very contradictory and tangled expression.

And Gu Fenghan with a calm face was similar, his handsome and handsome eyebrows were furrowed, as if he was thinking.

On the other hand, Yingzi took the initiative to hold her hand, with a pretty face full of complacency, as if cheering happily to please the reward.

"Very good, but I don't know how Ms. Yingzi came up with such a good training method and formation. It's really..." Gu Fenghan couldn't help but said, but in the end, there were no words to describe it.

"Let's hear it, the plan you have been tinkering with these days." There are no outsiders here, but Wen Dong boldly reached out and pinched Yingzi's pink cheek frivolously.

"Well, it's like this..." Yingzi smiled excitedly like a child who was rewarded with a lollipop, and started talking...


"That's right, everyone was called here, just because I have something to say." After hearing Yingzi's story, Wen Dong's eyes lit up, apparently he didn't expect that rare general soul to be so awesome!Yingzi was already extremely smart, with this general soul, it was like a divine help.

"Okay." Yingzi nodded excitedly, turned around and walked to the meeting room, pressing a button with her small hand, and suddenly, the entire base was reminded of sirens calling.

"I'll go back in the next two days." Seeing Brother Gu Fengshuang excitedly studying the plan on the table, Wendong turned to Yingzi while taking advantage of this gap.

"Huh? Are you going back so soon?" Yingzi was stunned, and she said with a pretty face.

"Well, the Spring Festival is only a few days away, and I need to deal with some tedious housework when I go back." Wen Dong said casually.

"En." Hearing Wendong's explanation, Yingzi's pretty face darkened slightly.

I have to spend the Spring Festival alone...

"After the Spring Festival, I will come back. I hope to see a brand new Qingcheng base by then, and I have nothing to reward you for my first contribution to the Yingzi Administration, only...that... "Wen Dong said as he grabbed her hand and ticked it in his palm, the meaning was self-evident.

Yingzi noticed Wen Dong's eyes wandering around her, how could she not understand what he meant, these days are also the happiest time for her, in fact, when the gap between two people is too big, women will always think blindly, I don't feel worthy.However, in the past few days, Wendong's love for her has even touched every inch of her body. That kind of love makes her feel at ease and happy...

Sensing his aggressive gaze at this time, Yingzi felt that every inch of her body was being invaded under Wen Dong's wild gaze, her delicate body trembled, and she fell limp in the opponent's arms.


On the high platform, Wen Dong stood with his hands behind his back.

The students who escaped from Pocket Valley woke up a few days ago.The base is small, with thousands of students, and the legend of Wendong has already been spread!

Wen Dong looked at the heads raised in the audience with excited faces, his expression was flat.

"All the base guardians selected by Yingzi back then go out." Wen Dong said lightly, but his voice spread throughout the training ground.

As soon as the words fell, twenty young men and women from the academy walked up to the crowd, their chests puffed up, their expressions proud, because they were different from the crowd!

But Wendong's next words slapped them mercilessly.

"You are not qualified to be the guardians of the base!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and suddenly looked up at the leader on the stage with a flat expression as if he was repeating a fact. Some male students even refused to accept it, but they had all experienced the Pocket Valley incident. Thinking of this After a helpless and desperate experience, everyone immediately lowered their heads, because what the leader said was true.

But their hands hanging below were tightly clenched into fists!

(End of this chapter)

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