Chapter 1040

"I haven't asked you yet, it's been several days since I disappeared, what are you doing now?" Zhang Hanhan jumped on the bed and pulled a thin blanket over his lap comfortably and asked.

"Are you caring about me?" Wen Dong casually threw the clothes at the foot of the bed, turned his head and looked at her funny.

Zhang Hanhan snorted and didn't answer, but just stared at himself, giving himself a look that best not to lie.

"Actually, it's nothing. You should know that the Qingcheng Gang and the Qingcheng Group don't belong to me originally, um... they belong to my elder brother. After his death, I will take care of these things. We also have a company in the south of Tianxia Kingdom, something happened there a few days ago, so I went to have a look." While talking, Wen Dong sat down on the edge of the bed, put his head on Zhang Hanhan's lap, and closed his eyes slightly rest road.

"En." After listening to Wendong's explanation, Zhang Hanhan just agreed and didn't ask again.

"By the way, how did you know you were going to be pregnant?" Wen Dong turned his head and raised his eyes to look at her curiously and asked.

"Feel it." Zhang Hanhan was taken aback by the question, and then said casually, pregnant women are always happy, she couldn't help reaching out to touch the flat belly under the blanket, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Feeling? Okay." Wen Dong was speechless. Is all women's sixth sense so strong, and then asked curiously: "Then what does it feel like to be pregnant?"

"You're stupid, I've never been pregnant, how do I know what it feels like? I've only been here for a few days? How would I feel?" Zhang Hanhan stared at Wendong's mindless question, and flipped through the pages angrily. White Eyes said.

"Eh..." Wen Dong was embarrassed when he heard it, and felt that he was an idiot for this question.

Glancing at the helpless Wendong, Zhang Hanhan sighed in his heart, stopped talking, and let Wendong lie on the head of the bed with his legs pressed down, feeling suddenly indescribably warm and at ease in his heart.

For a long time, my career-minded self has always believed that marriage is the real grave of my career. Marriage and having children indicate that a woman has basically come to an end.However, people are always unable to control their feelings. Gradually, I fell in love with this lazy man who stalks me and makes me angry every time, but I prefer the inextricable man I love. Until now, sometimes I can't figure out how I fell in love with this man, married him, even had sex with a man and a woman, until now I have a child.

Especially when it comes to love between men and women, she often wonders if she has psychological and physical problems, or is it sexual-frigid?Probably because I have a cleanliness addiction, and because my feelings have been hurt, I rejected this aspect from the bottom of my heart. During that time, I even felt a little inferior and felt a little hesitant.

However, all these are just her own hypochondria. The longing for these few days made her a little uncontrollable. The pleasure of the two times made her taste a strange pleasure and fun in the passion between a man and a woman. At the same time The desire she kept or even suppressed for many years was also excavated by Wendong. It turns out that he is not sexually frigid, but he always rejects it in his heart.Do you desire and think about these things in your heart?When she closed her eyes slightly, Zhang Hanhan's pretty face blushed, and she shook her head vigorously, scolding herself in her heart for being so shameless all of a sudden.

"Hey, wife, do you miss me these few days..." Wen Dong closed his eyes and gave a vague smirk, turned over, but his right hand was dishonestly inserted into the blanket.

"Miss you? Who misses you? It was Mom who asked you to come back, not me. Wendong, you..." Zhang Hanhan was thinking about this, but was asked seriously, and he was trying to suppress the irritability in his heart .

Unexpectedly, before she had time to ask in detail, her bastard husband actually teased her at this time. Just as she was about to ask this bastard what he was going to do in broad daylight, his whole body trembled suddenly. Entering the hem of the skirt, he grabbed his leg.

The strange stimulation on Zhang Hanhan's thighs made Zhang Hanhan's whole body seem to have an electric current spread along the back and heel in an instant. He was on the verge of falling, his pink face was flushed, and his brain was buzzing. This bastard, where did he touch it!
"Wendong, don't mess around, my mother..." Zhang Hanhan was so frightened that his heart was beating wildly, he straightened up and put one hand on his leg to stop the bastard from moving around, but Wendong stopped him from kissing his neck violently He kept his mouth shut, his kisses, his caresses, the domineering yet inextricable tenderness made Zhang Hanhan feel so ashamed that he only felt the nectar after a long drought, and the only thing left was not to suffer. Breathing under control, her tense body gradually became hot...

Wendong didn't even look at her expression at the beginning, let alone what his wife was thinking, but turned his longing into practical actions to get some benefits, and didn't think about what to do at this time. After all, the tough mother-in-law still Cooking in the kitchen.

However, Zhang Hanhan under him became emotional uncontrollably under his mere intrusion. He just kissed her lightly and touched her white leg, and he was so hot that he was teased and began to be emotional. up.

I'll go, won't I?

Although I have met Zhang Hanhan honestly, it was just an opportunity, just to take advantage of her affection at that time!

Wen Dong knew this very well.

Therefore, he knew that his mother was outside, and Zhang Hanhan had to maintain a ladylike image, as long as he didn't kick himself.

But at this time, Wendong felt that Zhang Hanhan's hot body under him was also a little emotional. He didn't expect that the frosty and beautiful goddess wife would be so easily aroused by lust, but he didn't know that Zhang Hanhan's heart was at this moment. Also feel ashamed.She didn't want to, but after tasting the forbidden fruit for the first time, the physiological requirements of her own body coupled with Wen Dong's bold stimulus, and the fact that her mother was outside, seemed to inject a different kind of stimulus, and suddenly felt a sense of ecstasy. Huhu feeling.

I don't care about the paralyzed ones, let's solve the physical problems first.Looking at Zhang Hanhan's small mouth that seemed to be open and his misty eyes, Wendong was also aroused, especially the pair of small hands that Zhang Hanhan used to reject turned into hugging Wendong's neck at this time, The white teeth lightly opened into Wendong's aggression.Wen Dong didn't think about anything else, and was ready to ravage this passionate woman.Thinking about it this way, a pair of big hands had already pulled off the thin blanket covering Zhang Hanhan's body, and it was a bit troublesome to take off his clothes, but Zhang Hanhan happened to be wearing a nightdress with suspenders.And Zhang Hanhan under him was also caused by Wendong's provocation, his brain was buzzing and he lost his due reason. He just turned aside with a blushing face, but he didn't have any feelings about Wendong's movements, even his legs. Twisting slightly, subconsciously coordinating with Wendong to remove the restraints on her body...

However, just when Wendong abandoned everything and was about to have a negative distance fight with the goddess wife, the door of the room opened with a 'snap', and Zhou Yahe walked in from the outside.

"Oh, my God, I didn't see anything, you continue." Zhou Yahe suddenly saw the movements of the two people on the bed, and immediately screamed, but the expression was not much surprised, and she laughed awkwardly, and then hurriedly retreated. I went out, but I didn't know whether it was because of the child's nature or inner curiosity, but there was a gap in the door.

It's just that this old mother is really too tough. Although her daughter and Wendong have a child, naturally everything happens. Although it is something she knows, she can't be so open, can she?Anyway, there is a difference between her and her son-in-law, isn't there?

"Damn it!" Wen Dong only felt his brain thumping, and he was directly frightened by this tough old mother's impotence. No matter how thick-skinned he felt, his face was hot at this time, but he didn't dare to get up from Zhang Hanhan. Now Although there is no complete negative distance between the two, they are almost the same.At least, the hem of Zhang Hanhan's skirt has disappeared... But it is obviously necessary now, even if he doesn't care about being seen by his mother, Zhang Hanhan can't accept such a shameful thing.

Even Wendong had already held back his breath, gritted his teeth and prepared to welcome Zhang Hanhan kicking him out of bed...

However, Zhang Hanhan was already stupid when she saw her mother appearing, and she was so ashamed that she almost passed out. She even prayed that she would really faint, but she couldn't faint, her face was flushed, and her neck was completely red.

Before she was hugged by Wen Dong in the company and Li Jing saw her, she was so ashamed, let alone at this time.

"Hehe, Hanhan has a little pregnancy phobia, and her mood is not stable. I am comforting her, Mom, it's not what you think." Seeing a pair of eager eyes in the crack of the door, Wen Dong is also the first two big, so A fashionable and open mother is indeed pretty good, but this is too open. In desperation, I can only talk nonsense. I can be shameless, but Zhang Hanhan still wants someone who cares about face, but this time, The two of them probably couldn't get it if they wanted it.

"Oh, I know this. I don't have enough salt at home. I just want you to watch some chicken stewed in the pot, but it's okay. I'll turn off the pot and buy salt. It's still important, Wendong you Continue to comfort Hanhan, leave me alone..."

One sentence almost drove Wendong crazy, and Zhang Hanhan didn't kick Wendong this time, and he really didn't dare to kick him. He had nothing under him, and if he kicked Wendong away, wouldn't he have lost everything?She was so ashamed that she pushed herself into Wendong's arms. When her mother saw that she was so slutty, she seemed to be eager to do something with Wendong as soon as she got home. She was ashamed to death...

"No need, Mom, I'm going to buy salt, so don't go out." Wen Dong suppressed the urge to go crazy in his heart, tried his best to squeeze out a smile and said in a flat tone.

But as he was talking about getting up, unexpectedly, Zhang Hanhan's two snow-white feet hooked his back tightly. He lowered his head and glanced at Zhang Hanhan, who was still pushing back and forth in his arms. He couldn't laugh or cry. , I thought to myself, what's the use of hiding now, you've seen everything you need to see.As soon as Wen Dong got angry, he glared at Zhou Yahe, who was also a little sneering, by the crack of the door.

She also felt embarrassed to ruin the good deeds of other young couples.

(End of this chapter)

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