How bad guys are made

Chapter 1041 The Weird Nightmare

Chapter 1041 The Weird Nightmare

The corner of Wendong's mouth twitched vigorously. This is his own mother, and she has lost her temper. Damn, anyway, the person under me is your daughter, so whatever should be done, legally married, legally so , afraid of a bird.

Thinking of this in his heart, Wendong felt a lot more at ease. He grabbed the blanket and covered Zhang Hanhan who was still squatting around. He himself got up from the bed. Otherwise, if the mother-in-law sees it, even he would want to find a crack in the ground and get in.

"No, no, I'll just go. You stay here and continue to comfort Hanhan, and I'll be back in a while." Seeing that Wendong was about to come out, Zhou Yahe hurriedly said haha, closed the door and ran out of the house.

"Hehe, what, Hanhan, I..." Looking back, just as Zhang Hanhan was tightly wrapped in a blanket, staring at him with murderous eyes, Wendong opened his mouth, but I don't know what to say.

"What are you still doing here, get out!" Zhang Hanhan roared angrily with a blushing face like a monkey's ass.

"Hehe, okay, okay, I'll go out now." Wen Dong grinned, shut the door quickly and walked out in embarrassment.

Wen Dong was sitting on the sofa and smoked, thinking that his wife would be so ashamed that she would not come out tonight, but she came out after a while, and the suspender skirt that she just took off covered her delicate body again. Wen Dong, who looked at the pair of snowy and slender legs, couldn't suppress his eyes again.

Zhang Hanhan seemed to be aware of his profane gaze, he didn't speak, just stared at himself angrily, sat down on his buttocks, took a sip from the water glass, raised his hand and picked up the remote control to turn on the TV, as if no one was there!
Wen Dong's eyes widened, when did his wife's heart become so strong! ?
The sound of the TV was very low, and neither of them spoke. The emotional release of the longing was interrupted by the mother, and no one was in a good mood. Zhang Hanhan had a cold face, and he was probably really angry. Of course, it must not be his mother who gave birth to her. She was so angry, even she didn't know who she was angry with, but it was too embarrassing, and the living room was silent for a while.

Wendong is also a little helpless. To be honest, I just want to make some cheap money. Although my wife is thin-skinned, she can make some cheap money. To be honest, she is still very happy and comfortable in her heart. I can feel this.

But how did I know that my wife's body is so sensitive, her body becomes hot when she touches it, and I can't control it alone, and what I never expected was that I was bumped into by my mother at that time.

Seemingly feeling that the silent atmosphere made him panic, Zhang Hanhan got up and went back to the bedroom again.

"Hanhan, are you still angry?" Wendong looked at Zhang Hanhan's back hesitantly, so he also got up and followed in. Seeing her sitting on the bedside bored, he asked tentatively.

"Well, angry." Zhang Hanhan said coldly, just looking at the bedside table without even looking at himself.

"Eh..." Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately relaxed. Zhang Hanhan must not be angry when he said this, but it was just too embarrassing: "I'm an old husband and wife, it's okay, my mother's personality you It's clearest, are you okay?" While living, he followed suit on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to grab her little hand and said.

"You are right about what you said just now. I have a little pregnancy phobia." Zhang Hanhan sighed quietly in his heart. Wendong was right, and she didn't want to be upset because of this kind of thing. They are both husband and wife. It doesn't make any sense to lose your temper at this time.Besides, she is still pregnant. Although it is only a few days, she still has to prepare for the birth of a healthy baby, control her emotions, and be less angry.

She has been hinting this way in her heart for the past few days.

Moreover, although she was born delicate, she was not squeamish.

"Pregnancy phobia? What do you mean?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately remembered that what he said just now was just nonsense.And Zhang Hanhan's attitude also made him a little strange, looking at her strangely, when did the goddess wife, who is always frosty and glamorous, be so angry?

"Our mother said that I was born by caesarean section. This kind of thing is somewhat genetic. When I give birth to a baby, it is very likely that it will also be born by caesarean section." Zhang Hanhan frowned while reaching out to touch his flat belly. Head, for a woman, especially a woman who loves herself so much like Zhang Hanhan, if she leaves a scar on her lower abdomen, it is really unacceptable for her, and when she thinks of the doctor cutting her stomach with a knife on the operating table, she will be very angry. I couldn't help shivering, thinking of this, a look of fear flashed in my eyes.

"Do you think there will be scars on the lower abdomen?" Wen Dong said with a smile, while talking, he moved his butt in her direction, and wrapped his arms around her slender waist.

"This is just one of them." Zhang Hanhan was not coquettish, and leaned on his shoulder.

They are already husband and wife, and they have the child of love.She didn't want to have any trouble with Wendong because of some insignificant things. Wendong always said that she was not good enough for her. In fact, compared with Wendong, she didn't have any pride in anything other than being single-minded. place.

"One of them? What about the other?" Wen Dong asked amusedly as he touched her stomach.

"I'm scared, and it's scary just thinking about it." Zhang Hanhan said with a pretty pale face.

Well, Wendong remembered, this woman is even afraid of injections, let alone a caesarean section!

"Cesarean section..." Wen Dong was taken aback suddenly, and muttered in his mouth, as if he remembered something, but he couldn't remember what it was for a while, and frowned slightly.

"Yeah, I felt something afterwards. In fact, you reminded me of one thing. Remember, that day, you kept touching my belly. After that, I tried it with a pregnancy test paper."

Touch your belly! ?

Wen Dong's eyes widened suddenly, and his whole body froze on the spot!
That weird dream!

Zhang Hanhan was ripped open!
"But don't worry, I'm just afraid, I want this child." Zhang Hanhan didn't notice Wendong's strangeness, so he smiled sweetly and said happily.

"No, you can't have this child, get rid of it, you have to get rid of it!" Wen Dong's whole body trembled, his tone rose sharply, and he yelled at her almost hysterically.

", what's the matter?" Wendong suddenly startled Zhang Hanhan, especially the big hand tightly wrapped around his waist, and asked with a frown.

"It's nothing, get rid of it, you have to get rid of this child!" Wen Dong didn't explain at all, but said forcefully and domineeringly.

"Wendong, are you not sick? What do you mean?" Hearing Wendong's firm tone, Zhang Hanhan was also angry, and looked at him coldly.

"It's nothing interesting, Zhang Hanhan, you have to get rid of this child!" Wen Dong completely ignored it, his eyes were already scarlet as he spoke.

"Wendong, why don't you show your temper with me? Why should I listen to you? Do you think I will be afraid of you with such a strong attitude? Your face makes me feel sick!" Seeing Wendong's seriousness, it was obvious I'm not kidding, Zhang Hanhan was really angry, and said coldly, without a smile on his face.

She didn't know why, this Wendong suddenly seemed to have taken gunpowder, but she didn't take this kind of thing, and this bastard was obviously finding fault on purpose. She really thought that if she gave him her body, he could do whatever he wanted up?
"Wendong, I don't care how you mess around outside, that's your freedom, and I don't think I can control you. I don't care how delicate and considerate your women are outside, and you can do whatever you say, but, please You can restrain yourself when you are at home, and if you don’t want to stay at home, get out!” Zhang Hanhan’s face was livid, as if he was enduring great anger, after he finished speaking, he gave Wen Dong a hard look, turned around and was about to leave.

She almost resisted the urge to cry, knocking off the child?At first she thought she heard it wrong, but now she seems to see something, maybe some words are good, and she won't cherish it if she gets it, now she regrets it and wants to die, Wen Dong is deliberately finding fault and wants to divorce!
"Zhang Hanhan, stop for me!" Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, then frowned vigorously, and growled, his mind is now full of Zhang Hanhan's bloody side, which makes him unable to reason at all .

"What? Why are you yelling at me? Are you guilty or ashamed?" Zhang Hanhan stopped opening the door, turned around, and looked at Wendong with a smile that was not a smile. Full of sarcasm, I don't know whether it is mocking Wendong or self-deprecating.

"Guilty? I'm ashamed!" Wen Dong suddenly sat up on the bed, staring directly at Wen Dong's expression full of disgust with scarlet eyes: "Zhang Hanhan, explain clearly to the labor and management, what do you mean by what you just said? Yes, I will tell you one last time, this child must be killed!"

Wendong now only feels his head explode, and he is really angry. He knows his temper, but Yiqian is a bit of a jerk outside, but in front of Zhang Hanhan, he has been extremely restrained. Being crushed by her, especially in the recent period, as the relationship between himself and Zhang Hanhan has developed further, he has calmed down and plans to love her well.However, this is not the same thing at all!

Child, it must be destroyed!
"What? You got angry when I mentioned it to you?" Facing Wendong's roar, Zhang Hanhan not only didn't have any fear at all, but showed a mocking indifference on his face.

"That's right, I'm just angry, what's the matter? I said kill the child, so you have to kill me!" Wen Dong seemed to have completely lost his mind. Now his mind is full of thoughts that this child must not be kept!
Facing Wendong's anger, Zhang Hanhan looked coldly at his ferocious face, and immediately a smile bloomed on her face, but two lines of tears flowed out uncontrollably, and then, suddenly He opened the door beside him and looked straight into Wendong's eyes: "Wendong, get the hell out of here, we're getting a divorce..."

(End of this chapter)

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