Chapter 1042

Zhang Hanhan slammed open the door beside him and looked straight into Wendong's eyes: "Wendong, get the hell out of here, we're getting a divorce..."

"You, what did you just say? Say it again..." Wen Dong, who had been blowing his head and bursting into the sky, froze in place, looking at Zhang Hanhan, whose eyes were blurred and trembling, thinking that he had just heard wrong... …

"Hehe..." Zhang Hanhan's smile was indescribably cold, and he suddenly reached out to interrupt his words, walked up to him in a few steps, grabbed the cup on the bedside table with one hand, and slammed it on Wendong. On the ground in front of him, he stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on his face casually, and looked at Wendong with a sad expression: "You heard me right, get out of here, didn't you say that you don't want children, okay, I won't wait You, how powerful you think you are, can I, Zhang Hanhan, leave you? We will divorce tomorrow, and I will kill the child. From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other. If I hesitate a little longer, I will not be Zhang Hanhan!"

"..." Wen Dong was completely stunned, his body was as stiff as a wooden sculpture of clay, and he looked at Zhang Hanhan, who was almost roaring hysterically, with a blank and strange expression, his mind was muddled and muddled.

Wendong seemed to have regained his sobriety, and after he became rational, a wave of regret filled his heart. He never thought that the situation would develop to such an extent, and all of this was caused by himself. It's that weird so-called future-prediction-dream!

He opened his mouth, wanting to explain, but it was too late, Zhang Hanhan pressed the doorknob, looked coldly at Wendong's face that seemed to be panicked, but no matter what, that face was at the moment Her eyes are so disgusting!

"Get out, get out, I don't want to see you again..."

Wen Dong trembled all over, his tight lips and teeth were about to shatter, he suddenly gritted his teeth and stood up and said, "Okay, as long as you abort the child, let alone a divorce, I promise you whatever you say."

After finishing speaking, he walked away. The current situation is irreversible, but no matter what, Zhang Hanhan must not want this child!
Zhang Hanhan stood by the door coldly, watching Wendong leave.She who has always been aloof since she was a child can't bear this provocation at all.

Isn't that divorce?

Isn't it just killing the child?

Isn't it just nothing?
Zhang Hanhan felt desolate and wronged, but he was too lazy to say anything...

Because she has clearly found out that Wendong doesn't love her anymore. Those who love her will never let her kill the child. If he wants to end it, then let it end...

Seeing Wen Dong's body leave with some stiffness, her body limply leaned against the door frame, tears streaming down her face.

"What nonsense are you two talking about? You were fine just now, why did you suddenly start arguing?" Just as Wen Dong walked to the door, his mother Zhou Yahe came in from outside with a nervous expression on her face, blocking Wen Dong's way, and at the same time He closed the door vigorously, preventing Wen Dong from leaving.

I bought the salt a long time ago, but she always felt embarrassed when she smashed the good thing about the young couple, and wanted to wait a while before going in, and even hesitated, thinking about what to say when she saw the two of them, but she stood still. Not long after I was outside, I heard two people arguing inside the house.At first, she didn't care about it. She knew a little about Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan. Although her daughter was kind-hearted, she was a bit stubborn. The two had divorced before, and they must have often quarreled. Sometimes the quarrel was even worse, but it was still the same. As a person who has been there, I know that it is nothing to quarrel between husband and wife.

But then she felt something was wrong, her daughter was yelling, and even Wendong was doing the same. This was not as simple as an ordinary quarrel.Based on her understanding of Wendong, this guy loves his daughter very much, he can see it, so he will never yell at Hanhan, and although Hanhan has a stubborn temper, she has never seen Hanhan After living like this, a bad premonition struck, so I didn't care about the others and hurriedly opened the door and walked in, but I just heard the two of them saying that they were going to divorce, and then realized that something was wrong with today's situation...

Han Han is pregnant, how can she get divorced, Wen Dong is not ignorant, there must be a big problem!
"Wendong, Hanhan, what's the matter with you guys? You were fine just now, why did you suddenly start arguing again?" Zhou Yahe also quickly put away her temper of the Lion's Roar in the River East. If she was like this again at this time, it would be terrible It's even worse, looking at the two of them blamingly, but seeing her daughter's body leaning against the door frame with tears on her face, as a mother, she still loves her daughter after all, and she couldn't help but get angry immediately, Chong Wendong said : "Wendong, you are too. You are a man. Hanhan was pampered and pampered by me since she was a child, and she is used to being pampered. It is my fault that she has a bit of a temper, but no matter what awkwardness arises, you have to let her..."

"Mom, don't talk about Hanhan, it's me, it's my fault, I..." Before Zhou Yahe could finish speaking, Wendong admitted, but he wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to say it. He snorted in pain, walked to the side, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep puff.

Today, he was really scared and really angry.In his heart, although he and Zhang Hanhan completed the last estrangement between husband and wife just a few days ago, it has been nearly a year since they met, and the relationship between the two is obviously much better than before. , he loves Zhang Hanhan deeply, this is his heart, he knows it better than anyone else!But that weird dream that predicted the future lingered in his heart like a nightmare.

At this moment, he was already 90.00% sure that the reason why Zhang Hanhan did this was entirely related to the child, and he could have another child if he lost it, but Zhang Hanhan must not be in danger, absolutely not!
However, he couldn't explain this kind of weird thing to them at all. Otherwise, Zhang Hanhan must have thought he was joking. Can't let Zhang Hanhan want this child!

He has experienced the pain of almost losing, and he never wants to experience it again!Never!
Zhou Yahe was a little frightened, she was indeed frightened, because it was not the first time she saw Wendong's painful look, she remembered that when her husband Zhang Wending disappeared and asked him to divorce Hanhan, he had such an expression!
She glanced at Wen Dong in fear, and couldn't help but cast a puzzled glance at Zhang Hanhan who was not far away, who bowed his head and was just sobbing in tears. The indescribable doubt in her heart, what happened?What's wrong?

"Hanhan, what's going on between you and Wendong, tell your mother, is there any misunderstanding?" Seeing Wendong's painful expression, she didn't dare to blame Wendong anymore, and asked her daughter in a low voice road.

"Mom, he..." Zhang Hanhan heard his mother's question, and just said two words, tears flowed down uncontrollably, the indescribable grievance on his beautiful face...

Zhou Yahe was startled when she saw her daughter's equally distressed and wronged look.

"Wendong, tell me, what's going on?" Zhou Yahe looked at Wendong again, almost crying. Based on her thinking and understanding of Wendong during this period of time, Wendong, who usually seems to be foolish, is the one. The calmest person, on the contrary, the daughter who is usually calm and shrewd in the workplace is often confused at home.

"What's the matter? You ask him." Zhang Hanhan was so tough in front of his mother for the first time, he was really mad with anger, snorted coldly, leaned against the door frame alone, and looked at the two people at the door coldly: " He told me to abort the child!"

Zhang Hanhan's expression was bleak and painful, and she turned her head away with disgust in her heart. She felt disgusted when she saw Wendong.

Because of what Wen Dong said just now, she has confirmed her guess in her heart. ——'Mom, don't say Hanhan, it's me, it's my fault. '

The meaning couldn't be more obvious, he doesn't love himself anymore and wants to end it.

Fortunately, he still has a bit of conscience, knowing that he is sorry for himself, and let himself kill the child?
Zhang Hanhan lowered his head and smiled slightly, that smile was such a mockery!
"What! Wendong, what are you talking about? You want Hanhan to kill the child? Are you crazy?!" Hearing her daughter's crying, Zhou Yahe felt a rush of blood rushing to the top of her head, and almost fainted. Immediately turned around suddenly, stared at Wen Dong with an angry face and yelled.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Wen Dong, who was standing beside her, knelt down at Zhang Hanhan with a 'thump'.

Zhang Hanhan seemed to have sensed something, raised his head, and was dumbfounded on the spot, opened his small mouth, but it was even more sad...

"Wendong, you..." Zhou Yahe was also dumbfounded.

Wen Dong trembled all over, and he grabbed the lit cigarette in his hand vigorously, but he didn't seem to feel the sting of the open flame.

"As long as you kill the child, anything is up to you."

"Wendong, you..." Zhou Yahe thought her daughter was talking nonsense, but when she heard Wendong admit it, she was so frightened that she covered her mouth with her hands, her expression shocked.

At this moment, Wen Dong had already stood up, took advantage of the gap between Zhou Yahe's hands leaving the doorknob, opened the door and walked out.

"Wendong, why are you coming back for me, why..." Zhou Yahe came to his senses immediately, opened the door and followed out, but Wendong who had just walked out had disappeared.

Having completely lost Wen Dong's trace, Zhang Hanhan trembled violently again, as if he thought he was dreaming, his face full of disbelief...

After a while, there was a roaring sound in my ear, and I saw Wen Dong driving his Lamborghini recklessly away at a fast speed. Zhou Yahe only had time to see the shadow of a car...

"Hanhan, what's going on?" Zhou Yahe stomped her feet anxiously, turned around and asked her daughter.

Zhang Hanhan raised his head slightly, two lines of hot tears flowed down his cheeks...

(End of this chapter)

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