How bad guys are made

Chapter 1043 I Want to Kill!

Chapter 1043 I Want to Kill!
At this time, the red Lamborghini coupe roared like a crazy beast on the dimly trafficked road. At this time, the roof of the car had been opened, and the cold wind of winter was blowing on Wendong's face, like an endless stream. The knife, but Wendong didn't feel anything.

At this time, if someone saw Wen Dong's appearance, he would be shocked.

You might even be taken aback.

I saw him pursing his lips that were trembling at a very high frequency, his eyes were fixed on the front, but his eyes were full of uncontrollable madness, those bloodshot eyes looked very ferocious and terrifying, But his face was extremely pale, with a strange dark red, and the veins on his forehead were protruding, like wriggling earthworms, which looked shocking and frightening...

However, if Zhang Hanhan saw Wendong's painful appearance at this time, he would definitely scream in fright. Is this just the domineering, resolute, heartless and loveless Wendong?

Wen Dong suddenly let out an uncontrollable muffled groan, as if he was enduring great pain, his eyes could no longer see the outline of the eyeballs, without a trace of black and white, just like two blood bubbles, scarlet, with a ferocious face, Holding the steering wheel and the gear shift with both hands, the veins on the back of the hands are exposed...


Accompanied by a beast-like roar, the Lamborghini made an ear-piercing sound that seemed to be overwhelmed, and stopped abruptly on the side of the road. However, Wen Dong grabbed his chest with one hand and gasped violently, as if his entire chest was shaking. Being filled with thick mud, he couldn't breathe as if his throat was strangled. He opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't breathe out...

His body was trembling uncontrollably at an extremely high frequency, like a sieve, and even his hands were trembling uncontrollably.

He was panting heavily, but he always felt a sense of suffocation. He wanted to vent, he needed to vent!
"Yifeng." He reluctantly took out the mobile phone in his pocket and dialed Zhang Yifeng's number.

"Brother Wendong? What's the matter with you? Other than something?" Zhang Yifeng's nervous voice came from the phone. Obviously, he had sensed something was wrong with Wendong's voice on the phone.Zhang Yifeng's tone was a little panicked and worried.

"I want to kill people, I... want... to kill... people—" Wen Dongqiang controlled his trembling body, said every word, repeated several times, and every voice was Full of strong murderous intent.

On the phone, Zhang Yifeng's breath stopped suddenly, and then he couldn't help but exclaimed in horror. It was the first time he saw Wen Dong like this. Although he didn't see it, he could still feel the full killing intent in that voice, which made him My own soul is trembling.

"Brother Wendong, what's wrong with you?"

"I want to kill, tell me, who do you want to kill? Where is our enemy? Tell me the location!" Wen Dong gritted his teeth, as if he didn't hear the voice on the phone, his eyes were full of violent violence.

"Brother Wendong, where are you now? Tell me quickly!" On the other side of the phone, Zhang Yifeng didn't answer Wendong's question. He seemed to guess something when his expression changed, but he asked nervously.

"I don't know where it is. I've been driving since I got seems to be the suburbs..." Wen Dong resisted the violent killing chicken in his heart, and looked up with difficulty. Glancing at it, he said in pain.

"Wait for me, I'll take someone over to find you right away." Zhang Yifeng's urgent Saint Cloth and heavy steps came from the phone...


Wendong hung up the phone directly, and threw the phone aside casually. At this time, the killing chicken in his eyes became more intense, and even his body was full of crazy Ling Ran's murderous aura, but it was Qiangzi's patience. The pain was much more unbearable than the pain of tempering the body. Even Wen Dong couldn't bear it. His body trembled uncontrollably.

"Damn, what's the matter? What's the matter with me?" Wen Dong also yelled in horror, because he had never encountered such a thing before, and the stern young man spread far away in the dim night sky, At the same time, he suddenly stretched out his right hand and smashed it an inch below the throat without hesitation...

He only felt that his throat seemed to be blocked by a red-hot iron block, painful and uncomfortable...


Wen Dong's body trembled violently, and he passed out directly.But even so, his body was still trembling unceasingly, as if there was an inexplicable force in his body clashing crazily——

"What's wrong? What's wrong with Brother Wendong?" Zhen'er who was with Zhang Yifeng saw him like this and couldn't help chasing him out and asked anxiously.

"On the way." Zhang Yifeng's expression changed, and he said hurriedly without stopping.

The three-two sports car rushed out from the Qingcheng Nightclub. In the car, Zhang Yifeng had a serious expression on his face.

Zhen'er opened her mouth, and couldn't help asking curiously again: "What's going on, Brother Wendong?"

"I can't tell." Zhang Yifeng's voice trembled, with a hint of uncertainty, and he said leisurely with his face changing: "It looks a bit like a killing sign."

"Ah? Killing sign?" Hearing what he said, Zhen'er suddenly screamed, with a terrified expression!

The killing sign is actually not unusual for them. As professional killers who have been trained since childhood, the killing sign has also happened in the base.

The most obvious characteristics of the killing sign are: losing their minds and bloodthirsty!

This is the occupational disease that killers fear the most, because once they get the killing sign, it basically indicates death. Although some secret underground black markets have sold drugs to control the killing sign in recent years, the effect is not very good, and this thing is addictive, and Taking this medicine for a long time will easily lose its effect. What's more serious is that the killer's mood with killing syndrome is easy to fluctuate. In other words, it is easy to get sick!
Therefore, their bases have special departments for mental illness, and the godfather has put a lot of effort into it, and the attending physicians are hired with about [-] million yuan every year.

To put it bluntly, this killing sign is because of killing too many people, and the murderous aura on his body is too strong, which leads to psychological changes, even psychological abnormalities!
Murderous, invisible, intangible.But as long as you have killed someone, someone with good eyesight can tell whether you have killed someone at a glance, which is the so-called murderous aura on you.

He killed too many people, and the murderous aura lingered on his body.A breathtaking murderous aura formed around him.And some people say that killing God only needs one look to make people pee their pants. In fact, this sentence is not an exaggeration.

If the murderous aura is well controlled, he can even help in combat and deter the enemy.But something like murderous aura has both advantages and disadvantages. It can affect or even control a person's reason, which is the sign of killing!

If it is a patient with severe killing syndrome, once they get sick, they will deny their relatives, bloodthirsty killing everything and destroying everything he can see!
It can only be done by killing it.

"Is it serious, we..." Zhen'er became more and more terrified as she thought about it. Brother Wendong is the most powerful master in the Qingcheng gang. If he loses his mind, no one can control him.

"It's okay, brother Wendong is extraordinary, but something may have stimulated him. He can call me, which means that he can still control it." Zhang Yifeng stepped on the accelerator and comforted him aloud.

"Yeah." Zhen'er nodded in agreement, her expression still a little frightened, and she murmured, "It would be great if the instructor was here."

Hearing this, Zhang Yifeng turned his head and glared at her: "Don't talk nonsense."



Ten minutes later, three sports cars drove towards here from the urban area like lightning, like roaring beasts, deafening...


"I'm sorry, the number you dialed was not answered, please try again later..." Zhou Yahe was sitting in the living room, and when she heard such a system notification from her mobile phone again, she finally couldn't help but throw the phone aside angrily. .

You brat, come back and watch me fix you!Zhou Yahe gritted his teeth angrily and snorted.

Slightly raised her head to look at Hanhan's closed bedroom door, then gritted her teeth, got up, grabbed the phone that was thrown aside, and walked up to the second floor.

"Hey, He He, you miss me that much after we haven't seen each other for a few days? Has that boy Wen Dong come home? Han Han must be very happy to be pregnant with his child?" Zhou Yahe called her husband's phone, and there Soon Zhang Wending's hearty laughter resounded.

"Zhang Wending, don't give me a hippie smile." Zhou Yahe reprimanded in a cold tone while lying on the balcony on the second floor.

"Uh..." Zhang Wending shut up embarrassingly. As an old couple for many years, he could tell that Zhou Yahe was different from usual today, as if he had taken gunpowder. This made him a little puzzled. what is the problem?Can't help asking curiously: "What's the matter? That boy Wendong hasn't come back yet?"

"I came back, but left again!" Mentioning this matter, Zhou Yahe said coldly with irrepressible anger.

"Huh? What happened?" Hearing his wife's obviously angry words, Zhang Wending quickly noticed a slight difference, and asked cautiously.

"What happened? Isn't it all because of you?" Zhou Yahe scolded angrily, vented his anger on her husband, and said coldly: "It's not because you taught Wendong that it's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Well, something happened, something big happened!" While cursing, Zhou Yahe's voice became trembling and panicked.

"What happened? Yahe, please explain clearly, what's going on?"


"What the hell is going on with that brat Wendong? I asked Hanhan that she didn't say anything, but just cried there. I wonder if that brat Wendong had an affair. Not only did he lose his heart, but his soul was hooked Gone?" Zhou Yahe couldn't help frowning and guessing after telling her husband what had happened.

"A woman's opinion." After listening to his wife's messy narration, although Zhou Yahe's words were a bit messy, Zhang Wending still got the general idea, and immediately curled his lips and snorted: "It's definitely not because of Wen Dong that the two of them want to divorce. Changed my mind."

Zhang Wending was very sure, he was very clear about how much these two people loved each other.

(End of this chapter)

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