How bad guys are made

Chapter 1045 Strange Killing Sign

Chapter 1045 Strange Killing Sign
"Well, it is true that I have encountered something that makes people angry, and I am a little out of control." Sensing Zhang Yifeng's winking at him, Wen Dong said casually after understanding, and immediately stood up and threw Su Yue, who had rested beside him, Meng pulled up and said: "You go back and have a rest first, and make dinner, I'm hungry, let's talk at night."

"Oh, then...well, I'll do it right away." Su Yuemeng, who hadn't recovered from the shock and panic, opened her mouth when she heard Wendong's words, and wanted to ask, but she didn't. Forced to stop, quickly nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, sister-in-law." Zhen'er came over in a timely manner and grabbed Su Yuemeng's cold hand.


Zhang Yifeng watched his sister-in-law leave quietly without asking a word, and a smile flashed in his eyes. Sister-in-law Yuemeng is so considerate and knows the occasion, she is worthy of being a lady from a big family.

"Yifeng, what's going on with me?" Jian Su Yuemeng left, Wen Dong asked again.

"Slaughter sign." Zhang Yifeng looked into Wendong's eyes and said directly.

"Slaughter sign? Is it an occupational disease of killers?" Wen Dong looked at him in surprise. He didn't know these things in detail, but he knew a little bit after watching TV and novels.

"Well, almost. It refers to a syndrome that is accompanied by a person who kills too much. The full name is Killing Syndrome. It is a type of mental illness. Disease." Zhang Yifeng nodded and explained.

Immediately, he glanced at Wendong worriedly, and said directly without hiding his secrets: "Once this symptom develops, it will become more and more serious, and it will occur intermittently. Once it occurs, it will be irritable and full of desire to kill. Killing Syndrome is not uncontrollable, generally it will only occur when it is overstimulated by something or someone, and the degree of attack can be mild or severe, depending on various situations."

"Brother Wendong, what happened to you, is this the first time this has happened?" Zhang Yifeng asked eagerly.

"Yeah." Wen Dong frowned hard, nodded and said, as for what happened, he didn't want to talk about it, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

"I think I'm fine, but to prevent this from happening again, tell me all about the killing sign, what should I pay attention to?" Wen Dong said.

"Hmm." Seeing Wendong's clear expression, Zhang Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while and said, "Killing syndrome, this disease is almost incurable, and the only way to control your emotions is through your own strict will. If it is not serious, you can gradually eliminate the number of symptom attacks through certain methods or a soothing pace of life until it is completely eliminated at last."

"However, once the severity reaches a certain level, it is very likely that you will live in a nightmare for the rest of your life. You don't know when the disease will attack. Once the attack occurs, if it is serious, you may forget everything in your heart except the murderous intention. The six relatives will not recognize it. It will cause great harm to loved ones and society."

There are very few people with this kind of mental illness in the whole world, but compared to the population base of the whole world, there are quite a few.And once it occurs, if it is a soldier, there will be a file record, and a specific psychological expert will give regular psychological treatment, knowing that the disease can be completely controlled.Of course, if it is serious, there is no way to control it, but it is very extreme, that is, to take some drugs corresponding to the degree of symptoms, which are actually some powerful tranquilizers or morphine, a type of prohibited drugs, but these drugs are prohibited The reason is that it has great side effects, even more serious than drugs, and is extremely addictive, so it is generally not a last resort. Even the patients themselves generally do not use drugs to suppress their own condition, because once there is After the first time, there will be a second time, pointing out that this drug is inseparable from this life, and according to personal physique, many people will become resistant to this drug after taking it for a long time, if there is no update If you don't use drugs to suppress it, then you will become a real killing maniac.

Regardless of the last worst possibility, as long as one is addicted to this drug, it is tantamount to curing one disease but getting another disease that is no less than killing symptoms.

And people with a milder condition can also be treated or linked by other methods, such as murder, adventure, or finding a woman to vent, as long as the madness during the onset can be suppressed.

Zhang Yifeng knows that people who walk out of the base have this kind of killing sign, big or small, but it is mild or severe. Many of them are some kind of eccentricity, or even a perverted habit in the eyes of outsiders. In fact, they are alleviating the killing sign. Just a way.

Brother Wendong is an extraordinary warrior. Although he doesn't know much about extraordinary warriors, just hearing this title means he is a transcendent mortal. So he never thought that Brother Wendong would suddenly develop this kind of illness, and it was quite serious. Apart from the killing, the six relatives don't recognize each other, and even Zhang Yifeng no longer knows each other. Just now, if Su Yuemeng hadn't arrived in time and pushed him away to block Wendong's attack, and called Wendong back to his sanity with that cry , Zhang Yifeng has now died under Wen Dong's hands...

"Okay, the boss has nothing to do, you go out first." Zhang Yifeng said to several people.

"Yes." The leading young man nodded, and before leaving, he gave Wendong a terrifying look. Everyone's eyes were full of fear and fear. They all heard that the leader of the gang is very powerful, but this time in the battle within the gang, The combat power that the gang leader can show is only when he kills the leader of the enemy gang. In fact, he can't see too much. After all, in their eyes, those so-called big bastards and fighters are just one-shots.But just now, Wendong's explosive fighting power is absolutely terrifying.I remember that Ling Yun often said that the gang leader is much stronger than the instructor. Although they didn't refute it, they felt a little disdainful in their hearts. In their hearts, the instructor is an invincible existence, otherwise they would not have trained so many of them to such a terrifying skill .But after being brutally abused just now, they no longer dared to doubt Ling Yun's words.

The instructor is very powerful, but the instructor's man, the Lord of Qingcheng, is even more terrifying!
Of course, it was because they had never experienced the Pocket Valley incident. Otherwise, they would have been very fortunate, because in the battle just now, Wendong only used physical strength, and it was a physical strength that was controlled by himself. Otherwise, only one If you recruit, these people will be gone.

And even so, in the eyes of these young masters, the terror of the gang leader can no longer be described in the normal human category, and the gang leader's combat power is so powerful that it is staggering!

"Brother Wendong, what happened exactly? What stimulated you to have such a serious attack the first time?" Zhang Yifeng's voice was full of murderous intent. Brother Wendong is not only the lord of Qingcheng, but also the one he respects the most. Man, just now Wendong was obviously seriously ill, and even his relatives did not recognize him. What was the stimulus that made Brother Wendong lose control so much?

"It's nothing." After venting, Wen Dong felt exhausted and dared not dare to drag his tired body to the corner to lean against the wall. He looked down at the many blood stains left on the cement floor, and then at Zhang Yifeng's bruised nose and swollen face. , I felt a trace of guilt in my heart.

Through Zhang Yifeng's narration, she already has some understanding of this so-called killing syndrome.He knew that just now those people vented their lives with him to vent out the killing desire accumulated in his heart. Although they didn't kill people, they were no different from killing people. Just now, these people risked being killed by him at any time. I am fighting with myself and letting myself vent.

"..." Seeing Wendong's reluctance to speak, Zhang Yifeng nodded without asking, and couldn't help but look up at Wendong again, frowning slightly: "Brother Wendong, I think your killing sign is a bit strange."

"Why is it so strange?" Wen Dong asked suspiciously.

"At that time, you were in a state of unconsciousness. You obviously didn't know us at all, which is the so-called disapproval of your relatives, but you obviously controlled your own power. If not, I'm afraid those masters in our base would not be as simple as being injured." Zhang Yifeng analyzed calmly, and looked up at Wendong seriously after speaking.

"This... hiss, yes, why?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood that Zhang Yifeng's analysis was correct, and asked even more puzzled.

"It's not that such strange things have never happened, and there are some records..." Zhang Yifeng hesitated to speak.

"Say." Wen Dong frowned and said in a deep voice.

"When you just went crazy, you only thought about killing, but you had a little consciousness, but this consciousness is not controlled by your brain." Zhang Yifeng calmly analyzed, and after finishing speaking, he glanced at Wendong with a complicated expression: " Brother Wendong, you should understand what I mean, right?"

"This...split personality?" Wen Dong thought about what he said, and suddenly couldn't help exclaiming, his expression was a little unbelievable, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"It should be like this." Zhang Yifeng nodded solemnly and said, "It's a dual personality. Not only that, but your other personality also has consciousness..."

"It stands to reason that the second personality is only when your main body personality is blurred or even insane, he will appear and even affect your actions and actions, and your second personality already has its own consciousness A murderous personality with consciousness, that's too..." Zhang Yifeng's face became more dignified as he said more, although this was just a guess, it was also based on the facts shown by Wen Dong, he felt that this fact was a little too scary, His expression became more and more serious.

"Killing personality? Split-personality? Consciousness?" Wen Dong only felt his brain buzzing. He didn't know much about these, but split-personality alone was enough to scare people, that was abnormal The pervert in the middle, perhaps, at that time, I will be like a different person, Zhang Hanhan, Li Ningyan, they don't know themselves anymore?Or, is he bloodthirsty?
Could this be another side effect of the beast king Dan Lion?Or your own system?It's not perfect. In fact, this system is like a chip. Someone is directing its own actions?Or, is this the so-called magic barrier after advancing to the extraordinary realm?

(End of this chapter)

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