How bad guys are made

Chapter 1046 Coax the child

Chapter 1046 Coax the child

Seeing Wendong's expression changing, Zhang Yifeng frowned and comforted him: "I've only heard of this kind of conscious second personality, and it shouldn't be as bad as I thought, and it's a good thing for him, because as long as there is If it becomes conscious, you can avoid ruthless killings, and you know what happened just now, if it hadn't become conscious, I'm afraid sister-in-law would have been killed by you long ago." Zhang Yifeng said bluntly.

"But that's obviously the second killing personality? Why didn't he lead the killing?" Wen Dong felt like he was going crazy: "I've been trying to restrain myself, and even I seem to know that I'm fighting with you guys." The battle is like in a dream, very unreal."

"Hmm..." Zhang Yifeng lowered his head slightly, frowned and meditated, and after more than ten minutes, he said: "Through this analysis, we can draw a conclusion that the second personality of your body controls when you do your best. Whatever you have done, your No.1 personality will know, and it is even very likely that your normal personality will affect the thoughts and decisions of that dark killing personality."

"Then how did the second killing personality get rid of it?" Wen Dong asked immediately, he would never allow the second personality to take the lead.

His brain is muddled now, and he always feels uncomfortable all over his body, which is also strange. It feels as if there are two souls in his body, and the second personality is dark and evil, and he can't help but get hairy when he thinks about it.

"Impossible." Zhang Yifeng shook his head with a heavy expression, and said seriously: "Brother Wendong, your second personality has become conscious, that is to say, it has been completely formed, and it is impossible to eliminate it. This is simply something more terrifying than ordinary killing syndrome."

There are two souls in one body, and when the consciousness of the dominant soul is weak, the dark killing personality will take the opportunity to occupy this body, which is incredible!

Zhang Yifeng's eyes changed. Originally, he wanted to persuade Brother Wendong to go back to the base again, but now, it was useless. I am afraid that even the most authoritative psychologist in the world can't explain this kind of thing clearly, let alone eliminate it.

"It's okay, I'm already in an extraordinary state now, and my mental power and soul power will become stronger and stronger. As long as I restrain myself, things like today will never happen again. Don't worry." Wen Dong was free and easy He waved his hand, ignored Zhang Yifeng's face, stood up and patted his buttocks and said, "It's been so long, Yuemeng should make dinner, I'll go eat first." After speaking, he left the underground training room...

Zhang Yifeng stared blankly at Wendong's leaving back, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, he muttered, and finally sighed.

Brother Wendong is an omnipotent god in his heart, and he believes that Brother Wendong will be fine.


In a suite on the top floor of Qingcheng Nightclub, Su Yuemeng changed into comfortable clothes and was cooking dinner in the kitchen, but her slightly wandering eyes and occasional flashes of worry showed that she was out of her mind.

Although it's winter, the heating has already been turned on at home.

A purple plaid shirt, with two buttons on the top open, revealing the lower half of the snow-white vest. The lower body is a pair of simple cotton hot pants with blue and white stripes, exposing a pair of slender snow-greasy long legs. The figure is graceful and graceful. Incomparable, very attractive.From time to time, I poked my head out of the kitchen to look around, revealing my flawless white neck, and the charming white that was partly visible made people crazy.

How could Wendong let her find out that he secretly hid in a corner, peeping at the cute look of his cheap daughter-in-law? The haunting thoughts...

"Wendong?" Wendong was about to walk in quietly, but Su Yuemeng, who was always paying attention to the direction of the door, spotted his figure at the first time. Forgot to stir fry with a spoon.

I haven't seen her for a few days, but my cheap daughter-in-law seems to be developing again, and the little steamed bun on her chest seems to be much bigger!
Wen Dong's idea of ​​trying to approach secretly was seen through, but he grinned in embarrassment, and amidst Su Yuemeng's exclamation, he rushed forward and hugged this pitiful little woman in his arms.

"Ah, Wendong, what are you doing, I'm cooking..." Su Yuemeng didn't know that Wendong would hug her, and suddenly exclaimed, the spoon in her hand almost fell on Wendong's head.

"I'll fry it later, don't worry." Wen Dong smiled, forcibly took the spoon out of her hand and threw it aside, then leaned over and turned off the gas stove with her in his arms, and walked out of the kitchen.

"You're crazy, I'm cooking, what are you doing, you..." Feeling that your body was thrown directly onto the sofa, you were thrown into a mess, and just as you were in a daze, a big figure crushed you Coming up, Su Yue dreamed of Wen Dong's appearance of being so intimate, and immediately laughed angrily.

"It's been a few days since I've seen you. How can you not be intimate? What's the rush?" Wen Dong gave her a helpless look.

"But... didn't you say you were hungry?" Su Yuemeng asked strangely.

"I'm hungry, but I want to eat you first!" Wen Dong bared his teeth and smiled, his eyes were dishonestly scanning the delicate body under him.

A very explicit and hooligan teasing immediately made Su Yuemeng blush and heartbeat, but she pursed her lips and glared at Wen Dong angrily and amusedly, saying: "There is no one so close, you scared me." Saying that, but her arms like jade lotus root took the initiative to embrace his neck intimately.

The soft voice, charming eyes, and cute appearance make people feel pity, and because of the high position in the workplace for a long time, it invisibly gives people a trace of urban beautiful and strong woman.The soft and seductive temptation in the softness of the various temperaments has added another kind of fascinating charm to her.Su Yuemeng's temperament and appearance are only above average, but she always gives people a desire to swallow her whole.

But at this time, holding the delicate body in his arms, pity still dominated, thinking that he almost killed Yuemeng before, but now thinking of it, he still couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, and said with a bit ashamed: "I'm sorry, in the training room Didn't scare you when I did it?"

"Scared, you scared me." Su Yuemeng said directly.

Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Su Yuemeng was joking around coquettishly, but he froze the next moment.

I saw that Su Yuemeng's bright eyes filled with mist in an instant, tears welled up and flowed out suddenly, and her two small hands tightly wrapped around his neck, her voice was choked up and sobbed: "Wen Dong, what's the matter with you? Why are you always so scary, don't be like this again, I'm timid, I'm scared, you scared me... woo woo..."

The first time, Wendong retreated for a month without telling her a word, and later found out that he did not eat or drink for a month, which made her worry day and night; the second time, he was trembling in the secret room, suffering from pain. Her face was distorted, if Grandpa Xing hadn't stopped her, she might have been unable to control her worry and rushed in, making her - anxious; this time, Wen Dong seemed to have changed, with a fierce face, making her - panic Fear!
And these three times, Wendong didn't talk to her or have a heart-to-heart talk with her. It's been nearly two months. If she hadn't been comforting herself in her heart, she might have already collapsed.

She is an ordinary woman who likes to be quiet and stable. She doesn't want this kind of stimulation. She is really scared.So when Wendong asked, she could no longer control the worries accumulated in the past two months, and burst into tears...

"Yuemeng, you...I, I'm sorry..." Seeing Su Yuemeng crying with pear blossoms raining, Wen Dong was also frightened, tongue-tied.

Although there are so many women in Wendong, the love scripture is still a lot worse. I was at a loss for a while and didn't know how to comfort me.

What's even more tragic is that, as soon as Wen Dong spoke and apologized, Su Yuemeng cried even more fiercely. Those two bright eyes were like Baotu Spring, and tears burst out without stopping... …

Seeing Su Yuemeng crying so sad, Wendong felt extremely ashamed. Although he didn't understand the Sutra of Love, he still understood a little. in his arms.

This technique really works!Su Yuemeng struggled in his arms for a while before giving up, her head pressed against his shoulder and whimpered, but she stopped crying after a while, and just sobbed there...

"Ao'ao...don't cry, it's my fault, Xiaomeng doesn't cry, Xiaomeng is the best..." Wen Dong simply sat on the sofa and hugged her horizontally, shaking his hands, his voice was soft and comforting.

Hearing Wendong's comforting voice, Su Yuemeng, who was wiping her tears with the back of her hand, suddenly opened her eyes wide, and looked at Wendong who was looking down at her in disbelief, and then broke into a smile, clenched a fist It hit him on the shoulder, the pink mouth pouted vigorously, glared at him angrily and said: "Why are you so bad, you treat me like a baby, how can you talk like that, put me down quickly, you see I was crying so sad, but you didn't coax me, you got mad at me..."

"I... I'm coaxing you... You're laughing..." Wen Dong also had dark hair, and couldn't help but reach out and touch the back of his head while talking. To be honest, he really didn't know how to do it. To coax people, when Su Yuemeng cried, he panicked, and in the end he could only make up a nonsense method that he used to see that old woman coaxing children in the shanty town.

Never thought it would be so effective!
"I'm too lazy to talk to you, just let me down." Su Yuemeng's face was blushing, this baby hug was really hard for her to accept.

"Stop crying?" Wen Dong said amusedly.

"Kiss me once, and I won't cry." Su Yuemeng said with a blushing face.

This request is really in line with the wishes of the labor and management!

Wen Dong bowed his head, and kissed Su Yuemeng's pouty pink mouth all at once.Su Yuemeng was already ready, and wrapped his arms around his neck again. Wen Dong leaned over slightly. During the intimacy, the two shifted their positions tacitly. Su Yuemeng lay comfortably on the sofa again, eyes slightly narrowed. , the white teeth lightly opened, and responded gently.

It's just that not long after her mind relaxed, one salty pig's hand was placed on her snow-white leg exposed in the air, and the other was not idle, and even while she was enjoying herself in a daze, she opened the plaid shirt buttons.

"Wuuu..." Su Yuemeng's body tightened, and unconsciously, her body slowly heated up, and she twisted uncomfortably, but she was crushed by Wen Dong, so she could only lie obediently on the sofa , let you do what you want...

(End of this chapter)

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