How bad guys are made

Chapter 1047 Binger leaves

Chapter 1047 Binger leaves
"I'll continue to cook, you are here honestly." Su Yuemeng's pretty face blushed, although she was a little shy, but she seemed to be in a much better mood, and after telling Wendong, she got into the kitchen .

After some passionate lingering, Su Yuemeng, who was instinctively a little panicked, refused Wendong. In fact, it was only a half-push, but Wendong knew that his mood was not stable today. Suppressed the fire that had been stirred up under the abdomen.

"Why are you so happy? You were crying just now, just like a child." After a while, Su Yuemeng came over with two stir-fried vegetables. Wendong looked at her cute crooked braid with a funny face, deliberately made fun of her.

"What's wrong with crying?" Su Yuemeng glared at him angrily. Give him a bowl of rice.

Wen Dong smiled, feeling at peace.

After eating, the two sat on the sofa and watched TV for a while. Su Yuemeng was going to work in the study for a while, but Wen Dongqiang dragged her to sleep.

Su Yuemeng's pretty face blushed, she thought this guy was going to continue the work before the meal, but unexpectedly the two fell asleep after lying on the bed for a while.

On the bedside table, a little spark flickered, and the requiem incense was burning quietly.


The sun was shining brightly, and it was already the next morning when Wen Dong woke up from his sleep.

Slightly squinting his eyes and looking at the direction of the curtains, he thought it was around ten o'clock in the morning, and he had slept for so long...

Wen Dong grunted and turned over, only to find that Su Yuemeng didn't go to work today, and was sitting on the bedside not knowing what to do.

Wen Dong's head was a little confused, and he hugged her leg as he rolled over.

"Huh?" The nose lightly touched Su Yuemeng's skirt, and Wendong felt something was wrong in a daze. There was no smell of perfume on the skirt, and Su Yuemeng's body and nightgown always had a light and refreshing smell, but Now, no.And the feeling of this not right, the flesh on Su Yuemeng's leg is very soft, and the one she is holding in her hand now...

"Bing——Bing'er?" Thinking of this, Wen Dong suddenly raised his head, and it really wasn't Su Yuemeng, but Li Binger!

I haven't seen her for a few days. Li Bing'er seems to have lost a lot of weight. Her skin is still smooth, but she lacks a touch of tenderness, but she has more perseverance. healthy complexion.

"Damn, aren't you dreaming?" Wen Dong stretched out his hands and rubbed his eyes, then muttered.

Li Bing'er looked down at him without speaking, her eyes were a bit cold.

But the next moment, she felt her legs tighten under the thin blanket, and she exclaimed suddenly, and her whole body was pulled into the bed by Wen Dong.

"Bastard, what are you doing?" Li Bing'er never expected that this bastard would be so ignorant, accidentally hit the back of her head on the wooden board at the head of the bed, she couldn't help cursing, her brows stood on end!

"Bing'er, is it really you? Why are you here?" Wen Dong pretended to be surprised. Obviously, just after waking up, he found that this was really Li Bing'er who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Why can't it be me? Could it be that you completely forgot about me if I didn't come to see you?" Li Binger stared at him with a cold expression on her face.

"How could this be, it's just recently..."

"I'm leaving." Wen Dong was interrupted by Li Bing'er before he finished speaking, but what the other party said surprised Wen Dong, and his sleepy mind suddenly woke up completely.

"Go? Where are you going?" Wen Dong asked in surprise.

Seeing Wendong's shocked expression, Li Bing'er smiled slightly, lying comfortably in the other's arms, her voice was full of pride and complacency: "I passed the assessment of the special reserve army of the blood thorn group. , I’m going to train for about a year. The call-up order has been issued, and if there are no accidents, I will leave this afternoon.”

"No, what is that? What do you want to do? Fight with blood, defend your home and country?" Wen Dong froze, and immediately denied it without even thinking about it.

"It doesn't matter what you say." Hearing Wen Dong's domineering tone, Li Bing'er also said in a cold tone.Looking up slightly, she saw a trace of reluctance and worry in Wendong's eyes. Li Binger sighed in her heart, and her tone softened: "I chose the road myself. I like it like this. Don't stop me."

Perhaps because of the circumstances of her family and the fact that she was also an orphan, Li Binger has always been very assertive, and she decides everything by herself.Of course, no one else can make up her mind except herself.

Li Binger's character is even stronger and domineering than Zhang Hanhan's, and she will not be clingy at all. If she has nothing to do, she will never take the initiative to look for you, even if she misses you.

Wen Dong stared blankly at the thin face that was close at hand. Obviously, she had suffered a lot during this period of time. It can be seen that she must have been training her physical fitness, and her goal is the blood spur group!

Wen Dong was still a little worried after all, but when the words came to his lips, he said: "So anxious?"

"Well, someone will pick me up in the afternoon. One year is actually not a long time." Li Bing'er felt the tightly clasped hands around her waist, and her whole body gradually softened.

"Where is the training? Can I see you?" Wen Dong asked.

"No need." Li Binger shook her head and said, without waiting for Wendong to ask again, she looked up at her, her eyes were soft and misty, with strong desire: "One year's longing, give me an unforgettable time! "


after an hour!

"Wendong, you are simply a lunatic!" Li Bing'er was naked, lying on the bed as limp as mud, so tired that she didn't even have the strength to breathe.

It's not unforgettable, it's estimated that I will never forget it forever!

In this hour, Wendong seemed to be a different person, there was almost no pause in the gap, Li Binger went to it for an hour, I don’t know how many times, her voice was hoarse, and her lower body was in burning pain!
This lunatic!

Li Binger seems to be unable to find a more suitable word to describe it!

There seemed to be something wrong with Wendong, but Li Binger had no strength to think about it. Although she was physically and mentally exhausted, it was the first time she enjoyed the joy of rage. Moreover, it was something that many women would never be able to enjoy in their lifetime, because few Men can do it.

Of course, there are very few women who can do what they do. If it weren't for their excellent physique, most women would have passed out long ago.


After half an hour.

Beside the coffee table in the living room, Wendong was sitting on the sofa holding Li Binger, who was still resting all over the body. After a long lingering, Wendong's mood also opened up a lot. When he reached out and touched it, dozens of pills appeared on the sofa. On the coffee table.

Strength Pill: ten pieces; Speed ​​Pill: ten pieces; Fitness Pill: ten pieces; Soul Entering Pill: twenty pieces.

Seeing Li Binger looking suspiciously at the elixir that suddenly appeared on the coffee table, Wen Dong didn't explain, and said directly: "Eat these, it will be of great benefit to you."

"Eat it all at once?" Li Bing'er didn't ask what it was, but it was a total of fifty pills, how about taking it as a meal?

"Whatever you want, you can take it in batches, these pills can increase your strength without side effects." Wen Dong explained casually, and Li Binger didn't know that these pills directly made Wendong's accumulated disgust all over again. Consume all.

"Increase strength? Wouldn't it be better for you to take it yourself?" Li Binger frowned.

"My current strength can no longer be improved by ordinary pills." Wen Dong smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and saw a small silver-white arc shot out from his fingertips, and the arc actually tore the surface of the marble coffee table in front of him. Puncture a small - hole.

"What kind of power is this? Lightning?" Li Binger looked at him in surprise. She also experienced the incident on the ship, so she naturally knew that Wendong possessed abilities that ordinary people do not have, that is, supernatural beings.

"This is not a supernatural power, but a fighting spirit. I have already been promoted to the extraordinary." Wen Dong said with a smile: "These pills will help you advance to the extraordinary."


"At noon, I will have a farewell meal with my former colleagues." Li Binger looked at Wen Dong at the door of the suite and said.

"Well, I'll take you there." Wen Dong nodded, and the two of them tacitly said nothing, didn't say whether they would miss it, and didn't have a trace of parting, which was extremely plain.

"No need." Li Bing'er suddenly turned to look at him with a serious expression.

Wen Dong was taken aback: "Okay."

"En." Li Bing'er nodded, without any delay, turned around and left, walked to the corner of the stairs, waved her hand to the back, and the stubborn figure disappeared completely.


Cui Liu Yuan Ju villa area.

A beautiful face, glamorous, repelling people thousands of miles away.Raising his head slightly, Zhang Hanhan raised his hand and rubbed his swollen head, stood up and walked lightly to the living room, silently.Xiao Baibai lay at her feet, making a 'woo-woo' cry of pleasure, Zhang Hanhan leaned over to pick it up, and smiled slightly, a little stiffly.

Looking at the empty living room in a daze, she knew that she shouldn't be like this.

It really shouldn't be. As the president of Lanyun Group, she has unparalleled rights and money. She is known as a business wizard in the water city. Young talents don't know how many people there are, as long as she waved her hand, the people who came to propose marriage might block up most of the water market!
However, her relationship is not as fierce and decisive as in the workplace. It is not the first time that she and Wendong have gone through many hardships, quarreled, and even divorced.Wen Dong is playful, not specific, and if he says he can't see people, he can't see people. He is not a good wife, but he is definitely not a good husband either.

And he had already started to slowly change, but he didn't, and even forced himself to kill the child because of his fickleness and empathy!
She was ready to completely let go of this relationship that she would never forget for the rest of her life, but she couldn't let it go at all, and when she raised her head slightly, tears were already shining.

She was wronged, she wanted to cry because she was wronged...

(End of this chapter)

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