How bad guys are made

Chapter 1048 Crazy Wendong

Chapter 1048 Crazy Wendong
In the silent night, she felt that the blanket was cold.

She turned over and curled up completely under the blanket. Her slender body was curled up into a ball, but she still didn't feel the slightest warmth.

She didn't want to think about anything, but too many pictures always filled her mind, lingering.Until the end, she just thought about it almost completely numbly, looking at the pictures that flashed in her mind, she was completely numb, neither moved nor sad.

After an unknown amount of time, she fell asleep in a daze.

The hands of the clock pointed to eleven thirty-five in the evening.

The locked door of the bedroom turned silently, and a figure walked in through the gap that was opened silently.Standing quietly by the bed, looking at the woman curled up on the bed, there is still a trace of dried tears in the corner of her eyes.

Wen Dong gritted his teeth tightly, not daring to think about the tragic scene of Zhang Hanhan who predicted the future, raised his hand, and slapped himself on the face.

"Huh? Who is it?" Zhang Hanhan didn't sleep deeply because of a deep knot in her heart, and the crisp sound woke her up immediately. Almost reflexively, she quickly reached out and turned on the bedside lamp. When she saw the person beside the bed, she froze on the spot.

However, Zhang Hanhan was only stunned for a moment, and then his face turned cold, and he said indifferently, "What are you doing here?"

"Hanhan, I..."

"Don't call me Hanhan, we have nothing to do with each other anymore." Zhang Hanhan looked at him coldly, interrupted his words directly, with disgusted, even disgusted expression.

"Wendong, let's get a divorce." Zhang Hanhan looked at him seriously and said.

Wen Dong looked at him in surprise, as if he was stupid, completely speechless.

"I've decided, we're getting a divorce." Zhang Hanhan repeated it again, with a calm expression and a serious and firm tone.

"You don't need to come to me again, we have nothing to do with each other anymore." Zhang Hanhan raised his head seriously, his eyes were shining, and there was no loss on his face, which made Wendong a little surprised.

"You're gone, I'll live a good life, goodbye, never see you again." Zhang Hanhan smiled and said sincerely.

"Okay, remember to kill the child, that's the way to go." Wen Dong clenched his lowered fist vigorously, nodded freely, not daring to look into Zhang Hanhan's eyes, for fear that he would be reluctant to leave, turned around and walked out quickly Room.

"Wendong, you are not an ordinary person, you are like a wild horse, but I don't have a grassland, so I am not suitable, I can't force it, goodbye, never see you again..." Watching Wendong's figure completely disappear in front of his eyes , the seemingly relieved smile on Zhang Hanhan's face finally disappeared, tears poured down his eyes, and the tears in his eyes sparkled under the light.

The divorce was proposed by her. No one knew how much she hurt when she said the divorce seriously at that moment just now, but she couldn't show it, it was over.

"We're divorced." The four short words came out of her mouth earnestly. At that moment, all her happiness and all her dreams for a better life in the future were finally shattered. The end result of her hard work is that she always feels that love can overcome everything, and love can make many things she cares about become small.It's just that this result was completely different from what she had expected, and it made her want to die!
Wen Dong did not leave, but went out and turned around and stopped at the corner of her bedroom. He clearly saw Zhang Hanhan sitting there for a long time, and also saw her suddenly trembling shoulders, and also saw her The stubborn and serious face also fell apart at that moment. At that moment, his heart twitched violently, and he almost rushed in to hug this woman who made him feel distressed, but he didn't dare, and couldn't.

All along, he knew, he knew!Zhang Hanhan loves herself deeply.

However, now he and she are not in the same world. That dream is like a demonic obstacle, like a nightmare. If he does not get rid of it for a day, he will fall into this nightmare forever. This dream has something to do with Zhang Hanhan, and he will not allow Zhang Hanhan to have another accident .

After the previous battle with the snake and tiger, he also knew how big the gap was between himself and them. The Qingcheng Base and the Dark Dawn Organization were a gap that could not be bridged in a short time. He was not sure, he really was not sure!

He has experienced loss, and that painful lesson told him that if he is not sure, has no ability, and insists, it will only bring the death of the person he cherishes most!

Mo Li, that's it!
"Fuck!" Wen Dong let out a low growl, and punched hard on the wall of the villa courtyard. He didn't use his fighting spirit, but there was a muffled sound on the wall. Bloody.

However, compared to his heart, the back of his hand felt no pain at all.

"Bang bang—"

He punched and punched like a madman.

In the shadow of the wall, a sexy figure quietly appeared.The ghost looked at the owner with a strange expression. She was very strange because she didn't understand love.

But she seemed to guess something when she frowned. She didn't understand love, but it didn't mean she didn't understand the world. She just quietly watched her master's pain from a distance, and didn't step forward to disturb her.

"Huh?" Ghost was slightly taken aback, and looked sideways towards the door of the villa, where a beautiful figure in an inch of silk stood desolately.

"Mistress." Ghost said.

The ghost's voice was not loud, but it was just heard by Wen Dong who was in the madness. He turned around, his eyes were scarlet, and looked at Zhang Hanhan standing at the door whose eyes were blurred by tears. His heart twitched violently again. As if he didn't want her to see his weak appearance, he turned around and left.

"Wendong!" Zhang Hanhan yelled almost instinctively. Tears welled up and he chased after the gate of the small courtyard, but unexpectedly his feet went limp, staggered and fell down with a scream.

"Hanhan." Wendong paused when he heard Zhang Hanhan's call. Hearing her exclamation at this time, almost like a conditioned reflex, a silver light flashed under his feet, and he rushed to Zhang Hanhan like a ghost. He grabbed her in his arms.

"You, how are you?" Wen Dong asked anxiously instinctively.

"Wendong, why? What's wrong with you? What happened?" Zhang Hanhan's arm hurt when he was caught, and when he lowered his head, he saw a blood-red handprint on it. Rubbing the bone hurt, he grabbed Wendong's arm with his backhand and asked a series of questions.

Zhang Hanhan's IQ was not washed away by anger and grievances.Wendong suddenly asked herself to kill the child. She also thought that there would be something hidden about this matter, but Wendong's attitude was too tough, and there was no room for negotiation at all. He even agreed to divorce herself. The long-term strength made her reluctant. May bow.

However, when she saw Wendong self-mutilate like a madman, she couldn't control the grief in her heart anymore, and she planned to ask thoroughly, even if she died, she must die to understand!
"You get up first, how are you? Which foot did you sprain?" Wen Dong asked without answering.

"No, you answer my question first." Zhang Hanhan wiped away the tears on his face vigorously with his backhand.

She looked at Wendong stubbornly.

"There is no need to answer, we are already divorced, and we have nothing to do with each other." Wen Dong stood up with an indifferent expression.

Zhang Hanhan was slightly taken aback, but shook his head stubbornly again and said: "I disagree, I regret it, I will not divorce you, and I will give birth to a child, I will definitely, no one can stop me! "


It was around [-]:[-] in the morning, just when the nightlife had just started, and there were not many pedestrians on the road in the high-end villa area.

"Go home first." Wendong gritted his teeth, picked up Zhang Hanhan who had collapsed on the ground, and walked into the house.

In the dark corner, Phantom looked strangely at the closed door, and quietly disappeared into the darkness.


"Ask if you have any questions." Back in the living room, he put Zhang Hanhan on the sofa, but unexpectedly, this stubborn woman refused to let him look at her ankles. Wen Dong picked up the teacup on the table and took a few sips , said directly.

"I asked just now, and told me the reason why I must abort the child." Zhang Hanhan asked stubbornly while wiping his tears with a toilet paper.

"You'd better not know." Wen Dong took a deep breath, he didn't want Zhang Hanhan to experience that nightmare-like obstacle with him.

Zhang Hanhan didn't speak, just stared at him closely.

"Do you still remember my nightmare that day?" Wen Dong sighed in his heart. He knew that although Zhang Hanhan had a kind heart, once she became stubborn, no one could stop her.

"Dream? What's the matter?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback for a moment, then immediately remembered, and looked at him with a confused face.

"I have a bad premonition about this child." Wen Dong vaguely reminded, and then showed pain on his face, and said shamefully: "I'm afraid you will be in danger, we can't have this child."

"Just because of a dream? A bad premonition, you are going to divorce me? You are going to abort our child?" Zhang Hanhan was almost laughed out of anger when he heard that, and then anger came, this Wendong Is it a three-year-old child?Scared like this by a nightmare?
"Zhang Hanhan, I'm not an ordinary person, and I'm not joking with you." Wen Dong ignored her angry expression and said seriously.

"Yes, you are not an ordinary person, but do you think that if I listen to you and abort this child, I will not be in danger?" Zhang Hanhan sneered.

"I..." Wen Dong looked at her in surprise, speechless.

He can't guarantee it.

"At the beginning, it was because I drew you into the vortex of revenge. We shared weal and woe. You are not an ordinary person, and I don't know how powerful your enemy is, but I want it to be the same this time. We share weal and woe." Zhang Hanhan seriously Looking at him comfortingly.

"Hanhan, you don't understand, it's different this time, it's really different, I'm not sure." Wen Dong shook his head.

"But if I'm in danger, you will protect me. I'm not afraid." Zhang Hanhan said with a strong attitude, but Lihua's stubborn and pretty face with rain was like a blooming delicate face.

"Wendong, whom I love, has always been foolish and heartless. When did he become so overwhelmed?"

"Hanhan, I..."

"What are you, why don't you show me your feet, it hurts me to death!" Just as Wen Dong was stunned, a snow-white foot stretched out into his arms, with Zhang Hanhan's arrogant urging voice: " Hurry up, hurry up and give me a massage, it hurts me to death..."

(End of this chapter)

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