How bad guys are made

Chapter 1049 These couple really know how to play

Chapter 1049

The wind is cold and the sun is shining.

Zhang Hanhan groaned like a dream, and arched his pretty white face into Wen Dong's arms, his cute and naive appearance aroused pity.

Wen Dong turned over and embraced the soft body in his arms.

"Are you awake?" Wen Dong asked casually.

"Hmm." Zhang Hanhan made a nasal sound, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. After two full days of pain, the hard-won warmth this time made the corners of her mouth curl up slightly, and she smiled happily.

Wen Dong lowered his head and closed his eyes to find that pink lip.

"Hmm..." Zhang Hanhan made a slight nasal sound, squinted his eyes slightly, put the tongue that was twisted between his teeth into Shankou, and responded gently.

Quietly, the snow-white fragrant shoulder sling slipped off, and the budding flowers on both sides were white and rosy, looming out...

With a light touch, Zhang Hanhan's delicate body has already started to feel hot. She hugged Wendong's neck tightly to prevent him from looking down, but under his deliberate teasing, her eyes became more and more blurred, and there was an uncontrollable whisper in his ear. The slight trill: "lighten."

"En." Wen Dong agreed, and with Zhang Hanhan's permission, he also boldly placed one hand on the hem of the skirt under the quilt.

The quilt shook a few times, and a suspender skirt flew out, and Zhang Hanhan in the quilt was already somewhat fiery, confused and panting restlessly.

Not long after, the uncontrollable panting grew louder, and the room was full of spring...


Zhang Hanhan is no better than Li Binger and the others, plus his body is sensitive, so he confessed twice in just 10 minutes.Although Wendong didn't enjoy himself to the fullest, he felt at ease after enjoying this perfect woman and letting go of his worries.

The two got along very well, and neither of them mentioned that matter again.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the upright Wendong who was lying under the bed and bullying a limp woman was kicked out of bed, it was time to make breakfast.

That unqualified wife has never been able to cook, and now she has no energy, but Wendong is still alive and well.

At [-]:[-], the simple breakfast is ready, and Zhang Hanhan has already freshened up, wearing a casual dress, simple and chic, charming and sexy.

"Jingle, jingle..."

"Who's here?" Wen Dong just brought a pot of rice porridge to the dining table when he heard the doorbell ring, and asked strangely.

"Go and open the door." Zhang Hanhan leaned lazily on the sofa, not wanting to move.

"Dad, Mom?" Wen Dong opened the door, and was taken aback for a moment. Standing at the door were the old father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Dad, Mom, why are you here?" Just as Wendong was wondering, Zhang Hanhan had already got up and walked behind him, looking at the uninvited guest in the morning with the same strange expression.

"We? Are you this? Aren't you..." Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan were surprised, but Zhang Wending was actually the old couple.

Zhang Wending turned his head to look at his wife with a confused expression on his face, he seemed to be asking, "Didn't you say that the two of them are arguing for a divorce, and life is impossible?"

That's right, last night Zhou Yahe, that stinky bitch, pestered me on the phone all night, so much trouble that I had to book a plane at two o'clock in the morning. After returning home, I heard my wife nagging all night, and finally fell asleep for a while in the early morning , I was dragged up by my wife before I slept comfortably, and I wanted to see my daughter, and discuss how to solve it by the way.

But seeing the appearance of Wendong and Zhang Hanhan at this moment made him a little dumbfounded.Especially at this time, the daughter still had one arm on Wen Dong's shoulder, looking at the two of them with a strange look on her face. How could that loving look look like she was arguing about divorce and having no time to live?
Zhou Yahe was also dumbfounded. For a moment, the four people at the door stared wide-eyed!
"Is this the case? Hanhan, you and Wendong..."

Before Zhou Yahe finished his surprised question, Zhang Wending grabbed him and said with a natural smile: "Hehe, it's okay, your mother is lazy in the morning and doesn't like to cook, so we discussed it. Take a meal."

"Oh, come in quickly, it's cold outside, so don't catch a cold." At that time, I had an argument with Zhang Hanhan. My mother-in-law had gone through the whole process, and Wen Dong was also a little embarrassed and at a loss.But Tong was woken up by Zhang Hanhan's innate skill, and hurriedly opened the door with a haha: "It's better to come early than to come early, breakfast is just ready."

Zhang Hanhan on the side couldn't help but blush when he heard Wendong's rhetoric. Why did he come early? If his parents came an hour earlier, it would be over again. An hour ago, the bastard next to them was facing them Zheng Huan, who was being bullied by her daughter!
Although Zhou Yahe had a bit of a careless personality, she woke up after being reminded by her husband.

Both sides didn't break anything, but the breakfast was a little less, and the mother-in-law cooked again, and the family of four talked about the homework, as if nothing had happened, and enjoyed themselves happily.

Zhang Wending was not stupid, he knew that his wife must not have lied to him, but this unsettling young couple seemed to have settled the matter.No matter what, everything is fine now, for this reason, Zhang Wending specially drank two cups with Wendong.

"Wendong, go upstairs and have a cup of tea." Satisfied, Zhang Wending got up and picked up the electric kettle on the coffee table and said.

"Okay, I'll do it." Knowing that he couldn't hide from the old man's eyes, Wen Dong smiled wryly in his heart, and quickly took the kettle from Zhang Wending's hand.

"En." Zhang Wending nodded, and walked towards the spiral staircase with the old god behind his back, walking in a figure of eight square step, very majestic.

"Hanhan, follow me to wash the dishes." Zhou Yahe also got up and said.


Wen Dong turned to look at his wife.

Zhang Hanhan gave him a hard look, all because of you!
Wen Dong pursed his lips and gave a wry smile. He and his wife were afraid that they would be quarantined and inspected by the two elders!

Zhang Wending went upstairs all the way to the balcony on the second floor.

Sure enough, the old man didn't bring him here for tea!

Wen Dong sighed helplessly in his heart, and put the electric kettle in his hand aside with foresight.

Zhang Wending turned around, gave him a cold look, and said with a bad expression, "Smoke!"

His expression seemed to be displeased, he was in a high position, but his eyesight was getting weaker and weaker.

Damn, forget this!
Wen Dong slapped his head, and quickly took out a cigarette respectfully and lit it for the old man.

Zhang Wending took a puff of cigarette comfortably, looked majestic, and stared at him closely.It's just that he knows some secrets about Wendong and how strong he is. Invisibly, that aura is no longer as oppressive as before.

Wen Dong also noticed this, but he was still respectful, this is his old father-in-law.

"Tell me, what's going on with Hanhan?" Zhang Wending asked bluntly.

"I just had some bad premonitions. I was afraid that something would happen to Hanhan. It was my fault." Wendong simply admitted his mistake when he reached out and didn't hit the smiling face. My daughter is crying, don't care what the old man is going to do to me, I admit my mistake first, at least I should punish him lightly, right?

"You can still calculate the future?" Zhang Wending looked at him in surprise. Although he is an ordinary person, he knows some mysterious things.

"It can be said that I guess this is about the child. I don't want Hanhan to have an accident, so I can only do this." Wendong admitted his mistake again.

"It is indeed a bad policy! You are abandoning your wife and son!" Zhang Wending said coldly, his tone raised a lot, and he questioned him directly.

Wen Dong shrank his neck in fright, felt ashamed in his heart, and dared not answer.

For a full 10 minutes, Zhang Wending seemed to be guessing something.

The old man Jian's eyes changed, Wen Dong kept silent, not daring to speak out.The shit pot of abandoning his wife and son was put on his head without any fancy, Wen Dong was a little speechless, wondering if the angry old man would hang himself up and whip him.It doesn't hurt, the point is that it's too embarrassing, but he believes that this tough old man can really do it.

"Smoke." Just when Wen Dong was too frightened to breathe out, Zhang Wending suddenly snorted coldly.

Wen Dong shivered in fright, and quickly lit a cigarette for the old man.

"I know you are doing it for Hanhan's own good." Zhang Wending took a puff of cigarette, and said leisurely again: "But you are really negligent in doing this, people's fate is up to God, what should come will always come back, you think Is it all right?" Although he questioned, but in the end, the old man's tone softened, he was very clear about how good Wen Dong was to his daughter, and it is conceivable that when Wen Dong made this decision, the pain in his heart was even worse than that of his daughter. Hanhan's pain was ten times greater!
"Dad, I..." Wen Dong didn't know how to answer, it was indeed the case, he was on the edge of a corner, and as expected of father and daughter, the questioning of the two was exactly the same!
"I am very willing to marry my daughter to you, and I am very relieved, because no one can protect Hanhan better than you, and no one loves him more than you."

The corner of Wendong's mouth twitched, and he blushed again.

This hat is buttoned a little too big.

However, now that it has come back, there is no reason to play Disappear again.

"Dad, I will." Wen Dong said solemnly.

"En." Zhang Wending nodded and smiled slightly, the rest of the words were all superfluous.

The three-cigarette-smoking old man was in a daze. When he went downstairs, he found his mother-in-law sitting on the sofa chatting with Han Han. He seemed to be in a good mood.

Wen Dong licked his face and quickly poured water for Zhou Yahe.

Zhou Yahe glared at him angrily, obviously she didn't completely let go of yesterday's big divorce, but she is a woman, the old man has already asked, so she doesn't need to take care of herself, as long as the young couple live well.


"Clap clap clap-"

The cold wind of winter brings the sound of firecrackers, ushering in the new year.

Today is the New Year's Eve of Tianxia Kingdom.

Every household in Shui City turned on the lights, the roadside lights were feasting, and everyone was laughing. Today is a day of reunion.

Wendong and Zhang Hanhan let off the firecrackers and went to the old man's family for a reunion.

Zhang Hanhan wore a pair of snow boots and a pair of slacks that tightly wrapped her slender legs. She wore a white down jacket on her upper body.It's just that after this period of tossing, a pretty face became more and more plump and rosy, with a sexy and mature woman's breath rushing towards her face.

(End of this chapter)

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