How bad guys are made

Chapter 1050 Spring Chapter Trivia

Chapter 1050 The Spring Festival Trivia
After returning home, it was already past two o'clock in the morning, and the young couple had nothing to do tonight. Wen Dong wanted to spend the night with the goddess wife, but who knew that the woman took off her clothes when she got home, but she fell asleep !

There is no way, people's life is too regular, and the night watch until two o'clock is already the limit.

Finally, I said to myself: I’m sleepy, it’s nothing to do with you, if you can’t sleep, go wherever you like…

Seeing that Zhang Hanhan was sleeping soundly, Wendong could only suppress his restlessness. He was embarrassed to force him up, so there was no enjoyment in this way, was it?
He took out his mobile phone and opened the address book, there were a lot of New Year's greeting messages on it.

Zhang Yifeng, Zhener, Lingyun, Lin Xiaoxi, He Qing, etc., many, many.

And Xu Zihan, the girl, said that she would look for herself and her sister after the end of the year.

The only one is Li Binger. She said that she will tell her her contact information when she gets to the training place, but now, she still doesn't have it.

this daughter...

Wen Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, knowing Li Binger's character, so he wasn't too disappointed.

There is only one wife, and that is Zhang Hanhan, so Lin Xiaoxi and He Qing have already returned to their hometown for the New Year before the Chinese New Year.

Wendong leaned comfortably on the sofa and replied to the messages one by one.

It took me half an hour to send messages back and forth, and when I was about to put down my phone after replying, a text message made Wendong a little ashamed and overwhelmed.

"Husband Wendong, happy new year." The sender - Sun Xiaojie.

Remember, I haven't seen her for more than four months.

There are so many things, this is not a reason, Wen Dong feels ashamed and doesn't know how to reply to the message.

After hesitating for 5 minutes, Wendong finally got through to Sun Xiaojie.

"Wendong, you've come back to life. Is it because I don't look for you, and you plan to see no one for two years?" The phone was picked up quickly, and Sun Xiaojie's joking voice rang out. Less resentment.

"Go back to your hometown?" Wen Dong asked with a sneer, looking for something to say.

"Of course I'll go home. You won't accompany me to celebrate the New Year in Shuishi." Sun Xiaojie snorted softly.

Wen Dong twitched his lips in embarrassment and said, "Shall I go to your house to propose marriage tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

"No, you must never come!" Sun Xiaojie directly denied without thinking.

"what happened?"

"My brother just got married not long ago, and there are only two of us in my family. If we get married all at once, my mother will always feel empty. And my mother knows that I have a boyfriend, but she said there is no rush, and it will be next year at the earliest. , I have just graduated a few years ago." Sun Xiaojie said with a smile.

"OK then……"

After a brief chat with Sun Xiaojie, Wen Dong hung up the phone and called He Qing and Lin Xiaoxi again.

As we grow older, it becomes less and less old-fashioned.When I was young, I could eat good food and buy toy guns during the Chinese New Year, but now, apart from the innocent memories of childhood, there is too much fun now.

But despite this, there are things that should be done or have to be done, after all, it is Chinese New Year.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Wendong accompanied Zhang Hanhan to visit his parents' house for New Year's greetings. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, he asked his wife for leave and accompanied Su Yuemeng back home, but he didn't bring this cheap daughter-in-law home. After all, in the eyes of Yuemeng's mother, her daughter is not yet married, and she is just a girl waiting to be married.

For Wendong, Yuemeng's father Su Jianhan is still very satisfied.The Su family is a big family, and the eldest brother and the second brother have always been at odds.On the day when the next patriarch is elected, there may be quite a disturbance, and as the third eldest, although he has no real power, he is still the heir of Elder Su, which will inevitably affect Chi Yu.And Wendong is not only rich and powerful, but also extremely powerful, and he is kind to his daughter. With him, nothing will happen to Yuemeng.

The Qingcheng Gang now seems to have firmly established itself as the overlord of the underground world in Shui City, and its energy can be imagined.

Although Mother Su said domineeringly that she has the final say on her daughter's affairs, she is a rural woman after all. In the end, it is Su Jianhan who has the final say. Besides, in the eyes of Mother Su, she is still very satisfied with Wendong. The only thing that makes Wendong a little ashamed is that this cheap mother-in-law has been kept in the dark about many things.


"Hurry up, Ling Yun, why are you so slow, haven't you eaten?" There is a simple camp in a wide jungle on the back mountain of the base.On the spacious training ground outside the camp, Yingzi's urging voices could be heard from time to time.

After Wen Dong left, thousands of people in the foundation went through a three-day large-scale screening, and all of them were elites, but after three days of selection, only 150 people could really meet the requirements.

Since the mobilization before Wendong and Yingying's two training sessions, almost all the students in the base have given their strength to breastfeed, but only one out of ten can reach the standard, which shows how strict Yingzi's selection is.

Our enemies are strong, and this is just the beginning, if we don't have enough strength, we will die!
These are Sakurako's last words before training.

No one doubted her words, because the facts were right in front of them.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Yuan Zhenggang, a veteran graduate of the base mercenary regiment, broke through the limits of human beings and reached an extraordinary state.

Yuan Zhenggang is really an ordinary person. The only thing he can praise is that he can bear hardships and has enough experience. He is even one year older than Gu Fengshuang. " have no talent.

But he still achieved the extraordinary realm.

Even without talent, one can achieve extraordinary things.

The team's enthusiasm for training suddenly rose. With the lessons learned from the past, everyone trained with all their strength, and no one complained about suffering.For any individual, nothing impresses them more than growth strength.

They are all orphans, they have no relatives, and the base is their home, their only support and sustenance. When the base encounters a catastrophe, the only thing they can do is to increase their strength and protect the base.

If they don't have strength, they can only die!No one wants to die, everyone is willing to work hard if they can see hope.

All the students in the base have received strict training since they were young. Most of them, after they reach the age of 16, their training intensity can reach that of the country's special forces. They have a solid foundation, but Yingzi's training intensity for them is more than three times higher !
Ling Yun did not follow Wen Dong back to Shuishi, but stayed at the base to prepare to break through the extraordinary, but he was retreating for three days, but still to no avail. When he was in distress, Yingzi smashed the door of the secret room and just tore him away come out.


Ling Yun was very smart, and he agreed almost without hesitation. He felt that such intense training could make him achieve an extraordinary state!

However, he regretted it a little.

Whether he is very talented in "Guying Phantom Killing" or his combat power has reached the peak of human beings, he can stand out among many students.At first he was complacent, but he regretted it immediately because he was afraid of suffering.

Because he became one of Sakurako's key care objects.

The training intensity of all the selected students is almost three times that of the special forces, and his training content is far more than that of others. Everyone looks at him with sympathy.

Yes, it's sympathy.

The amount of training for each of them is extremely harsh, and Ling Yun, who is under intensive care, can imagine the amount of training.However, apart from sympathy, none of them dared to gloat, because they couldn't protect themselves.Everyone in the camp put in all their strength and trained crazily.If the training is not completed and the standards are not met, the end waiting for them will be extremely miserable.

As the training head coach, Yingzi is no longer the perfect goddess in their minds, she is a devil.Instructor Li Ningyan has always been the first teacher for many male students, but she has a withdrawn and arrogant personality and is difficult to get close to.But Sakurako is simply a demon.

In fact, after Wendong left that day, he sent another text message to Yingzi. The content of the text message was very simple: Maybe one day, you don't need my help at all, and you can personally take someone to avenge the family!Treat this as your home, my people are your people, and you will succeed!

Wendong's words made Yingzi full of emotions. If these words were placed a few days ago, especially after the Pocket Valley incident, she would not have dared to think about it, but she got the soul She has such confidence!

Yingzi is very smart, and she immediately understood what Wendong meant, and even knew Wendong's good intentions. She was very grateful. She would never repay this kindness in her life, but she didn't have to pay it back, because she was his. woman.

Even though she thought so, Wen Dong's seemingly plain words still made her blood boil. She was going to lead her team to crush all the enemies!revenge!
The extraordinary warrior is the Shinobi of her country.Just imagine, when one day she descends from the sky with more than 100 well-trained Shinobi, it will be such a grand scene that everyone will tremble, and the whole country will tremble for her.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but feel excited!

To be honest, with the current strength of the Qingcheng base, it is not difficult to take revenge now, but she doesn't want it.

She wants to make all the enemies tremble and die in despair. This is the price paid for killing everyone in his parents' family. For this goal, she will desperately train these people in front of her!
She is the chief general of the Qingcheng base, everyone must listen to her, no one dares to be disobedient, because she is the chief general, Wen Dong, the master of the Qingcheng base, is her man, Gu Fengshuang and Gu Fenghan are her two extraordinary warriors left and right deputy.

The training is so harsh that it is undoubtedly impossible for a considerable number of students who do not pay attention to fighting and continuous fighting.Since Ling Yun arrived, he began to complain, so several students followed suit, but when everyone saw this graceful woman with a beautiful face, they couldn't contain a deep fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The miserable wail that life is worse than death lingers in their ears from time to time.The disobedient appearances of the disobedient guys headed by Ling Yun always came to their minds inadvertently, and every time they thought about it, the group of elite students who were used to seeing bloody storms couldn't help but tremble.

Vicious, vicious, cold-blooded, treating human life like nothing...

She is no longer a goddess in their minds, but a devil!

All these words are not enough to describe this gentle and kind goddess, no matter how unruly a guy is, he is always docile and docile in front of her, as docile as a little sheep...

(End of this chapter)

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